S ì a i h HlbT S O C IE T Y Li* 8 1 b STATE ST * 1 1 1 M ADISON * 1 SC WRENTIAN e University. Appleton, Wisconsin Friday, January 10, 1%9 Damage Estimated At $3000 Vandals Damage ROTC Building; FBI Agent Searches F or Suspects Although the probe by the Fed­ down the first floor of the build­ reported in the Appleton Pcst- eral Bureau of Investigation into ing. However, there was no indi­ Crescent of Tuesday, December the Nov. 26 vandalism of the cation that the vandals descend­ 3, involving the discovery of "red. Air Force ROTC offices has not ed to the first floor. white and blue cloths hanging yet produced tangible results, They also scribbled anti-mil- around the ROTC building’’ has Marwin 0. WroLstad, business tary and pro-revolutionary slo­ been accounted for by the Law- manager, has termed the progress gans on the hallway such as “Get rentian. The materials were of the investigation "encourag­ off campus” and "Che lives in French flags used by Phi Kappa ing.” the hearts of the people.” Swas­ Tau to advertise its annual rush Second Floor Entry tikas were drawn on some walls party, “Le Brawl.” The Appleton Police Depart­ Water damage to a downstairs Damage to the Brokaw Annex ment has also taken part in the classroom and the office of Cap­ has been repaired. search for vandals who, it is be­ tain William Hinds, assistant pro­ lieved. entered the Brokaw An­ fessor of aerospace studies, re­ nex through a second floor window sulted from the plugging of two near a fire escape Mid caused an sinks and a shower in a second estimated $3000 in damage to the floor bathroom The water leaked Student Committee building, which houses the Law­ through the ceiling of the rooms rence ROTC detachment. This causing plaster to fall and wall­ Plans Competitions damage estimate is a forty per paper to peal. The Student Art Committee, THE UTILITY of tlu* I nivcr>ity's snow removal equip­ cent reduction over the earlier es­ FBI formed last spring by LUCC “to ment having been taxed to the limit, Jack Manwell, direc­ timate of $5000 as reported in Ap­ Most of the damaged property improve the artistic environment tor of the physical plant, has ordered a more heavy duty pleton news media. is owned by the university. Ap­ at Lawrence.” is organizing two tractor onto Lawrence streets and sidewalks in his never- proximately $100 damage was As of yet there has been no in­ competitions under the leadership ending crusade against the elements. The powerful tractor, dication whether the damage was done to textbooks owned by the of co-chairmen Pam Bems and rented at a cost of $12 per hour, is expected to have the done by either Lawrence students Federal Government, which was Ted Freedman. sufficient to bring an FBI agent I nivcrsitv s liywavs clear in time for the larjje accumula­ or (individuals not associated with The first competition will in­ tion expected this weekend. from Milwaukee, a Mr. Robbins, the university. “This has been a volve repaintir.g the mural in the tense issue around here,” said into the case. Viking Room of the Union. Inter The investigation has been ex­ Wrolstad. “We all hope that they ested students must notify Miss tended to imdiude the examination »the vandals) turn out not to be Bems or Freedman by Jan. 13 of seven earlier but unreported college students.” and indicate their intention to incidents, which involved the participate in the competition. Venderbush and Counselors Sentiment on campus has been throwing of rocks, bricks and bot­ that the damage was created by Entries, which must include plans tles through windows of the Bro­ and cost, must be submitted to Discuss Social Regulations hi$h school students. Campus dis­ kaw annex. Paint has also been either of the co-chairmen by Jan. Last Monday evening, Kenneth sidents feel that acttor. of this thrown at the buildicg and insult- An open discussion, the first in sort if ckme at all would have 16. R. Venderbush. dean of men, met a new series entitled “Collage” mg remarks aimed at military The second competition con­ been done with less random des­ personnel have been shouted from with the freshmen men’s coun­ being sponsored by the Deans’ of­ cerns the execution of a large- selors to discuss, among other truction and with more of a po­ Brokaw Hall fice and LUCC, wrlf probe the scale art project which will perm­ topics, the extent to which coun­ litical focus. The relationship between the place of dormitory rules in the anently adorn the campus. The selors can, or should be expected Destruction Upstairs November vandalism and the oth­ Lawrence Community. The dis­ committee has announced that to function as disciplinarians in The destruction by the vandals er incidents has been neither con­ cussion will be held at 4:30 p.m., "almost any project is acceptable the enforcement of the Univer­ was largely limited to an upstairs firmed or denied by the investiga­ on Friday, January 17, in the Riv- for consideration.” A complex of sity’s social regulations. erview Lounge. hallway and the second floor of­ ting officials. sculpture, benches, fountains, fice of Captain Marc B. Levey, However, one alleged incident The meeting was sparked by shelters and landscaping is en­ one counselor’s alleged refusal to assistant professor of aerospace visioned by the committee. The studies. The vandals ripped up testify against one of his coun- winner of the competition will be setees who, reportedly, had vio­ several books in Captain Levey's asked to execute his work during Panel To Discuss office after prying open the door lated the University’s visitation Civil Liberties Union spring term. rule to the office. They also made un­ Funds for the proposed projects Although largely inconclusive, Dorm Regulations successful attempts to enter a Open Local Chapterwill be provided by the university. the meeting did spawn some in­ A public discussion on the thiTd floor storage area. The Wisconsin Branch of the LUCC, and "various other sourc­ teresting discussion. Reportedly place of dormitory rules in the In the halfway, the vandals scat­ American Civil Liberties Union es,” All entries must be submit­ tered paper towels, pulled down there were seme counselors who Lawrence Community will be held <ACLU> announced it has grant­ ted to one of the Art Committee several bulletin boards and pour­ ed a charter to a newly-formed insisted that they could not func­ at 4:30 p m on FYiday, January chairmen by midnight Feb. 25 tion either effectively, or in good 17, in the Riverview Lounge as ed some acid on the stairway chapter in the Fox Valley. with a cost estimate "within reas­ conscience as disciplinarians and the first program m the new lec- The chapter held its first meet­ on.” still serve the best interests of ture-discusskm series. “Callage.” ing recently at Oshkosh, adopted The committee is presently in­ their freshmen, A panel of students and faculty a constitution and by-laws, and stalling panels and pedestals in representing many of the groups Historian to Speak nominated members for a board the unicn for the display of stu­ Venderbush generally main­ of directors. The eiection to the tained that the counselors could, concerned with residence hafl dent produced paintings, photo­ rules will contribute to the discus­ board is now under way; it is be­ and should make an effort to en­ graphs. graphics and sculpture sion with their varied points of On Foreign Policy ing conducted by mail. force the University’s social reg­ ulations. Their doing so need not, view. Professor and author Norman The chapter includes the com­ he explained, preclude effective The deans' office is co-spon­ Graebner of the University of Vir­ munities of Oshkosh. Appleton. Neenah. Menasha, Ripon and “counseling ” soring this program in the serias ginia history department will with LUCC to initiate public dis­ speak on “U.S. Foreign Policy" For.d du Lac and surrounding ar­ Reportedly, Venderbush told the eas. counselors that the University’s cussion on what should be the in convocation ot the chapel on rules in residence haJlhs and what Thursday, January 16 at 11 10 Eighth Chapter rules would be eni^rcod, and lif The new Fox Valley Chapter is the couselors themselves felt un­ enforcement measures should be a.m. followed. This discussion will lay the eighth chartered by the ACLU willing or unable to discipline a basis for legislation in this Graebner . who received his in Wisconsin Others are Milwau­ their freshmen, then the deans’ sphere currently being drafted by B S. from Milwaukee State Teach­ kee. Madison. Green Bay. Eau office would. LUCC. ers’ Colilege <now UWM>, MA Claire. LaCrosse. River Falls and There are rumors circulating from the University of Oklahoma, Racine on campus that Venderbush and A discussion over dinner in the and his Ph. D. from the Univer­ The organization also announc­ members of his staff will be ‘pa­ Jason Downer Gold Room will fol­ sity of Chicago, has taught at Ok­ ed the appointment of Saul Sorrin trol mg’’ men’s residences. As The low the panel presentation for aM lahoma College for Women. Iowa of Milwaukee to its board of di­ Lawrentian goes to press, these students interested in pursuing State College. Stanford Univer­ rectors. He was named to replace rumors remain publicly neither the topic with the speakers on sity. and the University of Illi­ Marc Stickgold of Madison.. Sor­ confirmed, nor denied. an informal level.
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