June 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 the expression of different views and broad- Thank you very much, Mr. President. er political participation will unleash the talents of each nation. All Middle East countries that travel this challenging path NOTE: President Mubarak spoke at 3:50 p.m. will have the support and the friendship at the Four Seasons Resort. In his remarks, of the United States. President Bush referred to Crown Prince In this meeting we’ve made progress on Abdullah of Saudi Arabia; King Hamad bin a broad agenda, and we’re determined to Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain; King Abdullah II keep moving forward. I thank all the lead- of Jordan; Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas ers here today, and may God bless our (Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian Authority; important work. and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel. Remarks at the Red Sea Summit in Aqaba, Jordan June 4, 2003 King Abdullah II of Jordan. President end to the conflict. To the Palestinians, it Bush, Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Min- offers an end to the occupation, a viable ister Abbas, distinguished guests: We gather state, and the promise to live as a free today in Aqaba, this small city that symbol- and prosperous people. izes the immeasurable potential of bringing To be sure, the road to realizing this different peoples together. Not far from vision will not be straightforward or without here, Jordan and Israel signed a peace trea- obstacles. I’m aware that many in our re- ty in 1994. Nine years later, what brings gion and around the world view our gath- us here is the same dream, the dream of ering today through a lens marred with peace, prosperity, coexistence, and rec- skepticism and suspicion. The failures and onciliation. But dreams alone cannot fulfill frustrations of the past have left many dis- hopes. It is thanks to the efforts of Presi- believers in their wake. dent Bush and the commitments of Prime Today we have an opportunity and obli- Minister Sharon and Prime Minister Abbas gation to reinstate faith in the process and that we meet here today to transform these to reinvigorate hopes for a better tomorrow. dreams into real achievements on the We simply cannot afford the alternative. ground. The road to confrontation has shown its Mr. President, Prime Ministers, let us consequences: loss of innocent lives, de- have ambitions, ambitions to move beyond struction, and fear. Most costly, however, the violence and occupation to the day was the loss of hope. The most precious when two states, Palestine and Israel, can gift that you can present to your peoples live together side by side in peace and se- over the coming weeks is renewed hope curity. born out of tangible progress on the And in our hands today we hold the ground. And it’s not only your people who mechanism that can translate these ambi- will be watching and waiting. The eyes of tions into realities on the ground. It is a the entire world will be upon you. plan, the roadmap, that addresses the needs The nature of our new borderless world of both Palestinians and Israelis. To the means that we all have a stake in what Israelis, this plan offers collective security happens here today. Jordanians, Americans, guarantees by all Arabs, a peace treaty, and Europeans, and many around the world normal relations with Arab states, and an stand ready and willing to lend all their 590 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / June 4 support to ensure your success. But at the Egypt yesterday. I thank them for their end of the day, it is you, the Palestinians statements supporting our efforts. I also and the Israelis, who have to come together would like to thank the Israeli Prime Min- to resolve the many outstanding issues that ister Sharon for joining us here in Jordan. divide you. And many thanks especially to President Many will view the compromises that will Bush, who took the longest journey for be made during your negotiations as painful peace of all of us. concessions. But why not view them as As we all realize, this is an important peace offerings, ones that will provide in moment. A new opportunity for peace ex- return the priceless gifts of hope, security, ists, an opportunity based upon President and freedom for our children and our chil- Bush’s vision and the Quartet’s roadmap, dren’s children. It is only by putting your- which we have accepted without any res- selves in each other’s shoes that we can ervations. hope to achieve real progress. Our goal is two states, Israel and Pal- Thus, we reaffirm today our strong posi- estine, living side by side in peace and se- tion against violence in any form and from curity. The process is the one of direct whatever source. Blowing up buses will not negotiations to end the Israeli-Palestinian induce the Israelis to move forward, and conflict and to resolve all the permanent neither will the killing of Palestinians or status issues and end the occupation that the demolition of their homes and their began in 1967, under which Palestinians future. All this needs to stop. And we have suffered so much. pledge that Jordan will do its utmost to At the same time, we do not ignore the help achieve it. suffering of the Jews throughout history. Mr. President, you have stayed the It is time to bring all this suffering to an course. Your presence here today to witness end. the two leaders meeting together, agreeing Just as Israel must meet its responsibil- on common grounds to solve this conflict, ities, we, the Palestinians, will fulfill our provides a great impetus to move forward obligations for this endeavor to succeed. and a clear answer to all the skeptics. I We are ready to do our part. thank you, sir, for your leadership and your Let me be very clear: There will be no courage. military solution to this conflict, so we re- Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Minister peat our denunciation and renunciation of Abbas, I urge you today to end the designs terrorism against the Israelis, wherever they of those who seek destruction, annihilation, might be. Such methods are inconsistent and occupation. And I urge you to have with our religious and moral traditions and the will and the courage to begin to realize are dangerous obstacles to the achievement our dreams of peace, prosperity, and coex- of an independent sovereign state we seek. istence. And remember that in the pursuit These methods also conflict with the kinds of these noble goals, Jordan will always re- of state we wish to build, based on human main a true friend. rights and the rule of law. Thank you very much. And it is with We will exert all of our efforts, using great pleasure, if I may introduce Prime all our resources, to end the militarization Minister Abbas to say a few words. of the intifada, and we will succeed. The Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas of the armed intifada must end, and we must use Palestinian Authority. I would like to thank and resort to peaceful means in our quest King Abdullah for hosting our meeting here to end the occupation and the suffering today. I would like also to thank President of Palestinians and Israelis. And to establish Mubarak and King Abdullah, King Hamad, the Palestinian state, we emphasize our de- and Crown Prince Abdullah, who met in termination to implement our pledges 591 June 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 which we have made for our people and us. And we also welcome and stress the the international community. And that is need for a U.S.-led monitoring mechanism. a rule of law, single political authority, Together, we can achieve the goal of an weapons only in the hands of those who independent Palestinian state, sovereign, are in charge of upholding the law and viable, in the framework of good neighbors order, and political diversity within the with all states in the region, including framework of democracy. Israel. Our goal is clear, and we will implement Thank you very much. it firmly and without compromise: a com- Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel. plete end to violence and terrorism. And Thank you. I would like to thank His Maj- we will be full partners in the international esty King Abdullah for arranging this meet- war against occupation and terrorism. And ing and express Israel’s appreciation to we will call upon our partners in this war President Bush for coming here to be with to prevent financial and military assistance Prime Minister Abbas and me. Thank you. to those who oppose this position. We do As the Prime Minister of Israel, the land this as a part of our commitment to the which is the cradle of the Jewish people, interests of the Palestinian people and as my paramount responsibility is the security members of the large family of humanity. of the people of Israel and of the state We will also act vigorously against incite- of Israel. There can be no compromise with ment and violence and hatred, whatever their form or forum may be. We will take terror. And Israel, together with all free measures to ensure that there is no incite- nations, will continue fighting terrorism ment—[inaudible]—from Palestinian insti- until its final defeat. tutions. We must also reactivate and invig- Ultimately, permanent security requires orate the U.S.-Palestinian-Israeli Anti-In- peace, and permanent peace can only be citement Committee.
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