A 'bureaucratic maze': How it affects you Editor*! N«teNote: PraMcaPresidenlt Carter kahai 4*«e- fljiHii0flatin g thIhpe governmenpnvpmmpnt payrolnavmll and nrotertprotect-- privatDrivate enterpriseenterorise , bvy the government'yovt>rnmpnts\ rea-- Th*e Civiriuill Servic<prvm*>e SysteSwipm waWXKs nnpinalloriginallvy 2.209 9rm0 onr seon policy-makinnnlirv-makingp jobsinh«:, wherwhprpe thevy «cc< the federal penMiel tytten it a ing goof-offs from being fired. soning But it pays its top managers thou- set up in 1883 to protect the public Irom the can be fired at will. The bulk of the remain- "tarcaieratle Mate" »• tayi he'll make It once ordered about $5,000 in back pay sands of dollars a year less than many could historic abuses of the spoils system, in which ing 2 8 million civilians in the executive tfnag efforts it gel CMgreis U tkaige It for a postal worker who was fired for shoot- earn in similar corporate Jobs the victorious political party awarded federal branch enjoy something approaching lifetime »*• year. Here, la lit (lri« part *l a live part ing a colleague in the stomach at a Manhat It rates 98 percent of its white-collar em- jobs to its own members as "the spoils of vic- tenure, and are supposed to run the govern- Mrict Is a geaeral view •! ktw tke syttrm if tan post office. It sent a Commerce Depart- ployees "satisfactory" and most of the rest tory." ment in accordance with policies set at the leeli tke average cttlua, wky, aid *i»l ment manager through a 21-monthlong maze "outstanding," and it gives periodic merit In theory, the present system provides a top •fchlkedkllt of paperwork to fire an $S,000-a-year secre- raises to 99 3 percent of them in addition to corps of non-partisan, professional workers So much for theory. •y BROOKS JACKSON tary who consistently failed to show up for yearly raises to compensate for inflation. selected and promoted on the basis of merit At the Social Security Administration tens WASHINGTON (AP) - The federal per work and who lied about having doctors' ap- In short, according to lop federal execu- and paid at levels comparable to private in- of thousands of persons wait for months long- aonnel system Is delaying Social Security dis- pointments. tives Interviewed by The Associated Press, dustry er than necessary to gel disability pensions ability payments to sick and jobless workers, It pays its blue-collar workers an average the system isn't working the way it is sup- The president and his assistants are because the system hasn't furnished enough impeding the war on highway deaths, in- of 8 percent more than their counterparts in posed to work allowed to put political appointees in the lop See A bureaucratic, page Z • The The Daily Register Register VOL. 100 NO. 182 MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1978 15 CENTS Board and teachers to meet in Matawan By DAVID GRAULICH lunacy, the idiocy, the foolish- guide dispute. Mrs Hurley gradually over a two-year MATAWAN - The troubled ness of the board playing said. "They may be upsel and period. Malawan Regional School Dis- games with the salary guide." restless because they really Mrs Hurley said the dis- trict confronts another crisis "This will aggravate the don't understand (the mat- trict's salaries were way below this week as teachers and the transition into a new superin- ter) It's a very complicated neighboring communities in Board of Education remain tendent and make for a very issue and they don't hear the the middle salary range and deadlocked over details of a difficult spring I don't see board's side or understand It, "we can't attract top teachers. new salary guide cooperation developing." she It's ridiculous to think we're Over the years we've been The district, still reeling added arbitrarily being stubborn: In putting much larger sums in from a 15-day strike last fall, Board President Judith Ihink we want more trouble in the top steps, and we have to fares the possibility of another Hurley said last night that the the district is ludicrous" make salaries reasonable for job action as negotiators from possibility of another strike The board contends thai the teachers on all levels. We can't the Matawan Regional "certainly has a lot of 9 6 percent Increase In the first let the MRTA make up the Teachers Association and the credence to it; I can never vear of the contract should be salary guide alone: we have a Matawan Regional Board nf make the assumption that it's concentrated on teachers in the say In it also." Education meet again tonight lust straws in the wind. "Middle" range of the guide Miss Panos chided the at Broad Street School. Nothing the MRTA says is ever thai is. teachers with 5-8 years board's position, saying. Roth sides remain far apart lust talk There's a very big of experience in the district. "They've made this their holy on the allocation of funds for gap between us. no doubt about crusade after we've various steps of the salary that " The MRTA however, say this complained about salary guide guide. While a member of the penalizes teachers In the inequities for 15 years. We say When the MRTA and the MRTA negotiating team higher brackets of the guide, te guide can be adjusted over board reached agreement on a describes the teachers as "just and thai salaries for all two years without hurting three-year contract last Oc- furious" because of the salarv teachers be equalized more See Board, page I tober, the accord only specified that the overall increase in the amount of (•KtNr PIMM H Om KMfMH money spent on salaries for SIDE BY SIDE — Douglas McFarland of Ocean- Bank National Iceboat Sweepstakes yesterday on teachers would be 24 percent port faces parallel to George Fournler of Middle- the Navesink River. Mr. McFarland and Mr. Four- over the life of the pact. Hurley rejects role town during Yankee Class competition In the Red nier built their own boats. The board and the teachers differ how the increase will be MATAWAN - The president of the Mala- The governor's office is waiting for the spread over the various steps wan Regional Board ol Education nays (he's school board reaction to an Aberdeen Town- 9 on the guide The board personally against the board getting involved ship Committee proposal that the service be believes that in the first year, in Oov Brendan T. Byrne's controversial al- done through tutoring in Matawan Regional It's iceboat sailors time; more funds should be allocated ternative service program for teachers sen- schools, rather than in scattered sites across In teachers now in the middle tenced lo jail last fall. the state The board hasn't voted on the pro- range nf the salary guide. The posal or even formally discussed it. MRTA. however, wants the "As a board member. I am not obligated either by law or by moral obligation lo carry "I'm not a judge or a court and I don't money spread more evenly pass sentence on people," Mrs. Hurley said. nut a legal sentence," Mrs Judith Hurley, they say speed's the thrill over all steps of the guide "The governor Is the one who commuted the board president said last night. "If the gover- Marie Panos, teacher as- sentence." away the ice skaters." As for the cold temperature and high nor wishes to specifically direct me. then I'll By KEN GRAYZEL sociation president, said yes- The board president said that if district winds. "That's my kind of day."Mr Blair said. consider it. but otherwise it's not within my Related story, pane I terday the MRTA membership students need additional help, "it's up to the jurisdiction." RED BANK — They sail in below freezing temperatures The high winds accelerate the iceboats to almost 100 will meet tomorrow night to administrators tA'come to the board with a with winds that can make 15 degrees feel like minus 10. And miles per hour. "You don't get the sensation people think you discuss alternatives if the Gov. Byrne commuted the teachers' sev- proposal, and if we can afford, to pay for it." no, these people are not in anyway connected with the Polar would at those speeds." George Fournier of Middletown.satd. salary guide talks remain en-day prison terms to a week of social ser- In a related matter, Mrs. Hurley said she Bear Club. i Unlike in a car. there are no "telephone polls or parked cars stalemated. vice in a stunning speech at last November's wouldn't stay a; board president following to judge the speed. But you know you're traveling, especially on "Obviously the board hasn't state teachers convention However, the pro- next week's board election. "I've been presi- The sailors are Iceboaters. and it's not the chill of the rough ice. because of the bouncing and vibrating." Mr. Fournier gotten over the strike and still gram has bogged down in a bureaucratic Im- dent for two-and-a-half years and it's time for sport, but rather the thrill that will induce these people to said. wants to continue the bitter- passe, and no arrangements for the service a change." said Mrs. Hurley, who will contin- travel hundreds of miles In search of proper ice conditions. Hank MlltenbeTgw: of Little Stiver enjoys the tin that leo ness." Miss Panos said, refer- have been made.
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