Program Venue: ICC Kyoto, Date: June 5, 2012 Comprehensive program Subjects Time Floor - Room 1. Opening & Keynote presentation 8:30-9:30 1F-Main Hall Keynote: E. Nakakita, State of the Arts of Real-time Precipitation Forecast and Climate Change Impact Assessment on River Regime 2. Oral presentation (1) Impacts of Climate Change on Dams and the Benefits from Dams 10:00-17:50 2F-A (2) Dams for Meeting Increasing Demand of Growing World Population 10:00-17:50 2F-B-1 (3) Knowledge & Technology Transfer in Dam Engineering 10:00-14:20 1F-C-1 (4) Advanced Technologies for Construction of Dams 14:20-15:10 1F-C-1 (5) New Techniques to Prevent and Manage Incidents & Accidents 10:00-17:50 1F-C2 (6) Earthquakes 10:00-15:10 1F-D (7) Geotechnical Aspects of Dam Foundations 16:10-17:50 1F-D 3. Poster presentation 15:10-16:10 1F&2F Detailed program (1) Impacts of Climate Change on Dams and the Benefits from Dams Oral sessions Title of paper Authors Country Paper No. Session (1) 10:00-11:40, 2F Room A Chairmen: Dr. Takahiro Sayama, Dr. Sunmin Kim Bartsch Maria, Climate Change and Dam Safety in Sweden Sweden 101 Engstrom Meyer Anna Chernet Haregewoin, Assessment of Changes in Design Flood Due to Climate Change Alfredsen Knut , Norway 92 for Sysen Dam in Norway Midttomme Grethe Holm Jong Mun Lee, Construction of the Integrated Management System in Dam and Young Do Kim, Boo Sik Korea 126 Reservoir for Climate Change Kang, Deuk Koo Koh ROLE OF DAMS IN THE ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION Sanchez Francisco,Perez Spain 127 OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Alfonso ,Martinez Elena Climate Change and Water Supply Reliability Practical Guidelines Annandale GeorgeWilliam USA 192 for Dealing with Uncertainty Parameter Determination of a Distributed Runoff Model Kaoru Haga, Tsuyoshi Sakai, Japan 70 Considering the Surveyed Ground Surface Conditions Yasunobu Otsuru Armenteros Rius Jose Food, Energy and Water from the Nizao River Water Projects Dominican Manuel, Gomez-Achecar 310 Dominican Republic Republic Octavio Manuel Fenrich Eva, Wieprecht Modelling Tidal Renewable Energy Schemes as Building Blocks Silke, Ahmadian Reza , Germany 344 in a Low Carbon Society Bockelmann-Evans Bettina, Marx Walter, Falconer Roger Session (2) 13:30-15:10, 2F Room A Chairmen: Dr. Sunmin Kim, Mr. Ron Lemons Oshikawa Hideo,Komatsu Cascade Type Flood Control Using Plural Dams Japan 173 Toshimitsu A Methodology for Analysis of Uncertainty in Probable Micovic Zoran,Schaefer Canada 133 Maximum Precipitation Melvin ,Taylor George Kim Sae jin,Jin Seong New Dam Construction Policy and Future Korean-Style Dam Won ,Cha Kee-Uk ,Park Korea 176 Model to Adapt to Environment Change Byungun Burkina Hydrologic Safety of Small Dams under Climate Change Adama Nombré 45 Faso 1 Tadanori Ishizuka, Nobutomo Invited Deep Catastrophic Landslides and Landslide dams in Japan Japan Osanai Paper Preliminary Study of Recent Water Temperature Trends Nagao Masayuki,Suzuki Japan 159 of Dam Reservoirs in Japan Atsushi Saber Mohamed,Hamaguchi Mitigation Strategies Based on Flash Floods Simulation Toshio ,Tanaka Considering Water Resources Management at Wadi El-Arish, Egypt 90 Kenji ,Kantoush Sameh Sinai Peninsula, Egypt Ahmed,Sumi Tetsuya Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources Programming of Kanani Reza Iran 212 Vanyar Dam Session (3) 16:10-17:50, 2F Room A Chairmen: Mr. Ron Lemons, Dr. Takahiro Sayama Recovery Works from Landslide Dams Caused by Typhoon Talas Invited Yoshiaki Nanami Japan 2011 Paper The Ruataniwha Plains Water Storage Project: Leong David, Hansen New Sustainable Irrigation for Central Hawke’s Bay 331 Graeme Zealand New Zealand Minimization of Adverse Climate Change Impacts on Multi-Dam Meon Gunter,Gocht Martin Germany 342 Systems by Optimized Operation Ariyanti Rr. Vicky,ST, M.Sc, M.Eng, Ir. Faizal Adicondro, Garung Dam on Menjer Lake “Planned” to Last 650 Years Indonesia 181 M.E, Ir. Muhammad Syamsudin, Dipl. HE Thermal Load of the Sava River – Revision of Results After Sirca Andrej Slovenia 288 Partial Completion of the HPP Chain Qian Chaochao,Yamada A Study on New Technique of dam Sluice Operation for Flood Tadashi, Kitada Japan 305 Control Yusei ,Kikkawa Hideo Impacts of Climate Change on Spillway: Mulyantari Fransisca Indonesia 364 A Case Study Situ Gintung Dam, Indonesia Overtopping of Reservoir Water over the Dam Crest as One of the Brotodihardjo Agus Indonesia 194 Dominant Causes of the Huge Flood PP,Munir Moh. Dedi Poster session Title of paper Authors Country Paper No. Poster Session 15:10-16:10 2F Instruction of Operation Planning for Glevard Dam Based on Hossein Jalaly, Soudabeh Iran 58 Variable Demand Derav The Opinion of The Future Based on The Dam Due to Global Yoshida Hiroshi,Asato Japan 114 Warming, Climate Changes Tsukasa ,Kawaguchi Yukihiro Application of watershed model to assess water environment in Noh Hee Jin, Kim Young Do, Korea 125 Andong Dam from climate change Kang Boosik ,Shin Jae-Ki IMPROVING FLOOD FORECASTING AND EARLY Riahi Mohammad, WARNING SYSTEM USING A METEO-HYDROLOGICAL Sabaghzadeh Homayoon, Iran 136 PREDICTION MODEL (CASE STUDY: KARKHE RIVER Delavar Majid, Bastanfard RESERVOIR SYSTEM, IRAN) Bahareh Dynamics of an experience on local water resources management Burkina as a strategy for adaptation to climate change in the Nakanbé MILLOGO Dibi 217 Faso basin The Examination along with the presentation of flood-forecasting Baghalnejad Arash, system in real time in the maroon river reservoir dam through Baharlooee Bardshahi Iran 221 using wms software Darush, Jafari Habibollah Flood- Dam Interactions, an Experience on Golestan Dam in Yakhkeshi Mohammad Iran 277 Gorgan River Basin Ebrahim Assessing the Residual Hydropower Storage Capacity in Italy. A Meghella Massimo,Frigerio new Challenge toward the Achievement of 2020 Europe Energy Italy 326 Antonella Targets Impacts of Climate Change on Dams and the Benefits from Dams The Role of Dams in Mitigating Storm Flood Umer Hazret, Hamid Shahid Pakistan 368 The Case of Tarbela Dam Project Impacts of Climate Change on Dams Muhammad Riaz Pakistan 390 2 (2) Dams for Meeting Increasing Demand of Growing World Population Oral sessions Title of paper Authors Country Paper No. Session (1) 10:00-11:40, 2F Room B-1, Sediment Management Chairmen: Prof. G. Basson, Mr. E. Cifres Damage from Typhoon Talas to Civil Engineering Structures for Invited Hydropower Stations and the Effect of the Sediment Bypass Hajime Fukuroi Japan Paper System at Asahi Dam Harianto, Edhie Subagyo, Management of Reservoir Sedimentation in the Brantas River Alfan Rianto, M. Indonesia 110 Basin Indonesia Taufiqurrachman, Fahmi Hidayat & Astria Nugrahany Study of Sedimentation of Reservoirs in Poland A. Kosik, J. Kloze, A. Wita Poland 186 Sediment Management through Tandem Operation of Dams in Masanobu Takeuchi, Kenichi Japan 76 Kurobe River Sasaki Reservoir Sedimentation Francis FRUCHART, Benoit Different Type of Flushing - Friendly Flushing France 353 CAMENEN Example of Genissiat Dam Flushing Y. Yamagami, M. Kaku, K. Asazaki, Y. Tashiro, T. Approaches for Integrated Sediment Flow Management at Dams Yamashita, K. Nishida, J. Japan 108 in the Mimikawa River Basin Oshikawa, K. Nonaka, H. Kodama, S. Sugio Hydraulic Characteristics of the Burrowing Type Sediment Toshiyuki Sakurai, Noriaki Japan 281 Removal Suction Pipe Hakoishi Development of Numerical Analysis Code for Predicting N. Yoneyama, A.Saito, K. Behavior of Removal Sediment from Reservoir Bed by Using Japan 283 Iguchi Discharge Pipe Based on Siphon Principle Session (2) 13:30-15:10, 2F Room B-1, Water Resources Management Chairmen: Prof. T. Sumi, Prof. G. Basson Dam Safety Decision Making in a Risk Environment Mal Halwala, Rob Keogh Australia 25 Tracking Construction Progress, Costs and Risk using an L.S. Tromp, P.S. Swart Lesotho 49 Integrated Accounting System People’s Awareness to River Improvement Projects T. Hosoda, T. Kazusa, K. with Planning of Dam Construction Japan 112 Ohara for the Kitagawa River, Fukui Prefecture Negotiations for Conflict Management during Impoundment of Saied Yousefi, Eisa Iran 81 Large Dams Bozorgzadeh Syed Raghib Abbas Shah, Need for Construction of Large Dams for Food, Energy and Muhammad Ashraf Abid, Pakistan 274 Water in Pakistan Saqib Zia Dam Development and Water Management in Central Vietnam. G. Pham H., N. Pham H., T. Viet Nam 395 Case Study of the Vu_Gia - Thu_Bon River Basin Pham H. V. Dams and HPPs Construction as Optimal Coexistence Solution S. Stevovic, H. Milosevic Serbia 69 Between Energy Demands and Environment Toshio Okazumi, Tatsuto The Multiple Contributions of Dams and Reservoirs after the Nakane, Takeshi KamadaiI, Invited Japan 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Takashi Fukuwatari, Hiroki Paper Mizoguchi Session (3) 16:10-17:50, Room B-1, Water Quality Management and Environment Chairmen: Mr. E. Cifres, Prof. T. Sumi Yoko Yamamoto, Tadahiro Study on a Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Reorganizing Toyoda, Shinya Mitsuishi, Japan 46 Water-Use Systems Okito Mukouzaka, Saeko Osaki K. Michioku, H. Minagawa, An In-Situ Experiment on Oxygen Solubility of Micro-Bubble S. Yamada, T. Ikeguchi, N. Japan 28 Aeration in A Eutrophic Dam-Reservoir Ohkawa 3 Byeong-Yong,Sohn, Design and Operation Guideline Standardization for Reservoir Kyung-Taek,Yum, Korea 122 Circulation Improve Water Quality of Reservoir in Korea Jin-Soo,Kim, Yang-Jin,Ban, Chang-Young,Byun Influence of Gachsaran Formation Salt Layers on Reservoir Noor Ali Damough, Heydar Iran 199 Quality of Upper Gotvand Dam Zarei Study on Flushing Mechanism of Dam Reservoir Sedimentation Tomoo
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