I nil Local Coverage Complete NPWB, Pictures Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly And Impartially Each Week ilu> Community Interest Snkpenbent - leaber Entered al Second OIUM Matter WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1954 PublUhffl Brtn Thuiato? PRICE EIGHT CENTS XI.VI-NO. 31 »t the Port Office, Woodbridm, K. J. »t IS QNM fltfltt, WoodMWp, ft. f. New Voters Enormous Storm Damage in Fords Area Blamed on Developers; Enrollment jweetness Flooded Cellars, Ruined Lawns, Shrubbery Unnecessary Says Engineer and Must Enroll In Schools Irate Complaints Filed Light By Sept. 23 With Planning Board Up by 1,010 GREGORY On Drainage Fault* rilMtl.ES E. Big Increase Over 1953 Only Week Remains for WOODBRIDGE — The heavy rains caused by the frlns»c of Reported by Nicldas; upon how I Those Not Registered Hurricane Edna here last .Sat- Total Now in 8,179 ,i with my Ronson To Qualifyjor Ballot urday did considerable wntnr .•ill he my judgment damage throughout the Town- WOODBRIDGE _ Only one WOODHRIDQE — There we» | ing- 'all of my ship, but perhaps the hardest ft 179 pupils In the Woodbrfdfi H !in week remains for voters to regis- hit were residents of the High- nnnilar activities ter for the General Election, Tmvii'hip Public pchool 8jMrt«m land Place section of Fords, where of yWerday, an Increase pf i.linn myself exclu- Township Clerk B, J. Dunigan developers are constructing a new warned today. i .oin pupils over the sarfte period. hring a reporter. development off Ford Avenue, lint year, the office of Superin- A new voter who wants to vote • * * * avross from Varady's Grove. tendent of Schools Victor C. In the November 2 election must N my racket, and I So Incensed were they over the Nlrklns announced today. register before the deadline, Sep- destruction to their property, It is existed that many mora , i mo professional tember 23. In order to accommo- which they claimed was the fault f flls will be enrolled before th« ;is such. I have date those who cannot register )f the developers, approximately mil nf the month and at least during the day and do not care to 35 home owners appeared Tues- ;i ;ilong that I could :»io luiditionnl pupils are expected go to the homes of those author- day night before the newly- >s i ho homes in the Menlo Park my community ser- ized to take registrations In theorgant/ed Planning Board seek- Ti-rrncp Development, off ft>rd ii i- myriad chores I various districts, the office of the ing relief. .Avenue and Route 1, are com- iilcrl.aken from time Township Clerk In the Municipal Residents of the area, most of Building will be open from 7 to 1)1(10(1. but it may be whom have lived in the section for 9 P. M,, each night next week approximately 20 years or more, As of vesterday there were, 8,- greatest contribu- from Monday to Thursday in- claimed the Township failed to 725 piiuils in the grade schools from my sing- clusive. "take care of the older residents." ami 1.4M in the High School i inclusive devotion Under the permanent registra- Tt was pointed out that one mnn's oublr sessions are prevalent ,iica of endeavor tion law in New Jersey, if you garagf was rendy to collapse be- nil thmuuh the Township. There know best, and for are already registered and have cause' it Was fifll Bf'dfiWls causpd ia pajt-tlme c)*un X 1 have been best- not changed your name HI a by drainage. Others claimed thny 4 in School 1; 17 woman, through marriage) pr were flooded due to the pom- grnri- grades 1 to 3 lnchisrv* In It I have any repu- otherwise been disfranchised, you ing done by the contractors, with Avrnel School; 6 part-time claMM i all as a reporter, I need not re-regtster. But, if you (Continued on Page 7) in wades l and 2 in Colon!* hiis boon gained not have registered irv, Woodbridge School: io part-time oluw with some Township and have changed your ertidrs 1 to 4 Inclusive In Iselin. J as School: 6 nart-tlmt etawea <mdei but by name through marriage, divorce or by decree of court, then you Reports on Polio l to 3 inclusive in KeMbey School. 6 !'i1' sistence. must re-register. nntl fl part-time classes In Fords •> All young people arriving at 21Cases Encouraging school, grades 1 to 4 inoluMve. earned from my years of age on or before Novem- Car, Truck Collide, Altogether there are 66 chases, lav ber 2, must register.- consisting of 1,800 pupils on part- with the Ronson WOODBRIDGE — Of the five Naturalized citizens must bring lime session. mr peculiar posi- polio cases reported in August, 2 Fatally Injured • Mr. Nicklas pointed out there ll;: naturalization popers; citizens three patients are already home •|i;iu>s a full-time ob- (Continued on Pnse 7) are pmrtirally three School Kfj- and the two left in the hospit.il (Photo on Page 9) tems in operation now; one in the -;iml although I am "are coming along nicely," Health ml di' the hospital and KEASBEY—Two Perth Amboy morning, one in the afternoon Officer Harold J. Bailey reported men were crushed to death early and the third on a full-time basis. nk and all the other Rahway Balks Bid to the Board of Health Tuesday. Monday when their car collided As a result the Police Department i vs with which my Seven-year-old Charles Klsh, 20 with a 20-ton tanker truck on has had to change its shift.syetem , become involved— Smith Street, Avenel. who wasSmith Street at Houte 9. The im- to provide police protection at I:.Miinn is to my news- For Sewer Hook-up admitted to the Perth Amboy pact hurled the victims' bodies to the various times the youngsters General Hospital polio ward last Mid to the ideals the pavement and the truck rolled so to and from school. RiAHWAY—Requests for tem-Thursday is also home, Mr. Bailey over them as they lay there help- I biive set for it. I along with his sister, Kathy, Kurollment Break-Down porary connections with the Rah- lessly. The enrollment at the various iir Co me prepared way Sewer System to accommo- 4'a. wbo was admitted the previ- ous week. Coroner P. X. Muska, Perth schools as of yesterday compared i, ,i quarter-century to date housing developments over Amboy identified the dead a with the same time last year, Is !>• demands of my pro- the city line In Woodbridge Town- Mr. Bailey asked the Board to Wincenty Kaczmarek, 31, 472 as follows: Schogl 1, 790 this si! obligations, and if ship were denied by the Rahway issue a proclamation Informing Smith Street and Michael Lacki year, 479 last year; schools 2-18 Common Council Thursday night. residents to keep therl dogs in- 27, 172 Grant Street. Colonla, 416 this year, 707 last >:' iVw weeks indicate The request* were made by thedoors at night, as the Rabies Con- th.st I am not meeting The men, who were employed year, the difference is due to the Colonia Village Development and trol Board is going to send the fiu't that the opening of School : best gl my ability the Pine Construction Co game wardens to shoot wild dogs by the Lincoln-Mercury plant in i tin Earj,tan. Jownshlp were driving 17 relieved some of the over- in' totai requisites The Colonla village Develop- who BTC comiafr oafrof the woods eiwdpri conditions in Colonla; • i ment of 80 houses desired to be at night foraging for food. Several west on Smith Street on their way conscience, I shall to work when the Strawberry Hill, 196 this year, connected with the Colonta Bou- wild dogs have been seen in Colo- 207 last year (last year there were niic drastic moves. nia and it is believed most of curred. v, I would like to levard sewer, with the offer of five iirades in the school, this payment of $500 for the connec- them were bora in the woods. The truck owned by H. L. Her year, only 4;) Schools 4 and 5, with all the things tion and $5 per day for each Commltteeman L. Ray Alibani mann Co,, Passaic was carrying Avenel. 1,004 this year, 906 last have become dear to house connected. The Pine Con-requested Mr. Bailey to get in a load of hot asphalt for th year; School 6, iMlin, 3*1 this Jiui ii may be that the struction Co., development Is at touch with officials tit the U. 3.Philip Car#y Company. The driver year" < klhdergar^en to grade 4 all Dukes Road and West Lake Ave- Metais Refining Co.,. In Carteret, was John Gallandt, 19, 93 Martin part-time classes;) 101 last year, i has become so that and complain against the fumes Street, Paterson. He received have a free choice. nue, where 180 house* are under (kindergarten to grade 5); School construction or completed. Judge emanating from the plant once slight injuries in the crash. 6, Fords, 490 this year, 340 last John E. Barger appeared in be again and killing vegetation in Lt. Elmer Krysko said tha.1 tContinued on Page 7) the Port Reading section. Vogel, Mayor half of the latter. Six months was Gallandt related he saw the aut( declared to be the time required Mr. Alibani complained that not swerve in front of him as h i w i i met with three to finish the Woodbridge sewer to only do the fumes kill vegetation entered the ramp from Route ilives of the Ron- care for these properties.
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