PART 2 Ken Morris Collection Papers, 1937-1983 (Predominantly, 1970-1983) 62 linear feet Part 2 of the Ken Morris Collection consists of correspondence, reports, minutes, negotiations material, grievances, arbitration files, speeches and printed material relating primarily to his activities as director of UAW Region 1B and to his Oakland University trusteeship. Mr. Morris retired from the UAW in 1983. Important subjects in the collection: Automobile Industry Oakland University Comprehensive Health Planning Council Organizing Chrysler Corporation Pension Benefits Federal Advisory Committee on Studebaker-Packard Unemployment Insurance UAW Canada Ford Motor Company UAW Local 417 Fruehauf Corporation UAW Region 1B General Motors Corporation Unemployment Insurance Heat Treat Inc. Women in the Workforce Health Care Worker Health & Safety Labor Arbitration Metropolitan Detroit Citizens Development Authority Important correspondents in the collection: Ken Bannon Paul Massaron Irving Bluestone Emil Mazey Nelson Jack Edwards William Oliver Douglas Fraser Marc Stepp Frank James Robert White Odessa Komer Leonard Woodcock Robert Lent Howard Young Olga Madar Herb Zalopany Part 2 Ken Morris Collection - 4 - CONTENTS 62 storage boxes Series I, UAW, 1937-1983, Boxes 2-49, p. 5. Series II, Civic Activities, 1963-1983, Boxes 49-62, p. 16. Non-manuscript material: A number of photographs, audio tapes of speeches, and items of memorabilia have been placed in the Archives Audiovisual Collection and books, serials, convention proceedings, local constitutions and by-laws, and local union histories may be found in the Archives Library. Part 2 Ken Morris Collection - 5 - Box-folder Folder heading SERIES I 21-14 20th Century Machine, 1973 21-22 Addco Plastics, 1977 12-3 Aerospace industry, Lockheed & Douglas, 1971 12-4 thru 8 AFL-CIO, 1971-77 12-13 AFSCME correspondence, 1971-77 12-12 Agency Shop, 1972 21-10 Aggressive Manufacturing Company, 1976-77 31-15 Albion Corporation, 1977 6-16 Alco Corporation, 1981 31-13 Alpha Bolt, 1980 12-11 American Arbitration Association, 1972-76 24-22 American auto worker vs. the world, 1981 31-14 American Butt Welding, 1976 12-10 American Socialist, 1954 30-8 thru 9 American-Israel Friendship League honoring M. Stepp and W. Marshall, 1978-79 12-9 Area Manpower Institute for Development of Staff), 1972 21-8 Ammet Incorporated, 1976 6-30 Amprix, 1978 24-8 Angus, Robert, 1975 12-14 Apprenticeship promotion & development project, 1977 32-16 Arbitrators, 1974-78 27-1 Austria, 1968 37-39 Bannon, Ken, Aerospace conference, 1979 18-9 Barnes Industries Incorporated, 1982 6-29 Baylock, 1978 31-18 Baylock, 1978 21-11 Beaden Screen, 1979 6-28 Beaumont, William, 1978 4-20 Beaver Precision arbitration case, 1975 27-2 Belize (formerly British Honduras), 1967 21-9 Bernal Rotary, 1976 37-27 thru 28 Big business day, 1978-80 6-14 thru 15 BJ&R Machine Gear, 1980-81 32-2 Black Lake, 1969-72 15-1 Black Lake, 1974 37-1 thru 6 Black Lake, Region 1B, 1978-79 12-15 Black trade unionists conferences, 1972-73 6-21 thru 23 Blue Cross / Blue Shield, union material, 1978-81 31-17 Braun Engineering, n.d. 46-7 thru 13 Brazil, 1977-79 19-17 Bushman Gear, 1976 27-3 Cambodia (also known as Kampuchea), 1970 37-46 thru 48 CAP (Community Action Program), 1974-76 32-17 CAP, 1976 Part 2 Ken Morris Collection - 6 - Box-folder Folder heading 20-14 thru 15 CAP; dollar drive, 1979-82 28-23 CAP; training institute, 1978 41-19 Cargill, 1976 31-20 thru 21 Cargill, 1978-80 24-9 Chandler, Fred, 1975 24-10 Cherry, George, 1975 12-1 Chronological file, 1968-69 2-20 thru 24 Chronological file, 1971 Jan - May 3-1 thru 17 Chronological file, 1971 Jun - 1972 Dec 35-1 thru 12 Chronological file, 1973 Jan - Dec 40-1 thru 21 Chronological file, 1974 Jan - 1975 Sep 44-1 thru 15 Chronological file, 1975 Oct. - 1976 Dec 42-1 thru 18 Chronological file, 1977 Jan - 1978 Apr 36-5 thru 27 Chronological file, 1978 May -1979 Dec 29-8 thru 17 Chronological file, 1980 Jan - Oct. 20-23 thru 25 chronological file, 1983 Jul - Sep 23-1 Chrysler, 1952-61 39-2 thru 18 Chrysler, 1967-79 46-14 thru 18 Chrysler, 1976-79 39-1 Chrysler, Canada, 1975 7-18 Chrysler negotiations, 1973 5-1 thru 4 Chrysler negotiations, 1976-77 45-28 Circulation, 1979-80 39-19 Circulation dept., 1971-77 39-20 Clerical center, 1978-79 21-12 Clifford Manufacturing, 1978-79 20-7 Clippings, 1981 10-6 Collective bargaining, 1972 4-14 Collective Bargaining commemorative dinner, 1975 8-25 Community Services conference, 1979 39-21 thru 26 Community services dept., 1971-79 39-27 Compensation and safety dept., 1971-76 31-16 Computer Peripherals Inc., 1976-78 21-13 Computer Peripherals Incorporated, 1976 39-29 Conservation and natural resources dept., 1971-75 3-20 Consumer Affairs, 1978-79 4-4 Consumer Education Conference, 1977 28-6 Convention, 1959 28-7 thru 12 Convention, 1968 28-3 thru 5 Convention, 1969-71 30-23 thru 31 Convention, 1972 16-18 Convention, 1973 17-1 thru 10 Convention, 1974 16-20 thru 25 Convention, 1974 16-19 Convention, 1976 20-13 Convention, 1983 47-15 thru 16 Correspondence, 1978-79 24-17 thru 21 Correspondence, 1970-83 15-13 Correspondence, 1975 32-22 Cost of living, 1970-81 Part 2 Ken Morris Collection - 7 - Box-folder Folder heading 41-14 Craft Industries, 1975 39-28 Credit Union, 1973-76 6-25 Crest Tool, 1978 41-18 Current contract negotiations, various, 1976-77 4-19 Czarnowski, Marion, 1975-76 3-21 thru 24 Dana, 1971-80 6-24 Darby, Bill, 1980-81 21-19 De Vlieg Machine Company Incorporated, 1974 4-15 thru 16 Death notices, 1976-80 30-13 Democratic agenda conference, 1979 7-13 Detroit Auto Uprising, 1973 18-3 Detroit Osteopathic Hospital, 1981 4-1 Dues dollar, n.d. 19-12 Duo Tool Company & Tri Carb Incorporated, 1975 26-11 thru 13 E A Thompson Manufacturing Company, 1969-72 4-3 Eaton department, 1972-74 4-5 thru 10 Education, 1971-79 4-18 Edwards, Nelson Jack, 1971-76 31-19 Election Delays, Northern Steel Co. Inc. et al, 1974-75 27-4 England, 1969 21-21 Essex International, 1974 20-6 Executive board meetings, 1978 3-18 FACET Enterprises Incorporated, 1979 45-29 thru 30 Fair practices, 1978-79 12-16 thru 17 Farbricon, 1975-79 48-7 thru 9 Fillion, John, 1976-79 21-23 Fire Equipment Company, 1977 49-8 Firestone Tire & Rubber Comp. vs. S. Martin Taylor, 1976 16-2 First agreement, 1937 24-11 Fisher, Jerry, 1974-77 16-5 Food stamp program, 1975-77 2-16 Ford department, 1971-73 32-4 thru 9 Ford Motor Co., 1971-78 41-13 Ford Motor Co., 1979 5-5 thru 8 Ford negotiations, 1976-77 32-10 Foundry Dept., 1969-77 30-21 thru 22 Fraser, Douglas, 1977-79 20-20 thru 22 Fraser, Douglas, 1980-82 26-1 thru 9 Fruehauf, Local # 889, strike, 1969-70 25-1 thru 13 Fruehauf, Local # 889, strike, 1969-70 37-38 Full employment conference, 1978 21-15 thru 17 G B Dupont, 1972-74 2-17 G M, 1973 2-8 thru 9 G M, 1976-77 32-11 thru 13 G M, 1978-79 2-15 G M benefit plans and insurance, 1974-75 Part 2 Ken Morris Collection - 8 - Box-folder Folder heading 2-12 G M corporation, 1975-76 2-19 G M correspondence, 1970-73 2-3 G M local unions, 1978 2-13 thru 14 G M locals, correspondence, 1974-75 5-9 thru 15 G M negotiations, 1976 2-11 G M news clippings, 1975-76 2-1 thru 2 G M newsletters, 1975-78 2-7 G M quality of work life, 1973-76 2-18 G M stories in Pontiac Press, 1972 2-10 G M sub benefits & pensions, 1974-75 2-4 G M sub-councils, 1978 2-5 G M sub-councils, meetings, correspondence, 1971-75 28-25 Garnishments, 1971-76 30-7 Gerber, Martin, 1978 27-5 Germany, 1965-72 33-32 thru 34 Glasser, Mel, 1977-79 25-17 thru 18 Grand Steel, 1971-81 18-2 Graves Corporation, 1982-83 6-10 Great Lakes Mushroom, 1981 21-24 Greendale Screw Products, 1976 21-18 H L Blachford, 1976 19-28 Hardware Spring Corporation, 1976 8-13 Harrington, Michael, Regions 1 and 1B, 1979 24-12 Harris, Preston, 1975-76 10-7 thru 8 Hartman, Larry, 1977-80 31-26 thru 34 Heat Treat Services, 1979-80 8-23 Hispanic conference, 1980 16-10 Histadrut, 1978 24-13 Holland, Bill, 1974-76 26-18 Hong Kong, 1963 27-6 Hong Kong, 1963-64 30-33 “Honoring Labor Leaders,” 1976-81 31-22 thru 25 Hubbard Spring, 1977-79 32-15 Huck Manufacturing, 1973-75 23-7 thru 19 Huck Manufacturing, 1973-82 22-1 thru 2 Huck Manufacturing, 1974-76 31-12 Huron Tool, 1977 7-8 Hutton, C, n.d. 31-48 thru 53 Hydraulic Tube and Fitting, 1979 21-25 IBC Product, 1974 11-13 IEB Report on Economic Dislocation, 1978 8-29 thru 33 Independent parts and suppliers, 1973-80 26-19 India, 1963 19-29 Induction Process Equipment, 1974 8-34 thru 37 Information systems department, 1969-80 6-12 thru 13 Innovative Products, 1981-82 45-34 thru 35 Inter-office communications, 1961-66 7-1 thru 7 Inter-office communications, 1966-82 Part 2 Ken Morris Collection - 9 - Box-folder Folder heading 24-15 Inter-office communications, 1974-77 32-21 Inter-office communications, 1975-79 8-38 International affairs, 1973 9-1 thru 3 International affairs, 1973-1979 7-10 International Chrysler council meeting, 1982 26-17 International labor, 1960-69 25-19 International labor, 1960-70 28-19 thru 21 International Labor Organization, 1956-63 45-32 International Metalworkers; Morris, Ken, 1982 16-6 International Metalworkers Federation, 1971-76 20-3 International Monetary Fund; survey, 1971 37-34 International Monetary Fund; world auto conference, 1978 27-15 Israel, 1967 16-8 Israel, 1975 20-28 Istanbul, 1963 47-20 Italy, 1971 30-16 thru 17 James, Frank, 1977-79 27-16 thru 20 Japan, 1959-72 26-14 thru 16 Japan, 1963-71 46-1 thru 6 Japan, 1972-77 41-26 Japan, 1982 37-35 Jefferson - Jackson dinner, 1978 37-50 Jimenez, Ralph, Local # 594, 1976 6-26 JJJ Incorporated, 1977 20-2 Job Corps, 1978-79 8-28 Johnson, Perry, Region 1, 1983 37-44 Journeyman card committee, Pontiac Mich., 1974 8-17 Julian, Harold, 1976 17-17 “Keep the Union on the Move,” n.d.
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