BRoadway 5-3192. Elston Leonard, pres- Fox, Geo., Corporation The ident; Frank Berfield, production manag- 1508 Crossroads of the World, Hollywood er. (Producers of film commercials.) 28, Calif.; H011ywood 4-2242. Geo. S. Fox, president; Donald L. Rothenberg, secre- Four Star Distribution Corp. tary and production manager; D. R. Fox, 600 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; LT 1-8530; vice-president. (Produce commercials, Tom ,McDermott, pres.; George Elber spots.) exec. vice-pres.; Len Firestone, vice-pres. & gen. mgr.; Leo Gutman, adv. dir. (Dis- Framer Walt, Inc. tributes TV series produced by Four Star 215 Woodside Drive, Huwlett Pkwy., L. I., Television in off -network syndication.) N. Y., 516 PR 4-2405. OXford 7-3322. Walt The Rifleman; Dick Powell Theatre; Framer, exec. prod. (Offer package audi- Tom Ewell Show; The Detective; Dick ence participation shows.) Powell's Zane Grey Theatre; The Law The Big Payoff, Contact, Penny -A -Mile, and Mr. Jones; Target: The Corruptors; Lady Luck, Futures Unlimited, Ask A Stagecoach West. Lawyer, Love & Kisses, Bargain Town, For Love or Money, Strike It Right, Spell Four Star Television 'n Tell. 4030 Radford Avenue, No. Hollywood, Franklin Television Productions Calif.; POplar 6-4151. Tom McDermott, pres.; George A. Elber, exec. v.p.; David 1454 Peerless Place, Los Angeles 34, Calif.; Niven, v.p.; Charles Boyer, v.p.; S. A. Mac- CRestview 4-1474. John Jay Franklin, pro- Sween, treas.; A. Morgan Maree, III, ducer -director. (Produce film series, com- secty.; Joseph B. Haring, controller; Nor- mercials). man S. Powell, prod. supv.; Bernard Bur- Forbidden Isles; The Adventures of Buf- ton, editorial supv.; Bill Ross, supv. art falo Bill, Jr.; Hawaiian Follies; Arabella; Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde; Bob Hope and dir.; Robert Walker, casting dept. Hollywood The Zane Grey Theatre; Law of the Night Spots in Hollywood. Plainsman; The Rilfeman; Stagecoach Fremantle International, Inc. West; Richard Diamond; Wanted Dead 366 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N. Y Or Alive; Black Saddle; The Law & Mr. Murray Hill 7-4344. Paul Talbot, presi- Jones; Johnny Ringo; Peter Loves Mary; dent; Ruth Arrington, sec. Branch offices: The Dupont Show with June Allyson; Toronto: 17 Dundonald St.; Montreal: 1396 Dante's Inferno; Robert Taylor's Detec- Ste. Catherine St.; Rome: Piazza di Spag- tives; The Tom Ewell Show; Target: The na 20; London, Axtell House, Warwick St. Corruptors; The David Niven Show; The Sydney: 167 Kent St. Representatives in Westerner, Trackdown; The Gertrude Tokyo, Johannesburg, Lima, Rio de Berg Show; The Dick Powell Show; Jean- Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires. (In- nie Carson Show; Lloyd Bridges Show; ternational distributors for syndicated Ensign O'Toole; McKeever and the Colo- TV series, cartoons, feature films, major nel; Saints and Sinners; Burke's Law; sports events (live & filmed for Radio Robert Taylor; Show People Will Talk and TV), shorts for such firms as Official (live). Films, Encyclopedia Britannica, National BRAVERMAN-MIRISCH, INC. ADVERTISING/PUBLIC RELATIONS Noniiue Van Vooren, Personal Management: 9255 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles GERARD W. PURCELL-PL 3-7602 69, California CR 5-5169 BR 2-8608 484 .
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