i W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER^ *6^ 1949' T lM W a R llN r Aomfa Dally Nat! ^Jft651HaTYBH3HT iia n ft; Bt r gupitUtg Jfgralii 22 fhclIwMoatk sli W' IW w e e d w UHMgh Wm»9i aon FtanWln of Norwich were 9,676 aetoee vooBgav w m M w y m ev ■ again visitor* Sunday at tha home sR trtaHaa saeMeaai Uewly iWag State’s Team of their old neighbors, Mr, and X ITMsy. ■ Mrs. Sherwood A. Miner. ■ J ManehMBior^A City o f VtUago Charm The series of three mlUta v • ‘ti'l Places Second whists, sponsored by the American Legion, Jones-Keefe Poet, n; AiyartlstBs ea PsB« U) BIANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR C B t r m |5i, to go Into the Soldlera’ Me­ to give away' OCEPT VOL. LX1X„ NO. 28 MiMisBippi Stale Col­ morial fund. ■< At the last party winners of the lege Tops UGonns in grand prise of 815 were Mr.^ and Sira, Albert ’Turgeon and Mr. and Blast Wrecka Apartment House Dairy Goods Judging Mrs, Allen Doty of Amaton Lake. Albert Coolidge of the lake i.iade a Ross Says Triimari Plans for Reduction atom, Oct 2S—(fl—Th« Uni­ good deal of merriment when, it Old Honest VALUES versity of Connecticut teem of was found that he had captured a three students this week took sec­ prize Intended for one o f the fair ond piece in e fleld of 18 colleges sex, namely, a finger wave, sham­ Keeping Hands Off in the annuel dairy producU judg­ poo, manicure set and hair cut. A ing contest at Los Angeles, it was prise o f four chickens was won by In Navy’s Size Told; learned here yesterday. M r.. and Mr*. R ichaij M. Grant The award in the International and Mr. and >Mra warren Hol­ IntercoUeglate Judging contest in ’N TEENS brook. Steel-Coal Strikes dairy products provides an 8850 Mra. Gardner Q. Shorey was pie- scholarship to the team member aented a handsome wool sweater with the highest scholastic rank, Denfeld Facing Axe in recognition of her capable aerv- Presidential Secretary to be used at a university other icea in running the parties. than that where he is enrolled. A town Get-Together party will Describes as ^Entirely News Tidbits Tedford In Fifth Place ' be sponsored by the Hebron Repub­ John Tedford, Manchester, lican Town Committee, Saturday, Without WarrimP Re­ CoUsd From (/P) Wires Arends, Illinois Repn^ placed fifth in individual scoring; November 12, at 6 p.m., at the Report Says New Navy Boss? ports Chief Execu­ lican. Informed A ^ William Edmondson, IJockviUe, new school auditorium. There I ♦ Niagara Falla, N. T.. Jury con- 16th; and Roger Hunt, Forest- will be entertainment, dancing tive to Intervene If miral Will Be Ask^ vllle, 20th. Hunt got a- gold and refreshments. Everybody is vlcU So men and woman o f erlm- State Clinics medal for the best judge of ice Invited and there will be no ad­ Walkouts Continue i m I eontem|it of oonrt in connec­ To Resign in 'Next Di|^ cream in the nation. mission charge. tion with Bell Aircraft Corp. strike University of Connecticut team disorders .... Hungarian radio Or Two’ Because of The report has been received here Washington, O c t 27.->-(A>) Proving Help placing in the contest classes was: that Solomon Barkin of Amston ehaegea that U. 8. has sent arms All products, second; ice. cream, is laid up in St. Francis hospita', — ^The White House said to­ to Marahal ’Hto and that Yugo­ • V. ■-------- Testimony Given to j second; butter, fourth.;, cheese, THURSDAY , FRIDAY ^ SATURDAY ONLY.. .WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Hartford, under treatment for a day President Triiman has slav Arm y is being standardised House (Committee on] sixth: milk, ninth. The contest broken leg. He was nm down sleng Amerlcaa Hnee .. Number ^Reasonable Improve­ team was Mississippi State col­ set no deadline on mediation early Saturday forenoon when efforts in the steel-coal dis­ of sugar worker* reportod to ha's* ment' Shown by One Service Differenca|| lege,. and Iowa State was third, crossing the street to mail a let­ HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! FOR IT'S THE EARLY BIRD THAT CATCHES THt BARGAINS been klUed in bloody clashes at trailing^ Connecticut. ter. The driver of the car is said .0' ■ • ' • putes and is “keeping hands Jujuy, capital o f Jujuy province, Out of Every Two Washington, Oct. 27.— to have been a U.S. Navy doctor. off” for the present. Charles in depute over whether to end His name has not been learned Every item advertised is from regular stock • no irregulars • no factory closeouts • no speipiqj' , G. Ross, presidential secre­ Argeattna’a IS-day asgar atrike. ' Treated for Alcoholism Plans for a 56,200-msn cat! Uebrou here. tary, described as “entirely V A Bays it'm a y dip Into forth­ in the Navy were disclossdl A daughter, Susan Abigail, was coming ex-OI Ufa insurance divi­ Hartford Oct. 27.—(AV-One today in the midst of a bom to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park- without warrant” report* . that Mr. Truman planned to Intervene dend to coUect up to 880,000,000 out of every two perso^ treated “The True Perspective” l^ai the hurst of Lebanon, October 19. Mrs. purchases * all by nationally famous makers... cheerful exchanges but positively no refunds ing storm over reports th In the atrike* I t they were not aet- that veterans ewe goverament... during the past year at state al- Admiral Louis E. Denfeli subject of the sermon ofIt the Rev. Parkhurst taught in the Hebron Western diplomat aaya in Vienne Thla Is the Vreekage o f a fcnr-nnlt apartaaent houae In a Dallas, Tea., housing project that was ripped Center school a few years ago and tled by the week-end. George M. Milne preached at He­ that Csech Interior Mlnlatry has apart by aa-explosion Injuring 14 persons. The w alls went outn-ard and the roof ooUapsed. (A P cohoUe (dittica showed ’’reasonable will be ousted as chief is well known here. on sale merchandise. No telephone oc mail orders. N et Uacnaaed Individually bron and Gilead Congregational ordered aU Csecha traveUng abroad wtreptaoto). ' improvement.’! Naval operations. Repr churches Sunday, October 23. R o m said Mr. Truman author­ to bring home from any country This "record” of the SUte tative Arends, (R., 111.), sid4 About 12 of the local young people ised him to aay the preaident baa they. ‘vlMt detailed repoHq on lie he bad teen informed that D' who belong to the Fellowship New. .Famous Make not dlacuaaed the atrikt situation Commission on Alcoholism was la d v lila l pradactlon. feld iviU be asked to resign In Group attended in the evening and Individually with any memMr of disclosed today by Dr. Selden D. Ellington SUB TEEN Greek Peace "next day or two” because o f 1 afternoon the annual rally of the the cabinet. ■neenRaMaap Frenclaee FVnaoo pact’s wad Power Cotton, Wool, Corduroy ALL WCX)L SNOWSUITS returns to Madrid from his state Bacon of Tale, commission chair­ tlmony he gave the House Arma Pilgrim' Fellowship in Bushnell The Dramatic committee of El­ The president may have men­ man. It was the first time a com- ] Memorial hall, Hartford. Thanks tioned it at a. cabinet meeting, visit to Fortugal and la greeted by Servicea committee on difle lington Grange No. 46 is qmnsor- Size 3 to 6x, 7 to 14' DRESSES ebaars o f 500,000 parsons...Pope Plan O ffered mission spokesman ever attempt­ in the armed servicea. for furnishing transportation are Jacket, hood and ski pants in 100% repsocessed Roaa aald. ed to show an improvement rcc-' due to Mrs. Mildred Fillmore, Mrs. ing a masquerade party and dance I A cabinet offtcer told reporter* Pius X n tells group of U. S. sena­ Dives Cause’Panic Demanda Committee la tc w c M ’i, Plaids, chambrays, corded stripes by tors that recent greet strides of ord. ' * T ' Informefl seoroe* l a . .Washington Jamas Ellis and Sirreno A. Scran' Saturday, October 29 at 8 p. m. in { w ool. fuUy lined . embroidered trim . some yaatarday that the preaident bad Highest Claasiflcatton aay VIee Admiral Forrest P. Sher­ Arends demanded la a the Ellington Town Hall. famous makers. Sizes 10 to 14. industry sre drawing together re­ Four - Power Proposal ton. are popUn reversibles . red, green, grey and decided to step in U tha atrlkaa The ’’reaeohable improvemaatf’ man, above, may soon replaee Ad' ment that tha committee conv It has b e ^ decided to hold the A prize will be given to both a I ware not settled by thla week end. motest reglsns of world.. .Federal Clea^aler, n... Terror- EsCaDC to meet this "inault to DRESSES ro y a l. an unusual value. pommunlcsUons commission la Is Thrust Before classification is the highest used mlral Louis E. Denfeld as chief local group meetings once in every lady and gentleman with the most | Orig. He asked not to be publicly iden­ by the commission in rating the of Naval operatloiia. Denfeld’* He said the committee had pr original costume. called into closed session to decide two weeks, and aa far as possible tified by name. United Nations Today 941 patients treated. testtmony on nnlflcation is said iaed Denfeld and other critioi' A card party will taka place I Originally 7.98 where it goes on color television they will be at the homes of mem­ .9 9 Rose said the president has kept Kais Himself After | FPOm PlTSOH " I t meant that the person was to have practically dlsqnalifled present military .policies th a t' down stairs where prizes wriil also qnestloa.
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