_ THE fTBATHEK ' Juniors of the Amerlcsn Legion Tbe graduating class of Manrhes- Elmore Carl Hultiaa, son o f Mr. Ferecoet a« U. s. W aM hwnm tt^^ auxiliary held a jolly picnic at Col­ ter Trade School will bold aa all­ and Mra. Carl M. HulUns of 84 Hartford t umbia lake yeaterday afternoon. day outlpg at Camp Nathan Hale in Hackmatack atreet, has returned Bloody tooight wMta MidSteJ ’Transportation and assistance was South Coventry tomorrow. The home for the summer vacation after ma Thunday oad prabohly oa ib a l^ M fumisbad by Mra C. L. Wlgren, forty-one members of the claee will completing bis second year at I Bewlar Clrola of tbe coae* tOBigirt; not maeb mange l a ) I Parkrk CbrnmunltyCbmmt club wlU prwildent of the aenlor group; Mrs. leave the school at 9:80 o’clock to­ Wesleyan University in Middle- MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM L tomorroar afternoon at 3:80 Doris Babson and Mra Olive Cbar- morrow morning and will have town. I dubhwna, Thia will be, the tler. Tbe gtola mijoyed various luncheon and - d l^ er at the camp VOL.Ly„N0.215. Advarttuag aa page is.), watw and land sports and a dog with a qports program during the Tbe Women’s Home League of ' until (aa, and a good Tbe official board of the Church the Salvation Army will meet to­ Famons s.ealed-in-steel MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1986. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) 1 df the ateniben la hoped roaft. afternoon. The achool will close at o f tbe Naxarens will hold lU month­ PRICE THREE CSf 8 o’clock so that faculty members morrow afternoon at 3:35 at the ly meeting tonight at 8 o’clock. dtadel.' ' Manchester Orange will hold its may attend the outing later In the f t k a recnlar monthly tneeUng of regular meeting tomorrow night In day. Board at Dtreetora of' thethe ifan' Odd Fellows balL It will be Neigh- ' T. M. C A. wUl be held on bora' night and QnrGrsnges expect­ The Asbuiy group of the Wea- . ed who wlil furnish tbe program, leyan Guild will meet tomorrow af­ G-E TRRIFr UNIT r erenlog at 7:80 thli week of the ueuBl Wedneaday are those In Wallingford, PlalnvlUe ternoon at 3 o’clock at the South , Mambera of the board are and East Hertford. Hra Emma Metbodiat church. This will be the Presenting produces ^'double tbe cold** with less current than ever! to make a apeclal effort to Dowd beads tbe Refreshment com­ annual meeting with election of of- mittee. lioers. SNELL RAPS FDR DICTATORSHI and aa offloera be elected for I enaulng year. S E E I T l FIND “TERROR” Como io sod tee why s G-B givci yoa tbe ik a June meeting of the North 4Miss Doris» Warner DECAYED BODY As Delegates Milled To Seats lauUeanUd aodety will thrUdew leCrlfecedoa aecvlce you cm bay< IS LITTLE GIRL held tomorrow afternoon at 3:80 at the home of Hra. lEdarard Walker T R Y I T l OF MAN FOUND Two Families Receive “Death 4B Mather atrriet, Hra. Ruby Mc- Threata’’ Demanding |1 CHARGES DEMOCRATS and Hra. John WIttmann will Tioga Yam Specialist Pm b G-E la yoor khclMa for 10 deya the hoatesa. eod en}oy ell die adveutagee of modara From One and 50 Cents From ttfirigaratloa: If yoa are Dot aodraly tada- THIS JORNING A nother. Temple CSiiqiter, Order of the and instmetor •ad, we oriU gladly tatara yoor meoay< iBaatarn Star, will meet tomorrow Pawtucket, R. t , June 10.— avantng at 8 o’clock in tbe Maaonle (A P)—The short-lived reign of WITH SQUANDERING . Tample. The tmalneaa will Include O W N I T l lentjficaHon at First Imiras- the ’Terror" hae ended. the initiation of four Candida tea. Sdeet the model ead aba beat aohed * the The sinister warning, ‘The Hra. Grace Symington will be the Knitting Shop aaada of yoor Utehaa and yoa cm mra It sible As Chies Are Miss­ Terror la After You”, scrawled Oetolat. A aodal time with refreeh- oa tem t that permit it to pay foe haaUi on paper beneath tbe drawing menta will follow the meeting in of a skull, crossbones and an Second Floor. out-stretched hand — a tiny GOVERNMENT FUND of the following committee: ing; May Be That o Peabody, chairman; Sybil hand — struck fear Into the ell, Minnie Sargent, Minnie Model S. M. 66. 6.6 Co. Ft. hearts of two housewlvea who debel, Adelaide Shelton, Fannie Wappmg Resident received tbe notes. dth. Jeaaamlne Smith, Mabel Special! ^ 2 * 7 4 Hastily they notified police. New York Congre otter, Anne Tryon, Paulina Grant, Policeman Maxwell Polke de­ Th€ J W . H A k C CORK duced from tbe childish scrawl Here Are Highlights V.*^mnla Armatrong, Ruth Stevenaon, ■$5 Down, $5.39 per month. ideinTi f ie d xpnuiam Stevenaon and l>o Stilea. Spell Extra Savings MANCHISTiR CONH* and the tiny hand tbe "crlm- Asks RepoUicaii Fac Other Models At Lower Prices The body of a dead man Inal" was one of tender years. Wednesday night a delegation of found near Tolland turnpike He ferreted out a young lady O f the Snell Address ■ and Union etreet thie morning —10 years old—who admitted tions to Unite to Restoi leoal Salvation Army workera will For You When You Shop was poBlUvely IdentlBod aa ' be the neeta of Captain and Mra. she waa the author of the notes Cborlee Sokalauekae, of Wap- which demanded $1 from one (Convention Hall, aeveland, June iJtoward Leggett of Norwich, Conn. ping, by bis wife through the 10 — (AP) — Here are some salient Nation to tho Peoi l^'TSe vlaitoni will conduct a apeclal recipient and 50 cents from an­ In These Two Stores clothing on the body. Mra. other. aentencea to toda3r‘s address before t^Swioe which will include, aeveral Sokalauskaa mid that her hus­ ' kuisioal numbera. Tbe following G-E THRIFT UNIT A lecture from her parents the Republican convention by Rep­ Calls Administration band who waa SO ymra of age and police made the ‘Terror’’ ''Madmenr wUl take part, David CORP. lest March had IMt home a resentative Bertrand H. SneU of k. Aiddy, Richard Wilson, William Leg* On Wednesday n . i W H A U in Both Monitor Top and aa docile as a lamb. MANCHISTIR C o n n * week ago Monday, She laid he New Tork: competent Mentions Vgatt akd Cecil Kittle, George Gib- hod been In tbe habit of leaving v ton and WUUam J. AtUnaoo win Double Stamps Given In All Departments Flatop Models to obtain work and she did not "This convention will nominate a : Moompany them and Henry M. report his abeenoe for that rea­ Candidates. :;.9ailey.and Major Edward Atkinson of Both These Stores^All Day Wednesday. Tho G-B THRIFT UNIT haa a neoed man to lead a new crusade—a crus­ Wednesday Specials son. She was brought to Man­ E Y THREATENS ade to restore to the Aifierican peo- l. wlll ^ve Ocrlna and flute selections. for dapandabllliy m d acoaomy ihar la chester at three o’clock this ' Obtain Leggett waa a former band- uunacchad by any oditr cold-maldns le their (Constitution and toeir I of the local corps. Double Green Stamps Given In All Departments afternoon by Lieutenant WU- Bberties." C onvention H aU , O evelond, • ..*—rr»-....... medunirm ever inyemed. It waa Intro- Ham Barron to make the Iden- .— (A P )— Taking toa perm Th« • ^ ^ All Day Wednesday. doced in 1927 md ravolntionlMd home tlncatlotl; ........... ■ — TO “WALK o u r 10 Past matrons of Temple Chapter, refrigeration cotta. Now, bailcally "For nearly four yean America chairm anship, R epresentativa — . I^Order.cf the Eastern Star, Will nave MAMCHisTsa C o h n has floundered in tbe grotesque fail­ rand SneU of N ew Y ork appealed nndimgcd bat contlandy improvad, b The badly decomposed body of a \ L an outing an day Thursday at Mrs. The only refrigerator ures o f the New Deal.” th e R epubU can oonvention prodacei double the cold with.evan man, believed to be Charles Soka- ON DmOCRATS E>Bmest Bantlyts cottage at Coventry mcchmUm duthu foiced- lata corrani thm evtr. ■ Ink Its dtffsrancea and "to^ ‘(.Jake. Tboae desiring trannrartatlon GIRLS’ ANKLETS feed lobricatioo md oU Jausku, or Sokol, of -the Wapplng "Every cent of additional taxes . _ pleaBe call Mrs. Harold Bldwell, cooling. Thoto ezclnaivo serves but to Increase toe reokleea ■ tm tha governm ent to tb e i cfjiouse^soN , In aelaedng yoor refrigerator, ramambar section of South Windsor, wee found Thrf party Is not oon S091, or Mrs. Harry Straw, 7038. fintnret giro that avtotaally aU a la ^ c rafdgataiora Says He W31 join Repnbli- power of tbe New Deal spoilers and Sizes 8 to 10'/j. Assort­ Gtmral EUcIrli this morning about 100 yards south wasters." ■ gunft tbs D em ocratla PartyT Oars wlU leave for the lake about INC. QUIITIR OMRATION will nndoobt^y follow Genanl Elac- of Tolland Turnpike near Union DAY AND NIGHT FIGHT G .0.P.FARM PLANK 30 a. m. ed colors. * hat madt and utd auob, he told th e thousands In mtrt rifrig$rat»n I0H6IR UK tric’a lead md adopt a acaled nnit. More street by Anthony Yakaltls who cans If Democrats Try to auditorium , but ‘ 3 t offan to and more are doing ao aaefa year. Pro- was starting to plow the Held at "W s shall need in executive post A m erica agaln at on unoonstttutl : „ Gibbons Aaaembly, CathoUe La- 2 1*”' 2S* mtb uaUd-m-itnl to w n 0PIRATIN6 COSTS tlona toe services of (3onitltutumel tact yoor invattmantby atlccting the only about eight o’clock.
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