Will Matt Stafford be a bust in the NFL? — 1B TTHEHE DDAILYAILY CCITIZENITIZEN Monday,April 27, 2009 •Dalton, Georgia • www.daltondailycitizen.com • 50 Cents Is swine flu THINGS Caring for the earth TO ‘the big one’ CHECK BY RACHEL BROWN OUT [email protected] or a flu that ON THE Something as simple as 3 INSIDE choosing between an incandes- just fizzles? cent light bulb and a compact fluorescent one is a moral issue. BY MIKE STOBBE That’s according to Sandy AP Medical Writer Brookwood School is Kurtz, a member of the faith- celebrating the community based environmentalist organi- ATLANTA — As reports of a through a historical zation Tennessee Interfaith unique form of swine flu erupts production. Power and Light. The group around the world, the inevitable was one of about a dozen repre- question arises: Is this the big one? See page 3A sented at the 13th annual Is this the next big global flu epi- Ecumenical Earth Day hosted demic that public health experts have Even hospitals are cutting Sunday afternoon at Christ the long anticipated and worried about? back in this recession. King Lutheran Church on Is this the novel virus that will kill Thornton Avenue. millions around the world, as pan- See page 10A “We are trying to bring demics did in 1918, 1957 and 1968? awareness to all people of faith The short answer is it’s too soon Should active people that creation care is a moral to tell. resurface or replace a responsibility,” Kurtz said. “What makes this so difficult is hip? Kurtz and her companion, we may be somewhere between an Tami Freedman, handed out lit- important but yet still uneventful See Donohue,page 8A erature explaining how incan- public health occurrence here — descent bulbs — among other with something that could literally things — contribute to global die out over the next couple of FROM TODAY’S warming. They use more elec- weeks and never show up again — tricity,which requires more or this could be the opening act of a FORUM coal, which can involve moun- full-fledged influenza pandemic,” tain top removal and is a pollu- said Michael Osterholm, a promi- “The city and county tant, the women said. nent expert on global flu outbreaks government are not telling John Rossing, pastor of the with the University of Minnesota. the citizens how much Lutheran church, said several “We have no clue right now money the fire department hundred people came to the where we are between those two merger will cost them on event. There were several activ- extremes. That’s the problem,”he their taxes.” ities including a petting zoo, said. crafts and coloring,informa- MATT HAMILTON/THE DAILY CITIZEN Health officials want to take “I believe we can sit tional booths, live music, pet every step to prevent an outbreak Genna Oshier,6,bonds with a puppy in the petting zoo area down with these terrorists and plant give-aways, an from spiraling into mass casualties. and tell them if they stop American Indian storyteller during Ecumenical Earth Day Sunday. Predicting influenza is a dicey cutting off the heads of our and environmental demonstra- God’s creation,”Rossing said. zoo, especially the chicks. endeavor, with the U.S. government people, we’ll quit pouring tions. Kathleen Jones, a fifth-grad- Brad Britton of Chatsworth famously guessing wrong in 1976 water on them. Where are “It’s a Christian event put on er at Westside Elementary brought nearly 500 vegetable about a swine flu pandemic that you living, in the land of by churches to celebrate the School,said she comes every and herb plants to give away. never materialized. Oz?” goodness of God’s creation and year. She has two cats, but also to remind people of our enjoyed being able to see the responsibility to take care of other animals in the petting ➣ See EARTH, 2A ➣ See SWINE, 3A See page 2A WEATHER Fire-damaged sawmill Forecast: Sunny Today’s High: 82 Tonight’s Low: 55 has to lay off workers Details, Page 12A BY MARK MILLICAN but they kept it to that one build- INSIDE [email protected] ing.” John Falkner of Precision Classified..............5B TENNGA — Harold Sutton Husky, which engineers and man- Comics..................9A hurried back to his family’s ufactures equipment for logging Crossword..............8A sawmill operation, Sutton and forestry operations, was on Dear Abby...................9A Brothers Lumber at 574 Tennga hand on Wednesday to help deter- Gregory Road, earlier this month mine the loss and what will need Horoscope...............8A to find the main building engulfed to be replaced. Lottery..................2A in flames. “I sold them (log) chippers and Movies..................8A “The neighbors told me it debarkers 35 to 37 years ago sounded like a bomb going off,” when they had their diesel mill in Obituaries.........11A MATT HAMILTON/THE DAILY CITIZEN Opinion................4A he said of what was determined the woods,”he said of the time by the state fire marshal to be a when their father and grandfather, Workers try to flip a vaN back onto its wheels Sunday on Sports......................1-3B lightning strike around 10:30 p.m. Otha Sutton, ran the mobile oper- Beaverdale Road. on April 2. “They said the entire ation in surrounding counties. roof assembly had an orange glow The business set down roots in to it, and in minutes it was afire Tennga in 1970, said Sutton, and Auto accident injures 8 from one end to the other with has “grown slow.” blazes coming out.” “You need to take some cred- BY RACHEL BROWN Voyager,tried to swerve before the The 21,000 square foot build- it,”Falkner said to Sutton. The [email protected] vaN flipped on its top and landed 7 69847 00001 6 ing, which housed large and small company takes logs in from in a grassy ditch, Bonaparte said. sawmill lines, was completely around 100 miles away,Sutton Eight people were injured and Officials said no one was seri- destroyed, along with a truckload said. He said the loss of the four taken by ambulance in a col- ously injured in the wreck. of lumber that had gone through sawmills will allow employees to lision at Beaverdale Road and Syble Page, a clerk at Uncle the sawing process that day. redirect their work to other areas Boyles Mill Road Sunday after- Buck’s General Store, said she Sutton said he and his brother, in the yard, and get “loose ends noon. heard a loud bang when the colli- Doyle, are still trying to ascertain tied up.” Georgia State Patrol trooper E. sion occurred about 1:30 p.m. the loss in terms of dollars, but The company employs 40 full- Tommy Bonaparte said 23-year- Page said she called 911 but didn’t they will rebuild. Harold’s son time employees and 12 part-time old Tabetha Nolasco-Sanchez of actually see the wreck. Brian and Doyle’s son Shannon employees, Sutton said, but since Chatsworth was charged with fail- In her 30 years at the store, are also involved in the mill oper- the fire they have had to lay off 10 ure to yield. Page said there have been several ation. or 11 men. Bonaparte said Nolasco- accidents at the intersection Fire departments from Murray “Eight or nine years ago we Sanchez was coming from Boyles including some with fatalities. County and Polk County (Tenn.) quit trying to do more and more DALTON’S Mill Road in her Ford Expedition Investigators were also work- arrived quickly,said Harold production, but went to specialty with five passengers. Bonaparte ing a 4:50 p.m. wreck on Old NEW HOME FOR: Sutton. products, ‘by order’ cuts and said she failed to look both direc- Tilton Road between Riverbend “They did a fantastic job to house plan lumber and patterns,” tions and didn’t yield to the and Hickory Flatts in which one keep it contained in that one he explained. “The weather has Plymouth Voyager on Beaverdale person was taken to the hospital. building,”he said. “You could tell Road that crossed her path with Another wreck at the Dalton they were very well trained. That eight people inside. bypass and Veterans Road at 1:20 fire had the potential to get gone ➣ See FIRE, 2A Lorie Crider,the driver of the p.m. resulted in an injury. CASH The Jewelry Exchange We Buy Gold! New,Used or Broken On Site Jewelry Repair Free AppraisalswithImmediate Payment 711 E. Walnut Ave. • 706-278-1134 lOTTERY WINNING NUMBERS – FOR APRIl 26 ATYOUR PAGE 2 Georgia: Evening Cash 3: 7-6-6, Cash 4: 2-6-0-0, Fantasy 5: 28-8-5-1-25 SERVICE Tennessee: Evening Cash 3: 9-0-7, Lucky Sum 16, Cash 4: 0-2-2-1, Lucky Sum: 5 Our mailing address: 2A Monday, April 27, 2009 P.O. Box 1167 Dalton, Ga. 30722-1167 Our shipping address: TODAY’S FORUM Earth 308 S. Thornton Ave. Dalton, Ga. 30720 Editor’s note: Please Chatsworth, please make ➣ From page 1A Our Web site: keep your comments as sure cats are in carriers and brief as possible. Get to the dogs are on leashes with www.daltondailycitizen.com He grows them from point! Longer comments collars tight enough. We seeds in his living room To visit us: should be submitted as let- don’t want any accidents.” ters to the editor. If you and gives the vegetation Our offices are located on the include a name, please spell away each year. west side of the intersection of it. Call (706) 272-7748 to “I had surgery last Friday “We started right after Thornton Avenue and Morris reach Today’s Forum.
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