~~~~" J) . $~~ It us (9rrhi n' Jl (lUa • .~ Published by The Tennessee Genealogical Society :-~ , - Quarter·ly - Mrs. Edwin Miles Standefer, Editor VOLUME 17 JANuARy - MARCH 1970 NUMBER 1 MADISON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, ISSUE - CONTENTS - THE PRES IDENT' S LETTER. ••• 1 NOTES FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK •• . .. 2 BOOK REVIEWS ••.•••••• 3 INDEX TO 1840 CENSUS ,MADISON COUNTY, TENNESSEE ••• 5 FIRST UNITED STATES VALENTINE •••• • 12 MARRIAGE BOOK B, MADISON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. • 13 INDEX TO WILLS, SETTLEMENTS, INVENTORIES, MADISON COUNTY, TENNESSEE • 18 A:\3STRACTS OF SOME MADISON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, CEMETERIES • • 21 JOHN TERRELl. BIBLE RECORD •••• • 24 1878 YELLOW FEVER EPIDEMIC IN MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE. • 25 MARRIAGE RECORDS, SUMNER COUNTY, TENNES SEE, 1787-1838 • • • 29 WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT, LAND GRANTS, BOOK LA • • 33 FIVE GENERATION CHARTS •• • 36 MASTER SURNAME INDEX ••• ... .. •• 36 JENKINS TOMPKINS BIBLE RECORD •• • 37 WILL OF JOSEPH TOMPKINS •••• • 38 WOLF RIVER UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH RECORDS, OVERTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE • 39 THREE FORKS BAPTIST CHURCH MINUTES, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. • 39 QUERIES. NUMBER 70-1 THROUGH 70-68 •••••••• • 40 THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY POST OFFICE BOX 12124, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38112 "ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS the official publication of the Tennessee Genealogical Society Published Quarterly - Annual Subscription $6.00 all subscriptions start with first issue of year OFFICERS AND STAFF FOR 1970 President Mrs. T. Rivers Young Vice-President Miss Jessie T. Webb Treasurer Mr. S. Caya Phillips Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Sidney Wilroy Recording Secretary Mrs. John W. McDonald Director of Research Miss Bernice Cole Librarian Advisor Mr. Laurence B. Gardiner Advisor Mrs. Byron G. Hyde Editor: Mrs. Edwin M. Standefer Associate Editor: Mrs. Henry N. Moore EDITORIAL STAFF Secretary to the Editor Mrs. Robert Louis Cox Query Editor Miss Bernice Cole. Miss Jessie T. Webb Mr. S. E. Fowler Mr. Herman L. Bogan Col. & Mrs. Byron G. Hyde Miss Myrtle Shelton Mrs. Albert Curl Dr. Edwina Campbell Mrs. Gene Davis Mr. Jonathan K. Smith, C.G. Mr. & Mrs. J. Mobley Collinsworth Spring 1970 -J- THE PRESIDENTS' LETTERS Tennessee Genealogical Society Mrs. Rivers Young, Vice President Memphis, Tennessee Dear Katherine: It is necessary that I resign as President of Tennessee GenealogicAl Society. On February 18 I was offered an opportunity to return to Dallas, Texas, with a very substantial promotion. Since Georgia and I intend to make Dallas our home when I retire we welcome the opportunity to go there now. The transfer is effective March 14. I wish to express to you our appreciation for the many courtesies extended to us by members of the Society. It has been fun working with you and making so many good friends. I wish the Society and its members the very best and will look forward to receiving each copy of "Ansearchin'''. Sincerely, Bill Crawford cc: Board Members Dear Members, Your Board members accepted with regret the resignation of our President, Mr. William Crawford, as of February 24, 1970. We will miss Georgia and Bill. Their interest and hard work is indeed appreciated by the Society. We wish Bill success and both much happiness on their return to their home and family. As your new President, I welcome your advice and support. Monday, January 19, 1970, 6:30 p.m., at Pete & Sam's Restaurant, the new officers were installed by Mrs. Bunyan Webb. Our speaker, Mr. E.V. Catoe, of Webb, Miss., spoke on "Continental Currency." Mr. Catoe brought an interesting collection with him. His talk was filled with delightful historical facts. Our gratitude to Mr. Catoe for reaching Memphis through ice and snow is unbounded. Monday, April 20, 1970, Mclean Public Library, 7:30 p.m., our guest speaker will be Mr. Jas. L. Garthright, Jr., Memphis attorney. His subject will be "Legal Terms." Don't let this scare you, this is going to be fun. Remember all those strange words you've read in Court minutes and Wills! On Saturday, July 18, 1970, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity National Headquarters, 577 University, Memphis, Tenn., your Society will offer a one-day Seminar. The fee will be $3.00, luncheon included. We felt a weekend would be convenient to our friends and members in the neighboring areas and hope you will include this opportunity in your summer plans. With pleasure, we present Mr. Leon S. Hollingsworth, noted Genealogist of Decatur, Ga. Mr. Hollingsworth is a Certified Genealogist by the National Board for Certification of Genealogist, Washington, D.C. He is a member of at least a dozen Historical and Genealogical Societies. He has conducted many workshops and has researched the National Archives, Library of Congress, state archives and libraries of North and South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. A hearty welcome to you. .. Ansea.rchin·" News -2- NOTES FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Please note the heading at the top of the Query Section of this issue. We must, due to the ever increasing interest in genealogy and our own growing subscription list, limit the number of queries sent by our members to one per quarter. These to include not more than fifty words, be typewritten or printed, with the name and address on the page. We are not permitted to print queries for non-members of TGS. We are, indeed, sorry that there was a long carryover from 1969, but we will print all of them as rapidly as possible. All requests for information from our Research Director must contain a stamped envelope. Note, also, if you please, the notice regarding changes of address. This is a very important duty of the subscriber if he is to receive a bulletin. No third-class mail is forwarded and, if not delivered, is returned to us. Please send us your new address so that we can keep our mailing list current. Our grateful appreciation is expressed to Mrs. A. Burton Hicks, Memphis and Shelby County Health Department, for the colorful and explanatory folders on the Yellow Fever Epidemic in Memphis. These dove-tailed perfectly with the beginning of our recording of the deaths in 1878 which began in our last issue, as did a newspaper article on Martyrs Park, a memorial to those who stayed and fought this dread disease. The Yellow Fever Commission in Memphis will soon dedicate the park and a marker, sculptored by Harris Sorrels, will be erected in memory of the worst catastrophe ever to hit our city. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF SPRING CONFERENCES 1. The Illinois State Genealogical Society's 1970 Spring Conference is scheduled for April 10-11 at the Leland Hotel, Springfield, Ill. Speakers for the event are Dr. and Mrs. Kenn Stryker-Rodda of Elizabeth, New Jersey. Mr. Baird E. Daniels, 109 Southland Drive, Decatur, Ill. 62521 is Co-Chairman of the Conference. 2. St. Louis Genealogical Society presents a Regional Workshop, "Tracing Family Trees in Eleven States," on Saturday, April 18, 1970, at St. Louis Ethical Society, 9001 Clayton Road, Clayton, Mo. Speakers will be Mr. John Insley Coddington-­ Renowned professional genealogist, author and speaker; Mr. William E. Lind--Chief Archivist for National Archives and Record Service of Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Emma Porter--widely known genealogist and member of St. Louis Genealogical Society and Judith Toler, representing Tennessee. PUBLICATIONS Thanks to the Gale Research Company, 1400 Book Tower, Detroit, Michigan 49226, for their gift to our library of "Autobiographical Dictionary of the Saints," by' Frederick Wolweck (1924), reprint by Gale Research Company 1969, 1053 pages, index. "Heraldic in Dienstein der Shakespeare-Forschung" (German) by Alfred von Mauntz (Berlin 1903); reprint by Gale Research Company 1969. Lifeline, Publication of the Genealogical Society of Riverside, California, P.O. Box 2664, Riverside, California 92506; Mr. Roderick Stuart, Editor, in its 5th year of publication. Quarterly­ $5.00 per year. Fargo Genealogical Society, Mrs. W. A. Simmons, Librarian, 1105 S. University Drive, Fargo, N.D. has published a Surname Index for 1969 and 1970. Their bulletin is $3.00 yearly. Write for price of Surname Index to Mrs. Simmons. Ark-La-Tex Genealogical Association, P.O. Box 71, Shreveport, La. 71101 publishes "Genie." No volume number or rates were given us. Write to Mr. A.M. Tipton, President, for information. Coos Genealogical Forum, Bulletin V, #1 and #2, May 1969, Frances Pomerey Hase1, Editor, Quarterly, $3.00 per year. S.Q.U.A.H. (Some Questions Unanswered, Answered, Here), published by Adelle Olney, 2325 Blake Street San Bernadine, California 92405. For wide exchange of information on families, nothing can surpass this publication. Write Mrs. Olney for prices. This is purely _ L-_..f"l __ .__ ~ __ ~ .. .-,- _ Spring 1970 -3- BOOK REVIEWS Reviewed by Cleo Miller Webb GUARDIANS' BONDS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1783-1852, compiled by Mary Catharine Murphy (1969), 1837 rendall Avenue, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903. Price: $7.50. Mrs. Murphy, an instructor in Genealogical Research at the University of Virginia School of General Studies, has done a splendid piece of work compiling and index­ ing this valuable source of material. The names of the orphans, parents, guard­ ians and securities are given along with the dates and amount of the bond required. A well organized book. le30 CENSUS EAST TENNESSEE, transcribed and indexed by Byron Sistler (1969), over 300 pages, index. Order from the author, 1805 Madison Street, Evanston, Illinois 60202. Price: $20.00. This excellent book is tremendous help in doing research in East Tennessee. It has all of the information given in the 1830 Federal Census records for the 24 counties comprising that section. It is splendidly indexed and easy to read. One must study the page entitled "How to use this book." There is nothing diffi­ cult about using this book, once one learns the key. INDEX TO GRAVE IDeATION RECORDS of SERVICEMEN of the WAR of 1812, compiled by the Ohio Society of United States Daughters of 1812 (1969), 75 pages.
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