\ • ^ • ^ r y CHENEYLIBRARt feATURDAT. SEPTEMBER tl, 194^ Avflrogt Daily CIradfltlsa Ths WsrUmk ^AOTTWELV* • ‘ iHanrlffatfr lEufning Ifrmlll /■ ■ ■to toa aiatoh aC AmrsiL IBM e f D. S. Weathar It la a night club wltli floor shows, 8,896 dancing aad varloaa orehsstrss. It toaIgMt Tuesday moatly eleady, Becomefl A fflan eed Cedars Meet U constantly advsrtised aa that. X, light ahewers. About Town Heard Along Main Street In your own and Hartford news­ AMD u m iww u papers, for the past asvsral years. Monday Night Manche*ter-^A CUy o f Village Charm Mm. aamli M e A te a c t S4 QrU- The night club seats about 300, PAVING «a U ■tiwt. Is vllittiic mlsUvM la And on Some of Manche^f^e Side StreeU, Too rather roomy for a tavern, whst? ••As to the story of ths run am rmea 18) MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS N «w Bwttbrtf. M^m . First Seflflion Following C»BIPANiKB VOL. LXVw NO. 801 A Herald man makes the follow-^ ual amount of Ume consuming it around which festursd Mulligan in DaHiy, aoa a t Mra. and Ing queries and commenU in m- Then, when they see all of the "Heard Along Main fltraet” ; that Summer Vacation to atory is abaolutoly correct but it John Doitqr of Vornoo street, Jaid to the fancies and foibles of waitresses busy, they stroll to­ Of has mnnBMd his studies at the wards the door, arguing among has a classical pracodsnt that la a Be Held at- Temple Wrecked Airliner in Newfoundlantl womankind; Why U it the girls legend among entertainers. It sp- Camon>L>oaf InsUtuta, N e w and women no longer make use of themselves who shall pay the INBITRAfICB! MoomAsM. Pann., after spend­ check. The argument contlnura un­ pcars that Dunnlngsr and the late Nutmeg Forest, TaU Cedars of Full Compensation fans, no matter how torrid the Houdlnl were playing London st Choice of Harriman ing the summer racation at- his weather? He recslU that ^eaa til they reach the door—and be­ Lebanon, will hold iU first regular DIAL ni98tt MAflf I yond—all of them leaving without the same time. Ths lattsr hsd sn hosso. coquetUsh alr-sUrrers cut quite a apartment lessod for the season meeting after the summer recess coming to a decision who la to pay figure when'the girls of yesUrday and Invited Dunnlngsr over one Monday evening at 7 ;30 at the H is PUfrlm renowshlp of Cen­ were trying to Inveigle a man Into the check, , foggy night. Although only two On Allied Property ter church will hold Its second propoeing They were fashion^ of The manager of thia particular blocka from ths thsatera they Masonic Temple. lOMHtiy of the jroar tomorrow, all eorU of things, lace, chiffon, restaurant la wise to their act now were playing, ths tWo Amsricana A fter the regular bualneas meet­ For Truman Cabinet whoa the mombons will express feathers, sandalwood and paper and the next time they apepar for perame hopelessly lost. Dunntnger, ing Dr. A. E. Dlaken will give an e ^ to o s on activities in prospect. board; and although the latter service he plapa to station him­ the world's greatest mantal mar­ self gt the door and will be avail­ Informal talk on some of hie eX' Losses Abandoned Molly McBride, president, urges were chiefly used for i^vertlalng vel. who esn tsU where a needle able there to help them deride who periencee during World W ar IL The Army and Navy Club an membors of the Junior High purposes, they too have dlsap^ar- la hidden hundreds of miles from department to become members. will assume responsibility for the Hs laft town with the 169th In­ ed. where heie la performing, could not United States Move check. find a big house a fsw blocJca fantry and served aa a major aU on Russia The dangerous hatpins, some of Unites Incorporated ' Dfo Attempt Joseph A. Moriarty, son of Mr. them a foot long, with heads of away. That wasn’t the worst. After during the Pacific Campaign be­ On Romanian Repara* and Mrs. Joseph Moriarty of 41 silver, gold, china or glass are The publication last month « f s policeman had escorted them to ing released last Spring after al­ Strong street is spending the the Police budget for 194(M7 re the house, HOUdlnl dlaoovered he most five yeara service. Dr. Dla- tions Ca^ices Whole Addition Edges Offidal now considered antiques, togemer At Invasion week-end In Waterbury with the with high shoes and long-handled veale that (he two rated Sergeants had lost hla keys and the fabulous kan has talked to several groups family of Dr. Finn. Joseph who In the police department are the Houdlnl who knew how to*get out .MIsa Kay Kririwa Indemnity Structure Family Further Away umbrellas. during the summer and hia talks Is a sophomore at Manchester ‘Torgotten men ” of srtything that was ever designed have been very Interesting be­ Harriman Backer With the price of hamhurg (not Of Peace Conference; High school la a guest of Alfred to confine man or beast, could not Mrit. Klizabcth Normaa, of 1140 O f England From Domestic !•- meat) eyelet trimming what it is, While the (.'hlef. Captain, Lieut' cause of hla straightforward, man open the door. H u y sat on the Hiirn.<iidc avenue, Bast Hartford, BINGO Finn. enanL Clerk, the department car­ to man way of reporting hia ex­ Britain to Hold Out §ue Views Espoufled he decides it is fortunate the wom­ doorstep until morning when the imnnuni es the engagement Of her en wear a minimum of undies penter, radio technician and the periences. Every Sot. Night At 8:30 Sharp! Mr. and Mrs. David R. ;OoIe of supemumerariea are listed by title owner came around with a dtipli- ilaitghtcr, Miaa Kay Kelehan, to, War Department Find* Of Foreign Policy By Wallace; No Tinge compared with the ^voluminous, Ous Peterson heads a commit­ Norman street attended tne wed- — try and find any Hating of "Ser­ ntc key. That Is an authenticated Patrick .lohn Bolduc, eon of Mr.’ Paris, Sept. 23.— (JP)— The jfhtg laM week-end of Mrs. Colo’s starched petticoats his slaters story. and iMrs. Alfred Belduc, eg Ford tee planning for a Tall Cedar Min­ United States, 'siding with No Evidence to Sup­ In Appointment of wore in their youth, not to men­ geant of Police” in the budget strel to be held-Oct. 29 and 30 at nmbew, Walter U B ^ t t , In "A m an ardent reader of ’The strict this town. 21 Gomes Including Sweepstakes Russia, abandoned today the T tion the dressmaker blUs for there tiat under that specific title. the Hollister street schooL Re- port Rumor* of Abor­ Say* Truman t Byrne* Any Bid to CIO Polite Southbrldge, Maas. ! The only way In which It la pos- Evening Herald and an ever more No definite date haa been set principle of full compensation Harriman Appointed was no end of handwork on the arden reader o f your “ Heard Along for the wedding. hearsala are being held weekly tive Hitler AssttuU ical Action Ccimmittee gowns of the same period. ribla to find Out If there are any and any Tall Cedar that would 7 DOOR PRIZES fo r Aillied property losses in *Carrying. on High Tmop 1*. Olrt Scouts, Will begin Sergeants Of Police In Manchester .Main Street” column, 1 hope I -etu Commerce Secretary He recalls that nobody, unless not asking too much tn requesting like to take part should contact Romania. The move capsized — '— i fan meetings, Tuesday evening at ia to read down the list of salaries cned! We were wondering Just Washington, Sep^ IS.— (P)—The Principle* Laid Down T o’flw k at the Seconl Congrega­ they were In direst poverty went that you print this Iriter. him or be at the Temple Wednes­ EACH SATURDAY NIGHT the whole indemnity struc­ Washington, Sept. 23.— (/P) around with holes In their shoes, to find a listing of ’’one man at C. R. Mcrriman” how the big flag that is flown day, Sept 25 at 7:30. W ar departmenL said today that By Roosevelt Long Ago — W. Averell Harriman’s ad­ tional church. such and aueh a salary.” What a from that staff would look if It ture of the peace conference. but the shoe that exposes both Webster aays that a tavern is a On Sat., Oct. 5, there will be SO ta r as could be discovered dition to President Truman’s the toes-and heel has been In style way to Ignore a subordinate police place “where wines or other were ever necessary to fly it at Willard Thorp, U. S. SUte St. Margaret's Circle, Daughters another ceremonial held at the from the mass of secret Next war official family edged it fur- a t officer—to bury him up in the liquors are sold to be drunk on half-staff. ^ 'The f l ^ would be depertment economic expert, told London, ^ Sept. 23.— {fP)— Isabella, will meet Tuesday eve- for years. iragging on the ground, are bet. Masonic Temple. The arraiige- documents, no Oennan attempt to ■lam In the new K. of C. Home, He says that when riding in a salary list with only the designa­ the premiaea” Webster alao says menta haVe not been completed as the Balkan-Finnlsh Ekionomic W . AverelUHarriman, choaen < her away today from domea- ISS Ms&i street. After the busl- bus this summer he saw a fine tion ’’one man” to reveal his pos­ that generally throughout the yet but the program will be an­ commiacion that the United Btatea invade England ever waa made.
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