Soil CULTIVAR/VARIETY Mature Spread BVOC TREE NAME Type (Clay or COMMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS Height (ft) (ft) (L,M,H) Loam) Small Trees 15-25' Height - Minimum Recommended Planter Width 4' An asterisk* indicates that the cultivar deviates from the norm of the species in terms of size and should not be substituted without consulting an expert Acer buergeranum NA 20 20 D C/L L Trident Maple Compact crown, interesting bark pattern, yellow to gold fall color Acer ginnala Flame 20 20 D C/L L Amur Maple Good fall color, provide good drainage Cercis canadensis Reddish-pink flowers along zig-zag twigs in very early spring, burgundy Forest Pansy 15-20 20 D C/L Eastern Redbud foliage Chionanthus retusus Excellent display of spring flowers at branch ends, small blue-purple fruit, NA 15-20 20 D L L Chinese Fringe Tree tolerant of many soil conditions Crataegus laevigata Crimson Cloud Flowers red with white centers, disease resistant. This is the only small Crimson Cloud* 25 18 D C/L L Crimson Cloud Hawthorne hawthorne Dynamite, Natchez, Lagerstroemia indica or x L. f aurei Tuscarora, Watermelon 15-20 20 D C/L Select single trunk form. For best form prune to shape and do not prune Crape Myrtle (Single Trunk) Red branch tips back in winter. Magnolia grandiflora Dwarf Glen St. Mary* 25 15-12 E L L Dwarf Southern Magnolia Dense crown, slighty larger than "Little Gem'. Malus sp. Pink flowers, 1/4 red fruit persistent. Cutleaf, purple leaves. Select EMLA NA 20 15 D L L Flowering Crabapple 111 or Right RootTM rootstock to prevent suckering. Prunus sp. Akebono or Kwanzan 20 20 D L L Flowering Cherry Fruitless. Protect young trees from sunburn on trunks Prunus "Okame" Okame* 25 20 D L L Okame Cherry Upright, oval shape, profuse pink blossoms. Tolerates hot climates Prunus sp. Crimson Pointe or Little or no fruit. Trees are often branched low. Ask for high branched. Use 15-20 10-15 D C/L L Flowering Plum Krauter Vesuvious* Crimson Pointe for a more narrow form. Syringa reticulata Ivory Silk 20 15 D C/L L Japanese Lilac Creamy white flowers in early summer Tilia cordata Yellow-gold fall color, maintain lower foliage to protect ttruck from Summer Sprite* 20 15 D C/L Littleleaf Linden sunburn Vitex agnus-castus Select single trunk form. Interesting angular form, attracts butterfies, NA 15-20 15-20 D L Chaste Tree showy flowers, fragrant foliage Zelkova serrata City Sprite* 15-20 12-15 D C/L L Japanese Elm A compact, fine textured form of common Japanese elm Soil CULTIVAR/VARIETY BVOC SPECIES Mature Height Spread (Clay or COMMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS Type (L,M,H,) (ft) (ft) Loam) Medium Tree 25-35' Height - Minimum Recommended Planter Width 6' An asterisk* indicates that the cultivar deviates from the norm of the species in terms of size and should not be substituted without consulting an expert Acer rubrum Autumn Flame* 35 30 D L L Dense, round crown, good fall color, tolerant of heat Autumn Flame Maple Acer truncatum Norwegian Sunset or Pacific 30 25 D C/L L Yellow-red fall color, rounded crown shape Shantung maple Sunset Aesculus x carnea Briotii* 25-35 25-35 D C/L Showy red bloom in spring Red Horsechestnut Arbutus marina Marina 30-35 30 E C/L L Strawberry Tree Attractive exfoliating bark, good screening tree Carpinus betulus'Fastigiata Pyramidal hornbeam 30-35 25 D C/L L Formal appearance, dense foliage, heat tolerant European hornbeam Koelreuteria paniculata Summerburst 30 30 D C/L H Fragrant yellow flowers tinged with pink, heat and drought tolerant Goldenrain Tree Laurus nobilis Bay Laurel 30 30 E C/L L Dark green foliage, fragrant foliage used in cooking, good screen Magnolia liliflora x sprengeri Red-purple flower, upright single trunk, oval crown, tolerates wide range of Galaxy* 25 20 D C/L L Sprenger Magnolia conditions Nyssa sylvatica Strong central leader and more heat tolerant than N. sylvatica. later fall color Afterburner 30 20 D C/L Black Tupelo than most tupelo Pistacia chinensis Select seedless cultivars to avoid litter from fruit. Pearl Street is more upright Keith Davey* or Pearl Street* 30 30 D C/L L Chinese Pistache and faster growing. Excellent fall color, heat and drought tolerant Prunus sargenti Larger vase shaped crown, single pink flowers provide a spring show, NA 30 30 D L L Sargent Flowering Cherry maaintaina healthy full canopy to protect trunk from sunburn Tillia americana Lincoln or Redmond 30-35 25 D C/L Lincoln is slightly more compact and darker greeen than Redmond American Linden Ulmus parvifolia 'Emer I' Athena* 30 35 D C/L L Compact, dense crown, glossy green foliage turns yellow to gold in autumn Athena Classic Elm Ulmus propinqua Excellent medium size tree for shade and street tree use, vase shape, disease Emerald Sunshine Elm* 30-35 25 D C/L L Chalkbark Elm and elm leaf beetle resistant, heat tolerant and fast growing A B CULTIVAR/VARIETY C Soil (Clay BVOC SPECIES Mature Height Spread COMMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS Type or Loam) (L,M,H) (ft) (ft) Medium to Large Tree 36-50' Height - Minimum Recommended Planter Width 8' An asterisk* indicates that the cultivar deviates from the norm of the species in terms of size and should not be substituted without consulting an expert Acer rubrum October Glory* 40 35 D L L Red Maple Good red to purple fall color, broadly oval crown, heat resistant Acer rubrum Redpointe* 45 30 D L L Red Maple Great fall color, strong branch angles, heat tolerant Celtis occidentalis Tough, rugged yet attractive tree, tolerates more difficult soils, yellow fall NA 45 35 D C/L L Common Hackberry color Fraxinus americana Autumn Purple* 45 40 D C/L L American Ash Rounded crown, beautiful red-purple fall color, highly adaptable Fraxinus pennsylvanica "Summit" Leathery deep green folioage, seedless, tolerant of many conditions, semi- Summit 45 25 D/E C/L L Summit Ash deciduous Ginkgo biloba Autumn Gold 45 35 D L L Maidenhair Tree Classic Gingko shape, fruitless Gymnocladus dioicus NA 45 35 D C/L Kentucky Coffee Tree Large vase shape, blue-green foliage, good shade, yellow fall color Koelreuteria bipinnata Needs regular watering to perform at its best, fragrant yellow flowers, deep Chinese Flame Trees 25 20 D C/L H Chinese Flame Tree rooted Magnoila grandiflora Samuel Sommers or The classic magnolia of the south, does well in Sacramento, fragrant flowers, 50 50 E L L Southern Magnolia Majestic Beauty minor leaf litter year round. Quercus acutissima Brown foliage hangs on tree through winter, falling in spring, leaves chestnut- NA 40 40 D C/L Sawtooth Oak like, bark deeply furrowed, allow plenty of root space Though slightly out of its range, this native does very well in Sacramento, Quercus agrifolia NA 50 40 E C/L H allow good drainage and space to grow, avoid overwatering or watering close Coast Live Oak to the root crown Quercus buckleyi AKA Quercus texanum. Excellent shade tree, drought tolerant and togh. NA 40 40 D L H Texas Red Oak Rangy when young but fills out after a few years Quercus frainetto 'Schmidt' Forest Green* 50 30 D L Forest Green Oak Strong central leader, deep green color. A relatively new and handsome tree Quercus ilex NA 40 50 E L M Holly Oak Dense crown, e Quercus robur NA 50 40 D L H English Oak Broad open crown, a proven performer in th Sacramento Valley, red fall color A B CULTIVAR/VARIETY C Soil (Clay BVOC SPECIES Mature Height Spread COMMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS Type or Loam) (L,M,H) (ft) (ft) Medium to Large Tree 36-50' Height - Minimum Recommended Planter Width 8' An asterisk* indicates that the cultivar deviates from the norm of the species in terms of size and should not be substituted without consulting an expert Quercus suber Broad spreading crown, tolerates drought, interesting bark pattern, the origin NA 40 40 E C/L L Cork Oak of corks for wine Tillia cordata 'Greenspire' Greenspire 40 30 D C/L Greenspire Linden Dark green. Pyramidical and symmetrical form Ulmus parvifolia 'Emer II' Upright vase shape, slightly smaller than typicall American elm, yellow to Allee* 50 35 D C/L L Allee Elm russet fall color, interesting bark pattern, DED resistant Ulmus 'Frontier' Frontier* 40 30 D L L Frontier Elm Reddish-purple fall color, long lasting, DED resistant Ulmus 'Patriot' Patriot* 50 40 D L L Patriot Elm Dark greee foliage, highly resistant to DED and Elm Leaf Beetle Zelkova serrata Green Vase or Village Village Green is slightly wider than Green Vase, excellent shade tree and 45 30-40 D C/L L Japanese Elm Green* highly adaptable, rusty red to orange fall color Soil CULTIVAR/VARIETY Mature Height BVOC SPECIES Spread (ft) Type (Clay or COMMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS (ft) (L,M,H) Loam) Very Large Tree >50' Height - Minimum Recommended Planter Width 10' An asterisk* indicates that the cultivar deviates from the norm of the species in terms of size and should not be substituted without consulting an expert Liriodendron tulipifera Fast growing, maintains a strong central leader, yellow to Tulip Tree Emerald City 55 30 D C/L M greenish tulip-shaped flower with orange center, Quercus lobata Valley Oak The classic oak of the lower elevations of the Sacramento Valley, NA 60 60 D L M needs a steady source of water, attracts wildlife Quercus rubra Beautiful rounded crown red fall color, do not confuse with pin NA 50 45 D C/L H Red Oak oak or scarlet oak Quercus shumardii Upright, spreading and oval crown red to red orange fall color, Shumard oak NA 55 40 D C/L interesting branch patterns Ulmus americana 'Valley Forge' Valley Forge Elm Valley Forge* 70 70 D L L Broad vase shape, high resistance to DED and Elm Leaf Beetle Ulmus japonica x wilsoniana 'Morton' Accolade* 70 60 D L L DED and Elm Leaf Beetle resistant, graceful vase shape, arching Accolade Elm limbs CULTIVAR/VARIETY Spread Soil (Clay BVOC SPECIES Mature Height (ft) Type COMMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS (ft) or Loam) (L,M,H) Trees for Narrow Spaces - Minimum Recommended Planter Width 8-10' An asterisk* indicates that the cultivar deviates from the norm of the species in terms of size and should not be substituted without consulting an expert Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry' Deep purple foliage, maroon fall color, allow plenty of planting Crimson Sentry* 25 15 D L L Crimson Sentry Maple space Acer rubrum Armtrong or Bowhall* 40 15 D L L Armstrong or Bowhall Maple Tall, narrow profile for use in tight spaces.
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