Proceedings of the International Conference “Micro- and Nanoelectronics – 2016” with the Extended Session Book of ABSTRACTS October 3 – 7, 2016 Moscow – Zvenigorod, Russia RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES FEDERAL AGENCY OF SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATIONS INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY Proceedings of the International Conference «Micro- and Nanoelectronics – 2016» ICMNE – 2016 Book of Abstracts October 3–7, 2016 Moscow – Zvenigorod, Russia MOSCOW – 2016 УДК 621 ББК 32.85 М59 Издание осуществлено при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований по проекту 16-07-20515 Под редакцией: чл.-корр. РАН В.Ф. Лукичева; д.ф.-м.н. К.В. Руденко Составитель к.ф.-м.н. В.П. Кудря Микро- и наноэлектроника – 2016: Труды международной конфе- М59 ренции (3–7 октября, 2016, г. Звенигород, РФ): Сборник тезисов / Под ред. В.Ф. Лукичева, К.В. Руденко. Составитель В.П. Кудря. – М.: МАКС Пресс, 2016. – 234 с. ISBN 978-5-317-05369-7 Сборник содержит тезисы докладов, представленных на Международной конфе- ренции «Микро- и наноэлектроника – 2016» (ICMNE-2016), включающая расширен- ную сессию «Квантовая информатика» (QI-2016). Тематика конференции охватыва- етбольшинство областей физики микро- и наноразмерных приборов, а также микро- и наноэлектронных технологий, и концентрируется на освещении последних достиже- ний в этой сфере. Она продолжает серию всероссийских (с 1994 года) и международ- ных конференций (с 2003 года). Ключевые слова: нанотранзисторы, затворные стеки, квантовые компьютеры, МЭМС, магнитные материалы, оптоэлектроника. УДК 621 ББК 32.85 Publishing was supported by Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, project 16-07-20515 Micro- and Nanoelectronics – 2016: Proceedings of the International Confe- rence (October 3–7, 2016, Zvenigorod, Russia): Book of Abstracts / Ed. by V.F. Lukichev and K.V. Rudenko. Compiler V.P. Kudrya. – М.: MAKS Press, 2016. – 234 p. The Book of Abstracts contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the biannual International Conference “Micro- and Nanoelectronics – 2016” (ICMNE-2016) including the extended Session “Quantum Informatics” (QI-2016). The Conference topics cover the most of the areas dedicated to the physics of integrated micro- and nanoelectronic devices and related micro- and nanotechnologies. The Conference is focused on recent progress in those areas. It continues the series of the AllRussian Conferences (since 1994) and the International Conferences (since 2003). Keywords: nanoscale transistors, gate stacks, quantum computers, MEMS, magnetic materials, optoelectronics. ISBN 978-5-317-05369-7 Коллектив авторов, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Monday, October, 3rd Special Session: S1-01 – S1-04 Tuesday, October, 4th Invited Papers: L1-01 – L1-04 qL1-01 – qL1-04 Oral Papers: O1-01 – O1-20 q1-01 – q1-10 Wednesday, October, 5th Invited Papers: L2-01 – L2-04 Oral Papers: O2-01 – O2-15 q2-01 – q2-10 Posters: P1-01 – P1-60 Thursday, October, 6th Oral Papers: O3-01 – O3-26 q3-01 – q3-06 Posters: P2-01 – P2-56 How to search for necessary abstract? Every Abstract has its own identification number (for instance, L1-04, O1-07, P2-28, and so on), which is printed at the page bottom. This number corresponds to the one in the Conference Programme. If you do not know the number of the paper, but know at least one of the authors it is possible to find the Abstract using the Author Index located in the end of the Book of Abstracts. Как отыскать интересующие Вас тезисы доклада? Каждый доклад имеет собственный идентификационный номер (например, L1-04, О1-07, Р2-28 и т.д.), который указан внизу страницы. Этот номер совпадает с номером, присвоенным докладу в Программе конференции. Если Вы не знаете номера доклада, но Вам известен хотя бы один из авторов, вы можете воспользоваться Авторским указателем, расположенным в конце Сборника тезисов. 3 S1-01 III-Nitride Advanced Technologies and Equipment for Microelectronics A.N. Alexeev1, S.I. Petrov1, V.V. Mamaev1,3, D.M. Krasovitsky2, V.P. Chaly2 1. SemiTEq, JSC, 27 Engels ave., Saint Petersburg, Russia 2. Svetlana-Rost, JSC, 27 Engels ave., Saint Petersburg, Russia 3. State Polytechnical University, 29 Polytechnicheskaya st., Saint Petersburg, Russia Presenter’s e-mail address: [email protected] The complete set of technologies including molecular beam epitaxy and submicron planar processing are developed to realize novel electron devices based on III-nitride multilayer heterostructures using SemiTEq equipment. Wide conditions range available on growth equipment used as well as flexible heterostructure designs allows controlling of device oriented material properties. For microwave applications, thick AlN “templates” grown at extremely high (up to 1150 °C) substrate temperature in conjunction with multilayer transition region design both provide low dislocation density in the order of 108 cm-2 and DEG mobility up to 2000 cm2/V.s. The strong carrier confinement in two-dimensional electron gas for collapse-free transistor’s operation is provided by placing GaN channel between AlGaN barriers of various Al content, keeping low sheet resistance of 240-270 Ohm/□. 3 inch SiC DHFET processes are developed, including active elements with gates of 0.5 µm for S- to C- band, 0.25 µm for X-band applications, TFR and MDM-based passive elements. Multilevel metallization, including field plates, via-holes provides all necessary elements for design of high power transistors and MMICs. Both processes are designed for maximum rating of 28 V drain bias, but due to typical breakdown voltages >100 V could be used up to 48 V. The technologies demonstrate prospective device level performance. Up to 50% PAE and delivered power density of 5.5 W/mm at 4 GHz and small signal gain up to 11 dB at 10 GHz are achieved. Recently developed Process Design Kit (PDK) including layout cell libraries, design manuals, active and passive device models now are under verification. For various types of bulk acoustic elements (resonators, filters etc.), stress-controlling technology of AlN/GaN layers up to several microns on Si substrates is also developed. Precise thickness control for all layers is shown to be very critical. Experimental FBARs based on SiO2/Mo Bragg reflectors were processed to provide resonant frequencies in 4-12 GHz range depending on thicknesses of AlN layer and electrode metallization as well as design of Bragg layers stack. 4 S1-02 New generation of Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology equipment for the micro- and nano- engineering of materials for semiconductors, optoelectronics, MEMS and other applications A. Krynin Technoinfo Limited, Moscow, [email protected] Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology (OIPT) provides a range of high performance, flexible tools to semiconductor and electronic processing customers in both R&D and production. Today the company offers equipment and technology for Plasma Etch and Deposition, Atomic Layer Deposition, Ion Beam Etch and Deposition, Nanoscale Growth and Hydride Vapour Phase Epitaxy. With a 30-year history of high performance tools production and process development, OIPT has great experience in this area and good worldwide reputation. More than 2.500 systems were installed around the world. Oxford Instruments has a process library of over 6,000 recipes developed in our process laboratories. Our processes are backed by process guarantees for key parameters and repeatability such as rate and uniformity to ensure rapid start-up during installation. Oxford Instruments’ process tools offer a powerful range of stand-alone and clusterable process modules to enable the widest range of applications: Plasma Etch (ICP, RIE, RIE/PE, DRIE), Plasma Deposition (PECVD and ICP CVD, ALD (PE & thermal), DLC, PVD). ALD systems have next features: Plasma and thermal ALD in one tool, possibility to be clustered to other modules using hex handler with robot and 25 wafer cassette for 4", 6", or 8" wafers, 100% conformal coatings of up to 200mm wafers handling and pieces on carrier plate. Nanoscale features can be formed by growth techniques (‘bottom up’) and etching (‘top down’). The NanofabTM Systems are aimed to satisfy the nanotechnology market. Nanoscale growth processes encompass: Nanotubes/nanowires, Nanoscale thin films. Nanofab700 and Nanofab800Agile: can accommodate variable sample sizes up to 200 mm wafer with excellent temperature uniformity, can provide growth of nanotubes and nanowires with a flexible temperature range up to 700 °C and 800 °C respectively. Oxford Instruments’ Ion Beam technology offers unique abilities in etch and deposition. OIPT Ion Beam tools have next benefits: Etch and Deposition tools, Versatile tool for a wide range of applications, Flexible system configuration to match specific process applications, easy optimisation for repeatable process results. Next processes can be started: Ion Beam Etch (IBE), Reactive Ion Beam Etch (RIBE), Chemical Assisted Ion Beam Etch (CAIBE), Ion Beam Deposition (IBD), Reactive Ion Beam Deposition (RIBD). Left Image: Microneedles (Bosch-process) for Bio-medical application. Right Image: Micro-mould (Cryo etching) for Micromachines / Actuators 5 S1-03 New opportunities of scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy for micro and nanoelectronic structures investigations Victor A. Bykov1,2, Arseny Kalinin2, Artem Shelaev2 1. Research Institute of Physical Problems & NT-MDT Companies Group www.ntmdt.com, [email protected] 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology & NT-MDT Spectral Instruments Companies Group During last years the development of SPM technology was transformed to the side of specialization.
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