TOSniAT, JAJfVABl If, IM K' TIm Waatber a. ^hrtr^Btrr Eiimtng roman atv. a. Waomm aa Avange Dally Mat Pram Ran whldi la i to — to IMM. #ar the MaMh at Oeeantoer. 19tt Tlw plaaolag commlttM at tht K Bsew s a i —M tola '^1 -. ,U)m Connie and Mtea OolumUa to naads o f tbs town tetoghtt Oman paaatUjr •,T. MuuilMator IntorfMtof Inatltotb If Toastmaster Schckil N e ^ s he taken care of by the buUd- hliitTown wW bold a maeting Wednesday aBud with al««t alaag eaaali * A: lira. Henry Botticello of M RuaaeU ta# of the two prOpoaed achdbla 9 ,6 6 4 utreet, wiU leave by alrpIkiM Sat­ cvoilng, January 26. at the Temple to be put Into uae next toll, he ftring Yonr ShMdbaW Cai nkaraday partly etoady, eoU. __ of Frank’ J. urday for Miami, Florida, where Beth Sholom at eifdit o'clock. It Are'Explained aaid. After that the towft, to or­ IT it toe Ana* la expected that^eU churchea of I 6t ( I Ctorp Leaane An . they will epend a week. They plan der to complete Ita new achool ,, T M pwcfaiiar-r'if CUy eif VUIage Charm to meet tbu to' proceed by boat to Havana for Manctaester will send their repre- building program will need to eentotivea to this meeting so that Or Tnidi to CikHrcliet Motors' u v_ec Funeral Homo V eight a few day* ancV returning North, Attorney Ferguson Out­ build another elementary acbool (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS 0^3 6 * . irf tribuU to Walter will stop in North Carolina for a suitable progrants and plans can in the Broad street‘area, the land W e d n e s d a y , Ja n u a r y 26, i949 aoc s lines Situation Here u i Uag, whcM (im e r a r i^ be held few day* in the Smoky Mountain be discussed for bettfr I I re- tor which already baa been' I yoL. Lxvin., NO. n t«aor)*ow morning at nine o’clock region. Istiona for the Manchester com­ Before the K . o f C acQuired, and a new High acbool in St.' Srtdgot’a chureb. munity. on Memorial field. With the build­ W e liffTe a fa l] atalt o f fffctory-trained aci'ileo* The Mothers Club will meet to­ ing of the new High school, he The Military Whist, sponsored Manchester’s- naed of - new Stella itotalnHttTJf+arker morrow evening at 8:15 in Center aaid, the old tnilUttnjg wiH be used men and genuine StnddMdcer parts to k d p Rnssia’s ’Marshall'Phm* Un. by the Soroptlmist dub, will be sehoola was the,subject'of a'tSIk as an elementary achooL News Tidbits aUMtt ia ^ pai k ^ three d n ^ l a church houae. The subject for by Attorney WiUimn F. Fergn- Grants to Help Build held la Woodruff ball tomorrow Bokton^ attending the New ®»S* diacueelon will be “Must Children Bon, member of the Board of Edu- Casta Cut By; (IM A M your car mn more smootl^. • Eilvoys Get Notice CnlM Frsai (ff) Wirss Quarrel?” Mrs. WHUam Minntck evening with Preston Sage direct­ ,Aa a result of changes made in land Halrdreeaera convention. ing the games. Playing and door cation, at the iheStii^ of Camp­ Win l««d the diacuealon. Hoateaaes bell councU,rfCnighta OT Oshimbus, plana by the architecta. Attorney will be Mrs. David Andertgg and prises will be swarded and re­ Ferguson aaid, the ooat of the two freshments served. The card party last night. He reviewed the actlv- lixpectant methsr * who killed Mrs. Clavin Fisher. Newcomen itlea of the Board la planning for proposed schools this year baa baan China Government will be welcome. - I is for the benefit of Chmp Merri- Cut by about $100,000. Even with ono of her three pre\-ious chtldren the proposed Olcott street and stands stripped of rights of moth­ Schools and wood, the Girl Scout camp on this reduction in coat it la esti­ YOUR Gardner street Princeton street adiools and urged CHORCHES erhood under aaprecedented stert- the membera of the council, eQ>e> mated that building of the new ORDER achoola will run between $1,600,000 Usatiea court order in Los An; S t Bernadette’s Mother’s Clrele dally those who have childrem to geles. Senate is expected to turn out to vote for the adfools and $1,700,000. Aa for the financ­ . Moving to Canton will meet tomorrow evening with ing of the building program, he give thumping vote of confldenoe INSURE appropriation at the referendum tomorrow to James E. Webb at Mrs. WUUsm Moore of 146 Green said, a bond issue plan will proba­ MOTOR SALES Them Before Solons wnlch he expected -would be held with road. St. Rita’s circle will also bly be adopted with the result that nndersocretary of state. There sometime in February. are more “ actuel and potential" I McK i n n e y b r o t h e r s meet tomorrow night at 8:15 with there wlU be a two mill yearly in­ Foreign OlEiee FomiaUy Pointing to the toct that there Leaders Urge enemies in Weshli^gton, D. C„ than | Beal Batate and Insaranc* Mrs. John Nee of 15 Forest street crease in taxes to pay for .the 80 OAKLAND STREET TEL. 2-9483 had been no achooU built in Man­ N.otifiea Embassies could enter U. S. through Alaska, | Ridgefield Woman Of­ 985 MAIN ST. T B U 1SO6O Thursday evening the Sacred George H. Waddell chester for 25 y e a ^ ‘ Attorney Bcboola Policr Chief Missing; Heart Circle.will meet with Mrs. He displayed drawings of the Yonr Stndebaker Doalex says Bpv. Father Bernard B. Hub- Cost of Food Ferguson declared that as'C result And Legations of Der b vd , famed “Glacier priest.” V Fired fo r Duly Neglect fers Two Measures ..in Thomas -O’BrImi. 8 Gerard street, The Joint meeting at Manchea- propoeed buildings and described Reds to Join of the great number of births dur­ President Domingo Diaz Aroee- and Immaculate Ctonception Circle ter’a Kiwanta, Exchange and Ro­ ing the war yeara and the inSux the facilities planned fof the new cision; Nanking Gty, Senate; Appropria­ buUdtngs. Following his talk At­ mena of Panama renews pledge of Wednesday evening, with Mrs. J. tary Clubs will take place at the of populatftm Manchester’s schools Across Nation Thi-asslon. Ont.. Jan. — tions W ould Total We’rs ready DR. PETER PELSER Morancey of ' 37 Kensington Masonic Temple tonight with now were accommodating more torney Ferguson answered Ques­ Gonncilmen More to ‘Peace Fn>nt’ Panaman cooperation in defense —Police Chief Neil Montgom­ street Town Manager George H. WaddeU than they were buiU to teach. Aa tions of members of the council Get , Separate ' Peace of Faaaasa canal ... V. 8. Con­ ery has been missing since Nearly $42,000,000; to flU it to as toastmaster. As is usual with an example he dted the condition regarding various aspects of the sul Oensral Jabn M. Cabet tells Thursday without explanation l> OSTEOPATH situation. Reveals Drop The seventh in the series of service clube, the meeting will be at the Mandiester Green acbool Communist McmbfM in Shanghai lunchson meeting that and this northern Ontario town House Offers .Bills your satis* eight card' parties by Sunset called to order promptly at 6:80. "where it is hardly possible to The council voted to tarnish the t Nankinir, Jan. 26.—(/PV— Comunlst policy statements indi­ of 1,300 was worried. Today 531 East Center Street Council, No. 46, Degree of Poha- prise for the runner-up team in the cates party in China is "blindly In Pro^Bffm to Com­ All three clube will be represented eQueeae through the seats aet up Tha government will move to Franca and fudy Oi> they did something about it. faction— ^for your home’s Phone Manchester 2-2116 hontas, will take place tomorrow by an attendance which ticket temporarily in the auditorium to Junior Basketball Tourney in following order from Moscow." j Associated Press Sur­ The Town Council flr<*d him evening in ’Duker Hall with prises March at the East Side Rec. Canton immediately.' The dCTcd to Oppose ‘Prop­ bat Water Pollution sales Indicates will be nearly 100 get up to, the desk of, the teach­ Red Men's ■J ... Eighth Army headquarters in] vey Shows Decline for neglecting his duties. ....... _ ' . • 1 • hcatinc economy. for the winners. The final sitting per cent. Onjy those members who er.” He advised fathers present to Chteese Foreign Office today aganda o f ^Calumny’ Tokyo investigates to find out | in the tournament will be Wednes­ are out of town are expected to visit the Bchoola themselves and formally notified foreign em­ what cauMed. riot among U. S. | Averages 9.7 Per^ Slate (!apitol. Hartfoi^.i day evening of next week when miss this important meeting. note the crowded cooditiona. occupation troops on Hokkaido I .Ian. 26.— f;P)— More state the grand prise will be awarded. bassies and legations of the Itoma, Jan. 26—tSl—Communlat cm fr«^Y«r A*, ggj ! Mock Fnnfcst “Focal Points of Peaca and MeM Schools QMddy island in which one soldier killed I grants to help municipalitifis America’s Foreign PoUey" ia the The only remedy seen by the decision. A spokesman said leaders of Franco u d Italy told and five wounded. The Salvation Army Women’s Board of Education, he aaid, was HALE'S ail government offices here operate their educational sy»- subject of a talk to be given by the their S,000,000 folloarats last night Tokyo newatagency reporU two By The Associated Press j ATLANTIC Home League will meet tomorrow natirnialiy prominent lecturer the immediate building of new NEW Nla kas sol nn Ha awn "BtaiahaB P k n " wttli Am alx aatelSts ooka- 'XIN D RELLA would be closed by Feb.
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