MAKE ATTEND THE YOUR SCHOOL· J. H. S. PLAYS PROUD OF YOU TE·HI JUNIOR NEWS MAY 17 - ' VOL.1, No.6 TEANECK, N.J., APRIL, 1929 PRICE 10 CEN_Y > JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS TO STAGE . BENEFIT SCHOOL BAND MAY ENTER CONTEST AT COLUMBIA TO PRESENT - JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Advises Student Council OFFICERS CHOSEN 3 1-ACT PLAYS GREATMADE PROGRESS BY BAND VOTES ON COLORS FOR ARCHERY CLUB FRI., MAY 17 The Archery Club held it's third IN ONE MO NTH On April 12, the topic of Junior meeting Tuesday, April 16. O:trcers High School colors was brought up were chosen and prices of equip- Original Composition To Players Are Novices On Instruments at the Student Council meeting. It ment were given. The election re- They Now Play was decided to have each home- suits were: Captain, Arthur Weh- Be Acted By Pupils ,m vote for three sets of colors man; Assistant Captain, Lucille MR. RICE MAKES SETS NEW MEMBERS WELCOME and have the members bring them Zimple. Mr. Kroner quoted the to the next council meeting. There- 1ces for material as follows: A on May 8th Columbia Teachers presentatives brought a list of the practice bow, one that pulls 8 lbs. On the evening of May 17, three College is holding a contest for all colors selected by their home-rooms can be bought for $1.48 without dis- one act plays will be pr·sented in bands organized since September on Friday, April 19. counts. The large bow can be bought the auditorium of our school. The 1928. Mr. Wilhoit, music director of The majority of the color comb!- for $3.98 and pulls 42 lbs. The arrows performance which will be given for our school, is contemplating enter­ nations were dropped because of sell at 20c., 50c. and 65c. the benefit of extra curricular ac­ ing our band in the contest. their similarity to the colors of other No more meetings will be held un- tivities marks the first public enter­ The school band has had but one high schools nearby. The council til the bows and arrows are1 purch- tainment sponsored by the Teaneck month's work while other bands len voted on the remaining colors. ased. Then a meeting will be held High School pupils. contesting have had between five Bright blue and orange, green and to form different squads. There will The first play is entitled "The to eight months work. Even if our white received the most votes. Thes3 >e four divisions for the 8B, SA, 9B, Heavenly Twins" and is of parti­ band cannot win, it will make a good .colors were voted upon in the home- 9A. Then those will be divided into cular interest because it is an orig­ showing. rooms, Monday, April 22. The results squads, 12 m "n in each. The squads inal play writtgn by a 9A English When the band made its first of this vote have not yet been re- will be made according to strength. class which meets 6th period in appearance April 17 everyone was ported. The targ·et will be made of straw, room 213. The play is the result of greatly surprised at the wonderful wound up into a circle 4 ft. in dia­ a class room project carried on by progress made by the band in one meter. Miss Galvin, teacher of this class, in connection with the study of the month. The wonder is still greater V. DUNSIETH HEADS ---0>--- when we consider that most of these LIBRARY COUNCIL drama. boys and girls never played on an Leon C. High HONOR ROLL The second play, "Sauce for the instrument before or at least on the Goslings," by Elgine Warren, is un­ Committees Named; Get At Work SETS NEW RECORD der the direction of Miss Edith instrument which they play in the Immediately band. A. THINGLESTAD IS Tepper, faculty advisor of the Foot­ The band will play again at the COUNCIL PRESIDENT March List Almost Twice That Of light Club. plays given May 17 in our audi­ GJWUP TO WRITE BY-LAWS February The third play offered at this time is entitled, "The Florist Shop," torium. Hall Monitors Chosen To Guard New members are Invited to join. A meeting of the Library Club was GIRLS LEAD AGAIN by Winifred Hawkridge, and is di­ held Tuesday, March 25. Thirty H. R. Discipline rected by Miss Galvin. pupils were present at the meeting Once more the News takes great Various members of the faculty AUDUBON CLUB and the following officers were MR. HIGH IS FACULTY' ADVISOR pride in presenting the honor and are cooperating in the work con­ elected: President, Virginia Dun­ honorable mention roll of the Tea­ nected with the producing of the CHOOSES LEADERS ieth; Vice-president, Alice Lowen­ During reinforced acticity period neck Junior High School. The roll plays. The reporters for the News feldt; Secretary, Ray Erlandson; on Friday, April 12, the Student of honor has almost doubled itself have reported the names of the The Audubon Club of Teaneck Treasurer, Ruth Dickinson. Council met for the second time this time. Last month there were following members of the faculty High School met Thursday after­ Miss Pierce, who has charge of thirty-nine students with honor with Mr. High as advisor. in connection with the plays: Miss noon, April 11, for the purpose of the library and the club, divided the grades as compared with si:xty­ Medes, Art; M. Rice, Manual Train­ At the opening meeting it was de­ electing its officers. The following members into committees as follows: three of this month. The girls ing; Miss Conway, Typewriting. .rming, Fire Room, Picture Fire, cided to choose officers. A number of again outnumbered the boys two to were the results of the meeting. Mr. Wilhoit has promised to have Publicity, Mending. councilors were voted upon and of one in the honorable mention roll. his band there to play between the President-Jack Sotheren, Sec­ Two pupils are assigned for each these Arthur Thingelstad was chosen and more than two to one in the acts so the evening's entertainment retary- Alvera Manewal, treasur­ period to assist Miss Pierce and president; Robert Flannery, vice­ honor roll. should be very delightful. er-Hilda Rothenberg. It was de­ learn how to carry on the library president; and Betty Woods, secre­ The lucky students are as follows: Urge your parents and friends to sided at this meeting to have pro­ tary and treasurer. work. Honor Roll .- Dorothy Andrews, attend. grams for each assembly of the Mr. Thingelstad took his place and Mr. Rice and the manual training club. Mr. Kroner, the science and A group of pupils was selected to Denniston Averill, Winifred Back­ draw up a constitution. the regular meeting opened. ers, Elizabeth Bennett, Dorothy department are constructing the biology teacher, who has kindly Robert Pabley brought up the scenery. Mr. Rice states that only consented to be the faculty advisor The club will meet regularly on Blossfield, Caroline Boman, Mary the first and third Tuesdays of the question of discipline in the halls Boughton, Marica Caroussis, Violet the best reliable materials will be of the club, suggested that we send during changing of periods. After used in the work so the scenery will in our order for the pins from the month. Membership has been limit­ Christiansen, Jonathan Cilley, Rose­ ed to thirty-five. discussing this subject for quite a lyn Clayton, James Convery, LeRoy National Audubon Society, thereby while it was decided upon that each (Contnued on Page Four) also receiving pamphets of certain Cross, Anna Curran, Doris Denver, . The subject of fines was discussed dome Room should elect a hall .::laul Dobrow, Miriam Ebert, Lillian birds. The Audubon Club plans to and agreement reached that the monitor. hold meetings every first Friday in overdue fee should be two cents a Evans, Evelyn Farrer, Marie Gebel­ 7B HISTORY CLASS the month, special meetings being day while all lost books must be re­ The next thing brough.t up was ein, Marjorie George, Marion Gra­ called when necessary. placed or paid for. school colors. If possible a combina­ bedunkel, Ruth Greaves, Hildegard VISITS MUSEUM tion of colors that are not common Grosser, Stephen Guss, Priscilla The club, as rumors have said, is Fiction books may be taken out On Tuesday, March 26, the 7B not only for Senior High School are desired. The Junior High in Hamill, Jeanette Hamilton, Maida for one week and renewed for one general will vote upon the colors. Hooks,Elenor Jacob, Kirsten Johan­ history classes with Miss Hopkins in students alone but for Junior High week, non-fiction may be kept over charg·e went to the Hackensack lib­ students as well. The club as a whole _he meeting adjourned at 11:05. nessen, Louise Kammler, Marie night only. Labree, Elsa Lampe, Bertha Lan­ rary to see the museum. sends forth a plea to the entire ---0>--- It was very interesting and there school to join this society which Two names are on the waiting list don, Doris Larsen, Helen Lockwood, for admission to the council by vote Aurelic Massano, Evelyn Mau, Helen they saw many things, among them will be apart of your training as a STAMP CLUB an old Indian canoe found in the good school citizen. It deals with when there is a vacancy. A pupil Mau, Ruth Mau, Vera McGonville, may be admitted to the council only ELECTS OFFICERS William Nielsen, Albert Peinecke, Hackensack River, and a side pro­ one of American's greatest prop­ ,Jellor from one of Byrd's Planes lems and should therefore be of if the school work is superior and 'arjorie Perry, Robert Pohley, Edna some teacher recommends that Putney, Genevieve 'Findlay, Alice that crashed just outs1de Teterboro.
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