International Standard @ 1000 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATIONoME~YHAPOLIHAROPTAHMSAUMR no CTAHAAPTM3AUHMaRGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION L SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units Unités SI et recommandations pour l'emploi de leurs multiples et de certaines autres unités Second edition - 1981-02-15iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 1000:1981 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/a63c4770-3eda-4cd9-9c90- c032a9b11787/iso-1000-1981 UDC : : Ref. No. IS0 (E) 1 53.081 003.62 004.1 IOOO-1981 Descriptors : units of measurement, metric system, multiples, international system of units, utilisation s Price based on 14 pages Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 loo0 was idevelopedTeh SbyT TechnicalAND CommitteeARD ISO/TC PR 12,E VIEW Quantities, units, symbols, conversion factors and( sconversiontand atables.rd s.iteh.ai) This second edition was submitted directly to the IS0 Council, in accordance with clause 5.10.1 of part 1 of the Directives for the technical workIS Oof 1ISO.000: 1It9 cancels81 and replaces the first edition (i.e. IS0 1000-1973),https://stand whichards.ite hadh.ai/ cbeenatalo approvedg/standard bys/s ithest/a 6member3c4770 -3eda-4cd9-9c90- bodies of the following countries: c032a9b11787/iso-1000-1981 Austria Hungary Romania Belgium India Sri Lanka Brazil Iran Sweden Bulgaria Ireland Switzerland Canada Israel Thailand Chile Italy Turkey Denmark Japan United Kingdom Egypt, Arab Rep. of Netherlands USA Finland New Zealand USSR France Norway Germany, F.R. Portugal The member bodies of the following countries had expressed disapproval of the docci ment on technical grounds: Australia Czechoslovakia South Africa, Rep. of ‘a International Organization for Standardization, 1981 O Printed in Switzerland II I NTE R NAT1O NAL STAN DARD IS0 1000-1981 (E)/ ER RATU M Published 1981 -12-01 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANOAROIZATION. MEXAYHAPOAHAR OPTAHMSAUMR Il0 CTAHAAPTM3AuMM. ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units ERRATUM Replace the Erratum published 1981-OS01 by the following Page 3 - Sub-clause 4.2, examples : Delete "0,003 96 m" and substitute "0,003 94 m". Page 4 Table 7, column 4, line 12 : Replace "1 U = 1,660 53 x IO-z7 kg" by "1 U = 1,660 57 x kg" Page 6 iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW Quantity No. 3-1.1,column 4, line 3 : Delete(s "m"ta nandd substituteards ."mg".ite h.ai) Page 9 ISO 1000:1981 Quantity No. columnh ttpsline://st and: aDeleterds.ite h"MN".ai/cata loandg/st asubstitutendards/sis t"MV"/a63c 4770-3eda-4cd9-9c90- 5-6.1, 4, 1 c032a9b11787/iso-1000-1981 Page 10 Quantity No. 5-33.1,column 2, line 3 : Insert closing parenthesis after "current". Page 12 v Title of Part 7 : Delete "Acoustic" and substitute "Acoustics". iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 1000:1981 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/a63c4770-3eda-4cd9-9c90- c032a9b11787/iso-1000-1981 Contents Page 1 Scope and field of application ......................................... 1 2 SI units ............................................................ 1 3 Multiples of SI units ................................................. 3 4 Use of the SI units and their multiples .................................. 3 5 Non SI units which may be used together with the SI units and their multiples 4 iTeh STAnnexes:AND ARD PREVIEW A Examples of decimal multiples and sub-multiples of SI units (stanandd ofa somerd sother.it eunitsh. whichai) may be used ........................... 5 B DefinitionsISO 100 of0: 1the98 1base units and supplementary units of the International System of Units .................................... 14 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/a63c4770-3eda-4cd9-9c90- c032a9b11787/iso-1000-1981 ... 111 iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 1000:1981 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/a63c4770-3eda-4cd9-9c90- c032a9b11787/iso-1000-1981 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 1ooO-1981 (E) SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) 1 Scope and field of application 2 SI Units This International Standard ISO 1000:198The1 name Système International d'Unités (International https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sisSystemt/a63c47 of70 -Units),3eda-4 cwithd9-9 thec90 -international abbreviation SI, was c032a9b11787/iso-10adopted00-1981 by the 11th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures a) describes the International System of Units') (in in 1x0. clauses 2 and 3); This system includes three classes of units: b) recommends selected decimal multiples and sub- - base units multiples of the SI units for general use and gives certain other units which may be used with the International - supplementary units - System of Units (in clauses 4 and 5, and annex A); - derived units, c) defines base and supplementary SI units (in annex B). which together form the coherent system of SI units. 11 Full information about the International System of Units is given in a publication from the International Bureau of Weights and Measures: Le Système lnternationald'hités (authorized English translations have been published in the United Kingdom through the National Physical Laboratory, and in the United States of America through the National Bureau of Standards]. 1 IS0 1000-1981 (E) 2.1 Base units Table 3 Expressed in terms The International System of Units is founded on the seven base Special of base or supple- units listed in table 1. name Quantity Symbol mentary SI units of derived )r in terms of othei Table 1 unit SI derived SI units Name of Quantity frequency hertz HZ 1 Hz = 1 S-' base SI unit symbol I 1 I force newton N 1 N = 1 kg.mIs2 length metre pressure, stress pascal Pa 1 Pa = 1 NIm2 mass kilogram energy, work, joule J 1 J = 1 N.m time second quantity of heat electric current ampere power watt W 1 W = 1 JIs thermodynamic temperature kelvin K electric charge, coulomb C 1 C = 1 A.s amount of substance mole mol quantity of electricity volt V 1 V = 1 J/C luminous intensity candela cd electric potential, potential difference, tension, electro- For the definitions of the base units and the supplementary motive force units, see annex B. electric capacitance farad F 1 F = 1 C/V electric resistance ohm n 1 0 = 1 VIA Supplementary units 2.2 electric conductance siemens S 1 s = 1 R-' 1 The Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures has not flux of magnetic weber Wb 1 Wb = V.S classified certain units of the International System under either induction, magnetic iTeh STANDARfluxD PREVIEW base units or derived units. (standardmagnetics.ite hflux. ai) tesla T 1 T = 1 WbIm2 These units, listed in table 2, are called "supplementary units" density, magnetic and may be regarded either as base units or as derived units.') induction ISO 1000inductance:1981 henry H 1 H = 1 Wb/A https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/a63c4770-3eda-4cd9-9c90- Table 2 Celsius temperature degree OC 1 OC = 1 K*' c032a9b11787/iso-1000-1981 Celsius Quantity Name of supplementary SI unit Symbol luminous flux lumen Im 1 Im = 1 cd.sr plane angle radian rad illuminance lux Ix 1 Ix = 1 him2 solid angle steradian sr 2.3 Derived units Table 4 - Derived SI units with special names accepted for the sake of safeguarding human health Derived units are expressed algebraically in terms of base units and/or supplementary units. Their symbols are obtained by Expressed in means of the mathematical signs of multiplication and division; terms of base Quantity for example, the SI unit for velocity is metre per second (m/s) units or SI and the SI unit for angular velocity is radian per second (rad/s). unit derived SI units activity (of a becquerel I Bq 1 Bq = 1 S-1 For some of the derived SI units, special names and symbols radionuclide) exist; those approved by the Conférence Générale des Poids et absorbed dose, gray 1 Gy = 1 JIkg Mesures are listed in tables 3 and 4. specific energy imparted, It may sometimes be advantageous to express derived units in kerma, terms of other derived units having special names; for example, absorbed dose index the unit for electric dipole moment is usually expressed as SI dose equivalent sievert 1 SV = 1 Jlkg C.m instead of A.s.m. 1) However, in October 1980 the International Committee of Weights and Measures decided to interpret the class of supplementary units in the In- ternational System as a class of dimensionless derived units for which the General Conference of Weights and Measures leaves open the possibility of using these or not in expressions of derived units of the International System. 2) For the use of degree Celsius (OC), see note 2 under the definition of kelvin in annex B. 2 IS0 1000-1981 (E) 3 Multiples of SI units 4 Use of the SI units and their multiples The prefixes given in table 5 (SI prefixes) are used to form 4.1 The choice of the appropriate multiple (decimal multiple names and symbols of multiples (decimal multiples and sub- or sub-multiple) of an SI unit is governed by convenience, the multiples) of the SI units.
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