HONORS S all-americaNS ASSOCIATED PRESS LITTLE ALL-AMERICA 1964 Archie Black, DB (2nd) 1942 Aubrey Faust, E (1st) 1965 Don Williams, DT (1st) 1947 Ken DuBard, T (1st) 1966 Don Williams, DE (2nd) 1948 Jim Clary, G (2nd) 1969 Sidney Allred, LB (2nd) Doug Loveday, DE (3rd) Sterling Allen, C (2nd) 1949 Elby Hammett, T (1st) 1970 Ronny Wilson, MG (1st) Harvey Moyer, C (3rd) Jim Johnson, DB (HM) 2003 2007 2010 Vernon Quick, G (3rd) Skip Corn, E (HM) Bob Prevatte, B (HM) Bill Reese, C (HM) Sammy Sewell, B (HM) 1971 Ronny Wilson, MG (2nd) E CHAMPION 1951 Jack Beeler, QB (1st) 1972 Tom Bower, DE (HM) C 1952 Jack Abell, E (2nd) 1973 Hugh Swingle, DT (HM) Sid Allred Charlie Bradshaw 1953 Alf McGinnis, G (HM) Coy Gibson, G (HM) Joe Hazle, HB (3rd) 1974 Coy Gibson, G (1st) 1954 Joe Hazle, B (3rd) 1977 Jeff Davis, LB (2nd) Bob McCully, T (HM) Bobby Jones, OG (HM) 1956 George Rice, T (3rd) Scott Wilkins, C (HM) 1957 Charlie Bradshaw, QB (1st) 1978 Rick Cloninger, QB (HM) Jerry Richardson, E (3rd) Mitchell Gainey, HB (HM) Roger Hagy (HM) 1979 Keith Kinard, OG (1st) Frank DePrete, HB (HM) Lenny Best, RB (HM) Jim Rampey, G (HM) 1980 Lenny Best, RB (HM) 1958 Jerry Richardson, E (2nd) Kirk Breland, DT (HM) 1961 Dan Lewis, G (1st) John Kornegay, DE (HM) 1965 Don Williams, T Tony Painter, CB (HM) 1966 Don Williams, DE (2nd) 1981 James Meadors, G (1st) 1967 Ted Phelps, RB (HM) Chris Marshall, P (2nd) 1968 Sidney Allred, LB Tim Renfrow, DB (HM) 1970 Sterling Allen, G (2nd) Kirk Breland, DT (HM) Don Williams Dan Lewis Skip Corn, WR 1982 Lee Davis, OT (1st) 1973 Coy Gibson, OG (3rd) Tim Renfrow, DB (1st) 1974 Coy Gibson, OG (3rd) Jim Hanna, C (HM) Mitch Stovall, G (HM) SOUTHERN CONFEREN Associated Press Nate Woody, DE (HM) ColleGE DIVisioN All-America Charlie Bradshaw, QB (HM) 1979 Keith Kinard, OG (HM) Wade Lang, RB (HM) Lenny Best, RB (HM) Curtis Patterson, DB (HM) 1983 Jim Hanna, C (2nd) Associated Press Nate Woody, DE (HM) DIVisioN II All-America 1985 Shelly Mullis, T (HM) 1991 Shawn Graves, QB (2nd-AP) Ken McKie, FB (HM) 1986 Steve Mabrey, WR (2nd) Associated Press Ken Beasley, DT (2nd) DIVisioN I-AA/FCS All-America Bret Masters, LB (HM) 1997 Dan Williams, OL (1st) 1987 Bret Masters, LB (HM) Aubrey Faust Sterling Allen 2000 Brian Bodor, DL (2nd) 2002 Anthony Jones, DL (2nd) Kodak Little All-America 2003 Eric Deutsch, OL (1st) 1969 Sidney Allred, LB (HM) Matt Nelson, FS (1st) 1970 Sterling Allen, C (1st) Bobby Gibbs, OL (3rd) 1971 Ronny Wilson, MG (2nd) 2004 Eric Deutsch, OL (1st) 1979 Keith Kinard, OG (1st) Lee Basinger, DL (1st) 1991 Tom Colter, OT (DII) 2005 Katon Bethay, DL (3rd) 2008 Derek Wooten (3rd) Walter Camp All-America 2010 Eric Breitenstein (2nd) 2002 Anthony Jones, DL Pat Illig (2nd) 2004 Eric Deutsch, OL Ameet Pall (2nd) Lee Basinger, DL 2010 Ameet Pall, DE NAIA ALL-AMERICA 1957 Jerry Richardson, E (2nd) TOM HARMON ALL-AMERICA Charlie Bradshaw, QB (3rd) 1950 Vernon Quick, G (1st) 102 1961 Dan Lewis, G (2nd) Elby Hammett Coy Gibson 2011 Wofford Football Media Guide HONORS all-americaNS Nc 1990 1991 2003 2007 2008 2010 2008 2007 2003 1991 1990 AA WILLIAMSON ALL-AMERICA Shawn Graves, QB (HM) 1963 Todd Heldreth, QB (HM) 1991 Tom Colter, G (1st) (OL of the Year) P ColleGE Sports Report.Com Hank Young, DE (1st) All-America Aaron Allen, HB (HM) LAYOFF 2003 Matt Nelson, DB (1st) Shevelle Frazier, NG (HM) Eric Deutsch, OL (2nd) Shawn Graves, QB (HM) 2004 Eric Deutsch, OL (HM) Wendell Jones, FS (HM) Lee Basinger, DL (HM) Brad McAbee, C (HM) Chad Starks, DB (HM) AmericaN Football Coaches Jud Heldreth, P (HM) James Meadors Ronnie Wilson AssociatioN All-America 1992 Brad McAbee, C (1st) S 1970 Sterling Allen, G Jud Heldreth, P (3rd) 1979 Keith Kinard, OL Byron Kilgore, LB (HM) 1990 David Wiley, OL Sean McGinley, FS (HM) 1991 Tom Colter, OL Shawn Graves, QB (HM) 1994 Brian Porzio, PK 1993 Greg Hood, LG (3rd) 2003 Matt Nelson, FS (1st) Brian Porzio, PK (HM) 2004 Lee Basinger, DL (1st) 1994 Paul Humphries, DB (2nd) 2005 Katon Bethay, DL (1st) Brian Porzio, PK (2nd) Jody Padgett, G (HM) SPORTS NETWORK ALL-AMERICA Lamond Smith, QB (HM) 1997 Dan Williams, OL (1st) Andre Patrick, LB (HM) 2000 Brian Bodor, DL (2nd) Chad Gabrich, NG (HM) 2002 Anthony Jones, DE (1st) 1995 Eric Daniell, FS (3rd) 2003 Eric Deutsch, OL (1st) Mitch Flannery, NG (HM) Matt Nelson, DB (1st) 1997 Dan Williams, OL (1st) Bobby Gibbs, OL (3rd) 1998 Tony Young, DB (3rd) Katon Bethay Lee Basinger 2004 Eric Deutsch, OL (1st) 2000 Brian Bodor, DL (3rd) Lee Basinger, DL (1st) Travis Wilson, QB (HM) 2005 Katon Bethay, DL (3rd) Darin Shelley, OL (HM) 2008 Dane Romero (1st) Nathan Fuqua, DL (HM) Seth Goldwire (HM) Darren Brown, PK (HM) 2010 Eric Breitenstein (1st) 2001 Nathan Fuqua, DL (3rd) Pat Illg (1st) Eric Nash, OL (HM) Ameet Pall (1st) Matt Nelson, DB (HM) Darren Brown, PK (HM) I-AA.ORG All-Star Jimmy Miner, P (HM) 2002 Anthony Jones, DT 2002 Anthony Jones, DL (1st) 2004 Eric Deutsch, OG (1st) Matt Nelson, DB (1st) Nathan Fuqua, DL (1st CSTV ALL-AMERICA Eric Deutsch, OL (3rd) 2003 Eric Deutsch, OL (1st) Jimmy Miner, P (HM) Bobby Gibbs, OL (2nd) 2003 Eric Deutsch, OL (1st) Derek Wooten Dan Williams Bobby Gibbs, OL (1st) LINDY’S all I-aa team Lee Basinger, DL (1st) 2005 Kevin Hodapp, OL Matt Nelson, DB (1st) Timmy Thrift, LB (2nd) C.M. FRANK SMALL 2004 Eric Deutsch, OL (3rd) UNIVERSITY ALL-AMERICA 2005 Katon Bethay, DL (1st) 1992 Shawn Graves, QB (2nd) 2006 Will Rutherford (2nd) 1994 Jody Padgett, OG Justin Franklin (3rd) ALL-DIVISION I-AA INDEPENDENTS Phil Steele All-AmericaNS 1996 Trevor Ellison, ILB (2nd) 2010 Eric Breitenstein (1st) Will Hunter, HB (HM) Pat Illg (1st) Ameet Pall (1st) NATIONAL FOOTBALL GAZETTE ALL-AMERICA 1989 Shawn Graves, QB (HM) 1990 Tom Colter, G (2nd) Jim Clary Keith Kinard Chuck Mozingo, DT (3rd) 103 2011 Wofford Football Media Guide HONORS S coNfereNce hoNors ALL-SOUTHERN CONFERENCE Corey McKenna, C (2-M) Randy Kelley, LB Nate Woody, DE 1997 Dan Williams, C (1-C&M) 2008 Dane Romero (1-C&M) Hugh Swingle, DT Kent Huggins, G Tony Young, CB (2-C&M) Ben Miller (2-C&M) Ricky Satterfield, RB Roff Hays, SE 1998 Tony Young, CB (2-C&M) Ben Quick (1-M, 2-C) George Nicholson, DB Ronnie Ray, LB 1999 Travis Brightbill, TE (2-C&M) Derek Wooten (1-C&M) 1976 Bobby Jones, G David Moore, DB Ben Dae, LB (2-C&M) Layton Baker (2-C) 1977 Clay Evans, P 1984 David Carter, DE Nathan Fuqua, NT (2-C&M) Mitch Clark (1-C&M) Randy Smith, SE Freddie Gibbs, DB 2003 2007 2010 Eric Nash, OG (2-M) Andy Strickland (2-C) Bobby Jones, OG Freddie Logan, WR Greg Rhoads, C (2-C&M) Jason Leventis (2-C&M) Scott Wilkins, C Tim May, RB 2000 Eric Nash, G (1-C&M) Mychael Johnson (2-C) Keith Collins, MG Shelly Mullis, OT E CHAMPION Darin Shelley, G (2-M) Seth Goldwire (2-M) Jeff Davis, LB Rodney Payne, LB 2009 Chris Tommie (1-C) David Agee, LB 1985 Shelly Mullis, T C Darren Brown, PK (2-M) Brian Bodor, DT (1-M,2-C) Pat Illig (1-C&M) Pat Skinner, DB Steve Mabrey, WR Nathan Fuqua, DT (1-C, 2-M) Clark Bishop (2-C) 1978 Kent Saad, TE Ken McKie, FB Jimmy Miner, P (2-C) 2010 Eric Breitenstein (1-C&M) Steve Hartley, OT Rodney Payne, LB 2001 Darren Brown, PK (1-C, 2-M) Clark Bishop (2-C) Keith Kinard, OG Ken Beasley, DT Nathan Fuqua, DL (1-C&M) Pat Illig (1-C&M) Mitchell Gainey, HB Neal Robinson, DE Jimmy Miner, P (1-C&M) Tommy Irvin (2-C&M) Rick Cloninger, QB Freddie Gibbs, DB J.C. Neel, OT (2-C&M) Ameet Pall (1-C&M) Napoleon Blakney, DT 1986 Steve Mabrey, SE Player of the Year Eric Nash, G (2-C&M) Brian Lewis, DE Ken Beasley, DT Matt Nelson, DB (2-M) SOutherN coNfereNce Kirk Breland, DT Bret Masters, LB 2002 Jesse McCoy, RB (1-C&M) DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Clay Evans, P/DB Chuck Fraser, QB Anthony Jones, DL (1-C&M) 2003 Matt Nelson, DB (media) Ronnie Andrews, PK Brian Mathis, P Matt Nelson, DB (1-M) 2005 Katon Bethay, NT (coaches) 1979 Keith Kinard, OG Player of the Year Neal Robinson, DE Chad Bentley, OT (2-C) 2010 Ameet Pall, DE (coaches and media) Steve Hartley, OT Wade Berry, OG Eric Deutsch, G (2-C&M) Lenny Best, HB Nathan Fuqua, DT (-C&M) Jacobs BlockiNG TrophY Frank Brady, FB LITTLE THREE LINEMAN OF 1949 Robert Prevatte (SC) Jesse Blackburn, OT (2- M) Dunky Crosby, DT THE YEAR 2003 Eric Deutsch (SoCon) Prosser Carnegie, C (2-M) Brian Lewis, DE 1954 George Rice 2010 Pat Illig (SoCon) Roland Harris, DB (2-M) Ronnie Andrews, PK Jimmy Miner, P (2-M) 1980 Lenny Best, HB Player of the Year ALL-LITTLE THREE SOUTHERN CONFERENCE 1954 George Rice, T (1st) 2003 Bobby Gibbs, OG (1-C&M) Dirk Derrick, TE FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR 1955 Frank Deprete, HB (2nd) Eric Deutsch, OG (1-C&M) James Meadors, G 1999 Jesse McCoy, RB (C&M) 1958 Ron DiBuono, G (1st) Chad Bentley, OT (1-M, 2-C) Kenny Leonhardt, C SOUTHERN CONFEREN 2003 Kevious Johnson, RB (C&M) Gary Whitlock, QB Matt Nelson, DB (1-C&M) Kirk Breland, DT 1959 Wallace Henderson, G (2nd) Lee Basinger, DL (1-M, 2-C) Floyd Pittman, DT SOutherN coNfereNce All- Gary Whitlock, QB Timmy Thrift, LB (1-M, 2-C) Tony Painter, CB FreshmaN team Curtis Patterson, FS 1960 Hoyt Burnett, E Teddie Whitaker, LB (1-M, 2-C) 2008 Eric Breitenstein, RB Frank Brady, FB Dan Lewis, G Jimmy Miner, P (1-M, 2-C) 2009 SeQuan Stanley, LB John Kornegay, DE J.R.
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