illmti^rBtrr Enratatg Ifm lii TDESDAT, JUNE S, 1988. ^ SAVE DOLLARS THROUGH M ANCHESTER DAYS*\ VALUES ' ..... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rawson and A public bearing on the propoeed name of Astrid Christoffereon, has asvelsad, which made the 19SS M n THE GARDEir Mrs. Jamea B. Campbell left todai closing of the Keeney street school Ml$$ AUW YN RENEWS been given a renewal o< ber con­ CLEMINSHAW TO BE HERE qutotannlol reappraisal, la expected -be hel^ by the Board of Edu­ RESTAURANTSWANT TUB WEATUEB for Brooklyn, N. Y , where they wit win tract os a result of her fine per­ to be In Mancheater June 10 to con-: AVERAGE DAILY CIBODLATION M wto h j Kkri H »g t t . visit relatives and attend the com­ cation at the high school this Thurs­ formance to **rtae Bowery PrtocMs", POreeaat of U. S. Weather Barean, fer wlUi the Selectmen, aaseesors; for Ole Month of Hay, 1986 Hartford mencement exercises of St. Joseph's day evening at 8:15 o'clock. PICTURES CONTRACT Shirley Temple'e picture now near­ NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY members of the Board of Relief and TBl-DANOB eoUegs.) Miss Elisabeth McGrath, SUNDAY SALE HEREI ing completion. .Mlag AUwryn'e par­ tha town counsel ooneernlng the - M momIo Taaople, fnaa S. niece of Mrs. Rawson and Mrs. Cub Scouts o f Pack No. 3 of the ents now live to Springfield, Mass. appeals seven taxpayers have taken Campbell, Is a member at the gradu­ South Methodist church will gather 5,819 Fair tonlgtat and Fridey;. slIgMIy BabgarlpUoa |tJS Par OonplB-' Blonde Star Who Was Bom in She was recsntly hera for a short James M. demlnehsw, ptwrideat to the Superior Ctourt to have their ating class. at the Old Golf Links at 6 o’clock visit. of Iha J. M. Clamlnehaw oompaay o f asseeaments reduced. Member of the Audit tonight for a dog roast Insist That Money Goes Out Manchester Gives Fine IPer- Borean of Ctronlations. Mr. and M ra EmU Kicking of' 6S formance In "Bowery Prin­ The annual meeting of Bose and MAN(/T1ESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (HARM Clinton street spent the recent Highway department emplo}rees cess.” ABOUT TOWN o f' To^ Because of Ladder Company No. 4, S. M. F. D. PRICE THREE CENTO holidays at Naven’s Inn, Narra- today started to' build a new side­ will be held tomorrow night at its (Classified Advertlaing on Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY , JUNE 4, 1936. (TWELVE PAGES) gansett Pier, R. I. walk along the west aide of Oakland School street headquarters. Officera VOL. LV.. NO. 210. mambara of tha Dorcaa aoet- street from near Tolland turnpike Barred Sunday Role. Miss Astrid AUwyn, blonde 20th will be elected and delegates wdll be Of the Emanuel Lutheran church The Manchester Graduate Nurses south to North School street The Century-Fox actress, who formerly named to the state convention /to Special Valueis' At Lower Prices are planning to attend the an- association announce a food sale for walk baa been In disrepair for some lived In Mancbeeter under her real Greenwich. outing at Columbia Lake to- Saturday In' the basement of the J. time, making it necessary for pedes­ Armed Garde Mobile Is Ready For Emergencies Tomorrow voters of the town will Plus Double Stamps Make Wed­ 'row evening, are requested to W. Hale company’s store. The pro­ trians to walk In the road, creating SUNDAY UQUOR LANDOITS VOTE have a chance to register their t at the church at 6 o’clock ceeds will be used toward new a dangerous traffic condition, ac­ Each member la asked to X-ray equipment at the Memorial cording to Selectman Joseph Pero opinion on the subject of Sunday SPEAKER BYRNS DEAD; nesday Shopping At Hale’s And ;.|i«vlde her own cup and spoon, hospital. Mrs. Celia Wandt headti who has sought the approval of the sale of alcoholic beverages by hotels, clubs and restaurants, 'with LOSES AS ROAD BIG QUESTION v w,, — the committee of arrangements. project several months. SSXhe U fa Saving Ouarda o f the meals. House’s Especially Profitable. ~ .Uon Arm y hold a apeclal Center Church Women's Federa­ The official board of the Church An association of those engaged ittng at the citadel this evening tion will hold Its final meeting of of the Nazarene will bold Its month­ In these businesses has expressed FUND IS VOTED AT CLEVEAND o'clock. The Ouard leader la END COMES SUDDENLY the season tomorrow evening at 8 ly meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. its opinion in the matter In adver- ^ tons to have every Ouard pres- o'clock. This will be the annual tlsementa appearing In The Herald. « i to order to make plans for the business session with election of The Professional Girls’ club of According to a spokesman for the ~^up to attend the Young People's How Many Ballots Will Kan* officers and reports of the treas­ Center church will have its final association business is now being Sale of Intoxicants On Sab­ Leaders of All Parties A ir . — jmcll to be held In Hartford Sat- urers of the different groups of get-together of the season tomor­ diverted, to other townt where the ' JlMay land Sunday, June 8 and 7. women workers. The speaker wilt row night at 6:30 at the Arlock Tea citizens have voted the selling privi­ san Get On First and Sec* Bankhead Is Selected be Rev. Watson Woodruff, pastor of Room in Somers. lege io the clubs, restaurants and bath Again Decisively Shocked by News; W as S !^ r. and Mrs. A. S. Chapin of the church, and Mrs. Charles Ubert hotels In their own community. Tho U tria street have returned after a will be chairman of the committee The Women's League of the Sec­ local men feel that business should Beaten; Voters Support ond Test, Delegates Ask ' 's vlalt with Ktr. and Mrs. C. ond Congregational church will As Byms ’ Successor Apparently in Good Healtii Rogers of New York City. of hostesses. All members of the be encouraged to stay at home and Federation are urged to attend. meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 that they should be granted the Selectmen On Roads. Each Other. Monday evening, June 22, at the o'clock at the home of the presi­ Sunday selling In order that they When House Adjoomed dent, Mrs. C. J. Strickland of Main m Chairman McReynoIds (D.. Tenn.) ton Memorial hall, members of The Ladles’ Aid society of the may compete with other communi­ Washlngfon, June 4.— (A P )—Rep-, Unian Gertrude Expression club Zion Lutheran church on Cooper street. An Interesting program Is ties for Sunday business. One mem­ resentatlve William B. Bankhead of of the foreign affairs committee, a be presented by Mias Grant their street will meet tomorrow evening anticipated as each member la ex­ ber of the association stated that Permission to sell liquor on Sun­ Cleveland, June 4— (A P )—Guess­ Alabama today was elected Speaker close friend of the Speaker, offered Yesterday Afternoon; Dies 'ler and director. In a recital cf at 7:30. pected to tell In rhyme bow she on Sundays many tourlstc have day was defeated by the Manches­ ing Governor Landon’s strength In of the House to succeed the late Jo- the official resolution on his death. earned a dollar for the League treas­ saj^ Wellington Byrns of Tennessee. McReynoIds lauded the late roua monologues, songs and stopped at his pliu;e of business for ter voters for the second time In the race for the Republican Presi­ Shortly After M id n ii^ t plays. Among those taking Lady Roberta Lodge, Daughters ury. Assisting Mrs. Strickland will their Sunday dinner; have actually The Democratic floor leader was Speaker as "true and loyal to his be Mrs. Leo Stiles, Mra. L. J. Tuttle, eight months yesterday, 1181 to 789. dential nomination was the big ent parts In the plays to be of St. George, will hold Its regular ordered the dinner—but have made elevated to tbe chair shortly after friends. and Mrs. F. H. Strong. game today In the hotels here. "He loved the members of this are iflas Esther S. Pitkin, meeting tomorrow evening at 8 a quick departure without eating Given In ^11 Department? of Both These The selectmen's request for an ad­ sorrowing House members were call­ Was 67 Years Old. How many votes would the Kan­ House and they loved him," McRey- Frances B. Wallett, Miss Celia o'clock In Odd Fellows hall. The when they found they could not ditional appropriation of $5,000 for ed to order by the clerk. South The Willing Workers group will san get on the flrst ballot at the noUls said. "He always tried to be Carroll and Miss' Shirley D. postponed election of officers will have a glass of beer or a cocktail Stores All Day Wednesday. the highway department was ap- Trimble. 'aner. hold its annual meeting at the You Get More of the Best Paint for Your Money National convention next week? Trimble announced a motion to fair with both political parties and take place and a good attendance Is with their dinner. This, the associa­ roved at the same time, 1079 to hoped for. , South Methodist church tomorrow At McGiU’s! ?97. How many on the second? If he name a Speaker or Speaker pro tem­ bis Influence in this House was Washington, June 4.— (A P )—CW SSTha Women'a League of the afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. Chris­ tion feels Is distinctly unfair to didn’t get the nomination by the pore was In order.
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