Publishing online Now in print since 2013, because the offline & Tor (((internet))) is since 2017. censorship! StormerThe most censored publication in history Vol. 4, 10–17 Sep 2017 Daily Stormer Sunday Edition Samizdat! It’s been a hell of a depressing week. This DACA stuff is should be samizdating. You have to do a lot more. Videos and enough to put a weight on anyone’s shoulders. Unless this is podcasts you enjoy— download them, save to local storage, re- the biggest fake out of all time, and I don’t think it is, this is upload. The Daily Stormer is the first thing to have received the the end of the road for the Trumpenkrieg. I think we all loved full degree of deep state censorship, but once they start they do Trump through the campaign trail and are going to remember not stop. Everything you hold dear—every meme, every video, that part of our lives very fondly in the future. Trump, as he every song will be taken down by the authorities. If we don’t is now, is dead to us. I think that we should understand this save it and reshare, it will all be gone. You don’t know how and feel sad a little bit, but we should not forget those moments valuable this is in times like these to perserve our art for future where he gave us hope for the future of our nation. generations. I have been through a lot more periods of Internet Recommended listening for a time like this is Siegfried’s fu- than most of you. I was doing racist memes before /pol/, before neral march from Wagner’s Götterdämmerung. In the opera, even Encyclopedia Dramatica. A lot of stuff just gets lost for- Siegfried is stabbed in the back by Hagen as part of a plot ever over the years. These valuable pieces of our lives can go devised wickedly by state authorities which is perfectly rep- away if we don’t keep the candle of data lit. We worked hard resentative of the end of the Trump presidency which is now on this stuff, so let’s not lose it. subverted by the neocon advisers he surrounded himself with, IPFS. Freenet. Soulseek. Your network attached storage. and also in turn Trump’s betrayal of the America First platform Filesharing sites of all sorts. If we don’t get everything across which he promised to us. The beginning of the funeral march all the channels it will be gone. is solemn and mournful, just like our feelings for Trump now, but leads into triumphant tones as we reminisce about the great Follow Andrew Anglin on gab for the latest news things Siegfried accomplished. So too, we should hold the for- and site updates: https://gab.ai/AndrewAnglin mer moments of the Trump campaign fondly. Trump promised us no amnesty, and we’re going to get it Sections one way or another. Those fucking beaners are getting the hell out of my country. Are you with us? Are you ready? We the 1. Featured Stories ................ 2 people must become the state authorities, whether or not the deep state wants us to be or not. 2. World ...................... 22 So last week you learned about samizdat. Remember, as you 3. United States .................. 37 read this, download it, catalogue it for future storage, and reu- 4. Jewish Problem ................ 57 pload it to a new place. Never share the link you got. Share a 5. Race War .................... 65 new link that you make. This stuff is only going to last ifyou all become archivists and redistributors. 6. Society ..................... 74 This weekly publication, however, is not the only thing you 7. Insight ...................... 78 Surface web: dailystormer.is Deep web: dstormer6em3i4km.onion The Daily Stormer is non-profit and 100% reader- Daily Stormer’s new Bitcoin address (please do not supported. We do what we do because we are at- send to the old address): tempting to preserve Western Civilization. We do it out of love. 19m9yEChBSPuzCzEMmg1dNbPvdLdWA59rS Because the site and Sunday Edition are not mone- tized, we require contributions from readers to pay the expenses involved. PayPal (and everything else known to man) has banned this site and me as an individual person from using their services, so right now all we have is cash and bitcoin. Cash or checks can be sent to this address: Andrew Anglin PO Box 208 Sunday Edition BTC: 1NsNmzzXtqiZ4YStnYWaEgCauWBGBs2iqB Worthington, Ohio 43085 USA 2 Daily Stormer Sunday Edition Vol. 4 “This is extraordinary,” said Christopher “Fully accountable” is simply a lie. Kelley, a Miami University political scien- Everyone who watched any of that tist who has studied presidential signing video knows it’s a lie, and Trump, follow- Featured Stories statements. “It is one of the weirdest, ing the event (and following his forced rarest uses of a signing statement that I confession), said this very clearly – the know of.” media was lying about what happened. Trump Signs Congressional The resolution, passed by voice vote this Full Video: Trump Gives SUPPORT Resolution Condemning the week by the House and Senate, urged to Charlottesville Demonstrators and the president to specifically “speak out CONDEMNS Antifa Terrorists! White Race – But with a against hate groups that espouse racism, It was on video: the police forced the Note…! extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, Alt-Right rally attendees out of the park and white supremacy.” It was a response with a tear gas-toting riot squad, purpose- Andrew Anglin to Trump’s comments on a the “Unite fully forced them into the location of Daily Stormer the Right” march on Charlottesville last the violent Antifa and BLM “protesters,” September 17, 2017 month in defense of Confederate statues, then stood down and let the Alt-Right get in which Trump appeared to cast equal attacked by the Antifa and BLM terror- blame for the violence on left-wing pro- ists. testers. And it specifically blamed “torch-bearing White nationalists, White supremacists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis” for the violence that killed a protester and put two state troopers in harm’s way in a fatal helicopter crash. Trump signed the resolution late Thursday. His signing statement said that Americans “oppose hatred, bigotry, and racism in all forms.” Check our live thread from the time for “No matter the color of our skin or our eth- a minute-by-minute coverage as the event nic heritage, we all live under the same was happening. laws, we all salute the same great flag, and CHARLOTTESVILLE LIVE we are all made by the same almighty God,” THREAD I think people are probably overreact- Trump said. “We are nation founded on the That is what happened, it is on video ing to this specific event, given that it is truth that all of us are created equal.” happening, no one can deny it unless they in the context of the apparent plan to give are just lying. amnesty to all of the DACA bloodsuck- But just as his initial statements on Char- The “NEO-NAZI WHITE SU- ers. lottesville blamed “all sides” for the vio- PREMACISTS” hold exactly zero re- This situation in itself is just weird, and lence, Trump’s signing statement didn’t sponsibility for the violence – the only he made a point to make it clear that he is condemn any specific group. violence they engaged in was self- signing this under duress, by adding the “It is ironic that this bill is in response defensive. signing statement. to Trump’s tone-deaf comments about ‘all Even James Fields’ “DODGE THIS” USA Today: sides’ and then when he signs this state- act was due to provocation – we know ment, he repeats the very thing that that he was having his car attacked with In sending the president a joint reso- sparked the controversy in the first place,” bats before he crashed it. lution condemning “racist violence” in Kelley said. Holding us responsible for the violence Charlottesville, Congress gave President is a direct inversion of reality. Trump a choice: sign the resolution and Indeed, some members of Congress sug- gested that the signing statement — com- reject white supremacists, or veto it and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the sponsor align with the far right. bined with Trump’s renewed remarks Thursday holding the left-wing “antifa” of the resolution, said he was pleased Trump chose a third option: Sign it — but protesters equally responsible for the vio- that the president signed it, but that “un- with a signing statement attached. lence in Charlottesville — showed a lack of fortunately he still equivocates when he The presidential signing statement has sincerity by the president. speaks,” he tweeted.> Pleased @POTUS long been a controversial presidential tool signed my res condemning hate groups & I hope so… that allows presidents to sign bills even the violence in Charlottesville. Unfortu- as they attempt to reinterpret them. But Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., tweeted that nately he still equivocates when he speaks. Trump’s use of a signing statement on Trump’s “refusal to hold white suprema- pic.twitter.com/zy27PQLIDv a non-binding sense-of-Congress resolu- cists fully accountable for Charlottesville — Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) Septem- tion may break new ground, experts say. continues to be an insult to our nation.” ber 15, 2017 Publishing daily at: dstormer6em3i4km.onion BTC: 19m9yEChBSPuzCzEMmg1dNbPvdLdWA59rS Vol. 4 Daily Stormer Sunday Edition 3 “In what way did he equivocate?” White of it. But we have other symbols. that she is thought to have picked up from House press secretary Sarah Sanders re- I also don’t think that just because a local DIY store.
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