BROOKLYN OPERA COMPANY GUIDO G. SALMAGGI, General Director in association with the BROOKLYN ACADEMY of MUSIC presents I 1959 FALL OPERA SEASON opening Saturday Evening, September 26, 1959 with VERDI 's LARINA TELLIFOBZA - EDDY RUHL - FRANK VALENTINO DEL -LLOYD HARRIS •DESTINO CARLO MORESCO, CONDUCTOR * Celebrated artists who will appear during the 1959 Season * 30 Lafayette Avenue • Brooklyn 17, New York • STerling 3·6700 BROOKLYN OPERA C0 MPAN Y/ Inc • An educational, non-pro fit m embership t·o rporation formed to foster. encourage and promote an interest in and appreciation of operatic p erformances and musical art." 1860 BROADWAY NEW YORK 23, N. Y. PLAZA 7-451 7 - SALVATORE BACCALON I* GUIOO G. SALMAGGI FRANK VALENTINO* RINA TElll Bosso GENERAL DIRECTOR Baritone Soprano RITA WYNNE ENRICO LE IDE JEA N SANDERS RIC HAR D TORIGI Soprano Music Director-Conductor Mezzo-Soprano Baritone SALVATORE DEll' ISOLA " SKITCH" HENDERSON CARLO MORESCO EDD Y RUH L Conductor Conductor Conductor Tenor LINA BENELLI GIOVANNI CONSIGLIO TH EODORE GARGIULO JEROME LOMONACO MAR IA MARTELL Soprano Tenor Conductor Tenor Mezzo-Soprano *Courtc&y ~1etropolitan Opera Ass'n. Saln\lorc Del I 'Isola Courte... ) Rod~ers & Hammerstein .. Skitch .. Henderson, Courtesy ~DC Stage Directors FAUSTO BOZZA MARION STEVENS GABOR CA RELL I* Soprano ANTHONY L. STIVANELLO Tenor Music Staff Managem en t: Choreographer ENRICO LEIDE, Music Director FELIX W. SALMAGGI Associates ALAN BANKS 1860 Broadway, New York 23, N . Y. FRANK BASELICE, Music Supervisor :Plaza 7-4515 EMIL SALITO, Orchestra Manager BOX OFFICE OPENS SEPTEMBER 15th MAIL ORDERS NOW! 1959 FALL OPERA SCHEDULE SAT. EVE . LA FORZA DEL DESTINO SEPT. 26th • Rina Telli - Eddy Ruhl- Fronk Valentino- Lloyd Harris Carlo Moresco, Conductor SAT. EVE. MADAMA BUTTERFLY OCT. Jrd Elaine Malbin -Jea n Sanders - Th omas Hayward • Calvin Marsh - Carlo Moresco, Conductor SAT. EVE. LA TRAVIATA OCT. 10th Rita Wynne- Gabor Carelli -Calvin Marsh • " Skitch" Henderson, Conductor SAT. EVE. RIGOLETTO OCT. 17th Marion Stevens - Jerome LoMonaco - James Buckley • Maria Martell - Enrico Leide, Conductor FRI. EVE . TOSCA OCT. 23rd Rina Telli- Giovanni Consiglio - Frank Valentino • Salvatore Dell'lsola, Conductor FRI. EVE . BARBER OF SEVILLE OCT. 30th Lina Benelli - Richard Torigi - Thomas Hayward • Salvatore Baccaloni -Theodore Gargiulo, Conductor FRI. EVE . A IDA NOV. 6th Rina Telli- Giovanni Consiglio- Jean Sanders • James Buckley - Enrico Leide, Conductor MAIL ORDERS NOW FOR CHOICE LOCATIONS Na. of Do Not loca tion Price Do Not Write Here Opera & Date Write Here Seats ----- BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Cash Ck. Mo. FORZA DEL DESTINO Box 30 Lafayette Avenue Sat. Eve. Sept. 26 Orch. Balcony ---- Brooklyn 17, New York MADAMA BUTTERFLY 2nd Balcony Sat. Eve. Oct. 3 Enclosed please find my check/ money order for LA TRAVIATA Sat. Eve. Oct. 10 - $ . to cover cost of tickets specified: RIGOLETIO NAME Sat. E¥e. Oct. 17 (Please Print) TOSCA ADDRESS ..... Fri. Eve. Oct. 23 BARBER OF SEVILLE CITY ....................... ................ ······· ·---------·-· ··· ............. Fri. Eve. Oct. 30 ZONE . .. STATE ..................... AIDA Fri. Eve. Nov. 61 I TELEPHONE . Orchestra Box-Seats .... $3.50 Orchestra A-0 . .. $3.50 Mezzanine G-Q ...$2.50 Mezzanine Box-Seats .. $3.00 Orchestra P-Y ....... $3.00 Balcony A-F . .. .. $2.00 Balcony Box-Seats ......... $ 1.50 Mezzanine A-F .. $3.00 Balcony G-M .................. $ 1.50 TAX EXEMPT All SEATS RESERVED Make checks or money orders payable to: BROOKlYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Self-addressed and sta mped envelope for return of tickets must be enclosed. DO NOT SEND CASH-For Additiona l Information call ST 3-6700 Dear Opera-lovers: Your response to the Grand Opera performances last Fall made possible the BROOKLYN OPERA COMPANY, which gave a Spring Season for the first time earlier this year. Guido G . Salmaggi, Gene ral Director of the Brooklyn Opera Company, now takes another step forward in announcing an augmented Fall Season - SEVEN Grand Operas beginning September 26. For its part, the Academy of Music is proud to announce that Brooklyn's Opera House has been res.tored to equal the grandeur and beauty asso- ciated with th e world's leading opera houses. Every effort is being stro ngly put forth to create a n increasingly high standard of opera production. W e hope that you will partici pate in the Opera season because we ha ve pleged ourselves to g ive you more a nd mo re delightful perfo rma nces de pe nding upon the g rowth of our Grand Opera a udiences. Our aims can be achi eved with your suppo rt! Wm. McKelvy Martin, Director The Brooklyn Academy of Music Ce ntrally located, the Broo kly n Academy of Music is easily accessible from every part of t he city via every major subway syst em, the Long Island Railroad, and numerous bus lines. The following stations are within one block of the building: Atlantic Avenue (East Side and West Si de IRT), Pacific Street (Sea Beach, West End, Culver, and Fourth Avenue BMT), Atlantic Avenue (Brigh· ton BMT), Fulton St reet (Brooklyn-Queens IND), Flatbush Avenue Terminal (Long Island Ra ilroad). The Lafayette Avenue station of the Eighth Avenue IND is within three short blocks of t he building, and Fult on Street Station of the GG Local IND is but one block from the Academy doors. .
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