THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor sf the Colony and protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) -- -- - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- - -- ----------A --- Vol. LXII-No. 1 NAIROBI, 5th January, 1960 Price: Sh. I -- - - - -- --- -- - - CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc. 2 Loss of Policies .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 The Legislative Council-Notice of Election . 2 Loss of Pass-book . 15 The Fraudulent Transfer of Businesses Ordinance . 15 The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council-Appoint- . ment of Acting Chief Justice . 2 Dissolution of Partnership . 15 Registration of Persons Ordinance-Cancellation of Notice of Change of Name . 15 Appointment . 2 New Year Honours L~st . 2 SUPPLEMENT Nd. 93 Legidative Sfrpplenzeni The Courts ordinance-a pi ointment . 2 LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Land and Agricultural Bank Ordinance- 581-The Crown, Lands (Amendment and Appointment .. .. .. .. .. .~ 2 Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, 1959-Proclamation .. .. .. 1097 The Dairy Industry Ordinance-Appointments . 3 (Puhlished as a Special Issue on 31st December. 1959) The Education Ordinance-Appointments .. .. 3 SUPPLEMENT No. 94 The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment . 3 . Ordinances, 1959 The Prisons Ordinance-Appointment . 3 (Published as a Special Issue on 31st December, 1959) The Distribution of Enemy Property Ordinance-Direction 3 SUPPLEMENT No. 1 Tender . 3 Legislative Szrpplement LEGALNOTICE No. PAGE Liquor Licensing . 4 I-The Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordin- Civil Aircraft Accident-Inspector's Investigation 4 ance--Delegation of Powers . 1 The Native Lands Trust Ordinance-Setting Appart of 1 2-The Police Ordinance, 1948-Revocation of Land . 1 Curfew Order . 1 East African Railways and Harbours-Amendment to 3-The Local Government (County Councils) Tariff Book No. 2 . 6 Ordinance-Variation of Scheme of County Administration .. .. .. .. .. 2 Candidates Selected for Appointment by Civil Service Commission .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 4-The Public Officers (Change of Titles) Ordin- ance, 1952-Amendment to Schedule . 2 Vacancies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,8 5-The Maize Marketing Ordinance, 1959-Price Transport Licensing . 9 of Maize . 3 6-The Agriculture (Scheduled hops) (Prices) The Water Ordinance-Applications 10 .. .. .. Order, 1960 .. .. .. .. .. 4 General Cost of Living Index-Nairobi . 11 7-The Agriculture (Scheduled Crops) (Prices) (No. 2) Order, 1960 . 5 H.M. Court of P.ppeal--Cause List .. .. .. 11 . 8-The Agriculture (Essential Crops) Order, 1960 . ' 6 Trade Marks . 11 9-The African District Councils maringo Joint The Companies Ordinance . 11, 12 Board) Order, 1959 .. .. .. 7 The Bankruptcy Ordinance . 12 10--The African District Councils (Fort Hall Joint Board) Order. 1959 . 11 Probate and Administration . 12, 13 11 -The Liquor Licensing Ordinance, 1957- Municipal. County and District Council Notices ,. 13, 14 I Declaration of Licensing Areas . ,. 15 GAzE'rf E NOTICE NO. 1 Appolk-rlklsx'rs NEW YEAR HONOURS LlS'r, 1960 JOHN CHAPMAN to be Labour Officer, Labotlr Deiartment, with , I-IER MAJESTY THE QUEEN has been graciously pleased , efect from 13th July, 1959. tb approye the following appointments :- NORMAN ERNEST HIJCKLE to act as Pfincipal Registrar, Labour - Department, whh efect from 10th January, 1960. ' ' Knight Bachelor WALTER RICHARD CUI3ITT KEELER, B.SC. (LOND.), A.R.C.S., Alastair Granville xForbes, Vice-president Her M ajesty*s resumed duty as Labour Compnissiokaer with effect from 16th Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa. December, 1959, on return from vacation leave. OwsN JOSBPH BURNS to be Assistant Registl' al' -G en eral, Reg'is- .companion oj the M ost Dîstinguished Order jor Saint M icllael trar-General's D epartment, with effect from 17th N ovem ber, J/?# Saint Getprpe 1959. Diarmaid William Ccmroy, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of GBORGE RICHARD HENDERSON, D.S.C., . B.SC. (AGRIC.), to aCt as Legal Affairs, and Solicitor-G eneral. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Rift Valley Province, with Edward W alter M oyle 'M agor, Assistant Chief efïect from 10th Decem ber, 1959. ' Secretariat. ' REVERSIONS Commander tp/ the M ost Excellent Order b/ the British f'plp/p'e JAMBS lAN HUSBAND, M.Ar (oXON.), ceased to act as Labour M ervyn Hugh Cowie, Director, Royal National Parks of Kenya. Commissioner with efect from 16th December, 1959. Nominated M ember of Legislative Council. PBTER EDwARD D Av W ILsoN, M.C., celtsed to aCt as D eputy Labour Commissioner with effect from 16th December, 1959. Omcer oj' 'the M ost ExcelLent Order oj the frfffl'/z E mpire Franklin Derek Homan, Afriian Land Tenure Oëcer. JOHN FREDERICK Powls, T.D., ceased to act as Assistant Labour Reginald Heber James-, Headmaster, Duke of York School. Comrnissioner with effect from 16th December, 1959. Njiri Karanja, Senior Chief (Retired). By G mmand of the Governpr, M ember oj the M ost Excellent Orler oj 'the British Empil'e Claude Hamilton Adams, Chairman, Executive Committee and Council of the Discharged Prisoners' Aid Association. Gabriel N gugi G athendu, Information Oflicer, G rade l1. GAZSTTE Nmqcs No. 2 ! Francis Anthony D e Souza, Accounts Oë cer, Chief Secretal'y's .- Oë ce ' . tzl-,4. 22 / 5 / 1 8) Devshi M epa Shah, Unolicial. Businessman. THN LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Geoffrey M orris Allan, Secfetary, Royal Agricultural Society (AFRICAN REPRESENTATION) (ELECTION of Kenya. ' M EM BERS) RULES, 1956 Augustus Emmanuel Theodore. Imbert, Director of Passbooks. / (L.N. 573 oj 1956) Queen's Police Medal jor bistinguished Servke NolqcE oF Et-Ecluolq lIN PURSJJANCE of the provisions of rule 9 of the Legis- Bernard Alan Sheldon, A ssistant Com missioner of Police. ative Councll (African Repçesentation) (Election of M embers) Rules, 1956, it is hereby notified that- Colonial Police M edal jor M eritorious Servîce John Joseph K earney, Assistant Superintendent of Police. M R. SAMIJEL ONYANGO Ayooo Kiboit arap Tel-eito, Assistant Inspector of Police. was elected a M ember of the Legislative Council for the Nyanza W illiam Stewart Grant, Assistant Superintendent of Police. South Electoral Area on the 22th day of December, 1959. Francis Sawe arap Kipsoi, Inspector h of Police. G rade I . Dated this 23rd day of December, 1&j9. Kiiubi Chambo, Sergeant, Kenya Police. Mumina s/o M bindio, Sergeant, Kenya 'Police. (J. & L. 13 / 1 / 2 / l l 1) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 ' ' ' TH E COURTS ORD IN ANCE ' (Z.N. No. 15% tpj 1958) Lcap. 3) APPOINTMBNT oF Ex OFFlclo MAGISTRA'I'S 'ro A I'IIGHEIt APPOINTMENT LF ACTING CHIF.F Jus'rlcs ' BY Hij Excellency the Honourable 'Sir Patrick Renison, SIJBORDINATE tlouu'r Knight Commander of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-chief Courts Ordinance, the Governor, after consulting thc 'Cllief of k the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. Justice, hereby appoints- W HERBAS the Chief Justice of Che Supreme Court is by reason -ruovAs WTtasox MORGAN, E sQ., of absence f' rom the Colony unable to perform the f unctions who is a m agistrate by virtue of his oëce of District Oflicer, of his oflice, and it is desirable to make temporary provision M eru District. to hold a subordinate ceurt of the second class for the perform ance of the functio-ns of his om ce. in thé said district for so long as he is serWng as District Nùw, THEREEORE, in exercise of the power conferred by Om cer in that district. section 62 of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, I do hereby appoint- '. Gazette Notice No. 213/57 is hereby cancelled. GBoilFltEy BURKITT W HITCOMB Ruotl Dated this '231-d day of December, ' 1959. to perform the functions of the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court until the Chief Justice has resumed the functions of the said oëce. Given under my hand this 24th day of Detember, 1959. P. M . REN ISON , ' Governor. GAZSTTE N o'rlcs N o. 7 AN D A GRICULTU RAL BAN K ORDIN ANCIE GAZEW E XOTJCE XO. 4 ' ' (Cap. 181) ' THE REGISTRATION OF PERSONS ORDINANCE APPChIHTMEX'I- (Cap. 50) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Land and Agricultural Bank Ordinance the Minister fpr Finance CANCELLATION OF A PPOINTMENT and Developm ent hereby reappoints- z IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, 1 hereby P. J. G It.r., EsQ. cancel the appointment of the person named in the Schedule hereto as Reglstration Oflicer. ' a member of the Land Bank Btaprd with effect f rom 1st Jantlary. 1960. ' SCHEDULE MR. PETER NGUNDO MULANDI. Nairpbi, ' A . W . KILLICK. K. W . S. M ACKENZIE. 24* Dçcçmber? 1959. I'riïlcipal Registrar. siinistrr .ftpr Fintznce t-/??# Dej'eloplllell.t , 5th January, 1960 I/AZSTTB NoTlce No. 8 GAZETTF sorlcs No. 12 (DIIBRDt THE NATIVE AUTHORITY ORDINANCE THE DAIRY INDUSTRY ORDINANCE, ' (Cap. 91) (No. 34 :p/ 1958) APPCHNTMBNT APPOINTMENT opx M EMll/lts olr THE KENYA DAIRY BOXRD IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling m e, l hereby IN EXERCISE of the povzers conferred by section 5 of the appoint the person named in the Schedule annexed hereto to IDairy lndustry Ordinance: 1 958, the M inister for Agriculttlre, be Oëcial Headman for the area named therein. .&nim'a l Husbandry and V/ater Resources, with the approval of ( he G overnor in Council of A/linisters, hereby reappoints the D . W . H ALL, lollowing persons to be m em bers cf the K enya D airy Board : - M om basa, Acting Provincial Com missioller, 29th December, 1959. Coast Province. M embers N tpzzlîntz/cJ bà' the Stptrfrl o.f .d,ly'rjcf///rdrt/ (Scheduled Areas) SCHBDIJLE F. R. Stephen, Esq. Ntz-c.--charles Muroki Kiarle. R. O'B. Wilson, Esq. zzlrcc.- Kiarukungu Tana Settlement. M enlber N:p/?'pf/?J/t?J by the f.c?/7J Developmettt . Board With e//cc/ /rt)?n.- 12th December, 1959.
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