Index Abel, Allen (Globe and Mail), 151 Bukovac, Michael, 50 Abgrall, Dennis, 213–14 Bure, Pavel, 200, 203, 237 AHL (American Hockey League), 68, 127 Burns, Pat, 227–28 Albom, Mitch, 105 Button, Jack, and Pivonka, 115, 117 Alexeev, Alexander, 235 American Civil Liberties Union Political Calabria, Pat (Newsday), 139 Asylum Project, 124 Calgary Flames American Hockey League. see AHL (American interest in Klima, 79 Hockey League) and Krutov, 152, 190, 192 Anaheim Mighty Ducks, 197 and Makarov, 152, 190, 192, 196 Anderson, Donald, 26 and Priakin, 184 Andreychuk, Dave, 214 Stanley Cup, 190 Atlanta Flames, 16 Campbell, Colin, 104 Aubut, Marcel, 41–42, 57 Canada European Project, 42–44 international amateur hockey, 4 Stastny brothers, 48–50, 60 pre-WWII dominance, 33 Axworthy, Lloyd, 50, 60 see also Team Canada Canada Cup Balderis, Helmut, 187–88 1976 Team Canada gold, 30–31 Baldwin, Howard, 259 1981 tournament, 146–47 Ballard, Harold, 65 1984 tournament, 55–56, 74–75 Balogh, Charlie, 132–33, 137 1987 tournament, 133, 134–35, 169–70 Baltimore Skipjacks (AHL), 127 Carpenter, Bob, 126 Barnett, Mike, 260 Caslavska, Vera, 3 Barrie, Len, 251 Casstevens, David (Dallas Morning News), 173 Bassett, John F., Jr., 15 Catzman, M.A., 23, 26–27 Bassett, John W.H., Sr., 15 Central Sports Club of the Army (formerly Bentley, Doug, 55 CSKA), 235 Bentley, Max, 55 Cernik, Frank, 81 Bergland,Tim, 129 Cerny, Jan, 6 Birmingham Bulls (formerly Toronto Toros), Chabot, John, 105 19–20, 41 Chalupa, Milan, 81, 114 Blake, Rob, 253 Chara, Zdeno, 263 Bondra, Peter, 260 Chernykh, Alexander, 152 and Pivonka, COPYRIGHTED140–43 Chicago MATERIAL Blackhawks Boston Bruins, 100–101, 263 and Bobby Orr, 24–25 Bowman, Scotty, 67, 70, 237 CSKA (Central Red Army) exhibition game, Brezhvev, Leonid, 2, 153, 165 220 Bridgman, Mel, 55 Stanley Cup Play-offs (1987), 101 Brind’Amour, Rod, 255 Christian, Dave, 129 Bubla, Jiri, 56, 69 Ciger, Zdeno, 194 Buffalo Sabres, 15, 16, 70 Cincinnati Stingers (WHA), 213 Dynamo Moscow exhibition games, 217 Clark, Wendel, 193 and Mogilny, 204–5, 214 Clarke, Bob, 174, 261 Bukac, Ludek, 37 Colorado Rockies, move to New Jersey, 159 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 226565 227/03/127/03/12 33:47:47 PPMM 266 Index Cook, Julian, Jr., 235 travel restrictions, 61–62, 71–72 Crha, Jiri, 114, 119, 142, 143 see also Olympic Games; World Ice Hockey CSKA (Central Red Army team), 45 Championship(s) 1981 Canada Cup, 146–47 as Central Sports Club of the Army, 235 Daneyko, Ken, 186, 187, 190, 193 confl ict with Tikhonov, 167–68, 175–79 Davidoff, Yevgeny, 201, 202 exhibition games with NHL, 176, 180–83, Demers, Jacques 220, 227–28 on Borje Salming, 216–17 Fetisov as president, 198 with Detroit Red Wings, 96 the Green Five, 145–49, 167–70, 172–74, with Fredericton Express (AHL), 68 184–85, 229 Goose Loonies incident, 104–6 lawsuit over Kozlov, 234–35 and Petr Klima, 96–97, 100–101, 102, NHL approaches for player acquisitions, 107–8, 109 149–50 with St. Louis Blues, 96 and Pittsburgh Penguins, 236 Detroit Red Wings player stereotype, 150–51 all-Russian team, 237 Tarasov as coach, 149, 155–56 Chalupa draft selection, 114 Tikhonov as coach, 146, 149, 156, 160, contract costs (1985), 93 166–67, 168–69, 201 CSKA lawsuit over Kozlov, 234–35 training regimen, 149, 156, 166–67, 201 exhibition games, 21, 228–29 Csonka, Larry, 15 and Federov, 220, 222–23 Cunniff, John, 196 and Fetisov, 197–98 Czechoslovakia Goose Loonies incident, 104–6 athlete defections, post-Communist and Klima, 73–74, 91–92, 152 takeover, 35–36 and Kozlov, 226 confl ict between Czechs and Slovaks, 10–11 and Larionov, 197–98, 236 defection, government response to, 36–39, Mike Ilitch as owner, 68, 224, 231 46, 55–56, 91, 194 Nedomansky with, 20–23 defectors, attempts to recover, 48–51, 118–19 Nick Polano as coach, 67, 68–69 demonstrations as display of defi ance, 4, 7–8 roster changes, 95 economic disparity with West, 240 Stanley Cup, 92, 101–5, 198, 238 fall of Communism, 252 and Steve Yzerman, 70, 79, 198 and Nazi Germany, 33 Detroit Vipers (IHL), 143 Soviet invasion, 1–3, 4, 32, 35 Devellano, Jim special draft agreement with NHL, 56 draft picks, 70–71 Velvet Revolution, end of Cold War, general manager Detroit Red Wings, 69, 93, 129–30, 140 96, 108, 224 Czechoslovakian Ice Hockey Federation Djoos, Per, 225 negotiations for Czech players, 69–70, Dmitriev, Igor, 169, 196 80–81, 141 Dorey, Jim, 19 Czechoslovakian national team drug testing, 29, 135, 192 Communist incentives offered, 42 Dubcek, Alexander, 1–3, 5, 8 Czech-Soviet rivalry, 4–7, 9, 72–73, 77–78, Dubinin, Yuri, 160, 183 112, 157–58 Duchesne, Gaetan, 126 defection of Anton and Peter Stastny, 44–48 Dudacek, Jiri, 70 effect of Klima’s defection on, 86 Dudley, Rick, 213–14, 215, 218 government surveillance of, 14, 43–44, Duguay, Ron, 95 68–69 Durenberger, David, 98 imprisonment of 1950 team, 36–38 Dvorak, Miroslav, 69–70 military service, penalty for desertion, 74, Dzurilla, Vladimir, 6, 9, 31 75, 115 the oˇcko, 43–44 Eagleson, Alan players as spies, 74, 116 and Bobby Orr, 24–25 playing conditions, 13 HC Kladno exhibition series, 21 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 226666 227/03/127/03/12 33:47:47 PPMM Index 267 misrepresentation investigations, 23–27 Ferro, Ben, 209–10, 211 Nanjill Investments Ltd., 24 Fetisov, Viacheslav (Slava) Nedomansky free agent contract, 22–23 1974 exhibition games, Canada, 148–49 on Soviet players, 172, 176, 204 1990 World Championship, 196–97 Eaton, John Craig, 17 car accident, 238 Ebermann, Bohuslav, 56 character of, 162–63, 168, 216, 231 Edelman, Robert, 155, 158, 165–66 charity donations, 186 Edmonton Oilers, 41 confl ict with Tikhonov, 177–79 and Klima, 108–9 and Detroit Red Wings, 197–98, 236 Stanley Cup, 102–5, 108 the Green Five, 145–49, 167–68, 169 and Tyjnych, 188 and Kasatonov, 193, 194, 197, 198 Elfi n, David (Washington Times), 142 and Kasparov, 170–71 Eliot, Darren, 69, 96, 104, 106 and New Jersey Devils, 152, 158, 159–65, European hockey clubs 172–73, 176, 185–88, 194–96 CSKA (Central Red Army), 45, 154 NHL eligibility, 185–86 Dukla Jihlava, 100 on NHL rumors, 170 Dynamo Moscow, 129, 217 removal and reinstatement with CSKA, Dynamo Riga, 129 183, 184–85 Dynamo teams, 154 as Russian minister of sport, 198 HC Kladno, 21 Soviet national team exhibition match, HC Kosice, 140 77–78 HC Slovan Bratislava, 10, 32, 40, 45 on Soviet system, 199 Khimik teams, 154 tour of Russia, 236–37 Khimik Voskresensk, 227–28 transition to Western life, 188, 190 Krylya (Soviet Wings), 154 Filc, Jan Litvinov, 109 on imprisonment of 1950 national team, Lokomotiv teams, 154 36–37, 38 MoDo Ornskoldsvik, 45 on persecution of Marian Stastny, 53 Novy Jicin, 258 Finnigan, Bob (Seattle Times), 252 Pardubice, 21 Fisher, Douglas, 50 playing style, 55, 124–25 Fisher, Max, 84 SKA Leningrad, 129 Fleming, David (Sports Illustrated), 229 Spartak Moscow, 129 Fleury, Theoren, 202 Spartak teams, 154 Formachev, Sergei, 207 Sparta Praha, 135, 140, 260 and Mogilny, 215, 219 Tappara Tampere, 45 Fredericton Express (AHL), 68 Tesla Pardubice, 114 The Front Line Rebels (Larionov), 192 Torpedo teams, 154 Frycer, Miroslav Traktor teams, 154 on Czech-Soviet rivalry, 73 VVS Moscow, 154 on defectors, and informers, 17–18 on Miroslav Ihnacak, 65–66 Fachet, Robert (Washington Post), 128, 196 on Nedomansky, 10 Farda, Richard, 16, 17 with Quebec Nordiques, 61 Farwell, Russ, 246–47, 248 on Stastny brothers, 39–40 Federov, Sergei, 109, 203 with Toronto Maple Leafs, 64 defection, 220–23 and Detroit Red Wings, 220, 222–23, 259 Gallant, Gerard, 93 junior career, 200–204 Gammons, Peter (Sports Illustrated), 19, 20 and Mogilny, 207, 210, 220, 226 Garment, Leonard, 84 phone tapping by Soviets, 225–26 Gartner, Mike, 126 tour of Russia, 236–37 Gertsmark, Alex, 224–25, 226, 229 transition to Western life, 224–25 Gnida, Richard, 238 Feinstein, John (Washington Post), 123 Golonka, Jozef, 6 Felix, Chris, 128 Goodall, Glen, 251 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 226767 227/03/127/03/12 33:47:47 PPMM 268 Index Goodwill Games, 221–22 as owner Detroit Red Wings, 68, 224, 231 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 165, 185, 230–31 and Reagan administration, 91 Gorbachev, Raisa, 186 Imlach, Punch, 15 Gosselin, Mario, 253 International Hockey League (IHL), 143, 260 Gottwald, Klement, 112 International Ice Hockey Federation, 17, Gould, Herb (Chicago Sun-Times), 174 33–34 Greenberg, Jay (Sports Illustrated), 194 Irbe, Arturs, 129 Greenglass, Morton, 15, 19, 22–23 Eagleson lawsuit, 23–27 Jagr, Jaromir, 253, 259 Gretzky, Wayne, 66, 261 Janney, Craig, 257 backlash against Soviet players, 188–89 Jensen, Lowell, 85 Stanley Cup Play-offs (1987), 102 Jirik, Jaroslav, 5 Gross, George “the Baron”, 15–16 Johnston, Marshall, 12, 163–64 Gustafsson, Bengt, 126 Joseph, Curtis, 255 Hamrlik, Roman, 235 Kanchelskis, Andrei, 232 Harrington, Teresa, 207, 209, 210 Kariya, Paul, 256, 259 Havel, Vaclav, 73 Kasatonov, Alexei, 183, 187, 188 Hawgood, Greg, 202 and Fetisov, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198 HC Kladno, 21 the Green Five, 145–49, 229 HC Slovan Bratislava, 10, 32, 40, 45 loyalty to Tikhonov, 179 Hedberg, Anders, 13 and New Jersey Devils, 152, 158, 171–72 Henderson, Paul, 15 Russian Olympic hockey team, 198 Higgings, Tim, 96 tour of Russia, 236–37 Hislop, Jamie, 54 Kasparov, Garry, and Fetisov, 170–71 Hjalm, Michael, 173 Katona, Ludovit, 46, 69, 90 Hlinka, Ivan, 56, 69 Kauffman, Mark, 38 Hockey East Association, 161 Kean, Thomas, 159 Holik, Jaroslav, 6, 7, 11–12, 100 Keenan, Mike, 257 Holik, Jiri, 6 Kennan, George F., 165 Holikova, Andrea, 99–100 KGB Horesovsky, Josef, 7 defectors, attempts to recover, 47, 48–51, Horsky, Ladislav, 10, 42, 43 118–19 Houle, Buck, 16,
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