THENCAHF BULLETINBOARD JANUARY I FEBRUARY 2001 The NCAHF Bulletin Board is sent to members and media recipients only. It is intended to stimnlate and aid in activism against health fraud, misinformationand quackery at the local, state & national levels. CORRECTION Station (MorristownRoute). Call (973)366-0600for schedule and The last Bulletin Board incorrectlylisted Jack Raso, MS, RD as the fare infonnation. Secretaryon the NCAHF Board of Directors. Mr. Raso was elected to By Car from New York, New England, and Northeast New Jersey the Board of Directors,but Janice A. Lyons, RN was elected as From George Washington Bridge-Follow signs to 1-80West (express Secretary. lanes). Take I-80 West to I-287 South. See box. From Lincoln Tunnel- Follow signs to Route 3 West.Take Route 3 NCAHF2001 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING JUNE 23RDTO West to Route 46 West. Continue on Route 46 West to 1-80West. Take I- FOLLOWCONFERENCE ON HEALTHCAREBEYOND THE 80 West to 1-287South. See box. FRINGE From Holland Tunnel- Bear right after tunnel to New Jersey Turnpike NCAHF's 2001 Annual MembershipMeeting will take place from 4:30 (Jersey City Extension). Take Turnpike to I-78 (NewarkAirport toll p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Octagon at Mahoney Library on the campus of plaza). After toll, take I-78 West to exit for Route 24 (Morristown).Take the College of Saint Elizabeth(http://www.st-elizabeth.edu) located on Florham Park-Morristownexit (#2A, Route 510 West). See box below. ConventRoad in Morristown,New Jersey. The meeting will include a Begin at*. report on the strategicplanning for NCAHF that was initiated at the last From WestchesterCounty- Cross the Tappan Zee Bridge and travel 8 Board meeting and a discussionof opportunitiesfor activism within miles along the New York Thruway North past Garden State Pkwy. to NCAHF.Members may suggest agenda items by writing to NCAHF,PO Spring ValleyToll. After toll, take second exit (#15). Sign says South Box 141, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 (e-mail [email protected]). Jersey I-287, 17. Bear right on ramp and follow the sign for 1-287South, The meeting will follow HealthcareBeyond the Fringe: Schemes Morristown.See box below. and Scams, Pseudoscienceand Superstition, a continuing education By Car from Washington,Baltimore. and Philadelphia conferencefor dietitians (CEU applicationto be submitted),other Take the New Jersey Turnpikenorth to Exit 10. Take I-287 North to exit healthcareprofessionals, interested consumers, and NCAHF members. 35, (Route 124 [Old Route 24), South Street-MadisonAvenue). From The conferencewill be held at the Octagon from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. exit ramp stop light, tum left. Bear right to Route 124 East. Tum right at (withregistration beginning at.8:30a.m.). stop sign and proceed on Route 124 East (stay in right lane). At fifth If you're planning to attend the Annual MembershipMeeting, light (the Madison Hotel is on your left), turn left onto Convent Road. please bring your NCAHF membershipcard. Entrance to campus is just across the railroad tracks. Those planning to attend HealthcareBeyond the Fringe must By Car from South Jersey Via Garden State Parkway register.The fee for NCAHF membersregistering by June 81\ using the Take Garden State Parkway North to Exit 142. Move to the far right toll fonn on back of this page, is $35 (half off the $70 fee for non-mem­ booth and follow the signs to Hwy. 78 West. You'll be heading east, then bers). The fee includes lunch. (Add $10 for registration after June 8th.) taking the first exit-Exit 54-and crossing over Route 78 in order to The Madison Hotel (2 Convent Road, Morristown,NJ 07960), head West. Highway 78 will divide a few miles from the exit. Keep to which is located within a half mile of the Octagon is offering NCAHF the right and follow the signs for Route 24/124 Springfield/Morristown. membersstandard king bedded rooms or standard double bedded rooms Take Exit 2A, Route 510 West. See box below. Begin at*. at a discountedrate of$129 per night from June 22nd through June 24th• Call 973-285-1800and mention The National Council Against Health Take I-287 South (Morristown)to exit 37 (Route 24, Springfield). Fraud. Learn about the hotel's amenities at http:// Proceed east on Route 24 to first exit (Exit 2A, Route 510 West). *After www.themadisonhotel.com. exit ramp, move to the left lane to make left tum at first traffic light The Madison Hotel is convenientlylocated by the New Jersey (Park Avenue).Proceed on Park Avenue for .7 mi. (past two traffic TransitConvent (train) Station. Morristown Station, one stop to the lights) to campus entrance on right just before third traffic light. If you northwest,and Madison Station, one stop to the southeast, are within arrive late in the evening, the campus entrance may be closed. walkingdistance of numerousshops and restaurants. Alternate route: Turn right at second light (Punchbowl Road). Proceed to Route 124 (next main intersection).Turn left. Proceed to DIRECTIONSTO THE COLLEGEAND THE MADISON HOTEL the next traffic light, Convent Road (you'll see Rod's Steak and Mass Transportation Seafood Restaurant at the Madison Hotel on your left). Turn left. By Air - Newark InternationalAirport, a Continentalhub, is 30 minutes The College is across the railroad tracks. Follow signs to parking lot east of the College. LaGuardiaAirport and JFK InternationalAirport in adjacent to the Octagon. New YorkCity are options. • Taxi Service from Newark InternationalAirport - Call E-Plus CONFERENCEINFORMATION: HEALTHCARE BEYOND THE Taxi: 800-94-EPLUS. FRINGE • ScheduledVan Service from Newark InternationalAirport to [Updateswill be posted at http://www.ncahforg.] Madison Hotel- Call State Shuttle: 800-427-3207. Sponsors By Train- The New Jersey Transit Morristown Line from Hoboken and College of Saint Elizabeth (Graduate Program in Health Care MidtownDirect from Manhattan(Penn Station) stop at Convent Station Management,Graduate Program in Nutrition, Dietetic Internship right between The Madison Hotel and the College of Saint Elizabeth. Program, and Lectures and Concerts Committee);The NationalCouncil Call 800-772-2222 for scheduleand fare infonnation. Against Health Fraud, Inc.; Western District of the New Jersey By Bus - Lakeland Bus Line buses from the Port Authority Bus Dietetic Association Tenninal in New York City at 41st Street and 8th Avenue stop at Convent Purposesof the Conference NutritionCultism 1. Discusshow productsand servicesof unprovenand dubious VictorHerbert, MD, JD, MACP value are promotedin the health marketplace. Professorof Medicineand Chair of the Committeeto Strengthen 2. Discussethical concernsregarding the promotionof products Nutritionat Mount Sinai Schoolof Medicineof the Mount Sinai­ and servicesof unprovenand dubiousvalue. NYU Health System . 3. Increaseawareness among health professionalsand consumers Directorof the NutritionResearch Center and Chief of the Mount about the significanceof the problemsof fraud, quackery, SinaiHematology and NutritionResearch Laboratory at the faddism,and cultismin the health marketplace. Departmentof Veterans'Affairs MedicalCenter, Bronx, New York 4. Discusswhy consumersare vulnerableto deceptionin the health marketplace. Why ChiropractorsQuack About Nutrition 5. Increaseawareness of health professionalsand consumersof CharlesE. DuVallJr., DC deceptivelymarketed health productsand services. President,National Association for ChiropracticMedicine 6. Discusswhat health professionalsand organizationscan do to CharlesA. Bender,DC stop patientvictimization by quackery. ChiropracticPhysician, Middlesex, NJ Speakers OpeningRemarks Harvestof a Long Root Crop:A Case Study of SuccessfulAction AgainstAberrant Dentistry WilliamM. London,EdD, MPH RobertBaratz, MD, PhD, DDS President,The NationalCouncil Against HealthFraud, Inc. AssistantClinical Professor of EmergencyMedicine, Boston University Director,Graduate Program in Health Care Management,College of SchoolofMedicine Saint Elizabeth Quackery:Can AnythingBe DoneAbout It? The Epidemiologyof Quackery StephenBarrett, MD WilliamT. Jarvis,PhD Board Chainnan,Quackwatch, Inc. Past President,The NationalCouncil Against Health Fraud, Inc. Launchinga GrassrootsCampaign to CombatHealth Fraud Symptomsand Superstitions ClaraLawhead, MS, RD, LD, FADA LorenPankratz,.PhD DirectorofNutrition and WIC, State of FloridaPasco County ConsultationPsychologist, Portland, Oregon HealthDepartment "Alternative"Medicine: Hope or Hype? SaulGreen, PhD President,Zol Consultants,New York,NY HealthcareBeyond the Fringe Schemes and Scams, Pseudoscience and Superstition 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., June 23, 200.1 The Octagon at Mahoney Library, College of Saint Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ EnrollmentForm from NCAHF Bulletin Board RegistrationFees: Please register me for the conference HealthcareBeyond the Fringe. I am enclosinga check/moneyorder made out to Collegeof Saint Elizabethfor $_____ correspondingto the fee categorychecked off below. _$35.00 for NCAHF members submitted by June 8th• _$70.00 for non-members ofNCAHF submitted by June 8th• _$45.00 for NCAHF members submitted after June 8th• _$80.00 fornon-members ofNCAHF submitted after June 8th• Name._____________________________________________ _ Home address'-------------------------------------------- City_______________ State___ Zip________ Home Phone_____________ _ E-MailAddress. ____________ .Fax____________ Business Phone___________ _ Occupationor Job Title._______________________________________ _ Businessor Organization.______________________________________ _ Addressc,.____________________________________________ _ City____________________________ State______ Zip_________ _ Send a copy of this completed form and full payment to: Monica Luby, MS, RD, Dietetic Internship Program, College of Saint Elizabeth, 2 Convent Road, Morristown, NJ 07960-6989 .
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