leus secti::l THE OMAHA DEC Pzs 1 to 0. The Omaha Daily Bee Best & West VOL. 19011-SIX- XXXVIII NO. 203. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORXIXG, FEBKUAKY, 13, TEEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. EXERCISES AT OLD HOME KING EDWARD LEAVP BERLIN AT LINCOLN FARM SUMMARY OF THE DEE LINCOLN LIVES, YES Klases Kaiser W'' ... Throe d Tlsao as V..V V' atordar, Febraary IS, Spring-fiel- Uass of Color and Pic- President Roosevelt Iats Cornerstone tures Alire to Every One Hun- 1909 1909 of Emancipator. Freeman, of Memorial at Birthplace. FEBRUARY BEIU"" V King Edward and dred Years Old Friday. Sun mon Tut wto tmu mi sat Quee '.'"!,. ,vtt r"' for lwidon at T HAS lotif ben a grave question whether ROBERT LINCOLN HONORED GUXST I o'cKv afternoon, sfter a visit of any government, not too strong for the lib CABIN IS CENTER OF CEREMONY I v I 2 3 4 5 6 four da , the German capital. They were riles of its people, ran be trong enough OMAHA PAYS PBOUD TRIBUTE accompanied to the railroad by Ambassador Bryee, William Bryaa station the g 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 J. emperor empress J to mantain lu own existence In great emergen-cle- by Presi- Mrs. Bryaa and and their military i Building Will Be Dedicated aad Amaa suites and Frince Henry of Prussia. I Vs ' e e cannot have free gov- Twenty Thousand School Children ' 14 15 16 17 18 19 Meetings The dent Taft Thia FalL 20 Fifty leave taking was affect innate, his majesty ernment without elections; and if the rebellion Becite Chicago, kissing emperor Great Speech, at the three times on the could force us to forego or postpone a national 21 22 2324252627 cheek. ALL SECTIONS REPRESENTED Intense curlouslty Is election It might fairly claim to hare already SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Feb. li. A visit pJ being displayed by BLUE AND CBAY HONOR HIM us. elec- 28 by Robert T. Lincoln to the old Lincoln the German people concerning Sir Charles conquered and ruined The strife of the Hardlnge's Over Thousand Attend Exercises WaaTXia home which he had not vialted since boy- conference with Chancellor von tion is but human nature practically applied to Six TU AND Buelow last night Confederate Join Grand Army Big FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS hood marked the Informal but real begin- case. bas occurred In this case must ever recur In in Under Great Tent VICINITY PrjbaMy snow Saturday; con- The authorities, however, maintain the the facta of the What tinued cold Saturday. ning of the memorial celebration of the will not change. In any future great national Demonstration. Probably snow Satur- looth annlveissry of Abrsham Lincoln's strictest retkence, except to stale that similar case. Human nature FOR NEBRASKA every upon day. birth held in Springfield today. Every buai-nea- s subject was touched In which trial, compared with the men of this, we shall have aa weak and as strong, EXECUTIVE CORDIALLY RECEIVED lOWA-Unset- tled probably FOR with house and ne ly every residence In the policy of both nations Is interested, as silly and as wise, as bad and as good. Let us, therefore, study the Incident NO CREED, NO RACE THIS BAY snow Faturday; colder In east and central and In which the result most satisfactory. portions Saturday. ths city Is decorated with flags and bunting of this, as philosophy to learn wisdom from, and none of them as wrong to llikrr Speakers Wer Secretary and with pictures of the great emancipator. It is understood that before the departure Deg of King Edward, Sir be revenged. But the election, along with lis Incidents and .undesirable strife, Celebration la Omaha Calmlaatea la Orarnl Wllsoa, Gov- Hour. Ambassador Jusserand of France and the Charles will have a Krlftl, t a. m en- further conference with a people's government can sus- Pablte teremony a. m 22 English ambassador. James Brjce, were the chancellor. haa done good. too. It has demonstrated that at th ernor 'Will sow aad Frmer The earl of Crewe, secre- 7 a. m IS tertained at the governor's mansion and British colonial tain a national election in the midst of a great civil war. Speech in reply Aadltorlam ai Fight GvvrruM Folk. g a. m 17 went from there at noon to the Country tary, had an extended conference with 14 a upon November 10, 1864. by republican Clubs O'clock. a. m.. Chancellor von Buelow snd Colonial f?cre-tar- y to serenade his 10 a. m 13 club, accompanied by William J. Bryan 11 P. Dolllver, where Dernburg yesterday, at which It Is of the District of Columbia. u LhJ fcTS" VI LLE. Ky., Feb. li. limit-fnit-h a. m 14 and Senator Jonathan 12 m 1 they were guests at a luncheon. A recep- supposed various colonial matters. Includ- Abraham Lincoln, 100 jesrs ef age today! the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln 1 p. m 14 tion waa tendered Ambassador Bryce by ing that of occupation of Allflsch bay, wore Living? Yes, and living he will be to Is to be marked by a pile of eton. Tlie X p. m 14 TO FLAG British-America- n discussed. OBJECT CONFEDERATE Americans, In American hearts. In th cmsnclpstor of a rare and. more than 3 p. m 14 the association. A con- HELPING THE RAILROADS OUT 4 p. m In was hearts of freemen everywhere who love (hat. of thought of a na- n spicuous part the celebration taken Re-me- the liberator the Indianapolis Veteraae Reqolre freedom and th cause freedom, 10 hi own m 1J by the Daughters of the American Revo- PLOT TO DEPOSE SULTAN of tion, builded monument in the p. m 13 Lincoln yeers from today. lution, whose national president, Mrs. Don- of Emblem at liearta of the world, and appropriately p. m 1; Terminal Bill to Be Repealed and Maaa Meeting. Euloglxed by fifty speakers at pubiia now p. m 10 McLean, participated. Change la Ministry Dae to Discovery lax th the thysbal structure which has ald and parochial by r-- m 8 guests of I'lea to Seat Prince All Value to Be Distributed. schools; honored a salute ttcginnlg the place where Lin- The city entertained as Its French It-A- found a at INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. fter vig- of twenty-on- e guns at noon; story told coln light simpler BOMxamc. Ambassador Jussersnd, British Ambassa- Yaaeof. his first i the takes the orous protests were msde.by veterans of by no less 1.000 school In a sim- Log cabin In which Lincoln waa born Bryce, Hon. William Jennings Bryan. than children name of a memorial. It la to be dor th civil war a confederate flag was recitation ple building of granite, and waa dedicated by a large crowd and Pres- Robert T. Lincoln, Senator Dolllver of BERLIN, Feb. 12. The recent changes In SHOPS TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS that and declamation; before an audi- but clssahsl Included In the Tomllnson hall decorations ence of 8.000 In It la hoped It may be completed soma ident Roosevelt lays the cornerstone for Iowa, Federal Judges Grosscup snd Landis the Turkish ministry are due to a discovery the afternoon and another that for the Lincoln mass meeting this after- audience equally aa large In fall, when then President the Lincoln memorial at Hodgenville, Ky. of Chicago. Milwaukee and And- of a plot against the sultan that had for its the evening, lim urxl the Seaman of Bank tiaaraaty Bill Contlane to Be noon. Mayor Bookwaller ordered the em- was the paid will officiate tn dedicating It, as Fags I erson of Indianapolis. Hon. Jsmes Haflan. object his deposition, according to the Con- tribute to Abraham Lincoln Taft a Bob of Content loa aad blem removed from the hall. The decora- by Omahans yesterday, was the prevent president. Theodore Roose- Alderman Joseph F. Kohout of Chicago, Interstate commerce commissioner; Oenersl stantinople correspondent of the Frank- Misf and he char- dlsappointed'because Betas; tions In ihe l.all were made for the con- acterised as the msn In velt, today officiated In laying Ha founda- his wsrd 'club re- John W. Noble, Judges Clarke and Klein, furter Zcitung. The plan was to dethrone C'oafereaee Are tallest the world fused to endorse him, vention of the United Mine Workers of this side of the cross Calvary. tion stone. committed suicide. Colonel W. H. Blodgett and Hon. David the sultan today while he was riding to th Held. of were allowed to remain for S0,-0- e rags America and Engraved on the minds of more Th cornel-ston- laying took place after 5 R. Francis of Su Louis and many others selamllk celebration and proclaim as sultan than which Robert T. Lincoln waa honored guest at Prince Yussof Ixxedln. the eldest son of the celebration today. school children of Omaha are the slm-pl- o appropriate forensic ceremonies. prominent In public and business life in the (From a Correspondent.) were participated by president of Springfield, Abraham Lincoln's old home. late sultan. The publication of the corre- Staff The laglslature this sftemoon observed words of Abrshsm Lincoln defining ths in the Illinois and neighboring stales. LINCOLN. Feb. In addi- United Governor Wlllson of and William J. Bryan delivered the prin- spondence with Prince Tussof Is expected the anniversary by appropriate exercises. principles on which the republic of th tlie State. cipal tion to the bill providing for the repeal of were going on In this United Kentucky, former "Governor Joseph W. address.
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