AGRICULTURAL AND DOMESTIC. The Farmer. A. farmer furrowed his swarded field, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING And faltered not for the day ; le felt from the north a frost-wind blow. n the third story of the brick block corner of Main And the path of the snu was gray, mid Huron streets, \na Ike wheat-bird's whistle he heard from tho ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN. bon^h, Vnd he knew that tho weevil oft followed the Entrance on Huron street, opposite the Gregory plough. House. le bent his lowly form to the task, Believing his labor a prayer; ED1T0U AND PUBLISHER. <o he plodded the pace of a cheerful man, Preparing his ground with care ; Terms, S2.00 a year, or $1.30 In advance. Vhietled and plodded, then east amain For the harvest hour the seeding grain. RATES OF ADVERTISING. A farmer sat iu his cottage door, Nodding a noon-time nap, SPACE. 1 w. 2 w. I 3 w. 6 w. 3 m. 6 m. 1 year And the whitened wheat across the way, Bl 1 square.. Waved on the meadow's lap; 3 squares.. With heavy heads, in a slumbering haze, Ssquares.. The stalks bent down in the August days. I_5 column i^ column As the farmer dozed, ho dreamed and smiled, ^ column VOLUME XXXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1876. NUMBER 1595. For his acres waved on in his ey.'; •, ^ column And then tho clink of the reapers he heard, 1 column.. And his stacks and his mows swelled high; nd ov^r his cheek a soft tear crept, or the joj he lelt BB he nodded and Blept. Twelve lines or less considered a square. SONG OF THE TURTLE AND FLAlover- , and wanted him to take a good on tho day before yesterday came back " What promise ?" the spirit forced the flesh to more than WASHINGTON A 1A11MEB. Cards in Directory, not to exceed four lines, $4.00 He woke: in the haze of the hot afternoon, a year. MINGO. mortal doing, had done their silent work. degree. to his mind. " That I made you the day you rode Letter to His Farm Manager, In health was he bent to tho snath, Business or special notices 12 cents a line for the These absences generally lasted till over to see the Melvilles." I should have to tell him to bo very, very And over the flekls the gavels stretched, first insertion, and 8 cents for each subsequent in- BY JAMES T. FIELDS. " You are not surprised at this inva- DECEMBER 10, 1799. sertion. luncheon-time; but ono day she came sion ?" asked his Visitor; She was ap- "I don't remember your promising careful. I should be able to comfort In many a winding path; A lively jonng turtle lived down by the banks From the various plans suggested The vision he saw had lightened his task, Marriage and death notices free; obituary notices Of a dark-rolling stream called the Jingo, down to breakfast in her riding-habit, parently about §0 years of age ; tall, anything that day. What was It f* him by saying that men as badly off as And he learned that to pray we iu labor should aek. .5 cents a line. And one slimmer day, as he went out to lay, and told him she was going to see theslight, and elegantly dressed. A lace- " To remind yon would be half break- he was had made old bones, and died in by you at different times for cropping —Grand Rapidts Eagle. Yearly advertisers, have the privilege of changing Fell in love with a charming flamingo — the farms, which I propose to retain in their advertisements quarterly. Additional chang- An enormously genteel flamingo! Melvilles. Seeing the Melvilles meant edged handkerchief was loosely knotted ing it. Surely you can not have forgot- their beds; at lastj of something else, ing will be charged for. An expansively crimson flamingo ! a ride, out and home, of two-and-twenty round her throat, and in her hand she ten?" stood rehearsing how this was to be told my own hands, in the year 1800, and ArouuU the Farm. Advertisements unaccompanied by written or A beautiful, bouncing flamingo! with a reduced force of laborers on them verbal directions will be published three months, miles. carried a common palmetto fan. She "Let mo see. You read me 'Howwhen I heard Annie's voice again. WE had much rather have an old cow and charged according. " No, not that one ; it's too full blown. and the operations necessary to carry Spake tho turtle in tones like a delicate wheeae: "Mayn't I go with you?" he asked. spoke in that sub-tone of assertion which Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar' out them into effect; comparing these with loose in our garden than to put it in Legal advertising, ftrst insertion, 70 cents per " To the water I've oft seen yon in go, "No, sir. You have been shamefully a well-bred woman of her age has gener- of Bret Harte, and pretended that it did There is a lovely bud a little higher up. charge of one of these non-pruning gar- (olio; 35 cents per folio for each subsequent inser- And your form has impressed itself deep on mj No, no, you stupid great fellow; there, the best reflection i have been able to tion. When a postponement is added to an advertise- shell, idle lately; besides, 1 have lots of things ally acquired without knowing how, and not make you cry." make on the subject, and considering, deners.—Moore's Rural, ment, the whole -;yiii be charged the same as the first You perfectly modeled flamingo! to say to Janey " (her chief bride-maid shoddy folk labor after in vain all their " That -tras niter dinner." to your right." insertion, You uncommonly brilliant flamingo! elect), " and you would be in the way.lives-, Grant that a stranger couid adopt moreover, the exhausted state of my To EXTERMINATE caterpillars on trees, You tremendously ' A one ' flamingo! " In the morning you and papa were They were standing under a climbing arable fields,. and how important it is to they may be sprinkled with a solution of You inex-pres-si-ble flamingo! You need not expect to see me again till this mode of presenting herself—and talking about fishing, and I listened." rose bush, and she was pointing to a JOB PRINTING. dinner," she replied. had not Annie told him that she might ? spot about a yard over his head. Stand- adopt some system by which tho evil one part of sulphide of potassium in 500 Pamphlets, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, " To be sure I'm a turtle, and you are a belle, '' It was not in the morning or in the may be arrested, and tho fields in some parts of water. This, it is said, will kill Sail Tickets, Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads and other And my language is not your fine lingo; Seven o'clock was their usual dinner- —and nothing could bo more natural. evening that I made you that promise, ing on tiptoe, he could just touch the measure restored by a rotation of crops, the insects, and do no harm to the trees. -arieties of Plain and Fancy Job Printing executed But smilo on me, tall one, and bo my bright ] time. Frank improved the shining Frank replied that he was -not a bit Annie. It was i'i the twilight, when you stem of the coveted flower, but not hold with promptness, and in the best possible style. flame, it, and of course it bobbed from his which will not press hard upon them, THE Cork oak appears to succeed as You miraculous, wondrous flamingo! hours—read till noon, then he took a surprised, and advanced his best chair, returned from your ride." while sufficient intervals are allowed for You blazingly beauteous flamingo! brisk walk till 2, then he read till 5, fingers. well ia California as in its native coun- which she declined. "Why, Frank ! I went straight up to improvement ; I have digested the fol- try. Trees planted in 1861 and since BUSINESS DIRECTORY. You turtle-absorbing uaminyo I then, like a wise man, he put away his "No, thanks," sho said, leaning one my room. It was so late I had hardly "If you jump you can catch it," said You inflammably gorgeous flamingo !" books, and packed up what he had Annie. lowing instructions for my managers, pruned up, are now twenty-five feet to hand against the sido of the window time to change my things. I never saw and for the government of my overseers, the lower branches. The bark on those TiONALD MAOLEAN, M. D., Physician and Then the proud bird blushed redder than ever be- learned into his brain. space, and fanning herself. " 1 won't you from the time you rnountod me at 11 As she spoke ho sprang, seized the and request that they may be strictly XJ Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Huron street, fore, It was autumn* when tlio twilight rose (which was pulled down by his trees is from one and a half to two Ann Arbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 a. m. and froni And that was quite un-ncc-ces-srt-ry, come in any farther. Do you sit down o'clock, till when we met at dinner. and pointedly attended to and executed, inches thick and the peeling process 3 to 3 p. m. And she stood on ono leg and looked out of ono comes soon and quickly.
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