e-mail: [email protected] Nº 521 PÓRTICOSemanal Fundada en 1945 Arqueología, 67 19 noviembre 2001 Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo Metodología: 001 — 018 Prehistoria: 019 — 098 Obras generales * Paleolítico / Neolítico Edad de los metales * España Arqueología: 099 — 183 Obras generales * Oriente Grecia * Roma Península Ibérica * Medieval Epigrafía — Numismática: 184 — 205 METODOLOGÍA 001 Alt, K. W. / F. W. Roesing / M. Teschler-Nicola, eds.: Dental Anthro- pology. Fundamentals, Limits and Prospects 1998 – xxvi + 566 pp., 224 fig. 78,96 002 Bain, A.: Archaeoentomological and Archaeoparasitological Re- constructions At Ilot Hunt (Ceet-110). New Perspectives in Historical Archaeology (1850-1900) 2001 – x + 153 pp., 49 fig., tabl. 50,40 2 PÓRTICO SEMANAL 521 003 Brothwell, D. R. / A. M. Pollard, eds.: Handbook of Archaeological Science 2001 – xx + 762 pp., muc. 217,00 INDICE: 1. Dating: R. E. M. Hedges: Dating in archaeology; past, present and future — J. J. Lowe: Quaternary geochronological frameworks — R. E. Taylor: Radiocarbon dating — P. I. Kuniholm: Dendrochronology and other applications of tree-ring studies in archaeology — R. Grün: Trapped charge dating (ESR, TL, OSL) — A. G. Latham: Uranium-series dating — R. S. Sternberg: Magnetic properties and archaeomagnetism — W. R. Ambrose: Obsidian hydration dating — F. M. Stuart: In situ cosmogenic isotopes: principles and potential for archaeology — 2. Quaternary Palaeoen- vironments: K. J. Edwards: Environmental reconstruction — A. Wise: Modelling quaternary environments — M. Robinson: Insects as palaeoenvironmental indicators — R. C. Preece: Non- marine mollusca and archaeology — D. W. Yalden: Mammals as climatic indicators — K. Barber / P. Langdon: Peat stratigraphy and climate change — D. A. Davidson / I. A. Simpson: Archaeology and soil micromorphology — R. A. Nicholson: Taphonomic investigations — A. M. Pollard / L. Wilson: Global biogeochemical cycles and isotope systematics – how the world works — 3. Human Palaeobiology: J. E. Buikstra: Human palaeobiology: then and now — D. R. Brothwell: Pleistocene and holocene hominid evolution — H. Schutkowski: Human palaeobiology as human ecology — D. J. Ortner: Disease ecology — M. Cox: Assessment of age at death and sex in the adult human skeleton — M. R. Zimmerman: The study of preserved human tissue — A. T. Chamberlain: Palaeodemography — J. Sealy: Body tissue chemistry and palaeodiet — J. I. McKinley / J. M. Bond: Cremated bone — 4. Biomolecular Archaeology: A. M. Pollard: Archaeological science in the biomolecular century — T. A. Brown: Ancient DNA — P. R. Smith / M. T. Wilson: Blood residues in archaeology — A.M. Gernaey & al.: Survival and interpretation of archaeological proteins — R. P. Evershed & al.: Lipids in archaeology — G. Grupe: Archaeological microbiology — 5. Biological Resource Exploitation: C. Higham: At the beginning of the task: the archaeology of biological remains — M. Charles / P. Halstead: Biological resource exploitation: problems of theory and method — L. Dumayne-Peaty: Human impact on vegetation — M. K. Jones / S. Colledge: Archaeobotany and the transition to agriculture — T. G. Holden: Dietary evidence from the coprolites and the intestinal contents of ancient humans — A. K. G. Jones / T. P. O’Connor: Vertebrate resources — K. D. Thomas / M. A. Mannino: The exploitation of invertebrates and invertebrate products — 6. Inorganic Resource Exploitation: M. S. Tite: Materials study in archaeology — I. K. Whitbread: Ceramic petrology, clay geochemistry and ceramic production – from technology to the mind of the potter — M. Edmonds: Lithic exploitation and use — J. Henderson: Glass and glazes — D. Killick: Science, speculation and the origins of extractive metallurgy — J. G. McDonnell: Pyrotechnology — L. Wilson / A. M. Pollard: The provenance hypothesis — 7. Archaeological Prospection: A. David: The role and practice of archaeological prospection — T. J. Wilkinson: Surface collection techniques in field archaeology: theory and practice — Y. Nishimura: Geophysical prospection in archaeology — D. N. M. Donoghue: Remote sensing — C. Heron: Geochemical prospecting — M. van Leusen: Archaeological data integration — 8. Burial, Decay and Archaeological Conservation: C. Caple: Degradation, investigation and preservation of archaeological evidence — R. Raiswell: Defining the burial environment — M. McNeil / L. S. Selwyn: Electrochemical processes in metallic corrosion — I. C. Freestone: Post-depositional changes in archaeological ceramics and glasses — J. M. Cronyn: The deterioration of organic materials — A. Millard: The deterioration of bone — D. Watkinson: Maximizing the life span of archaeological objects — 9. Statistical and Computational Methods: R. D. Drenan: Numbers, models, maps: computers and archaeology — M. Gillings: Spatial information ARQUEOLOGÍA 67 3 and archaeology — M. J. Baxter: Multivariate analysis in archaeology — C. E. Buck: Applications of the bayesian statistical paradigm — T. P. O’Connor: Animal bone quantification — M. J. Shott: Quantification of broken objects — M. W. Lake: Numerical modelling in archaeology — H. Neff: Synthesizing analytical data – spatial results from pottery provenance. 004 Chamberlain, A. T. / M. P. Pearson: Earthly Re- mains. The History and Science of Preserved Human Bodies 2001 – 208 pp., fig., lám.col. 34,74 005 David, N. / C. Kramer: Ethnoarchaeology in Action 2001 – 500 pp., 66 fot., fig., map. 39,88 INDICE: Ethnoarchaeology: its nature, origins, and history — Theorizing ethnoarchaeology and analogy — Fieldwork and ethics — Human residues: entering the archaeological context — Fauna and subsistence — Studying artifacts: functions, operating sequences, taxonomy — Style and the marking of boundaries: contrasting regional studies — Settlement: systems and patterns — Site structures and activities — Architecture — Specialist craft production and apprenticeship — Trade and exchange — Mortuary practices, status, ideology, and systems of thought — Conclusions: ethnoarchaeology in context. 006 Delgado, J. P., ed.: The British Museum Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology 2001 – 480 pp., 235 fig., 120 lám. col. 34,74 007 Fladerer, F. A.: Die Faunareste vom jung paläolithischen Lagerplatz Krems-Wachtberg, Ausgrabung 1930. Jagdwild und Tierkörpernutzung an der Donau vor 27. 000 Jahren 2001 – 190 pp. 23,52 008 Formigli, E., ed.: I grandi bronzi antichi: le fonderie e le techniche di lavorazione dall’età arcaica al Rinascimento. Atti del seminari di studi ed esperimenti, Murlo, 24-30 iuglio 1993 e 1-7 luglio 1995 1999 – 439 pp., muc. 33,07 INDICE: Relazione introduttiva: W.-D. Heilmeyer: La ricerca di museo sulle officine e sulle tecniche artigianali antiche — I grandi bronzi greci e romani: G. Zimmer: Problemi tecnici e di studio dei materiali dei grandi bronzi antichi — G. Lahusen: Antenore, Plinio e la statuaria romana — G. Schneider / E. Formigli: Ipotesi sulla provenienza della terra dell’anima di fusione dei bronzi di Riace — G. Zimmer: Tecnologia delle fonderie del bronzo nel V secolo a.C. — E. Formigli: Le antiche terre di fusione, i problemi di formatura dei grandi bronzi e la tecnica di fusione dei bronzi 4 PÓRTICO SEMANAL 521 di Riace — C. C. Mattusch: Lost-wax casting and the question of originals and copies — E. Formigli: Tecnica e creazione artistica. La saldatura nella statuaria in bronzo antica — M. Ratka: Numerical simulation of ancient bronze castings — M. Sannibale: Tra età classica ed ellenismo: la tecnica dei grandi bronzi e i suoi riflessi nella produzione minore — E. Formigli: Due millenni di storia della metallotecnica nei restauri alla statua equestre del Marco Aurelio in Roma — R. Pecchioli: Indagine radiografica sulla statua in bronzo da Punta del Serrone (Brindisi) — G. Zimmer: La tecnica di fusione dei grandi bronzi ellenistici e le fonderie del bronzo a Rodi — N. Cavallaro / C. Ferro: L’ariete bronzeo del Museo archeologico regionale di Palermo — F. Willer: La tecnica di costruzione dell’erma di Mahdia — W.-D. Heilmeyer: Osservazioni tecniche su grandi bronzi romani — A. Giumlia-Mair: Studi tecnici sulla testa del caballo romano da Augusta Vindelicum — J. Riederer: La composizione delle leghe dei grandi bronzi romani — M. Sannibale: Le colonne in bronzo dorato di San Giovanni in Laterano: osservazioni sulle tecniche antiche e sugli interventi rinascimentali — Le ricostruzioni sperimentali: E. Formigli / N. Hackländer: Resoconto della ricostruzione sperimentale di una fossa di fusione ellenistica e della cottura di un modello dell’Adorante di Berlino — E. Formigli: Resoconto degli esperimenti di saldatura per colata e di rifinitura e freddo sui grandi bronzi antichi — Il medioevo, il Rinascimento, la tradizione tecnica antica e la rinascita della statuaria: L. Miazzo: Le tecniche di fusione delle statue bronzee fra tardo-romano e medioevo nell’Italia centrale — I. Reindell / G. Tommasi: Brevi cenni sulla fusione della porta della cattedrale di Trani — N. Hackländer: L’Adorante da Rodi, odissea di un grande bronzo antico — E. Lein: Il problema della fusione in un getto o in parti separate dei bronzi del Rinascimento italiano — U. Rohnstock: Adorante da Rodi: Le metallotecniche applicate sul bronzo antico dal XVI al XX secolo — G. Lahusen / E. Formigli: Indagini tecniche nel riconoscimento di copie rinascimentali e barocche di ritratti in bronzo romani. 009 Hodder, I., ed.: Archaeological Theory Today 2001 – ix + 317 pp., 17 fig., 2 tabl. 27,79 INDICE: I. Hodder: Introduction: A
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