ohs-' were -J^overemphasizfid, ■ioblieations and entpr thi» hiisiness world nr to the Twin Falls High School five years ago think Most believed the emphasis was correct. > have gained several years of work experlen^," . holding jQba. Questionnaires also a^ed^for. ____ fiflfficijiatiDn. the -school-shguld offer more career and - The replied suggested that. student govern­ Staudaher said. ' ■ current job or school status, income, liiarital Another 17 per cent or 34 studenls worked full education counseling. ment,-music and" drama activities '‘needed" All the membefs of the class who could.be Status-and-location of jobs and homes. tiine .while 15 or 7 per cent entered the armed Tlie graduates of th'e class of 1967, responding more emphasis." located received a questionnaire. Of 423 services. Others enrolled in various types of to g school survey, also: Supt,. - G w rg e Staudaher this week an- graduates 350 were located by school officials. the 198 answering the questions, S«2 Strolled training programs or married and did not work. —Gave h i^ marks to,teaching quality; nounced results of a questionnaire survey ■ Of these, 198 of 56.6 per cent com pleted the ___ in a tour-year college ^ first y,ear .oyii ot-P A ^- " —Praisei^e:qnantyT)TacadeinIcyogfa£iri completed recently with the cooperation of the ' survey forms, Staudaher said the response was school and another 44 enrolled in junior-.colleger a- B.A', or B.S. degree while 16 obtained —Gave ^ only fair marks to vocational 1967 graduating class. highly satisfactory for the type of survey. enroll^ in junior college vQca^nal asspciqt.e artsor science degrees; 10 completed '^ucation progrmns.' "We selected mem&rs of'the 1967 class Questions generally asked what the students programs and two in technical trade schoo\ f(i|:^ vocaUonal training and three' obtained Survey replies^ showed a large minority .of becau^ they haVt had time to either complete felt they gained most from their high school' per cent in a four year college and 22 per cent -vocational certificates of two to three years. students thought athletics, service clubs and four, y ears of coUoge, finish theii— inilitaiy --^tnraTtoirrBmamTpsrDrarrnot -ner^hm n r; nrjuriior acadfemic college, stfigafllnir said thlr - /f/fi/jo'.s L n r‘fjn>s.t\Kvvnin^ .\i‘n sp (i/u ‘r 69th year, 88th issue ■TWIN fA L L S , IDAHO ', S U N D A Y , JU LY -------- 25' E u r o p e n o w g ia n t m a r t KUUSSKI.S 1 UPI I We.stern It IS for their benefit that the erland and Sweden—insisted on F.urope, lonj; divided into two free trade area was formed, avoiding any political ties, rival trading blocs, merged since it envisions a five-year A Kith nation, Finland, plans Saturday into the mightiest program to eliminate almost iill to join the a re a —probably •Single free trade area in the industrial tariffs among the 15 within a matter of weeks-^when a new novernment is installed world. nations without - romtmHiftg- "It's a great day for thein to any - political union there, [•'urojx;,’' exulted (leoffrey Kip- Three neutrals am ong the 'ITie only West Furopean pon, liritish Mini.ster for KFTA nations—Austria, Switz­ nation left out was Spain I-'urupean .-Xffairs, after the ceremuny that bruutiht 15 West Kuro[)ean natioas' into the free trade bloc. British attack Uippotv and others suggested ;hat tlie trade area iiuKlil form the basis for a coiUinent-wide bom bers’ lairs political umoti. The frte trade area, when it Thi? ^ e re i is out ... S piro i s comes into effect next Jan. 1, BKl.FAST I UP! I - , British will embrace 300 million inji^ed at least 130 ill Belfast troops fought their way into persons and will 'l‘;i » inlal Kriilat:- Irlsll Rl'Jlliljircan Army slron- annual trade ot $2?5 biUiun— The Army said five more holds in Belfast Saturday, nearly twice as biy as that of persons died in other incidents seizing explosives and weapons America, Russia, and Japan late Friday and early Saturday, and scores of suspected IRA Nixon w ill keep com bined. bringing the overall death toll S p u d l a v O K 'd extrem ists in one of the biggest since August 1969 to 469, rhe area will not replace such crackdow ns in the three including 59 since the end of an either the six-nation European years of Northern Ireland's IRA truce 13 days ago. BOISE — Idaho's large potato farmers gave Common Market or its nine- vilence. A spokesman said snipers approval Friday to an increase in the state's nation rival, the'European Free William Whitelaw, Secretary fired a f least 1,000 rounds at advertising and promotion levy over the Agnew on Ticket Trade Association' lEFTA). of State for Ulster, said the soldiers who moved into - the objections of their smaller counterparts, Rather, it will include: large-scale operation was an Roman Catholic Markets, Bally- A total ol ,199 farmers voted to approve the —The Common Market na­ "immediate and clear re­ murphy, Lxiwer F alls, Ardoyne Increase in the levy, while 413 opposed Jt. Bijt WASHINGTON lUPIi -l,ess trolled by ■df\ 'ideological cautious rumblings of discon­ tions (G erm any, France, Italy, sponse " to the IRA bombings and Andersonstown districts the 399 farmers represent a total of 19.7 million than two weeks after the elite. " tent over Agnew witlim Kepub- Holland, Belgium, and I.uxem- which killed 11 persons and around dawn. N one of the -h a m lredw e lghl produrtinn, w hile the oppostiig De m ocrats- rmtated — NDrorrr-itFrtslon, relayed to— Mean ranks.' bourgi, plus me tour nations soldiers were hit, the spokes- farm ers produce only 13,2 million hun- S. McGovern to oppose him. reporters by White House I’ress Sen, Jacob K. Javits, H-N Y . which join the market in man said, adding that troops dred»eight. President Nixon announced Secretary Ronald Ziegler, re­ who urged Nixon only last January i Britain, Dermiark, reported shooting at least 11 According (o Idaho (ommlssioner of Saturday he would preserve his moved virtually the only Tuesday to replace Agnew in Norway, and Ireland I. These gunmen. Agriculture, Osrar Arstein who announced the "winning team" of 1968 and element of suspense previously the interests of the "total ticket nations w-ill work within the At least fl suspected mem­ results of the ballotting. the levy will be In­ •keep Vice President Spiro T in store for the Republican and the country," or else leave market toward both economic bers of die IRA's militant creased line penny per hundredweight from two Agnew as his running mate this National Convention starting the \-ice presidential choice up and political union. provisiWial wing which claimed and thrci- auarttrs cerita-lu J tuci-c and ___ Aug_31-in Miami tiuach •------------ -lit— tim___i-iifUi-nnm,— fiini'k'U - Kiw ICKTA natienfr < Aus- ruspunsfeiti^ ' "-for.- Friday's .2,4: quarters. Agnew, leaving for a four-day It ended all speculation that Ijacked down Saturday tria, Sweden, Switzerland, Por­ bombing attacks, were arrested ■toiji,r of the Pacific Northwest the President might turn to tugal and Iceland) which The President's decision, he and turned over to police., the and Alaska, saicl' WaS Texas— rofflflf fat— JOTm---- . ilc i'ided nut to luii t .thu m arke t. .said, "ends the speculation a iiiiy SJltf."-------- - ' — --------- "tremendously gratified" and C'onnally to replace Agnew on about the vice presidency 1 would campaign on issues the GOP ticket, and stilled the luive stated before that I will rather than personalities He > i v o n r«»t‘ii.s«vs d«‘bal«* (.uppopt the tielu't, imil I w ilt <lu prumptiy-iiisneg out ai int Democrats as a party con- CU.STKR, S O I U PI I Sen. Ggorge K us.siun erat't Other HepubhVans agreed M cGovern, challenged .I>residenl Ni.xon to a that any duinp-Agnew riuive- p r < » b ( > K \ .series of cainoamn debates .Saturday, but the inent now stood no chance of offer was quickly rejected "in the public in­ I success, and that it was a MOSCOW I UPI -The Soviet terest.'" foregone concliLsion that the Union s Venus 8 probe Saturday McG<ivern i.ssued the challenge .sa>ing, "1 (iO P com'ention- wmild- over­ soft-landed instruments on rhe think it's very important that the /Viierican whelmingly renominate a Nix- surface of Venus and transmit­ people have a chance to evaluate Mr Nixon and ted scientifij- information back on-Agnew ticket This view was me face to face. t<r —50 iiiiiiutcs, the—repported b> the rg;ulta of inn Tn Washington, (.'lark Mat'Uri'gU Tass news agencv said United Press International sur­ chairman of the Committee to Re-elect, the M oscow Radio, in announcing vey of state (;0P officials and I^esident, ,s;iid Nixon will not debate McGovern the soft-landing, said the convention delegate leaders, At /e o i f t h n lime " because it is not in the public interest instruments recorded atmos­ completed Saturday, which ri»dn t \(}y Spi'O "The president is engaged in a variety of they pheric data, light conditions indicated strong support within who - and information on the ch a ra c­ party ranks for a second Agnew .secret negotiations I> b ales will not serve the ter of the Venusian ,soil term national interest,'" Mactlregor .said \ew figure supports By DAVID F:SP0 owed but not yet honored - in effect a m easure If the preliminary bureau of the budget Timts-f'Irwji WcitejL J , of net spending.
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