July 18, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1315 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CHILD CARE CONSOLIDATION AND training programs and improved child care but it will provide the perfect opportunity for INVESTMENT ACT OF 1996 quality standards, licensing, and monitoring them to extend their gratitude to this organiza- procedures. tion and its members, both past and present. HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY Mr. Speaker, child care has traditionally Mr. Speaker, I have always been one to OF CALIFORNIA been a bipartisan issue in the House of Rep- judge people by how much they give back to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resentatives, so I hope that my colleagues their community. On that scale, the members from both sides of the aisle will join with me of the Philmont Fire Company are great Amer- Thursday, July 18, 1996 to ensure that no children in this country will icans. I am truly proud of this organization be- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to intro- be left alone, at home, in a car, or on the cause it typifies the spirit of voluntarism which duce the Child Care Consolidation and Invest- streets because their parents are doing their has been such a central part of American life. ment Act of 1996. I am pleased that my col- best to support their family. Let's move for- To that end, it is with a sense of pride, Mr. league, Senator DODD, has introduced the ward with welfare reform, but let's not leave Speaker, that I ask all Members of the House companion to this bill in the Senate. our kids behind. to join me in paying tribute to the Philmont The Child Care Consolidation and Invest- f Fire Company on the occasion of their 100th ment Act of 1996 consolidates all the major anniversary. child care programs, including the Child Care PHILMONT FIRE COMPANY CELE- and Development Block Grant, into a seam- BRATES 100 YEARS OF COMMU- f less system of child care for working parents. NITY SERVICE It invests in child care by increasing funding CONGRATULATIONS TO THREE for the Child Care and Development Block HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON DISTINGUISHED EAGLE SCOUTS Grant. Funds are increased to $2.8 for fiscal OF NEW YORK year 1997, and each year thereafter. By fiscal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY year 2001, my bill provides $4.7 billion for OF INDIANA Thursday, July 18, 1996 child care. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES My bill creates a seamless web of support Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, anyone who Thursday, July 18, 1996 for families, all the way from welfare to work. visits my office cannot help but notice the dis- Everyone is talking about welfare reform these play of fire helmets that dominates my recep- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today days, and they should be. The current welfare tion area. They are there for two reasons. to congratulate three distinguished young men system is broken. It's not working for the tax- First, I had the privilege of being a volunteer for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout of the payers and it's not working for the recipients. fireman in my hometown of Queensbury for Boy Scouts of America [BSA]. Joseph As cochair of the Democratic Congressional more than 20 years, which helps explain the Rybarczyk, Adam Summers, and Anthony Task Force on Welfare Reform, I helped second reason, the tremendous respect that Paul Pagorek are all members of the Boy produce a proposal that reforms our ineffective experience gave me for those who provide fire Scout Troop No. 542, sponsored by St. Thom- welfare system by investing in education, protection in our rural areas. as More Catholic Church Holy Name Society training, and support services, including child In a rural area like the 22d District of New of Munster. They will receive this honor at an care, to get families off welfare permanently. York, fire protection is often solely in the Eagle Scout Court of Honor on Sunday, July Now, the House of Representatives has hands of these volunteer companies. In New 21, 1996, at the Munster Community Social passed a bill that purports to move people off York State alone they save countless lives Center located in Munster, IN. of welfare. However, it fails to remove one of and billions of dollars worth of property. That An elite group of 2.5 percent of all Boy the biggest barriers that keep even trained in- is why the efforts of people like those fire Scouts attain the Eagle Scout ranking, which dividuals from work: lack of available, safe, af- fighters in the Philmont Fire Department is so is the highest of seven rankings in the Boy fordable child care. The bill that I am introduc- critical. Scouts organization. In order to become an ing today removes that barrier by ensuring Mr. Speaker, I have always been partial to Eagle Scout, one must complete the following that children have a safe place to go while the charm and character of small towns and three tasks; earn 21 merit badges; complete a their parents get job training and move into small town people. The town of Philmont in service project; and demonstrate strong lead- jobs. This bill ensures that single, custodial Columbia County is certainly no exception. ership skills within the troop. parents of young children will not be required The traits which make me most fond of such According to Stephen Kennedy, Troop to undertake education, job training, job communities is the undeniable camaraderie Scout Master of BSA Troop No. 542, all three search or employment unless appropriate child which exists among neighbors. Looking out for young men are longstanding members of care is made available. one another and the needs of the community Troop No. 542, as well as outstanding stu- The Child Care Consolidation and Invest- makes places like Philmont great places to dents. Joe, a student at Munster High School ment Act of 1996 doesn't stop there. It also di- live. This concept of community service is ex- and a member of their school band, did an rects States to reserve funds to carry out child emplified by the devoted service of the mem- angel tree with the Salvation Army. This care activities to support low-income working bers of their volunteer fire department. For project provided Christmas gifts for the Salva- families, and before and after school care. 100 years now, this organization has provided tion Army to distribute throughout the holiday. There is no question that working families critical services for their neighbors on a volun- Joe was also a senior patrol leader, which is need more child care. But, it is not enough to teer basis. the highest position in the troop. Adam, also a fund more facilities. Children must have a Mr. Speaker, it has become all to seldom member of Munster High School and their safe, clean environment that is both stimulat- that you see fellow citizens put themselves in school band, took part in park improvements ing and nurturing if they are going to grow into harms way for the sake of another. While al- for the town of Munster. Specifically, he adults that this country can rely on. most all things have changed over the years, helped to restore several park benches. An- The Child Care Consolidation and Invest- thankfully for the residents in Philmont, the thony, an outstanding student and athlete at ment Act of 1996 expands access to afford- members of their fire department have self- Andrean High School, improved landscaping able child care while improving the quality of lessly performed their duty, without remiss, around St. Thomas More Catholic Church. An- child care. It does this by providing States with since the formation of this organization one thony also attended the National Scout Pre- set-aside funds for quality improvements to century ago. On Saturday, July 27, 1996, the serve in Philmont, NM. This preserve is a high child care. It also establishes a quality im- fire company will be holding a parade to com- adventure camp with a rugged terrain. provement incentive initiative that will make memorate this milestone. Not only will this The fact that a boy is an Eagle Scout al- additional funds available to States that show offer the residents around Philmont a chance ways has carried with it special significance, progress in implementing innovative teacher to enjoy themselves at the planned festivities, not only in scouting, but also as he enters · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 03-JUL-96 07:26 Jul 19, 1996 Jkt 029061 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\CRI\E18JY6.REC E18JY1 E1316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks July 18, 1996 higher education, a career, or community serv- Armey Republicans had so much fun last Republicans are trying to give the Department ice. Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my other dis- yearÐshutting down the Government, causing of Defense the responsibility of modernizing tinguished colleagues to join me in congratu- insecurity for the American people, and down- the Internal Revenue Services' computer and lating Adam Summers, Anthony Paul Pagorek, right scaring the hard-working citizens in every information technology. Come on. Are the Re- and Joseph Rybarczyk for their commendable district about the ability of the Federal Govern- publicans' special interest defense contractors efforts in society.
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