he Fabula system came into being when we additional die is rolled and the highest roll is needed easy-to-pick-up rules for the narrative discarded. In the previous example, the 6 would event game Sunhold: The First Triumvirate we have been discarded, leaving a total of 1+4=5. In were hosting. We combined elements from various some cases, a roll might gain multiple instances of tabletop miniature skirmish games with (+) and (-), and even contain both. However, this pen&paper roleplaying games. It was designed to cannot increase the number of rolled dice above fulfil our requirements: to support multiplayer three. If a roll has more (+) than (-), treat it as a (+) games and to keep math and dice-rolling from roll. If it has more (-) than (+), treat it as a (-) roll. If taking over the experience, so players can focus on the number of (+) and (-) is equal, they cancel each the characters, story and atmosphere of the game. other out and it is a regular roll, unmodified by This rulebook was written with Dark Age of Sigmar advantage and disadvantage. It still counts as (AoS28) in mind, but can easily be modified to having both (+) and (-) for purposes of other rules. accommodate specificities of many other fantasy All distances in the game are given in inches. This settings. includes movement speeds and weapon ranges. The game allows for premeasurement, which means you are allowed to measure any distance on The game is played with six-sided dice (d6). the board before taking an action. This means that Sometimes, it requires you to roll d2s or d3s. To there should be no failed actions due to attacking simulate a d2, roll a d6: if the roll is 1-3, treat the targets outside of range or ending a movement in result as 1. If the roll is 4-6, treat it as a 2. d3s work an unplanned position. If an action requires a in a similar fashion. Roll a d6, and halve the result, target, the model taking an action needs to have rounding up. 1-2 will become 1, 3-4 becomes 2, and line of sight to the target, representing what it can 5-6 is 3. see on the table. Models have no facing, meaning they have line of sight in all directions. Other Additional rules pertaining to dice are advantage models, terrain, and objects block line of sight. (+) and disadvantage (-). If a roll has (+), an Players can check line of sight at any time to additional die is rolled and the smallest roll is prevent them from declaring actions against illegal discarded. For instance: a roll with advantage targets. Models always have line of sight to yields the result of 1, 4, and 6. 1 is discarded, which themselves. leaves the total of 4+6=10. If a roll has (-), an This rulebook is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, Black Library, Forge World, Warhammer, the Twin-tailed Comet logo, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, Space Marine, 40K, 40,000, Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Battletome, Stormcast Eternals, White Dwarf, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Battlefleet Gothic, Dreadfleet, Mordheim, Inquisitor, Warmaster, Epic, Gorkamorka, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved. 1 The game is played with tabletop miniatures, dealing with attacks of opportunity and making which represent characters, monsters, and other ranged attacks). Models in the same warband are creatures. In the rules, we will refer to those as considered Friendly to each other. Characters can models. A model is a painted miniature (or always target Friendly models (even those in the sometimes group of miniatures, like in case of same warband) with attacks, but this is a sure-fire swarms) mounted on a single round or oval base of way to lose the Friendly status. appropriate size. Players control warbands of characters, while the Game Master (GM) controls any neutral characters and monsters. The GM's role Firstly, you will need a warband of one to four is to moderate the game, arbitrate rules, and keep characters, represented by 28mm miniatures the narrative going forward. (referred to here as models). Each model should The players are allowed to forge alliances during have their own Character Sheet. You will need a the game. If you come to an agreement with number of six-sided dice as well. To play the game another player or a character controlled by the GM at a smooth pace, you will need at least 3 dice, but that you are Friendly, the game will treat you as it is recommended to bring a handful. Another such. Both parties need to agree to this truce, or necessity is a measuring tape, or another device they will be treated as Enemies. In addition to marked in inches, which is used for measuring narrative impact, the Friendly/Enemy status has distances in the game. some bearing on the rules, particularly when Photographs by V.M. Kuriljov (@vmkuriljov) and Ana Polanscak (@a_polanscak). 2 Each model has a profile that consists of the Daemon: Physical manifestations of the forces of model’s Name, Description, Characteristics, Chaos. These otherworldly entities are uniformly Combat Stats, Skills, Features and Actions, and malevolent and delight in creating disorder and Notes. The following section will provide a guide to misery among mortals. Daemons include servants filling character sheets for your models and explain of the Chaos Gods from lowly Nurglings to Daemon how their statistics influence their performance on Princes. the tabletop. Elementals: Magical elements given form. Elementals can be naturally occurring or created by powerful mages. Natural elementals are usually connected to the four classical elements (air, earth, fire, and water), while created elementals include The name of the model. gargoyles. Human: Bipedal, sapient, living, and corporeal creatures fall under this category, which includes The back of the sheet is used to provide flavour and humans, dwarves, elves, and halflings, among personality to the character. While it has no direct others. They have culture, produce their own impact on the game mechanics, the description is weapons and armour, and are capable of learning important as it may influence narrative decisions. magic. The image is a photograph of the model or an Monstrosity: Monsters in a narrower sense, illustration of the character that helps identify creatures falling under this category are varied and them on the board. dangerous. Ogres, giants, dragons, trolls, griffins, harpies, and unicorns are examples of monstrosities. They have few unifying traits, being Characteristics roughly define what type of entity a monsters that appear in the wilderness. model is. This can include a variety of terms, such as Beast, Construct, Daemon, Elemental, Human, Spirit: This category covers a host of supernatural Monstrosity, Spirit, Stormcast, and Undead. Many entities that hold power over the material world. of these terms are key words that Abilities will use While in the Mortal Realms, spirits have a to determine legal targets. Always keep in mind the corporeal or semi-corporeal form. models' Descriptions as well. A model can have one Stormcast: Stormcast Eternals are heroes reforged or two Characteristics. into legend, the embodiment of a living tempest Beast: Naturally occurring animals with little to no cast from the Celestial Realm. Once they were magical properties. Beasts are usually non-sapient, mortal, but they were taken to the Heavens and which means they are limited in the skills that they remade by Sigmar to reclaim the world from the can use. Beasts include creatures like wolves, grip of Chaos. They are gifted with superhuman bears, birds, reptiles and gryph hounds. strength, courage and wisdom. Construct: Artificial creatures that are created, not Undead: Previously living creatures given un-life born. They are not considered to be living and are by necromancy. Lower undead, such as made from metal, stone, or other dead matter. deadwalkers and skeletons are non-sapient, while Constructs can be powered by a mechanism such higher forms of undead, such as liches and as clockwork or be animated by magic. Constructs vampires, are extremely intelligent and powerful. include automata and golems. Undead also include ghouls, ghosts, and a myriad of other forms of beings from beyond the grave. 3 4 Arcana – Measures a character's ability to understand and harness magic. An Arcana Check is These include a model's HP (Hit Points), movement made when a model attempts to cast a spell or Speed, and Armour. attempts to identify a magical phenomenon. Most HP represents how much Damage a model can spellcasters have proficiency in Arcana, while receive before being taken out of action. Bulky superstitious and religious folk have little characters and those that favour melee combat knowledge of the arcane arts. generally have more HP, while characters like frail Burglary – Measures a character's ability to pick mages and non-combatants may have reduced HP. locks and disarm traps, which require a Check. A regular human (such as a soldier) has 6 HP, while Thieves and tomb raiders have proficiency with the upper limit for humans is 10. When a model is this Skill, while clumsy and honourable characters reduced to 0 HP, they are taken out of action and may lack in this Skill. removed from the board. Charisma – Measures force of personality and Speed represents how far in inches a model moves ability to influence other characters. A Charisma with a single Action. Feeble mages and heavily Check is made when a model attempts to persuade armoured knights have a Speed of 4.
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