Cambridge VoterRegistration Due Wednesday MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: unny,59°F(15° ) Tonight: Partly cloudy, 40°F (4°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Cloudy, rainy, 62°F (17° ) Details, Page 2 umber 51 02139 Tue day, October 16,2001 Hume Describes Peace Process Pankel to SecedefFC By Helana Kadyszewski STAFF REPORTER At End of Fall Term John Hume winner of the 1998 obel Peace Prize, poke last night to a packed Kre ge Auditorium on MIT Sororities Seek Better Repre entation the 'Philosophy of Conflict Resolu- By Jeffrey Greenbaum scholarship, service, social pro- tion." STAFF REPORTER grams, health and wellne ,and Following a brief introduction by When the fall emester comes to public relations. Wang feel that MIT Chancellor Phillip L. Clay a close, the five sororities of the having the e five goals ha made the PhD '75, who referred to Hume a a Panhellenic As ociation will group a stronger and more focused 'true oldier of peace," the soft- po- secede from the Interfraternity group, but that the IFC does not ken but a sertive Hume opened his ouncil. addre them a the sororities would talk with a quote from Maya By no longer being apart of the like. Angelou. He said that now and IFC sororitie will be able to Because Panhellenic rush will no always, "we must never give up the devote all of their attention to Pan- longer coincide with IFC rush in search for a better world." Hume hellenic issues, which differ from 2002, "it i important for us to have spoke of the tum of the century and those of the fraternities and inde- our own governing body that focus- the new millennium as a symbol of pendent living groups. "It' hard to es on recruitment of women for the the end of times of war and suffer- establi h si terhood when we are a spring," aid Alpha Phi President ing. part of a brotherhood," said Pan- Julia Chen '02. In order to prepare Hume applauded the United hellenic President Annie K. Wang for the coming changes, Panhel will States and Boston specifically as '02 also be devoting attention to the "rock solid friends" of the peace Wang said that Panhel has development of Junior Panhel and efforts in Ireland. recently become more focused, the promotion of the Panhellenic and is ready to exist as it own name. Ireland lessons apply universally entity. Offering the expertise of a leader "In the past year or so Panhel F Il.G till have trong ti of the Social Democratic Labor has seen quite a resurgence,' aid Although Panhel members will Party and a member of the British Kathleen Baxter program coordina- no longer be members of the IFC, and European parliaments, Hume tor for fraternities, sororities, and Wang believes that relations explained that there were three fun- independent living groups. between the IFC and Panhel mem- damental principles which led to the bers will continue to remain signing of the 1998 Good Friday Fraternity, orority issue differ strong. "For us to be successful, Agreement. He argued that these MIKE UN-THE TECH Many of the i sue that the IFC we need to work closely with the three principles should be analyzed 1998 Nobel Laureate for Peace John Hume recounted the struggle addresses do not affect the sorori- IFC and [Living Group Council]," in any conflict. for peace in Ireland and discussed the philosophy of conflict resolu- ties as much a the fratemitie and Wang said. "No matter where it is," Hume tion. His speech, which took place in Kresge Auditorium on Monday independent living groups. Aside The !FC is currently establishing said, "all conflict is based on the night, was part of the Ford/MIT Nobel Laureate Lecture Series. from the differences in rush, the the framework for next year's Greek same thing: differences." More than IFC, for example, often discusses Week in order to promote the once· in his speech, Hume empha- tions which enforce this respect, and attacks and the current bombing in risk management, but MIT's sorori- FSILG system. A Panhel member sized that difference and diversity an extensive healing process in Afghanistan the audience was per- tie are dry by mandate from their and an IFC member will organize should not be a tool for division, but which the common interests of all haps surprised that Hume made no national chapters. Thus, sororities the event. instead "must be fostered as a tool concerned groups are weighed. mention of the events of September direct their effort towards better Chen said that the lack of a bi- for bringing people together." "We must spill our sweat and not 11 until prompted to do so by Assis- programming and development, weekly meeting with presidents He said that, following an end to our blood," Hume said. tant Professor Jared R. Curhan, who particularly regarding health and from all FSILGs will cause some violent conflict, the fundamental raised a question following Hume's wellnes , Baxter said. initial difficulties, but Panhel's elements of conflict resolution are Talk largely avoids terrorism first remarks. In recent Panhel meetings, five future trength will further help the respect for difference, the estab- Undoubtedly expecting Hume to objectives have been establi hed for lishment and maintenance of institu- comment on the recent terrorist Hume, Page 19 member development, including Panhel, Page 19 MIT Ahead of Schedule MIT Alumnus With Capital Campaign Annan Wins By Vincent Chen derful and delightful surprises ... STAFF REPORTER We've seen giving in this campaign After soliciting $1.27 billion in on a scale that MIT hasn't seen Peace Prize donations in less than two years, before." By Kevin R. Lang MIT appears to be ahead of its cap- Early in the-campaign, a number NEWSEDlTOR ital campaign goal of raising $1.5 of extraordinarily large gifts helped Following the announcement of billion by the end of 2004. get the campaign moving quickly, seven Nobel Prize winners with MIT MIT administrators are pleased including a $100 million donation connections last week United with the progress to date. "The cam- by Kenan E. Sahin '63. Sahin Nations Secretary General and MIT paign is going very well. We have announced his donation during the alumnus Kofi A. Annan SM 72 was more than $1.2 billion of a $1.5 bil- campaign's kickoff event. awarded the obel Peace Prize on lion goal," said Chancellor Phillip "We'd like to continue the pace Friday. L. Clay PhD '75. "Despitethe eco- of giving we've had and to broaden Eight of the fourteen individual nomic downturn, I am confident that the base of participation, ' Hecht awarded obels this year were either with more than three years remain- said. "It is important that lots of alumni, former faculty, or current fac- ing, we will reach or surpass our MIT alumni, even those with only ulty. Annan was a fellow of the Sloan goaL" modest means available to them, School of Management from 1971- William J. Hecht '61 executive contribute." 1972, and delivered the 1997 com- vice president ofthe alumni associa- mencement address. tion, expressed similar sentiments. Student life donations faU behind The Norwegian Nobel Committee TECH FILE PHOTO "Prior to September 11th, the pace The Campaign for MIT has said that Annan and the United U.N. secretary General and 2001 Nobel Laureate for Peace . was proceeding substantially faster already exceeded the goals for unre- Kofi Annan SM '72 speaks at the 1997 MIT Commencement. than we would have predicted," Annan, Page 22 Hecht said. "We've had some won- Capital Campaign, Page 17 'Ancestrais' Comics Entrepreneurs and new compa- explores nies can still thrive in a difficult World & ation 2 ancient and economy; they have in the past. Opinion 4 modern Event Calendar 8 issues· Arts 13 Page 13 Page 16 Page 18 , October 16,2001 WORLD & NATION Bush AP Trip Pre en Origin Opportunl ·es and hallenges Postal Service Seeks LOS ANGELES TIME Pre ident Bu h intend to tell the le der 0 Ru ia hina and Of Anthrax Sent to Daschle other ian nation that he upport their anti-terrori m effort at By Robert A. Rosenblatt , in luding one nt to the offi e "Panic must not defeat us. He told home, but they mu t dra a line between 1 gitimate di ent nd and Josh Meyer of the nate minori leader, Tom hi agency worker:' If you ee a genuine terrori m, and not trample human right . LOS GELES TIMES Da chle D- .D., and to ta e D suspicious pa kage or letter lea e it Bu h ill deliver that me age in per on hen the h a W SHINGTO arnples from any liva found on the alone. Don t hake it or bump it. Iso- Pacific Rim e onomie con ene in hanghai bin, thi ee nd Po tal inspectors hunting for the envelope . late it, and call for help. ' for the sia-P cific E onomic Cooperation ummit, ation I e u- enders of anthrax-laden mail ha e eanv hile the Po tal rvice P tal inspectors ha e had uccess rity dvi er ondoleezza Rice aid onday. numb r of tool to figure out h n announced onday that it will fur- catching people who end bomb The pre ident i cheduled 0 depart for hina on dne day and wh re a letter wa mailed. But ni h glove and filtering face m ks through the mail but few arre ts have morning. He ill top briefly in acram nto, alif., to meet with their techniqu might be insufficient to employee who reque t them.
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