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Alphabetical list of Place names for coding Code Place name Code Place name 82420001 Aankoms 12110101 Albertinia 55120001 Aapieshoek 70610102 Alberton 54420001 Abakwa Cele 70610103 Albertsdal 53420001 Abashumi 70410004 Albertskroon 13210101 Abbotsdale 82520001 Albertsnek 21910001 Abbotsford 70410005 Albertsville 70410001 Abbotsford 32110101 Albertynshof 92120001 Abbotspoort/Dikgopeng 70510002 Aldara Park 50720001 Abebhuzi 30110101 Alexander Bay 54320001 Abejuti 70510003 Alexandra 23110101 Aberdeen 22210101 Alexandria 23130001 Aberdeen NU 92720002 Alexandria 25020024 Abetshawe AA 22230001 Alexandria NU 81710301 Ackerville Informal 51030001 Alfred NU 92720048 Acornhoek 24010180 Algoa Park 52120001 Acton Homes 31530001 Alheit 70710101 Actonville 24710101 Alice 61210201 Adamayview 22110101 Alicedale 54130001 Adams College 20210101 Aliwal-North 54130003 Adams Mission 20230001 Aliwal-North NU 92020001 Addney 25310102 All Saints 22810101 Addo 24310101 All Saints College 22310101 Adelaide 50710101 Allandale 22330001 Adelaide NU 91420002 Allandale 10210101 Adriaanse 40610101 Allanridge 81510201 Aerorand 24110101 Allanridge Transit Camp 70410002 Aeroton 24110102 Allanridge West 22710101 Aeroville 90530001 Alldays 50920001 Africa Top 82920001 Allemansdrift B 50230001 Afrika 82920002 Allemansdrift C 92820001 Aftoni 82920003 Allemansdrift D 71510101 Agavia 71810101 Allen Nek 30130001 Aggeneys 71010101 Allengrove 91420001 Agincourt 21510101 Aloevale 60810301 Agisanang 21910002 Alphandale 44510101 Air Force Base 21910003 Alphandale Informal 70510001 Airdlin 70110001 Alphen Park 50110001 Airport 70610104 Alrode 50110002 AK 91120001 Altein 70310101 Akasia 72210101 Althea 70310102 Akasia Golf Course 24320001 Altile 10210102 Akasia Park 55120002 Altonia 61210202 Alabama 92520001 Alverton 70410003 Alan Manor 25320001 Amablangwe AA 26020001 Alavani AA 24320002 Amadaka 50310101 Albania 25020001 Amadiba AA 22130001 Albany NU 54420002 Amafahla 70610101 Alberante 50820001 Amaganyana 70910101 Albermarle 54120002 Amagcino 51810101 Albert Falls 52620001 Amagodlanduku 20130001 Albert NU 26020002 Amagontsi A Code Place name Code Place name 26020003 Amagontsi B 24820001 Amatole 24720001 Amagwali 50920005 Amatolo 24620001 Amagwelane 53520001 Amatshamnyama 54720001 Amahlabathi 27820001 Amavundle 50920002 Amahlathi 27620002 Amavundle AA 24320003 Amahlati-other 26520002 Amazizi-other 50820002 Amahlongwa 25120001 Amazizi AA 26120001 Amahlubi AA 26220001 Ambros/Zimpisini A 26520001 Amahlubi AA 26220002 Ambros/Zimpisini B 27120001 Amahlubi AA 80110101 Amersfoort 54620001 Amahlungulu 80130001 Amersfoort NU 50820003 Amahwaqa 24620002 Amherst 25020002 Amakanyayo AA 32510101 Ammerville 52620002 Amakhasi 80410101 Amsterdam 54520001 Amakhendla 24010101 Amsterdamhoek 53420002 Amakhilimba 71910101 Anchorville 50920003 Amakhuze 31810201 Andalusia Park 25820001 Amakhwalo 70110002 Andeon 24720002 Amakuze 70810101 Anderbolt 53620001 Amalala Aphansi 24320004 Anders Mission 53620002 Amalala Aphezulu 70810102 Angelo 70410006 Amalgam 51420002 Anglehest 60910101 Amalia 70410007 Angola 21910004 Amalinde 72310101 Angola 21910005 Amalinde Commanage 24820002 Ann Shaw 25020003 Amampisi AA 90410201 Annadale 25320002 Amamvala AA 92520002 Annesley Mine 70310103 Amandasig 53220001 Annexatie 50820004 Amandawe 70310104 Annlin 25020004 Amandela AA 72210102 Annthon 90910101 Amandelbult Mine Town 71110101 Anzac 25020005 Amandengane AA 82220001 Apara 50820005 Amandlalathi 92520003 Apel 50820006 Amangamazi 70710102 Apex 53820001 Amangqakaza 82020001 Apiesdoring 25020006 Amangutyana AA 71510102 Apple Park 51420001 Amangwane 53610401 Aquadene 25020007 Amanikwe AA 53610402 Arboretum 25820002 Amantlane AA 44510102 Arboretum & Naval Hill 25020008 Amantshangase AA 21910006 Arcadia 50110004 Amanzimtoti 24010102 Arcadia 25320003 Amanzolo AA 44510103 Arcadia 50230002 Amaotana 70110003 Arcadia 50230003 Amaoti 92020002 Archibolt 27520001 Amaqomla AA 72210103 Arcon Park 27620001 Amaqwathi AA 92720003 Arconhoek 50920004 Amashaka 25110101 Area No 7 54320002 Amatata 50410101 Arena Park 54520002 Amatholamgele 71310101 Arla Park 54520003 Amatholampunga 42710101 Arlington 53810101 Amatikulu 92720004 Arthurseat 50230004 Amatikwe 91420003 Arthurstone 24310102 Amatola View 32110102 Ashburnham Code Place name Code Place name 50710103 Ashburton 92320001 Badimong 50710104 Ashdown 80310101 Badplaas 70110004 Ashlea Gardens 25220044 Bafazi AA 50310102 Ashley 61630001 Bafokeng Mines 12710101 Ashton 70410009 Bagleyston 70110005 Asiatic Bazaars 92020004 Bahananwa/Koop 60510101 Aslaagte 70110007 Bailey Muckleneuk 50510101 Assagay 60220001 Baily Brith 23810101 Aston Bay 44510104 Bainsvlei 71010102 Aston Manor 27520002 Bakaneni AA 52620003 Asynkraal 92120002 Bakenberg 60810101 Atamelang 42210101 Bakenpark 10510101 Athlone 71410101 Bakerton 50110005 Athlone 60730001 Bakerville 50710105 Athlone 26120002 Bakoena AA 50110006 Athlone Park 26920001 Bakuba AA 70510004 Athol 61510401 Bakubung Lodge 91420004 Athole 45120001 Balaclava 13210201 Atlantis 93120001 Balanganani 13210202 Atlantis Central 24320005 Balasi 13210203 Atlantis Industrial 26720001 Balasi AA 70810103 Atlasville 24310103 Balazeville 92520004 Atok 27720001 Balbel AA 92520005 Attaclay Mine 92920001 Bale 70110006 Atteridgeville 26620001 Baleni AA 70410008 Auckland Park 24610101 Balfour 31530002 Augrabies 81010101 Balfour 71710101 Aureus 81030001 Balfour NU 13310101 Aurora 54010101 Ballito 92220001 Aurora 54010102 Ballitoville 50110007 Austerville 92620001 Balloon Mantjana 70510005 Austin View 11810101 Ballotsview 60120001 Austrey 53220002 Balmoral 71710102 Avalonia 72210104 Balmoral 13010401 Avian Park 10210105 Balvenie 50110008 Avoca 91620002 Bambeni 50210002 Avoca Hills 25820004 Bambisana 10210103 Avon 25820005 Bambisana Mission 92020003 Avon 27620003 Bamboespruit AA 10110101 Avondal 92520006 Banareng 13210204 Avondale 92520007 Banareng/Ditholong 82420002 Avontuur 51020001 Bandlane 10210104 Avonwood 54520005 Bangamanzi 71510103 Azaadville 24320006 Bangilizwe 80610201 Azalea 53920001 Bangizwe 91520001 Babanana 25320004 Bango AA 53010101 Babanango 54920001 Bangumuzi 54520004 Babanango 32210101 Bankara 53030001 Babanango NU 27520003 Bankies AA 25820003 Babane 27520004 Bankini AA 91620001 Babangu 24920001 Banton 27830001 Baccles Farm 10310101 Bantry Bay 82610101 Backdoor Informal 24820003 Banzi Code Place name Code Place name 26820001 Banzi AA 92220002 Bayswater 92420002 Bapeding 50410102 Bayview 54120003 Baphehli 25820006 Bazana 50820007 Baphumile 53520002 Bazaneni 60820001 Bapong 51420003 Bazini 61520001 Bapong 27220001 Baziya AA 61720001 Bapong-Legalaopeng 50810101 Bazley 61720002 Bapong-Newtown 21910008 Beach 61720003 Bapong-Nommer 1 50110010 Beach 61720004 Bapong-Outstad 50110011 Beach Front 61720005 Bapong-Skoolplaas 24010103 Beachview 27520005 Baptist AA 21910009 Beacon Bay 24530001 Baptist I T Serminar 13210205 Beacon Hill 70410010 Baragwanath 10610101 Beacon Valley 81910101 Barberton 21910010 Beaconsfield 81930001 Barberton NU 32110103 Beaconsfield 30910101 Barcelona 13910101 Beaufort West 70710103 Barcelona Informal 13930001 Beaufort West NU 70810104 Bardene 40810101 Bedelia 92020005 Barhen 22510101 Bedford 54620002 Barklieside 70910103 Bedford Gardens 31710101 Barkly-West 22530001 Bedford NU 31730001 Barkly-West NU 70910104 Bedford Park 20710101 Barkly East 70910105 Bedford View 20730001 Barkly East NU 53720001 Bedlane 72310102 Barnastaal 72210105 Bedworthpark 11710101 Barrydale 32330001 Beeshoek 61710101 Barseba 24920002 Begha Mouth 70910102 Barvallen 55120003 Beginsel 54820001 Basamlilo 45210101 Beirut 91620003 Basani 61810201 Beirut 25320005 Bashee AA 26920002 Beja AA 53420003 Bashikizi 71910102 Bekkersdal 91120002 Basikiti 91010201 Bela Bela 27820002 Basoto 27020001 Bele AA 70410011 Bassonia 21910011 Belekumntwana 92120003 Basterspad 93120002 Belemu 60820002 Bathobatho 81310101 Belfast 22410101 Bathurst 91420005 Belfast 22430001 Bathurst NU 81330001 Belfast NU 60820003 Bathusitse 55120004 Belgrade 92620002 Batlhabine 10510102 Belgravia 60220002 Batlharos 21910012 Belgravia 26120003 Batloka AA 32110104 Belgravia 60220003 Battlemount 10110102 Belhar 27520006 Baudeni AA 24920003 Bell 92120004 Bavianskrans 12610101 Bella Vista 25120002 Bawa AA 10110103 Bellair 12010401 Bay View 50110012 Bellair 54820002 Bayeni 70410012 Bellavista Estates 50110009 Bayhead 53220003 Bellemmerd 21910007 Baysville 92220003 Bellenisgate 44510105 Bayswater 91820001 Belleview Code Place name Code Place name 70110008 Bellevue 80230001 Bethal NU 70410013 Bellevue 53220004 Bethane 70410014 Bellevue East 51120001 Bethania 24620003 Bellvale 26120004 Bethania AA 10110104 Bellville Central 61710201 Bethanie 10110105 Bellville Industria 52120002 Bethany-New Farm 10130001 Bellville NU 60820004 Bethel 10110106 Bellville South 92320002 Bethel 10110107 Bellville West 24010104 Bethelsdorp 61610701 Bellvue 42210102 Bethlehem 10710101 Belmont Park 51420005 Bethlehem 10510103 Belthorn Estate 42230001 Bethlehem NU 50210003 Belvedere 42210103 Bethlehem Other 11910401 Belvidere 44710101 Bethulie 91720001 Ben Farm 44730001 Bethulie NU 91720002 Ben Farm C 26020004 Betshwana AA 26720002 Bencuthi AA 11410101 Betty's Bay 92920002 Bende Mutale 82420003 Betty's Goed 60220004 Bendel 50820009 Beula 51110101 Bendigo 24620005 Bevalle 90410202 Bendor Park 70510007 Beverly Hills 81710302 Benfleur 72310103 Beverly Hills 54620003 Bengwane 51110102 Bevro 24620004 Benholm 91120003 Bevula 70510006 Benmore Gardens 25320006 Beyele AA 51420004 Benni & Shire 70810106 Beyerspark 70710104 Benoni 70410019 Bezuidenhout Valley

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