San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1927 Special Libraries, 1920s 9-1-1927 Special Libraries, September 1927 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1927 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1927" (1927). Special Libraries, 1927. 7. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1927/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1920s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1927 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -.- Vol. 18 September, 1927 No. 7 More Conference Reports Contacts and the Public Library The Library and the Bank Business Literature Since the War New Executive Officer for S.L.A. Groups and Committees Departments Contents ARTICLES Busmess Literature Since the War. By Robert L. Smit- ley ........ ... .......... ..... ..... ... ... ...... .... .. ..................... ............... ........................ 21 9 How the Business Branch of a Public Library Develops Contacts. By Miss Marian C. Manley .............................. 21 3 Relationship of Library and Research Departments to the Bank. By Dr. Donald M. Marvin .............................. ........ 2 1 5 Reports of Committees Classification. By Miss Louise Keller ....................................... 223 Indexing Legislation. By Herbert 0. Brigham .................. 224 Library Exhibits. By Alma C. Mitchill .............................. 228 Methods. By Miss Rebecca B. Rankin .............................. 224 Publications. By Miss Rebecca B. Rankin ........................ 225 Training for Special Librarians. By Miss Rebecca B. Rankin .... ......................... .. ............................................................... 226 Reports of Croup Chairman Commercial-Technical. By F. A. Mooney ........................ 235 Financial. By Marguerite Burnett ............................................. 232 Insurance. By D. N. Handy ...................................................... 232 Newspaper. By John H. Miller ............................................... 232 NOTES Business Library Number 229 Ouestions- of the Hour........ 234 Education ~eaibook. ..... Research in Southern His- For S.L.A. Members... ..... tory .......................................... New Insurance Library... Public Affairs Informa- Safety Exhibit ....... .... ......... tion Service ....................... 235 Thoughts on Reading ...... 235 DEPARTMENTS Associations ............................ 237 Personal Notes ....... .......... 239 Book Reviews ...................... 234 President's Page ......... ....... 23 1 Editor's Desk ....................... 230 Events and Publications... 240 We Do This ....... ................. 236 - - -- -- Published Monthly September to April, bimonthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Special Libraries Publishing ofice, 958 University Aye., Ncw York City. Editorial oflice, Statc Library, Providence, R.I. Treasurer's ofticc, S.12 East 79th St., Clevelnnd, 0. All paynicnts should bc made to hIiss Rose L. Vormclkcr, Treasrlrer, White hlotor Co., 842 I<a.;L 79th St., Cleveland, 0. Entcrerl as sccund class matter Decembcr 17. 1023 nt tho Port Oflco. New York. N Y.. under the act of MnlCh 3. 1870 Acceutnncc for maihng nt speclmi ratc of po5tngc proplded for in scction 1103. Act of October 3, 1011, authorized Dcccmbcr 17. 1023. Rates $1 00 n rcnr. l.'orclnn $4.50: slngle coplcs 50 cents. Special Libraries Vol. 18 SEPTEMBER No. 7 How the Business Branch of a Public Library Develops Contacts By Miss Marian C. Manley of the Business Branch of Newark Public Library N commenting on the subjcct of this conierencc in thc May-June nuinllcr of SPECIAL Lin~~ia~~s,Mr. Cady suggested that the participants list the Iibrarics, busincss houses I :mtl lnclividuals with whotn they had cstablished contacts for the purposes 01 giving and recciving information Since the Newark Busincss Branch is a clcl~artrnent of a pub- lic I~lrraryand as such, in touch with many, our list would lnoilopoli~can unduc share of time. Ous organization serves, not a large those who can use thcm, we follow two corporation wit11 clearly clcfined interests, methods of publicity : First, stories in but an uncounted number of individuals Izemspapers or magazines, and second, of diversified occupations. Tlie calls on direcl correspondence Wide results us are varied and made by people rang- from news itenls cannot be definitely as- ing from presidents of corposations LO certained, the fact that they find their messenger boys. The inquirers fall into audiences is shown by thc number of re- two general groups, those wishing a quests that follow the nlentron of any specific address or other detail easily spccific item suc11 as, for examplc, oui- iound, provided our collection is up-to- introcluctory list Hnlf a I~zLI~~I.L~Busi- date and sufficiently exlensive, and those ness Boolzs. The snowball ci3ect of making prolonged studies of economic such items is often quile amusingl!. ap- conditions. parent as in a sequence following the Due to the nature of the work our opening of our new building, the ATm contacts arc, for tltese I-easons, to malx York Mernlcl-Tribwc published an ac- Newark business n~enancl others aware count of this, and the day aftcr a re- of the resources available for their use, porter on the Ncw York Ti17zc.s tele- to co-opcrate ~vitlivarious orgnn~zalions phoilcd fos matcrial for a Sunday cdi- and inclivitluals in matters of research tion feature story. Again within a few and special ~ilfornlationancl to enricl~ clays the editor of the I~ldzutrialDipsf our. collections. aslied for a rush asticlc for their ]uric Contacts-aclvel.tising-ant1 - service, issue. This was all quite probably a re- are three words closely allied in public sult of tlic lcacl given thcm by thc H~wid- library work. That is, through good Tribnttc. News stories arc contact service we establish contacts that mny makcrs, as frcqucntly after such itcms help us in other problems. Through our have appeared, wc are approached by contacts we advertise our sel-vice, and newcomers, referring to them ;:nd aslc- through our advertising we l~laliefresh ing if help can be given along a specific contacts. Therefore, if in cliscussing tlic line methods by which our Business Branch MTc have not. rcached the stage of a of the public library develops these, wc definite advertising or coiltact-malang seem to include mention of any or all of campaign. While cvery thing we do is our activities, it is because the tcnn, in inte~~dedto I)c in accoi-clancc u-ith the coimcction with our work, is in itself so premise that good scrvicc is thc best ad- inclusive. vci-tisement, we watch also for incidental To develop con tacls made prlmnri ly oppo~tuniksto inalie contacts that will that our resources may Ix liilo\vn by iilsurc friends for us in case oi nced and 214 SPECIAL LIBRARIES September, 1927 extend the use of our resources. An contact with people all over the country example of such effoi-ts is the distribu- specifically intcrcstctl along the lines of tion of our Classified List of Magn- our activities. This gives us a number zi~zcs. This subject indes to our four of additional places to turn for special hundred business and trade magazines information when it is necessary. was compiled to brhg about a fuller use Possibly the question may arise as to. of the valuable material in current peri- what these particular contacts are doing odical literature. The result in the use to make the Newark business man more of the first rough dsaft showed clearly aware of the resourccs of his Business that since the difficult work of compila- Branch. We have learned by experience tion had been done, it was proper from a that the more Newarkers hear of their co-operative standpoint to print the list library and its various departments in- and make it available for others. cluding the Business Eranch, through The next problem, that of getting into outside agencies, the more pleased they contact with those who would find. it are and those who have neglected to helpful, is still in process of solution. make full use of it, improve their op- While of general use, it is primarily of portunities. interest to librarians, students and other Another lesson we have taken to heart specialists. Announcements went to at the Business Branch is the wisdom of various library publications and many re- stimulating requests ill connection with quests ensued. We followed this by the distribution of our various publica- sending a personal letter with a copy of tions rather than sending out unsolicited the list to several of the leading profes- though useful pampldets. To secure sors in such schools as the Amos Tuck more intcrestecl attention for the little School of Administration and Finance, pamphlet on the new building ancl our Harvard University Graduate School of work, we are sending reprints of the Business Administration, and the Colum- June Ilzdztstl-id Digest article to a se- bia Uiiiversity School of Business. The lected mailing list of Newark business results were requests for additional cop- men with a note mcntionillg three pam- ies, helpful comments and criticisms and phlets and suggesting that they return
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