The Animals'Voice ..o dedicated to the rights of animals through education and action '--- '*,oyr,w;i.-. x.r.ffi:ffiffi*Mffi$qd'- '" ry -HW&. - --tuJ* i**'*'l* ,:, ffit ; :*ii:::ri,.!$i,i+aJffii!!' A hurnpback whale rnakes a sounding dive, lifting its tail out of the water. I[o Vote For Whales 'Whale Reprinted frorn The Report r pub- Commissioners' time. lf a stalemate develops and Japan Iished quarterly by the Wha1e Protection receives no quota, a showdown to invoke sanctions by Fund/Center for Environrnental Education. the U. S. is likely to follow. Restrictions of Japan's access to our 200-mile fishery conseruation zone and an em- ln a style which surprised even the most seasoned U. imports of her fishery products would re- participants, the Special Meeting of the lnternational bargo of S. sult as permitted by the Pelly and Packwood/Magnuson Whaling Commission (lWC) ended inconclusively after Amendments to the Fishdry Conservation and Manage- less than eight hours of actual meeting time. Not even ment Act of 1976. one vote was cast. There have already been some indications that the The special meeting, held March 23-24 in Brighton, U. Departments Commerce and State may begin England, was scheduled at last July's annual meeting at S. of proceedings of Japan's objection the request of the government of Japan for the explicit certification because which is a violation of international agreement. Certif ica- purpose of reconsidering data which might allow a not because of whales quota of sperm whales for Japan's coastal whaling oper- tion is under consideration only growing friction with Japan ations. Under the Schedule accepted at the 1981 meet- but also because of trade regarding U. S. The threat of f ishery restrictions ing for the 1982-83 whaling season, no quotawas set for exports. may give the Departments of Commerce and State two the rapidly declining stock of sperm whales in the North- very effective negotiating tools in opening up Japanese west Pacific. Given the unwillingness of the IWC to push for a vote trade barriers. is by many observers that, faced with the pros- at the special meeting, the issue of a quota on Northwest It felt pect loss lucrative U. S. fishing grounds, Pacific sperm whales will again confront the IWC at the of of access to its anach- upcoming 34th annual meeting scheduled for July 1982. the Japanese may finally opt for shutting down ronistic Japan will thus have another chance to get a quota on * this stoek. This issue alone coulcl eonstlrne rnost of the IMHALEI \MATCHING: See Page 3 No Yeal This Meal VEAL PRODUCTION: In brief, newborn calves, taken frorn their rnothers at birth, are placed in a veal confinernent center -- a narrow sta1l, closed to seal off all 1ight, including the touch of another ca1f, and are reared on a liquid diet deficient in iron and Iaced with life - supporting stirnulants and antibiotics to keep their flesh the tender pale white so highly p.ized by the veal con- surner. In the Srnithsonian magazine, David Nevin wrote: I'He will live out his allotted 16 weeks of lif e in darknes s, aknost rnotionles s in a cage the size of a coffin, and he wilL never have turned or stretched or touched another calf or had a bit of roughage, and when he The Shame in Susser corrres out for slaughter on untried legs, he rnay fall down. And you rnay say, well, he On March the New 29, Jersey State SPCA had food and shelter and has known nothing was notified that a rnutilated rnonth-old calf else and who knows what a calf wants any- had been ,forced to walk across an auction way? But stand before the cages of this floor on severed hind legs that were rniss- veal confinernent house and present a ing hind feet; its ears had also been cut off knuckle - - and the little calf will thrust out close head. to its After singling the calf out its head and suck your knuckle with instinct of a srnall herd of other calves, it was des- so desperate you wi}l have your answer. " troyed by a state trooper at the SPCAts re- In recent rnonths, Burger King quest, the Cor- and upon the condition that the calfts poration has added a sandwich carcass veal to its would be retained by the buyer , rnenu, and is now the target of countless who had bought the calf for a litt1e rnore hurnane and anirnal rights organizations than s ix dollar s. Shortly across the nation -- working together in a afterwards, the state SPCA filed Burger King Boycott charges of cruelty anirnals with hopes of pressur- to against both ing Burger King into rernoving this cruelly- Jaegerts Livestock Auction Market in Sus- obtained flesh frorn its present rnenu. A1- sex and the livestock hauler, who hadtrans- though Burger King clairns to not use these ported the anirnal (also a licensed dealer). Both specially-fed calves (90 percent of all veal- charges carry penalties of up to six ers are reared confinernent), rnonths jail in their pro- in and 1,000 doliars in fines. rnotion of veal consurnption It is unfortunate, however, is certain to that this one increase the dernand for, and production of, particular incident is not an isolated case. ALL veal. Arnericans kill and consurne approxirnately You are encouraged to join the nationwide 150 rnillion livestock anirnals year, every boycott of Burger King products until veal and anti-cruelty laws seldorn protect thern is rernoved frorn its rnenu. In the past four against the tortures of confinernent rearing, rnonths, consurnption of veal at Burger King castration, transportationr, auction houses has dropped frorn 11 percent to 6 percent and eventually the slaughterhouse, wherein -- and advertisernents for been two rnillion head of cattle veal have are stil1 slaught- elirninated to date. ered by the rrshackle and hoistrr rnethod. A fund has been designed to help defray the legal expenses needed to win justice for this rnutilated ca1f. Contributions, even one Your views should also be addressed t<: doIlar, rnay be rnailed to the Calf Fund at the Burger King Corporation at 7360 The Anirnalsr Voice, P.O. Box 217, McAfee, Kendall Drive, Miarni, Florida 33152. New Jersey 07428. Page 2 OOWHALE WATCHING: &remr#re .,, witnessing the miraeulous," ffiMetro, Boston Herald v, 14 - -'i wL;.s \, *.:Lr. .$d'r*;k6"!&*;ffie.;" \J 14 3 ffi,,:ffi;M l.a A breaching hurnpback whale breaches near ".4 the Dolphin III; falling onto its back. - - Leaving frorn MacMillan Wharf, the Dol- I'Arnerica the Poisoned, I' by respected phin Fleet boats will take you out to sea for lenvironrnentalist Lewis Regenstein, is the a four-hour experience with the living wild shocking story of what the Environrnental whale. Your $IZ ticket contributes to the Protection Agency has called the trrnost operation of the rnodern boats and alsc helps grievous error in judgrnent we as a nation to fund on-going and crucial studies .11 ow have ever rnade. I' It docurnents, for the being conducted by the scientists oie board first tirne, how toxic substances are liter- the Dolphin Fleet for a better understanding ally killing and disabling rnillions of Arner- of whales and thei,r environrnent. icans, as well as contarninating our envir- As Marc Wile of PM Magazine ,lescribed onrnent, and killing our wildlife. his whale watch: t'An interesting and unique The results of our contact with cancer- lesson in co - existence. rr And The New r'A causing chernicals are now apparent: one Haven Register wrote: hurnpback whale out of four Arnericans can expect to get rose slowly, slowly, straight up out of the cancer. This rneans that of the Arnericans spray and foarn, its huge body twisting in now alive, over 56 rnillion will contract the the air suspended against the sky for disease, which kil1s over 1, 000 of us every only a rno:'nent, the creature crashed back d"y. into the sea. t' The arnount of toxic wastes produced in The cover photo on this newsletter, as the U. S. each year arnounts to over 600 well as the one above, was taken during pounds for every rrran, wornan and child -- one of the Dolphin's Whale Watches by one and only 10% is properly disposed of. We of our directors. are now sowing the seeds for future epide- The Dolphin Fleet leaves twice daily rnics of cancer, deforrned children and every day frorn MacMillan Pier in Pro- Love Canals. vincetown, Mass. If youlve ever wondereC This hard-hitting expose pul1s no punches about experiencing a close encounter with a in narning those in governrnent and industry gentle giant, be sure to give the Dolphin who are responsible for this tragedy and tr'leet a call. Yourll never regret it. eloquently docurnents how this public health disaster of un p r e c ed ented proportions DOLPHIN FLEET BOATS threatens not only this generation, but sail twice a day from future ones as we11. MacMillan Pier, Provincetown. Lewis Regensteinrs ilArnerica Poi- the For reservations and information soned I' is available frorn The Fund for call (617) 487-1900 Anirnals at 1765 P Street, Washington, D.C. 20036 for $t6. gS ( includes postage and Off-Season: 255-3857 handling ). Available for Charter Page 3 Pressure from the animal rights budgets of these donation-sup- ("Lethal Dose 50% Mortality"J. movement has at last produced ported charities, they are actu- To avoid lawsuits concerning concrete and positive response ally giving more generously than product safety, the corporations hom some of the institutions that the multi-million dollar corpo- use this test to determine how support vivisection.
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