New York November 2016 SNOWMOBILER Online The Official Publication of the New York State Snowmobile Association BOREAS POND HEARINGS NOW! ~ p. 3 - 6 Take a Friend Snowmobiling ~ p.13 Adirondack Rail Trail News ~ p.14 Business Members, Our Snowmobile Champions ~ p. 19 - 25 Oh, the Places You’ll Go! ~ p.26 Photo by Marcel Carrier, St. Lawrence County. NYSSA Online Magazine New York CONTENTS SNOWMOBILER Online Publisher: The New York State Snowmobile Association P. O. Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 Editor: Anne O’Dell BOREAS PONDS HEARINGS! By Dom Jacangelo P. 3 [email protected] 888-624-3849 x101 Featured Business Member: SnoMoBaby P. 8 AD RATES 2016-17 Officers Trail Coordinator Report ...Jim Rolf P. 9 President Rosanne Warner, 315-697-8130 Snowmobile Safety: Ride safe and have fun! P. 16 Vice Craig LaPlante, 315-854-6719 President [email protected] New Business Members! P. 18 Secretary Erin Pittsley, 607-316-6587 [email protected] Oh, the places you’ll go (in Franklin County, and beyond!) P. 25 Treasurer John Occhino, 845-225-3140 [email protected] Staff Executive Dominic Jacangelo, 888-624-3849 x104 Director [email protected] Trail Jim Rolf, 888-624-3849 x102 Coordinator [email protected] General Anne O’Dell, 888-624-3849 x101 Manager [email protected] Membership 888-624-3849 x103 Helpline [email protected] Join or Renew Membership Online: Our Website: www.nysnowmobiler.com New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation’s Website www.nysparks.com/recreation/snowmobiles DMV, Register a Sled: NY Resident DMV, Register a Sled: Out of State Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - [email protected] November 2016 - Page 2 TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 * www.nysnowmobiler.com NYSSA Online Magazine From the Desk of the Executive Director By Dominic Jacangelo, Executive Director [email protected] 888-624-3849 x104 Boreas Ponds: Time to Speak Up for Our Access - Alternative 1 is least restrictive! Classification hearings have started on the 20,758 acre acquisition by the state. Over the past week I attended two hearings on the topic and I am worried. The green groups have packed the Ray Brook hearing location with their people calling for the entire property to be classified as Wilderness. That’s right, no snow- mobile use! No ability to drive in a few miles and park! And no bicycles! Most importantly, no through trail connecting Newcomb to North Hudson!!!! The whole concept of an intercon- nected system on the east side of the Park is destroyed. Big “Thank You” to the clubs and NYSSA Directors who showed for the Northville hearing. You made it a much more balanced What is wrong with this picture? All those green shirts are speakers that the audience. environmental groups bused into Ray Brook to call for Wilderness! Only one other snowmobiler attended to speak up for Wild Forest! Many of you have signed petitions over the past two months. Nearly 3,500 signatures have been sent in. If you still have a petition it is not too late to get it completed and sent to me by December 15, 2016. But I have to ask you to do more. There are several more hearings yet to come. Attend one of those hearings and add your voice to the many that are calling for Wild Forest. If you cannot attend, please write and send in your comments to the APA. We have suggested talking points (see next pages) for you to use in your letter. In addition there is a lot more information about the Boreas Ponds including video at www.accessadk.com . If we all speak up together we can get what we need! Dates, locations and times of public hearings are: Nov 21 7 PM Schroon Lake Central School, 1125 Route 9, Schroon Lake Nov 28 7 PM RIT – Golisano Institute for Sustainability, Sustainability Hall, Rochester Nov 29 6 PM St. Lawrence County Human Service Center, 80 State Highway 310, Canton Dec 6 7 PM Bear Mountain Inn, 3020 Seven Lakes Drive, Tomkins Cove Dec 7 2 PM NYS DEC – 625 Broadway, Albany Comments can be mailed or emailed - before December 30 - to: Kathleen D. Regan, Deputy Director, Planning Adirondack Park Agency PO Box 99 1133 State Route 86 Ray Brook, NY 12977 [email protected] If you are attending and wish to speak be sure to get there early and fill out a speaker’s card. Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - [email protected] November 2016 - Page 3 TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 * www.nysnowmobiler.com NYSSA Online Magazine Why Alternative 1? It is the most balanced approach to classifying this land. View the full APA DSEIS Document here Links to maps and other info are on the APA Website under ‘State Land Classification’. Wild Forest is the only classification here that permits possible snowmobile use. Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - [email protected] November 2016 - Page 4 TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 * www.nysnowmobiler.com NYSSA Online Magazine Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - [email protected] November 2016 - Page 5 TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 * www.nysnowmobiler.com NYSSA Online Magazine Name Address Return to NYSSA, PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566, by Dec 15, 2016 Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - [email protected] November 2016 - Page 6 TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 * www.nysnowmobiler.com Adirondack Powersports NYSSA Online Magazine www.adirondackpowersports.com Appolson's www.appolson.com Bibben's Sales www.bibbenssales.com Bob Weaver's Motorsports www.weaverfever.com Buck's Motorsports www.bucksmotorsports.com Caprara's Outdoor World www.capraraoutdoor.com Cycle Shack www.cycleshackpolaris.com Della Motorsports www.dellamotorsports.net Don's Polaris www.donspolaris.com Edelmann Sales, Inc www.edelmannsales.com Excell Motorsports www.excellmotorsports.com Fun Unlimited www.fununlimitedpolaris.com Gamble Distributors www.gogambles.com Griffin Motorsports www.griffinmotorsports.com Ingles Performance www.inglesperformance.com Ithaca Recreation www.ithacarecreation.com Jan-Cen Automotive www.shopjancen.com K&H Motorsports www.knhmotorsports.com Pioneer Motorsports Schoff Polaris TC Sports Kubecka's Polaris www.pioneermotorsports.com www.schoffpolaris.com www.tc-sports.net www.kubeckas.s5.com Polaris Of Riverhead SSR Powersports Teixeira's Polaris Leisure Time www.hondaofriverhead.com www.ssrpowersports.com www.teixeiraspolaris.com www.leisuretimepowersports.com Powerhouse Motorsports Sportline Power Waite Motorsports M&M Motorsports www.powerhousems.com www.sportlinepower.com www.waitemotorsports.com www.mmpolarisny.com Precision Power Sports Unlimited Zambri Motorspots Maddie's Motorsports www.precisionpowerservices.com www.sportsunlimitedny.com www.zambrismotorsports.com www.maddiesmotorsports.com Preferred Powersports T. Nelson Sales Matt's Cycle Center www.preferredpowersports.com www.tnelsonsales.com www.mattshonda.com Menneto Powersports www.menneto.com Moody Polaris www.moodyspolaris.com O'neil Sales www.oneillsales.com Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - [email protected] November 2016 - Page 7 TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 * www.nysnowmobiler.com NYSSA Online Magazine Featured Business Member Our Story I am a 3rd generation, life-long snowmobiler. As a kid, when other families went south or hi- bernated in the dead of winter, my family headed to the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York to ride. I can't think of a better way to spend a cold, crisp wintry day than on a freshly groomed trail! I am a mom. Snowmobiling is a family sport enjoyed by millions of people. When my husband and I started our family, one of the first things we thought of was how fun it would be to teach our children to ride. Although our boys are still young (3.5 years and 2 years), you can bet their eyes light up when they see a "Vroom" as our oldest affectionately referred to sleds until he could pronounce the word 'snowmobile'. I am an entrepreneur. A mompreneur, to be exact. While expecting our first son, my husband— who also rides—and I thought snowmobiling would make the perfect theme for the nursery. I had visions of whimsy snowflakes, plushy snowmobiles, and downy covered trees. To our sur- prise, nothing like this existed—anywhere!. So I set out to create a line of snowmobile-themed, USA-made, baby and toddler clothing and accessories - to help get your youngest future riders started on the right trail! I hope you love what you see at Snowmobaby™...there is a lot more to come! Happy trails! ~Lisa Lisa Krug, Owner & Founder Snowmobaby™ Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - [email protected] November 2016 - Page 8 TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 * www.nysnowmobiler.com NYSSA Online Magazine Trail Coordinator Report by Jim Rolf, NYSSA Trail Coordinator 888-624-3849 x 102 [email protected] SEASON FAST-APPROACHING Club Trail Work by Volunteers Lots of pre-season trail work/groomer prep going on from the amounts of calls/emails that I have been receiving. I hear from some clubs that are having good luck with new volunteers helping out, but conversely from some others that say “it’s the same ole people every year”. If you are reading this and like the trails you get to ride on in your area or any other area, the club that maintains those trails would LOVE to have some help getting the final preparations to sign and open the trails up for the 2016-17 season.
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