DGS PPR Lectures on Connection Geometry Phillip E Parker notes by J Ryan Mathematics Department Wichita State University Wichita KS USA philmathwichitaedu ryanmathwichitaedu DRAFT July MSC Primary C Secondary C C Preface This volume is the sequel to and covers the seminar from It assumes a certain familiarity with its predecessor esp ecially Chapter The Tangent Bundle Now we b egin to lo ok at additional structures that can b e imp osed on a manifold to provide it with geometry They all involve some sort of connection or generalized parallel translation so we b egin with the most general kind of connection as conceived by Ehresmann A I wish to thank J Ryan for transcribing my lectures into L T X I also wish E to thank J Ryan and S Sahraei for help with indexing and for comments suggestions and clarications iii Contents Preface iii Standard Symbols vii Preliminaries Algebra Analysis Topology Connections Kinds of connections Horizontal lifts Holonomy Covariant derivative Curvature and holonomy Parallelism and geo desics Automorphisms Exp onential Maps Denition and construction The APS corresp ondence Jacobi elds Gconnections Induced connections Linear Connections Automorphisms Bibliography v vi Contents Index Standard Symbols Number sets and friend N natural Z integer Q rational R real C complex T torus S Categories Bdl bundles cgH kspaces Grp groups Hsdf Hausdor spaces LAlg Lie algebras LGrp Lie groups sometimes their germs Md manifolds Mo d mo dules Rng rings Set sets Vec nitedimensional vector spaces usually real vii Preliminaries We b egin by reviewing some relevant concepts and results from analysis algebra and top ology Algebra Analysis Topology In a top ological category a pair of maps f g X Y is said to admit a homotopy H from f to g if and only if there is a map H X I Y x t H x H x t t H with H f and H g Then we write f g or just f g and say that f and g are homotopic We can also think of H as either a parameter family of maps fH X Y j t g with H f and H g t a curve c from f to g in the space C X Y of maps from X to Y H c C X Y t H H t We call f nul lhomotopic or inessential if it is homotopic to a constant map Intuitively we may picture H as a continuous deformation of the graph of f into that of g The next result is obvious Prop osition Homotopy is an equivalence relation on the set of maps from X to Y Chapter Preliminaries Maps in the same equivalence class of are said to b e homotopic Denition Two top ological spaces X Y are said to b e of the same fheqg homotopy type or homotopy equivalent if and only if there exist continuous maps f X Y and g Y X with g f and f g Then we write X Y X Y and say that f and g are mutual homotopy inverses or inverse up to homotopy Similarly to the case for maps is an equivalence relation on any collection of top ological spaces and one sometimes sp eaks lo osely of spaces in the same class as b eing homotopic Denition A space in the homotopy equivalence class determined by fhptg a singleton space is called contractible or a homotopy point Theorem A ber bund le over a contractible base space is topologically ffbctg trivial proof Even so the bundle might not b e a trivial Gbundle b ecause the Gaction n might not b e trivial The frame bundle on R is one example Connections Kinds of connections In mo dern geometry there are various kinds of connections for a given mani fold M with a bundle structure over it For example A general connection on any bre bundle E M is a splitting of TE into the natural vertical bundle and a horizontal bundle If the splitting is equivariant for the structure group or more generally some subgroup G then it denes an Ehresmann Gconnection A principal connection is an Ehresmann Gconnection on a principal Gbundle P M G A linear connection on a vector bundle E M V GLV over M with mo del b er V is asso ciated to a principal connection on the frame bundle with group GLV All others are nonlinear among which are the ane connections with G A It is unfortunate that in the extant n literature on nonlinear connections for example all written well after a nonlinear connection is dened to b e a particular highly restricted type of connection on TM A Koszul connection is a linear op erator of the type of a covariant deriva tive on a vector bundle It gives rise to a linear connection on the vector bundle A Cartan connection may b e considered as a version of the general con cept of a principal connection in which the geometry of the principal bundle is tied to the geometry of the base manifold Cartan con nections describ e the geometry of manifolds mo delled on homogeneous spaces Under certain technical conditions they can b e related to the remaining types Chapter Connections We shall consider all except Cartan connections We are mostly concerned with nitedimensional real vector bundles E vector spaces V so GLV GLn R GL with n dim V Moreover our main concern is when E n TM so the principal bundle is LM the bundle of linear frames n dim M and linear connections are Gconnections for a suitable subgroup G GL n All pseudoRiemannian connections are connections of this last type Since the fundamental work of Ehresmann we have had a consistent terminology for connections on a manifold M A connection on M is a split ting TTM V H where V is the natural vertical bundle and H is a complementary subbundle the horizontal bundle Our main ob jective is to study smo oth general connections on the tangent bundle TM of a smo oth paracompact connected manifold M We shall use nonlinear in the original sense of Ehresmann We b egin more generally Denition A general connection on a b er bundle F E M is a fcong splitting TE V E H E or just V H for short Since V is natural one frequently refers to H as the general connection The subbundle H is called the horizontal bund le We usually omit the general and refer simply to a connection When E TM it is customary to say the connection is on M To justify calling H the horizontal bundle one observes that for v E p H T M is a vector space isomorphism This follows from V ker v p Denition A connection H is at if and only if H is integrable ffcg In other words if and only if the horizontal spaces foliate TE Recall that the vertical spaces always foliate Denition A connection H on E is trivial if and only if E is a trivial ftcg bundle and the horizontal sections are the constant sections Example The canonical or standard connection on M F is trivial ftcxg Example As the tangent bundle to any Lie group G is trivial the ftcxg canonical or standard connection on G is trivial This gives a canonical at n connection on R that has straight lines as geo desics no matter what signature any co existing inner pro duct might have ftcxg Ex Trivial connections are at Kinds of connections Denition If E is a Gbundle then H is called a Gconnection if fgcg and only if H g H A Gconnection on a principal Gbundle is called a g v v principal Gconnection Denition Let E b e a vector bundle with b erdimension k Then a flcg GL connection on E is called a linear connection k Ex In terms of the horizontal bundle H is a linear connection if and flcg only if H a H for all v E As is customary here we have written a av v as an abbreviation for the induced tangent map of m scalar multiplication a by a Hint use Ex in n Recall the Grassmannian G R G n of k planes in real nspace k k Here we are interested in the splitting TE V H where the b erdimension of TE is k n and the b erdimension of V is k so that the b erdimension of H is n Thus we shall consider Grassmannians of the form G k n n We wish to determine which elements of G k n are admissible as hor n izontal spaces Clearly not all candidates are acceptable such as any element that is not complementary to V Thus we dene the subspace of horizontal v Grassmannians to b e the space of all acceptable candidates Denition The set of all nplanes in G T E complementary to n v fhgg V is called the horizontal Grassmannian and is denoted by G T E v H v G T E n v Note that since V is natural it is xed in G k n Thus G T E H v k G k n is an op en submanifold of G k n Indeed V H fg H n v v The frame bundle LE of TE over E is a principal GL bundle for the k n k n dening action of GL on R As in Ex this induces the k n standard action of GL on G k n and G k n n k n k Denition The asso ciated bundle LE G k n G TE is called h h fhgbdlg the Grassmann hplane bund le over E and G TE LE G k n is the H H horizontal Grassmann bund le over E Observe that a connection H on E may b e regarded as a section of G TE H over E so as H G TE H We shall now determine the subgroup A GL that xes the vertical H k n k space R and acts transitively on horizontal spaces First we may apply any automorphisms of V and H separately Second we may add vertical Chapter Connections comp onents to horizontal vectors to obtain a new horizontal space In blo ck matrix form we write I GL k M I GL n nk
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