10924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 8 July 10, 2012 soldier’s soldier and is known for hav- Shreveport, La. Mr. Petterway turned being ranked third in the country on ing an open mind and candor while ad- 101 on June 4, 2012. the 2012 US News and World Report’s dressing the issues affecting the Army Along with celebrating his 101st Honor Roll for Children’s Hospitals. today. He is a tremendous advocate for birthday, Mr. Petterway has also re- The hospital began as The Hospital of soldiers both within the Pentagon and cently celebrated the 99th birthday of the Protestant Episcopal Church in here on Capitol Hill. His advice, coun- his wife, Alzetta Petterway, and their 1883 and has since transformed into one sel, and friendship have been very valu- 70th wedding anniversary. of the nation’s leading pediatric care able to us in the Senate, and he will be Mr. Petterway served in the U.S. facilities. Through its outstanding sorely missed. Army during World War II, from June clinical care, research and education, A native of Quincy, FL, Major Gen- 1943 to September 1945. He was in the CCHMC serves children and families in eral Hodges graduated from the U.S. European Command where he served in the greater Cincinnati community and Military Academy in May 1980 and was Africa, Italy, and France. Mr. has improved child health around the commissioned as a second lieutenant in Petterway was recently honored by the Nation and throughout the world. the infantry. Following successful Caddo Parish Commission, in Shreve- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Med- completion of the basic course and port, LA, as the parish’s oldest living ical Center has grown significantly Ranger School, he was assigned as a World War II veteran. over the past 127 years, becoming one platoon leader and company executive After Mr. Petterway completed his of the five largest employers in the re- officer in Germany. Upon return to the service in the U.S. Army, he returned gion. Not only does the hospital pro- United States, Major General Hodges to Shreveport where he and his wife vide outstanding patient care, but it is commanded infantry units at the com- still reside. Long after his military also responsible for many medical and pany, battalion, and brigade levels in duty and career, Mr. Petterway and his research breakthroughs that have the 101st Airborne Division, AASLT. wife have stayed extremely active changed medicine forever. These break- During his command of the ‘‘Bastogne’’ within their church and community. throughs include the oral polio vac- Brigade, Major General Hodges’ leader- It is with a heartfelt sincerity that I cination and the invention of the first ship was instrumental in the successful ask my colleagues to join me along heart-lung machine, among many oth- invasion of Iraq during the early stages with Mr. Petterway’s family in hon- ers. of Operation Iraqi Freedom. oring and celebrating the life of this Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Major General Hodges has also served extraordinary person. ranked in the top 10 in all pediatric in a variety of Army staff positions f specialty areas listed in the US News throughout his distinguished career. and World Report survey, and earned a RECOGNIZING NATIONWIDE Ranging from tactics instructor at the top three spot on the survey’s honor CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Infantry School to senior battalion ob- roll. The hospital treats patients from server/controller at the Joint Readi- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today all over the region as parents bring ness Training Center, he has ensured I wish to congratulate Nationwide their children to Cincinnati to ensure that our soldiers are properly trained Children’s Hospital of Columbus, OH the best treatment available. It is an in their war-fighting functions. As a for being ranked seventh in the coun- honor to have such a prestigious and staff officer, Major General Hodges has try on the 2012 US News and World Re- dedicated hospital in my hometown of served as the aide-de-camp to the Su- port’s Honor Roll for Children’s Hos- Cincinnati, Ohio. preme Allied Commander Europe, chief pitals. I would like to recognize Cincinnati of staff for the XVIIIth Airborne Corps, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Children’s Hospital for this tremendous and director of the Pakistan/Afghani- earned this distinction after receiving accomplishment, which is a result of stan Coordination Cell. Major General top 50 hospital distinctions in ten dif- the hard work and dedication of many Hodges’ operational assignments in- ferent departments. Its gastro- within the organization and commu- clude deployments to both Iraq and Af- enterology, cardiology and heart sur- nity. ghanistan as the assistant chief of gery, pulmonary, and neurology and f staff, CJ3, Multi National Corps-Iraq neurosurgery departments were all and as the deputy commander for Sta- ranked on the top ten lists in their re- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS bility, Regional Command South, spective categories. Since 1892, Nationwide Children’s International Security and Assistance RECOGNIZING THE RANGELEY Hospital has been serving the pediatric Force, Kandahar, Afghanistan. LAKES HERITAGE TRUST Throughout the various assignments needs of millions of young buckeyes and deployments, Major General across Central Ohio. Children’s Hos- ∑ Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, the Hodges always accomplished his mis- pital provides an invaluable service for Height of Land in Maine’s Rangeley sion and cared for his soldiers, and many Ohio families every year and Lakes Region is a crown jewel among took great care of the Army families continues a unique Ohio tradition of my State’s abundant natural treasures. under his command. excellence in the healthcare industry. The panorama of lakes and mountains, We extend our heartfelt thanks to This well-earned commendation ar- streams and valleys, offered by this MG Ben Hodges, to his wife Holly, and rives at an appropriate juncture for lofty perch in the Western Mountains, to his children Ben and Madeline, for Children’s Hospital as it is about to is among the most spectacular sights their dedication and service to the Na- dedicate a new 2.1 million square feet in New England. tion. Words cannot characterize prop- expansion of its clinical and research I rise today to congratulate a re- erly the extraordinary character of departments. This expansion is the markable group of local citizens, the Major General Hodges’s accomplish- largest of its kind in US medical his- Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, for ments. tory. their hard work and commitment over The Nation thanks him and wishes Mr. President, I would like to again more than 2 decades to protect and pre- him success and happiness in his next congratulate the staff of Nationwide serve this extraordinary place and to assignment. Children’s Hospital on this tremendous make it accessible to all. The Height of f honor. Land Overlook on the Rangeley Lakes f National Scenic Byway, officially dedi- TRIBUTE TO MR. JOHN cated on July 15, 2012, demonstrates PETTERWAY, JR. RECOGNIZING CINCINNATI the great partnership they have formed Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, today CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL with State and Federal Government, I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today conservation organizations, businesses, ognizing and celebrating the 101st I wish to commend Cincinnati Chil- and neighbors to achieve lasting ac- birthday of Mr. John Petterway, Jr., of dren’s Hospital Medical Center for complishments. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:35 Apr 28, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\TEMP\BR12\S10JY2.000 S10JY2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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