Four Page Colored Comic Section The News of All '^ The Township WOOIMIKTDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1932 PRICE THREE CENTS Red Cross Doing Much To Relieve Lavin Will Show He Announce Engagement Of ' g elieve Local Man To Mich. Girl Leaves Son With Merchants Foil Plans Di Nd A Mr. and Mr». C. A. TomUtmon, of Dire Need As 25% Of Population Does Not Owe Money Battle Creek, Mich., announce tjie engagement'of their daughter, Neola Neighbor; Disappears To Mrs. P. J. Ryan Who As- M. to Thomas J. Brennan, son of i Trinity Place Mother Not Money Gang Of Township Seeks Municipal Aid Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan, of St. signed Claim To Newark George avenue, Woodbridge. Miss Heard From Since 7 O'clock Attempts To Pass Couiiterfeit $10 and $20 Bills In Woodbrtdf* Huge ,ia VTT volunteers Under Direction Of n Man For $820 — Local At- Tomlinson. a graduate of Battle Last Night When She En- and Carteret Are Defeated By Alert Storekeepers — On* F R nd lph and W Creek College, is h«ad dietitian at M - * .° «»f«re Worker Mrs. A. L. Huber torney Will Show Disburse- the Margaret Hagu<> Maternity Hos- trusted 7-year-old Boy To Worthless Bill Left In Hand* Of Avenel Woman A* Make And Aid In Distribution Of Clothing-National' ment* Totalling Over $1,- pital in Jersey City. Mr, Brertnan is the associate editor of the Wood- Neighbor and Said She Counterfeiters Flee — Police Of Both Chapter Send. 17,000 Yards Of Material. To Wood- 400. bridge Independent, Would Be Back In A Few Town* Working On Cases. bridge Along With 1,600 Barrel, Of Flour— Minutes. Henry St. C. Lavin, Woodbridge Hudson sedan with New York Merchant. Generously Donate To Cause. Several reports of men attempting attorney, named defendant in a su- Mrs, .[, G. Camp, caretaker at the to pass ooivn.terft>it money/were re- tr»tio» offered a ci>untert«it 110 _ preme court action, in which >n" ef- Merchants Ask Board ceived late Tuesday afternoon by thefur payment for » purchase in & itOV* Working hand in hapd with the f0TJ of Ju(,Ke pernar(i w v , fort is being made by Harry Kolbn, Presbyterian Church and cemeWry police of Carteret and Woodbrldge. in BrtttoL Pn. l,m. rgency Uqlipf Committeeittoe, the....-. George.., R, Merli.__n. and Dr. Lofa Wet- iof Ne'waik, to re-cover the sum of in Wnodbridgo avenue, reported to The first report came from Mrs. t rl t! Mrs. Flynn said thiit one uf thf, ... chapter of the American ? ' >«. two rooms ovei"the'p«st'of- $K20 with interest'from January 4, To Prohibit Selling the police- last night that a neighbor, CharleR iMynn, of Avenel strset, Av- men who visited her fftore * hott H.-d Cross, under the'direction of H lllaCed,,in charK? "f Mrs- A» L- liUSQ, stated today the trial would re- enol at 4:45 o'clock, Mrs. Flynn h« and stout and the other tall a veal that Mr*. P. J. Ryan, of Wood- Mrs. Margaret Culker, of Trinity a confectionery store and carrier a This description tallied pretty ly Mr. A. FRa^lph, chairman, (s.do- S.etrte SfflSi * who assigned the claim to place came to hor last night with her small stock of groceries. She said two to that riYen hy thi> other store topp- Mr In Schools At Xmas . .'•..«..i nvMin ui •IVM.'IIC?. OIIP aitUl IWU imr much to relieve the dire distress to distribute materials and clothing - (Mrs. Culker's) son and aaked per- men in a Hudson sedan with New ers. The only conflicting circum- and need which has forced 2 5' V of 1 received from National Headquarters siderable more money "than she is «>n- y | stances being the registration of th» Bn< local l Claim It Harms Business Dur- mission to leave the boy" there for a | York registration entered her storre the population of the township to ' <!<"">ra. Furniture, clothing Hled to. sshorh t t ttimi e whilhie lsh he wnwentt to tththee *}}»*}}» *s\e(1 fo'^han^ foif- ia $1$100 Wll Wl. lcur* M'ek state «id through the municipal ™eks' I)fflcc equipment and other „Mr Mr-. Kolba alleges that Mrs. P. J, ing The Holidays —• Request Town Halll. This happened at 7 p. m. When she looked closely at the bill, The bill left in (he possession of m l l ¥S l Ryan (Hnlcn Ryan) received n check Mrs. Flynn and turned over by htr Krlief body, Unselfish workers spend j'- f.ilii<.K were suplied through the " ' Ig Granted —• Anderson Re- At [> o'clock Mrs, Camp reported she said, the men hurried to the car. many hotira in tb* various Red Cross Woodibndge Lumber Company, Hum- from the Knights of Columbus for that the mother had not returned for They drove away in the direction of to tho Wood5>rid|re police is a pow 518 nrt $1,000 on December 30, 1920, made ports Heating Trouble In H.the boy and that neither the father the supur-highway, leaving th« bill in counterfeit. Thejpnpor is of poorer ~~ hc'idquartcrs in the township prepar- P 'y «nd Ryan, Mrs. W. HiRglns, out to her order. The Newark man quality than that used in tlirrency ing M s T S. Annex. or mothej was at the home in Trinity Mrs. Flynn's possession. She gave it the'"•' m"••i"'" and» keepin of clothingg carefu, distributinl diwk ogn lh'? 'l0CH ,''• l'sdal Hgl ian Crowd Whitnei chaptey Leesonr ulao. averS in the paperM filed that Mr. place. to the'police. and the ink'hks faded in some piacw. pie** to see there is no »lupli- mft'nt-K'ns rrnAqnarters on Siker Lavin was to cash the check for her At noon today Mrs*. Camp report- The first report in Cartortt cam* It may be examined ut the police sta- and pay over to her the full amount, In aceordanc* with a request by tion in Woodbridge. 0(1 tion. avenue in IneKn and in one of the the Woodbridge Merchants Associa- ed that his mother or father have at 0:40 p. m. when Michael Holo- Early in October, through the cf-public schools in Fords. The Wood- Mr. Lavin, in preparing • his de-tion, the Board of Education decided not appeared. The police started an chuk, butcher and grocer of Leiek bridge headquarters cares for Port fense, has already summed up re- investigation immediately. nvenue, said that two men entered Heading, Sewaren, Avenel nnd Wood- ceipted bills and will show he hasat Monday night's meeting to prohi- his place and offered a j[20 bill fn bridge while Iselin cart's for Iselin made disbursements to an amount bit the usual yearly sales of cakes, i payment for a small purchase. When Much Speculation On M. A. Mosher Heads Rnd Olonia. Fords covers Ilopelawn, over $1,4(10 on Mrs. Ryan's order. candies, wreaths and such articles in i ] j Hotochuk examined the bill closely Keashey and Fords. Materials and Part of this amount was personally the schools, In their communication ,\ ! the man said he had some small clothinK are sent to these districts advanced to the Woodbridge woman to the Board, the merchants said they Presence Of Mind ichnnge. He paid for the purchase, from the main headquarters in by Mr. Lavin who is the administra- did not feel the'sMtln should b* held 'took the bill and they left. Holoclrak P. 0. Appointment Trinityparish Club I Woodbridge. The rooms in the post tor of the estate of the late P. J.because they felt business during the i said their car bore registration office building arc open Tuesdays and Ryan. holiday season woiild be harmed. Saves Two lives II? U17080 N. J. Policy Of Replacing Republic- Is Ejected At Meeting In Home Fridays. I They expressed th# desire that the» Board cooperate in the matter, Su- S-.oon after the Holochuk report an Postmasters With Demo- Of John H. Love—Christmas Among those who have volunteer- Father and Son Leap From another was received from John Bo- pervising Principal John H. 'Love re- hnsh, of 60 Essex street. He runs a crats Likely To Extend To Party Follow. Business Ses- ed their services in Woodbridgc are: ported he had investigated tha entire- Ford Stopped On R. R. Mrs. G. Hunter, Mrs. M. Traiman, I grocery and butcher shop and said Woodbridge. Lions Party Monday situation and said nothing of any na- Tracks As Train Approach- that two men entered his store and sion. j Mrs. A. F. Rankin, Mrs. M. Choper,! ture will be offered for sale by the * Mrs. K. Taylor,,Mrs. C. Stern, Mrs.' one of them ordered a pound of kid- Although he has filled the position H students. es. ney's, offering a 410 bill. He looked Professor John H. Love, of Green E. - Boynton, Mrs. L. Reynolds,] Morning For Kiddies Heating Trouble efficiently and is one of the most pop- Mr! closely at the bill, Bohush said, and street, entertained the Trinity Parish - H. Sherman, W. Sofield, Paul' Presence of mind saved the lives ular young men in Woodbridge, Stan- silver Commissioner Roy E. Anderson one of. the men took it from him. ley Potter, is likely to lose his berth Club of the Trinity EpiscopalChurch, ' Joseph Palko and Whitney pointed out that the high school jan-of a Woodbrldg© man and his &on at a delightful Christmas party Tues- Leeson. This entire staff does not re- Free Movie And Christmas They hurried from the store, leaving as Postmaster of.
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