RED I»MU«(1 Weekly, Entered as Secimd-ClaBa Hattor at the I'oiit- iVOLUME XLV. NO. 11. ollicc nt Red Bank, N. J., under tlio Act of March UJ, 1870. RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1922: $1.50 Per Year. * PAGES 1 TO 8, A MONOPOLY I OR FIREMEN. AlWIfF ftN TAY MATTERS 'mulit' istlmt'" ""'ca ''"' ;'"v |)!011" QUICK RESALE OF HOUSE. THREE RED BANK RAIDS. M/VIU} lill liiA lVml liii\5. jerty that, is ivnt.'.l in the city it: WANTED A BLACK CAT.! J PRODUCE ROTS IN FIELDS; Street Vendors of Souvenirs Wont value can be ascertained by the capi- w Oivncr f,jr Property at Har<lini; Have a Show at Celebration. talization of its rental value. Its Roud in >d |« Street. PROHIBITION AGENTS WERE THE BEST METHODS OF AS- rental value can he ascertained by HE TOLD SOME BOYS SO AND i FARMERS NOT BOTHERING TO At a special meeting of the Red Admut tv..•0 iti oiilhn a^Mi Hamilton HERE LAST FRIDAY. , SESSING PROPERTY. comparison with oihi-r like buildings I.auk mayor and council last Thurs-j THEY BROUGHT HIM 54 CATS. P riiv b. juj 'ht I'l'OI II NllH. KtillllT HARVEST THK1K APPLES, Slid by knowledge of the actual facts d;iy night instructions were given to ; Lawson ! U:-V all Ir- tin- cnriicr ol 7'liey Found Some Gin and Some urdy, Wlio for Eleven Ihia Was Charlie Chuniplin's Exp*jri- In. (1 I at One Swcretl Man S«»t 51) Batkett of Clerk .loliii I., llubharii iii,l to issue ' concerning the particular building ; i-l in.; ro:i an d Sprini; -Ircc-t. I.a:-t Other Alcoholic Stuff but Accord- Years Was Head of the New York that is to be valued. ence at Freehold Last Wcel; When (1 Applt:3 to New York and Instead licenses on .September 1-lth and 15th ! piM [y lo l''rci]- ing la All AccounU They Didn't Tax Department, Writes to the He Needed .1 Black Cat in His ("r. tir ^n'hi t hc pru of Gottinff Any Kcturn He Was S3 for street sales of balloons or novel- A good many years ago, in the sev- {i Get Mucji Evidence. Holmdel Tax Committee. Mystery Play of "Superstition." rk I!. 1M r oc.can (iiovc for Cents in Debt. ties of any kind. On the dates men- enties, the law of Illinois required Till (i, v,hi. •ii w:is a r oH.^ideraMe ad- 1'VdeniI prohibition ngenls, Charles K. Cliainjilifi ami his emu-; 1 1 tioned the firemen of Ited Hank will lc< (Act V.-hi it 'he pai il. Mr. Ktiiiiicr Karly laiit week (lyrcniijH Stil- umbr ridd th l any of actor?- pivc a wrc); ut' pcr- \v;f_;'Hi of I-Ivcrt'tt. M'lit l)'-i h;\Au.'iH of an audit' i!' f<,r tin • hittTliational f()rm;iiict-y at ' i'Yrelmhl la^t, UTct;. jipjiIcK to New Yuri; to ;i ro!iiiiiu-c-;iim OJIO of liis new play.-; i^ caiK'd ".Su- d'l rmnpai IV and In- has bpca n- In c roll -•^ciit. A l'cw day:' later, instead of perstition," and in its performance a ferrcd . 1: pan V'H bi^ new UciiiiiK •' return from i\)v apples, Mr. j ul near Qlie ),,.,•, , Canada. 'I'hi:-- with special rolerciice to the assess- !bond s ui tho railroad and thr stock black t'al is m e<lrrl. Mr. Champ]in Milwutfmi rft'cjivf.'d n l)i!! for hi) ccnta S I li.- IVil.-OI i ! in ,-(' IliiiK. 't'tii; lot in wits ol farms. Mr. Purely has do-'()f tht. nij]r0«(l, and added together told two or throe lioys \\ tin \• <•! i< in tVuii) tin.; commission aji't'nt. The OS ee t. Thr hnusc has si.v wine, but according to all accounts voted upwards ot twenty years to the; UlL> t()t|1, mark,t v.llu(. f th,ruvo. thc? IoM>y of thc theater <ni«- nij-Jit I chaw i'or freiichtaKe, hauling, cutrt- ; UN .-• andall i t ll|irov riiifiitH, and a there h doubt as to who owned some that the town oflicials will withhold | subjecsubjectt " ofl taxation andd "fo iorr eleven j h that hi' wanted a black cat t«i In- UM-'I ntis.-ion and oilitir things wuv one cent leven j „,,,,,, ,,,,,. v;lUl, {)f the line•'• 1-;ani''-e i of this stuff. licenses to street vendors on those j years he was at the head of II Thii) the in the next day's play and I hat if a m tin- u la.-.-. .Mr. Kus., jjifUT on each bai-ikct than the price dates. jwho l,T property. ,,>•„„. p :>f tht.; proprrty last The places raided are all on Wk tax department He ,s regard- jthroug h more than the one state they hoy would hring him a Mark i-at the n.-ceivf-d for the apples, according to !h th h Shrewsbury avenue. They are Jo- ...1 as the highest authority on tuau- took the proportionate part of the hoy would %i'i a free ticket to OIL-Kridav. a letter received by Mr. StihvjiKon tion m the United States ; l()la| ,ue tlul, ,h(, ,„ ,', ,. ,; £ .show as his reward. iVoni the a^t-'nt to whom tin: apples seph llruno's grocery store, Harry 1 Cohen':) grocery and confectionery, PEN AS FAREWELL GIFT. Mr. Punlys letter details the ;UR, Iuilruad j,, Ul, ,tat^, ,„„.,, tl) ,,„, The next day fM hoys brought fi-l wi•['(' surit to hv sold. Tin. applets store and Mrs. Charles Dupple-r's j — mi-Hods adopted for taxing various itut .d , th u] jl||(, T||is m,.U|1J(1 cats to the show. There wen; liUh- SCHOOL JOBS AWARDED. wi-rc nut v/indfalls, li'ut wen- good kinds ot property and tins par ol • ht,ld by th, iinitl.ti St.lt(!ri KU_ :-nuii[] fruit. Mecca Inn. At Rruuo'H the dry | M|SS HELEN PORTERFIELD RE- cats and bitf cnts, %hthiK i.-ats and sliHitliH removed goods from several! privFS PARTINC PRFSFNT Ins letter is; of interest to all tax- c' couH ",„ iiu, (,lH.s , sleepy cats, cats that had ln-eii well TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS All ovtT thia Heetion aj)])K;H art: go- CEIVL: PAK G payers, whether they are owners of (, railroad lax cases. fed and catn that looked a:- if they shelves and found a bottle half filled ! > i[^ PRt-bLNT. t t GIVEN OUT IN MIDDLETOWN. in« to wast« in orchard, and on With Scotch whiskey. Hruno Baid he j Tllc Community Association of West hums or not Alter detailing the. You will see at o,u-,; thai this ngam hadn't hud a square mc.il in week:. many places apples can be h;id hy methods which have been adopted f ,. i j One hoy brought a cat witicii he sai 1 anyone for the a.^kinj.^. Losses like had the whiskey to cure a cold. '1 he | Reti g^ Opened its Public Park js metho(I o a rivj at a va u by Mo5t of thf Men Who Had This Work agent* were about to leave when one; Foot of River street Laot for arriving at the valuation oi real •,,,„ cal,italizat|on of earnings. Bonds was all black except the lee>, which this (.'xpurienccd by Mr. Stilwatfon at tno , , • ^ ... , the capitalization ol (-arnmi's. fionds were white; but he told Mr. Clianip- Last Y,:nr Will AK ain Do It Tliis of them found ten gallons of gin iind • estate in genera for taxable pur-,, ' , ^j,. have beon common tlii.s .-« a:-on anion^ Wednesday Night. ()f a ra ilroad com j;iriv owo value lin that he could put ink on the cat's Year—Lewis S. i hompson No the fruit fanners and they are nut other alcoholic drinks buried in the l S Ui thu ini:omo hl Lomjer Providing. I ra [importation. yard Illicit of liruno's store, liruno The new public park at the foot of f .n'.. linJ ' 1 ' '.'-"f f 'y Vield to the owner legs and make them black that way. Kathering tht: fruit unless il is CR- River street was formally opened hist loi iiidiiB the leal value oi farms y Lhe bonds. The market value of if he wanted to. !iils !"'!)• ii^ pupils from pociully fancy stock. said this stuff wasn't his; that lie did 0 Ur BL S i tl ! l)0!lds iS llit!l1 ! w in ro not know how it got there. Kour Wednesday night at a community ^'follows " "" " ' ' " ' " •»• " P P««-' The cats were brought in basket.-, Mr. tStilwaK'wi vva.s iliHi-ussiii^ the in boxes, in the boys''arm.s, and mr Mil(ll(.t'i\\n i u^hip wuix- matter with .some of his neighbors at boy brought a black cat lucked up in ii.-t 'I'lllil'nla.v llit'lit ill il' Stanley Htilwcll'.s ;itore at Kvt;rttt a .suit ca.se. Mr. Champlin could use l' Lliv lci\>i):-1ii|) mitril »i' IMI-la.st Saturday and some of the farm- only one black cat in the show, hut ui.-;iLioii. Two or inuir 'l- xtrn- ic- r'is blamed tho proliibil^n law for 1 everyone of the 54 boys got a free r 'ivi'd l i' r. .'t.l' ii, but nio>t. thv low price of apples. "Every ticket, just thc .same.
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