Noting, from the observations in the report, the new it is necessary to continue the Force beyond 26 June conditions prevailing in the island, 1968, 1. Reaffirms its resolutions 186 ( 1964) of 4 March, Noting, from the observations in the report, the en­ 187 (1964) of 13 March, 192 (1964) of 20 June, 193 couraging recent developments in the island, (1964) of 9 August, 194 (1964) of 25 September and 1. Reaffirms its resolutions 186 ( 1964) of 4 March, 198 ( 1964) of 18 December 1964, 201 (1965) of 19 187 ( 1964) of 13 March, 192 ( 1964) of 20 June, 193 March, 206 (1965) of 15 June, 207 (1965) of 10 (1964) of 9 August, 194 ( 1964) of 25 September and August and 219 (1965) of 17 December 1965, 220 198 (1964) of 18 December 1964, 201 (1965) of 19 (1966) of 16 March, 222 (1966) of 16 June and 231 March, 206 ( 1965) of 15 June, 207 ( 1965) of 10 (1966) of 15 December 1966, 238 (1967) of 19 June August and 219 (1965) of 17 December 1965, 220 and 244 ( 1967) of 22 December 1967, and the con­ (1966) of 16 March, 222 (1966) of 16 June and 231 sensus expressed by the President at the 1143rd meet­ (1966) of 15 December 1966, 238 (1967) of 19 June ing on 11 August 1964 and at the 1383rd meeting on and 244 (1967) of 22 December 1967, and 247 (1968) 24 November 1967; of 18 March 1968, and the consensus expressed by the 2. Urges the parties concerned to act with the ut­ President at the 1143rd meeting on 11 August 1964 and most restraint and to continue determined co-operative at the 1383rd meeting on 24 November 1967; efforts to achieve the objectives of the Security Coun­ 2. Urges the parties concerned to act with the ut­ cil by availing themselves in a constructive manner most restraint and to continue determined co-operative of the present auspicious climate and opportunities; efforts to achieve the objectives of the Security Council 3. Extends once more the stationing in Cyprus of by availing themselves in a constructive manner of the the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established present auspicious climate and opportunities ; under Security Council resolution 186 (1964), for a 3. Extends once more the stationing in Cyprus of further period of three months ending 26 June 1968, the United Nations Peacekeeping Force, established in the expectation that by then sufficient progress under Security Council resolution 186 ( 1964), for a towards a final solution will make possible a with­ further period ending 15 December 1968, in the expec­ drawal or substantial reduction of the Force. tation that by then sufficient progress towards a final solution will make possible a withdrawal or substantial Adopted unanimously at the reduction of the Force. 1398th meeting. Adopted unanimously at the 1432nd meeting. Decision At its 1432nd meeting, on 18 June 1968, the Council Decision decided to invite the representatives of Cyprus, Turkey and Greece to participate, without vote, in the discus­ At its 1459th meeting, on 10 December 1968, the sion of the item entitled "Letter dated 26 December Council decided to invite the representatives of Cyprus, 1963 from the Permanent Representative of Cyprus Turkey and Greece to participate, without vote, in the addressed to the President of the Security Council discussion of the item entitled "Letter dated 26 Decem­ (S/5488) :11 report of the Secretary-General on the ber 1%3 from the Permanent Representative of Cyprus United Nations Operation in Cyprus (S/8622)".12 addressed to the President of the Security Council ( S/5488) :14 report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Operation in Cyprus (S/8914)".15 Resolution 254 (1968) of 18 June 1968 Resolution 261 (1968) The Security Council, o.· 10 December 1968 Noting from the -eport of the Secretary-General of 11 June 1968 (S/8622) 13 that in the present circum­ The Security Council, stances the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Noting from the report of the Secretary-General of Cyprus is still needed if peac<. is to be maintained in 4 December 1968 ( S/8914 ) 141 that in the present cir­ the island, cumstances the United Nations Peace-keeping Force Noting that the Government of Cyprus has agreed in Cyprus is still needed if peace is to be maintained in that in view of the prevailing conditions in the island the island, 11 Ibid., Eighteenth Year, Supplement for October, N ovem­ 14 Ibid., Eighteenth Year, Supplement for October, N ovem­ ber and December 1963. ber and December 1963. 12 Ibid., Twenty-third Year, Supplement for April, May and 15 Ibid., Twenty-third Year, Supplement for April, May and June 1968. June 1968. 18 /bid. JO Ibid. 4 Noting that the Government of Cyprus has agreed meeting on 11 August 1964 and at the 1383rd meeting that in view of the prevailing conditions in the island on 24 November 1967; it is necessary to continue the Force beyond 15 Decem­ 2. Urges the parties concerned to act with the ut­ ber 1968, most restraint and to continue determined co-operative Noting, from the observations in the report, the en­ efforts to achieve the objectives of the Security Council couraging recent developments in the island, by availing themselves in a constructive manner of the 1. Reaffirms its resolutions 186 ( 1964) of 4 March, present auspicious climate and opportunities; 187 (1964) of 13 March, 192 (1964) of 20 June, 193 3. Extends once more the sta~ioning in Cyprus of (1964) of 9 August, 194 (1964) of 25 September and the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established 198 (1964) of 18 December 1964, 201 (1965) of 19 under Security Council resolution 186 ( 1964), for a March, 206 (1965) of 15 June, 207 (1965) of 10 further period ending 15 June 1969, in the expectation August and 219 (1965) of 17 December 1965, 220 that by then sufficient progress towards a final solution (1966) of 16 March, 222 (1966) of 16 June and 231 will make possible a withdrawal or substantial reduc­ ( 1966) of 15 December 1966, 238 ( 1967) of 19 June tion of the Force. and 244 (1%7) of 22 December 1967, and 247 (1968) of 18 March and 254 (1968) of 18 June 1968, and the .,ldopted 1mani111ously at the consensus expressed by the President at the 1143rd 1459th meeting. QUESTION CONCERNING THE SITUATION IN SOUTIIERN RHODESIA 17 Dedsion 20 of the provisional rules ·of procedure, not to preside over the Council during the discussion of the question. At its 1399th meeting, on 19 March 1968, the Coun­ cil decided to invite the representatives of Jamaica and Zambia to participate, without vote, in the discussion of the item entitled : "Question concerning the situation in Southern Rhodesia: letters dated 2 and 30 August 1963 Resolution 253 ( 1968) addressed to the President of the Security Council of 29 May 1968 on behalf of the representatives of thirty-two Mem­ 18 18 ber States (S/5382 and S/5409 ): The Security Council, "Letter dated 12 March 1968 addressed to the Recalling and reaffirming its resolutions 216 ( 1965) President of the Security Council by the repre­ of 12 November 1965, 217 (1965) of 20 November sentatives of Algeria, Botswana, Burundi, Cam­ 1965, 221 (1966) of 9 April 1966, and 232 (1966) of eroon, The Central African Republic, Chad, Congo 16 December 1966, (Brazzaville), Congo (Democratic Republic of), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Taking note of resolution 2262 (XXII) adopted by Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagas­ the General Assembly on 3 November 1967, car, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Noting wi,th great concern that the measures taken Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, so far have failed to bring the rebellion in Southern Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, The United Arab Repub­ Rhodesia to an end, lic, The United Republic of Tanzania, Upper Volta 19 Reaffirming that, to the extent not superseded in this and Zambia ( S/8454) ." resolution, the measures provided for in resolutions 217 At its 1428th meeting of the Council, on 29 May (1965) of 20 November 1965 and 232 (1966) of 16 1968, the President (United Kingdom) informed the December 1966, as well as those initiated by Member Council that he had decided, in accordance with rule States in implementation of those resolutions, shall con­ tinue in effect, 17 Resolutions or decisions on this question were alsu adopted Gravely concerned that the measures taken by the by the Council in 1963, 1965 and 1966. Security Council have not been complied with by all 18 See Official Records of the Security Coimcil, Eighteenth Year, Supplement for July, August and September 1963. States and that some States, contrary to resolution 232 19 Ibid., Twenty-third Year, Supplement for January, Febru­ ( 1966) of the Security Council and to their obligations ary and March 1968. under Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations, s .
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