TALLINN 2018 FIRST EDITION YEUROPE TIMES AN EUROPEAN STUDENT MAGAZINE v v EUROPEAN ABOUT OUR ABOUT OUR ENTERTAINMENT UNION CULTURES COUNTRIES AND LEISURE 4 – 7 8 – 13 14 – 20 20 – 23 DESIGNED & PROJECTED IN TALLINN Editorial YEUROPE TIMES NO. 1 Just shortly after the International European Day on 9 May, the The Editorial Board EU became a lot closer to us in the most literal sense of the word as 21 students together with their teachers from different schools across Europe – Carl-Zeiss Oberschule (Berlin), Institut Joan DESIGN Brossa (Barcelona), Liceo Scientifico Cavour (Rome), XI Liceum Andry Kenert Pedak Ogólnoksztacace (Krakow) – arrived in Tallinn. EDITORS CONTRIBUTORS Italy Italy The primary purpose of the visit was to participate in the trans- De Angelis Alejandro Matteo Cattina national meeting of the Erasmus+ school partnership project Lopez Arianna „Yeurope – Making an Online Student Magazine“. The following Trusiani Camilla Poland four days were filled with hard work – discussing and writing Moroni Elena Gabriela Jacak together and giving finishing touches to the articles for the first Gargiulo Francesco Małgorzata Chmielowska issue of the magazine. But as you know, all work and no play Salerno Margherita Natalia Duda makes everyone and everything very dull, so additionally, the Miłosz Lis days also contained lots of edutainment – city tours, visits to Spain Adrian Wójcik the museums and singing together on Freedom Square in the Mario Casamitjana Kinga Płonka centre of Tallinn. Mariam Elkassem Wiktoria Rybotycka Anna Garcia We learned a lot about each other, what makes us tick, what we Lakshmi Kapshai Spain share and how we differ. Hopefully, the articles in this magazine Jordi Ramirez Eva Armenteros reflect both our similarities and differences and make the readers Mateo Cartagena on one hand, reflect on what the EU means in their everyday life Poland Marina Cabrera and on the other hand, wish to know more about the European Marlena Trafiał Isaac Guzman diversity. Wiktoria Kasperczyk Eloi Ximenis Aleksandra Duda Have a great read and don’t forget to leave your feedback via the Dagmara Kopacz Germany link given on the last page! Bartosz Brzeszcz Dominik Röhl Ramona Addae Germany Maximilian Paul Blak Table of contents Vanessa Scheidemann Benjamin Sommer Nathalie Born 1. European Union Alessia Krivicic 2. Culture Victoria Adamietz 3. Countries Jorge León Oumier 4. Entertainment and leisure Estonia Andry Pedak Nele-Liis Kurušev Elisabeth Perk Emily Mirelle Vutt Johanna Maria Randma Illustrative photos from Unsplash (www.unsplash.com) if not stated otherwise. Tallinn School No. 21 The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi ble for any use YEUROPE which may be made of the information contained therein. 2 TALLINN 2018 European Union The European Union is an organization of European countries which have joint policies on matters such as trade, agriculture, and finance, but on the other hand, at a more everyday level, the European Union is like a class full of students who work together to achieve their goals and help each other during hardships. All students, like the members of the EU, are very different but they still manage to stick together. So, as members of the EU and members of the class we worked together to achieve this article. Italy towards Europe Pills of history: Italy is one of the found- ing members of Europe, born in 1957 with the Treaty of Rome and at that time was called EEC (European Economic Com- munity).It was only an economical union among the members that after more or less 40 years improved in a political union too. Due to the fact that Italy is a founding member we do not feel so much differ- ences, it is quite normal for us being part of Europe but we know that there are a lot of advantages. Not only for travelling but also speaking about institutions or polit- ical aspects. Schools receive funds from the European Community which allows them to renovate buildings or give the possibility to take part in some Erasmus+ projects, like Yeurope. Since we are still teenagers we really do not feel the negative sides of Europe It could be a paradox that European stu- where they arrive, was also modified. In which mainly concern economy and dents travel without any obstacles while 2015 a naval barrier was created in order financial difficulties. migrants who really need to be hosted to make it difficult for migrants to get to are just accommodated in poor buildings Europe. But they managed to find other What is Europe for us? It means several because Europe does so little for them. ways to achieve their goals. opportunities, especially for students. Italy has welcomed about 180 thousand Thanks to European Communities we people in 2016 and the number is increas- So in 2015 it was proposed to distribute can travel in Schengen Area only with our ing every year. The aim is to arrive in the migrants among European countries, Identity Card and have many experiences, North Europe but they are forced to stay however, many of them opposed this idea for example, the Interrail. in Italy, where the economical situation and so they decided to directly attack the isn’t the best, mostly because some coun- immigrant traffickers in Libya. In this way Do you know what it is? Well, in a few tries have closed the borders for them. it was mostly looked as a colonial war and words it is a ticket that allows you to no longer a way to stop the migrants to travel by train in all European countries After the hecatomb of migrants of October get to Europe. Nowadays the situation is without doing all the checks. This summer 2013 Europe decided to face immigration different because the wars have ended but European Communities will give some in other ways. This year the Dublin agree- still different countries oppose the equal free tickets to a number of students, just ment which claimed that the migrants distribution of immigrants. YEUROPE to let you know about that! receive political asylum in the countries 4 TALLINN 2018 Why do they move from their coun- through letters and news , the other mem- If this situation can be better managed in tries to Europe? bers of the family would get to the place. the future, will depend not only on the Nowadays the migration functions in the politicians but also on European citizens The economic prosperity and the polit- same way but faster thanks also to new who should welcome foreigners hoping ical stability in Europe seem to have technologies and faster ways of commu- for a better life and safety from wars and attracted immigrants coming from Asia nication such us social media, SMS and persecutions. and Africa. As an Eurostat statistical doc- other new messaging systems. ument (expired in 2016) shows, in 2015 Another way to make the situation better 4,7 millions of people have immigrated to However, the immigrants have to accept is to change the Dublin agreement, an European country whereas almost 2,8 the “European values”, values not so easy improving this way the allocation of millions of people have emigrated from to get used to by people coming from migrants among European countries or an European country. Germany counted more conservative countries and with a intensify the funds given to the shelters in the greatest amount of immigrants. different religion. In fact, Europe is evolv- the countries which overlook the Mediter- These statistics explain that Europe is ing even faster and it would not be easy to ranean sea and which receive the biggest seen by immigrants as a place where keep up for most of the migrants. number of migrants. there are more opportunities of work and a better life. The area where most immigrants cross the border line of the European con- tinent is the Balkan area. It has been considered a gate to Europe for millen- niums. In fact, civilizations and folks passed over there many times in the history in order to conquer the Orien- tal lands. However nowadays it is not so easy to cross the frontier as it was in the past because of many political con- flicts and the increased border controls that Balkan countries such us Greece and Bulgaria acted. As the Balkan lands are a point of entry to Europe, the Mediterra- nean Sea is the other for migrants coming From Africa. This is instead a more recent event.During the last years it has been an increasing occurrence as the Sicily Chan- nel has become the place where many migrants crossing the channel on clan- destine unsafe boats have found untimely death. As an Italian important newspaper, Il sole 24 ore said “Europe has populated the world during the past centuries, today the world is populating Europe”. It is a real fact which cannot be dealt with weapons and wars. The newspaper went on saying that the current migration crisis is fed by the wars in Middle East countries. The YEUROPE European population is old whereas the Asian and African ones are young and are doubling up even faster. Once, European migrants in Argentina and USA used to send only one member of the family and TALLINN 2018 5 The European Union in my everyday life Estonia has been a member of the Euro- Travelling visa-free is comfortable and no obstacles for that dream to come true. pean Union since 2004. I do not remember fast and allows me to visit my father more Having studied in a foreign university the time before that so I have no personal often.
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