STITCHCRAFT GETTIT{G UP is nol so oad when a rus lrke t\is cones 7.r 'r'. a' oerween you alo the (old. c;d wo'rd. l(s lorts. '-...Y.-, close p.e o{er, .orforung wa.mtl', and ,ts :.BOOK lO.F,..' ,:,' ,,' briEhr partern glves a cheery morning SreetinS You can make this n,a, uslng your own <holce oJt of the l^und.ed i1e'y gradLated shades of rTrrr( &,cB(xc$ET:ri Iur(e/ Rug wool. to marcn the (olor- !(h€.ne es with . enga.iingens:rino 'necklinesha.l l. o-c6ilared spohr sri,eateii.jin l l, ' 3!ilih:ss I :'l !.!qPI I :. ;Taiki{;d'ed; .bl6rifes .r Flilly., bedlacke(s ], cirable wo6lli6s .fo r the: 'en a istefnl./ .ma'sculine ,pull.. ' -col90r. It -1,12. pagies:in .give,' t.,:. : , ' qislild*s! season's Shades ..rrl .i:.:, i'.',.,1 ,,,11 1;.' .'.': t.t ,: lstai63:f661g1s, : .: ,. :if*'T.*'!,bi1esi }an: 11' t},.*ih}. fricb''i,'6'from' your' drrhr i$' t" 9f oosci Da,id: fr*n j l::;.--..!' ; )lqe,\t.Newlrqnd,llttteirq,'a slfeer, L9odoh,Wi I I : --{ i-*eit,.Lpt,io!,vr, J.] .-'i,1 .,--,'i , '. CULLEN'S FOR WOO LS E hrv. a hu8e *o.k oi Patons and Baidwini Knitting woo3 rnd ..n supply cY.ry woo m.n.ion.d in thk book (wrk. tor tr.. sampr.s). A lew ol PatoN .nd Sldwns' mdt Paton's sup.r Fin8.ring, 2,3, /1, and 5-ply. Paton s Rosc FinSe.iis. and ,l-ply- ar. sia colourchr.c olrus des Snsln !h€ lat.!.dliion , ol 'RUGCRAFT," b.sid.s over a hundred colourcd ilu! Paron s Superrnd RoscQualiryv6r wools. tiatrons ol ruqs lor which sepa.aie charB ire ava lable, and C.ocur Non-Shrink Wool. a corplete e/po),r'on ol rhe crat. se.d 'or rhB *alda'd boot on ns, 6.. po{ fre., to3..h.r w th free Woodpe.ker Knop Yarn. rrrra D-ic. ortols )anple! ol -oo. to Dept 30. & Bd dw'.1. lti , Seryl Fine Sp0n Angora. A lor. S.oQnd or Hal'13., England Gnom. Rug and Embrod.r/ Wool. Samp es ol the abov. and other qua,!es w ll be sent posrlree on appli.ation. ( ROBERT CULLEN K N ITTING WOOL S P EC IAL IST IA L- IA2 TOTTENHAM LO N DON, W,I BEST AND GOES FURTHEST I Knitting & Crochet Guild t93? b\ rnttrlnc b c.i I rul,l alt.r.oon and €v.nill cnseDbles c.a$ etc., it p.ic.s th,t R1l be r !evelat1.r, r, rh! voDin $ho lras hthcrto innd st.erl modcl clothes as bcing bcvond ill rans. of ler lncone Post th. .onpon belov ! !.rot Io! iull d8a'k oi thL: ..nven 'nt rostrlmenr ac.uar Dlan, or call tt the slovroonrs nt 33, old bon.L lrdlcv hou.e at thc .or.Pr o( {an r I 'trf. "n' .h" -. r"t mod€l for 'ourself. x#1,, iHa". I 0/6 ',H,."-. r5l- 9/- t3/6 itr^ "'" r2/- 3:*El li.-j;1" r 9/6 a;\1i."1*d 1016 coroI 33 old bond street, loodoo, w.l tht. couPoo to .ofot to-dry s3 old bond street, lon.loh' w.r *sd h€ abe @rot auttrm ddrlrt ! l.rLl@ aid rdl rtetaus ol your |[et lD.!l pL!, addr.+ j'j'srfi 1316 lxdb'"J[*.' 10/6 :,tfl,r,YEi. 7/6 -hid Knitting & Crochet Guild "L STITCHCRAFT gou loo eam Jtt FEAIHERWEIGHT Ilade by Lighrning fasteoers Ltd. Kyn och Works, Witton, $irEiDgham. , Knitting & Crochet Guild VOL. l. No. ST ICHIRA {or lhe modern woman and her home Oclober 19.12 CONTENTS . FASHION PaSe The Aw.rd olParis: by Anne Talbor, our ParG correspondent 6,7 . KNINING An All-Weath€r Golf Coar-frted with rhe pracrical "zipp" 9 With Angora Tre-a parricularl/ charm,ng tumpe, 10 Brief and Backlesr:-iace srirch dicky":-b;rer ro 13 For the Rrsrng cenerarion-rwo-yea.-olds" rwrn" 11. Leas be Sensrblel-wool undres of exquisire fic 22, A Coverlet for rhe Doll's Pram-somerhin! for smatt fingers... 31 . CROCHET Let Us 8e Gayl .ap and jumper ser, srarflng srrtpe! 4,5 Irhh Cro(het Wool-collai rnd cutrs in hie efflct 'n I . RUG-MAKING Ru8-l'4aklng-the Modern Hobb/. With.olou.ed.hart ... 15, 17 . EMBROIDERY Simple Stitche!-Viyid Shades-ideas for rhe fr€e transfer ... 18, 19 Colour Schemes and Stitches-lnstructions for free transfer 21 A Pouffe that Leads a Double Life-a useful pie€e offurniture .-.20, 21 llake a Record of your Holidal-with worklng chart 24 Scarlet and lvory-a dresslng-table set of modern charm 25 . GENERAL lntroducing STITCHCRAFT On th€ Screen 12 Short of ar 26 Hot PuddinSs wlrh Party AirS-STITCHCRAFT'S €ookin8 page 30 to har.ssed knirrers! STITCIICR|'IFT ir p,blirkd ol th, f.n Fidalt of ory antb, p*e 6d. Annd/ !,beti?tio, pn ?aid a,twbere il, /he,o . t/6. S,bscriptiat d?n, litb ruDitta,.,, rhaald b, re /o Candi Ndtt P'bli.dtiarr Ltd., r N.", Bord S//ce/, Lo do,, lr.r. M.nueripr, d!3'iqs, and p,totqriph submiled nst bc sdps for rdnrn it, All .onr,butioft will receive caretul coroid.r'rio4 bur rh. ldir.s cannor hord h.rsllr ..sponsibt lor lo$ or drEa. ir ksn. l Knitting & Crochet Guild STITCHCRAFT The chlc ol strlpes . .. a"8.i9hier London" s rhe name we have q,ven to this model ru rpe. and cap h,o piece, sriped in ndvy and red on a while g.ound. l.+ruciro.s lor making opposlte I Knitting & Crochel Guild t9l2 LET US BE GAY] .3 cas, to makemal(e a3 lt 13 smarcsmart 13as thE two-plecc ln red, whlte end blue s33 ls a jumpcr Ihst Pill rdd . Armholc sh.piD8 i! bc8ur h.r.. .p.rllc to your wir&r wird- rsr now: Joio orvy wool in 2nd V ol .ob€l It h .m.rt to the last stitch prcvious row, 3 ch., r V in ?rd V. rnd $totri.hitrsly quic! io th. 3. morc V, thc lalt ir thc ard froro 6& cnough for the not-!o- crd, 3 ch., r d.c. io 2nd from c[d. ctFn to taclle, too- Therc is a 2ND now: Slip ltitcb ro c.Dtr6 of r Vi becomiry littlc crp ro Eetch. ch., r V trc:t () 'r5tly I ir V! ri*ht icro!. ln.tructioN to 6t 34 in. bust. 2nd ftom cnd. 3 ch., r d.c. ir .Dd Y. M^txaI^Ir:-JuEp- 3tD ROw: A! 2Dd rot. cr: 8 oz!. SuDfiovcr 411r Row: Slip stitcb to crochet *ool (4 or!. ccntrc of rst V, V ri8h. rhite,3, ror. ac.oaa to last v bui red).InoxCrochethool orc. srE Roe: V right No. 13. Cap: r or. !cro!!. 6Trr now: With rhitc, r oz. navy. Rcd whitc wool, v risht wool left ov.r floh lnlroducino juEp€r. Ino! crochet Nccl opcning is bc- hoot No. 14. 'stttcucBari 8utr hcrc. 718, 8rB ABBR!vr^rroNs:- Rows: ro V ooly. 9rB Ch.:chain;st.:stitchi Thli ls a magazlnc for thc woman who Row: With r.d wool, d.c.:double croch€ti knlts and crochets and cmbrolders. and d.c. rov of p.tteh on tr. : tlebLi d.t., : It ls pl.nned cspeclally for ih. womafl thc ro V. rorE, rrTE, doubletreblc;V.:r tr., who wants th. thlngs that sh. crcates, r2TH nOI{S: v sitb I cb., i t.. into 5.Ee st. whcth.r for h.6clf, h€r hom. o. hcr wHtc ool. r3rs now: TENsroN. Width: chlldrcn, to bc f.shlon-rlght ln.very D.C. l,ith mvy wool. ! V:r in. -(m€alured d.tall. I4TIII I5TIII T6THROWT: lcross the toP); depth: don't mlsundcrst.nd us! Thc V with Phitc rrool. cloth.3 and all thc oth.r thtngs for ITTE ROW: D.C. with rcd wool. r81lr, rgrE, THE ]UMPER whlch STITCHCRAFT slvcs lnstructtoni wlll bc r arr-but th.y wtll bc sternly 20?E SoW!: v witb FRoNr.-With n.ey practlcal ar well. Every dcslgn tn thc whitewool.2rsr,22ND, wool, ro8 rsr Row: ch. book ls actually workcd o'rt and made ,3RD Rowa: v sith r tr. into 6th ch. Irdm up. The lnstructlons ar. ,r!r"d. nasy wool. z4rH Row: !ool, ch.. r tr. into 3 We hop. you wlll Shouldc. shapiDs i! samc st. Miss 2 sta. and besun. 7 V, 3 ch., r wort more V, le.v- llke STITCHCRAFT. d.c- fiom 34 hope you wlll into 3rd V ing 2 ch. betsee. each. We eDd, tufr. 25rli Ro\f,: ffnd ln lt month by 2ND Rowr 6 ch-, r tr. Stip stitch to rst V, 3 into rstVbelow(always month Just the deslgns ch., r d-c. inio rclt,3 turn this wayinVrows) /ou want. And if you don'r. you ch.,r d.c into ncxt, { V to end, putting €ach or lf hav. V. 26Tn Row:2 V, r into the ch. of V crltlclsms to offer, we t.. into V,3 ch., 3 hopc you wlll wrltc 3rd b€low. WorL 3 more r d.c.into 4thV. Finish ross th€ same. 6TIr, ro us, and tell us Iust Rows: With what you thlnk! We Work oth€r side of 7rlr,8rH shall bc very grateful.
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