Stornoway Wind Farm Limited Stornoway Wind Farm Scoping Report Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited – July 2018 3 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited Executive summary Purpose of this report This scoping report has been prepared by Wood on behalf of Stornoway Wind Farm Limited (SWL). SWL is a subsidiary of Lewis Wind Power, which is a joint venture between EDF Energy Renewables (EDF ER) Holdings Ltd and Amec Project Investments Ltd in partnership with the Stornoway Trust. This report sets out the proposed scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the findings of which will be presented in an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report). This purpose of this report is to serve as a formal request to the Scottish Ministers to provide a scoping opinion under Regulation 12 of the Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017. The EIA, which this scoping request will inform, relates to a forthcoming application under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended) to construct and operate a wind farm on the site of the Consented Stornoway Wind Farm. Summary Findings of the Scoping Report The Proposed Development has the benefit of being able to draw on previous surveys (carried out between 2010 – 2014) and assessment work relating to the Consented Stornoway Wind Farm. Therefore, this scoping report draws on these quantitative results to identify where significant effects are likely in terms of each of the relevant environmental topics. The following environmental topic areas are proposed to be scoped into the EIA Report: Landscape and Visual; Historic Environment; Ornithology; Ecology; Fisheries; Geology, Hydrogeology and Hydrology; Traffic and Access; Noise; Socio-economics, Tourism and Recreation; Shadow Flicker; and Human Health; and Major Accidents and Disasters. July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 4 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 5 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited Terminology For the purposes of this report the following terminology is used: The ‘Consented Stornoway Wind Farm’ - the 36 turbines and associated infrastructure granted consent by the Scottish Ministers in September 2012, which was subsequently amended in March 2016, and for which an extension of the commencement of the development date was granted in June 2017; The ‘Proposed Development’ - the revised wind farm subject to the 2018 EIA, which is currently anticipated to comprise approximately 33 turbines (approximately 25 turbines with a blade tip height of 187m and a rotor diameter of 164m; and around 8 turbines with a blade tip height of 155m and a rotor diameter of 135m). The Proposed Development layout is illustrated in Figure 2.2 in Appendix A; The ‘2011 ES’ - the Lewis Wind Power Stornoway Wind Farm Environmental Statement (Entec UK Ltd, June 2011); The ‘2015 ES’ - the Lewis Wind Power Stornoway Wind Farm ES supporting an Application for Variation of Consent (Lewis Wind Power, May 2015); The ‘Site’ means the site of the Consented Stornoway Wind Farm located approximately 1.5km west of the town of Stornoway, Isle of Lewis (and centred on National Grid Reference (NGR) E137149 N933373). The Site is shown on Figure 1.1 in Appendix A; The ‘Applicant’ means Stornoway Wind Farm Limited (SWL), a subsidiary of Lewis Wind Power, which is a joint venture between EDF Energy Renewables Holdings Ltd and Amec Project Investments Limited in partnership with the Stornoway Trust. July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 6 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 7 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited Contents 1. Introduction 13 1.1 Introduction 13 1.2 Contents of this Report 13 1.3 The Applicant 14 1.4 The Agent 14 2. Project Description 17 2.1 The Site 17 2.2 Historic and Current Site Uses 17 2.3 Background Context: Consented Development 18 2.4 The Proposed Development 18 Project Description 18 Timeframes 19 Wind Turbines 19 Tracks 21 Watercourse Crossings 21 Site Access 22 Borrow Pits 22 Temporary Construction Compound 22 Electrical Systems 22 Anemometer Masts 23 2.5 Rationale for the Proposed Development 23 Energy Policy Rationale 24 Installed Renewable Energy Generation 26 3. EIA Process and Consultation 27 3.1 EIA Overview 27 3.2 EIA Terminology 27 Impacts and Effects 27 Type of Effect 27 Temporal and Spatial Scope 28 Defining Significance 28 3.3 EIA Scoping 30 3.4 Cumulative Effects 31 3.5 Mitigation 31 3.6 EIA Methodology 32 3.7 Consultation 32 4. Energy and Planning Policy Context 35 4.1 Introduction 35 4.2 Regulatory Context 35 July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 8 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited 4.3 Energy Policy Context 35 4.4 Scottish Planning Policy & Guidance 36 National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) 36 Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) 36 National Planning Advice, Circulars and Advice Sheets 36 4.5 Local Development Planning Policy 37 The Statutory Development Plan 37 Emerging Development Plan 38 4.6 Supplementary / Supporting Planning Guidance 38 Comhairle Spatial Strategy for Wind Farms 38 Western Isles Landscape Character Assessment 39 Landscape Capacity Study for Onshore Wind Energy Development in the Western Isles 39 4.7 Further Technical and Legislation Guidance 39 5. Landscape and Visual Assessment 41 5.1 Introduction 41 5.2 Guidance and Reference Material 41 5.3 Baseline Conditions 42 The Study Area 42 Landscape Character 42 Landscape Designations 43 Wild Land 43 Visual Receptors 43 Visualisations 44 Viewpoint Selection 44 5.4 Potential Landscape and Visual Effects 45 Landscape Effects 46 Visual Effects 46 Sequential Assessment 46 Cumulative Landscape and Visual Effects 47 5.5 Night-time Lighting 48 5.6 Significance of Effects 48 Nature of Effects 49 6. Historic Environment 51 6.1 Introduction 51 6.2 Baseline Conditions 51 6.3 Methodology 52 Baseline Establishment 52 Direct Effects 52 Indirect Effects 53 Establishment of Importance and Significance 53 Consultation 55 6.4 Embedded Mitigation 55 6.5 Potential Impacts 55 6.6 Cumulative Assessment 55 6.7 Summary of Effects 56 7. Ornithology 57 July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 9 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited 7.1 Introduction 57 7.2 Guidance and Reference Material 57 7.3 Baseline Conditions 57 Consultation 57 Field Studies and Assessment 58 Designated Sites 60 Species of Conservation Concern 61 7.4 Methodology for Establishment of Effects 61 Reporting 61 Habitats Regulations Appraisal / Appropriate Assessment (AA) 62 7.5 Potential Impacts 62 7.6 Cumulative Assessment 62 7.7 Summary of Effects 63 8. Ecology 65 8.1 Introduction 65 8.2 Guidance and Reference Material 65 8.3 Baseline Conditions 65 Desk Study 65 Field Studies and Assessment 65 Designated Sites 66 Species and Habitats of Conservation Concern 67 8.4 Methodology for Establishment of Effects 67 Reporting 67 Habitats Regulations Appraisal / Appropriate Assessment 67 8.5 Potential Impacts 67 8.6 Summary of Effects 68 9. Fisheries 69 9.1 Introduction 69 9.2 Baseline Conditions 69 Desk Study 69 Field Studies and Assessment 69 Designated Sites 69 Species of Importance/Conservation Concern 70 9.3 Methodology for Establishment of Effects 70 9.4 Potential Impacts 70 9.5 Summary of Effects 70 10. Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology 71 10.1 Introduction 71 10.2 Guidance and Reference Material 71 10.3 Baseline Conditions 71 Desk Study 71 Field Studies and Assessment 72 Designated Sites 72 Receptors Likely to Require Assessment 72 July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 10 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited 10.4 Methodology 73 10.5 Potential Effects 74 10.6 Summary of Effects 74 11. Traffic and Access 75 11.1 Introduction 75 11.2 Guidance and Reference Material 75 11.3 Baseline Conditions 76 11.4 Methodology 76 11.5 Cumulative Assessment 79 11.6 Potential Impacts 79 11.7 Summary of Effects 80 12. Noise 81 12.1 Introduction 81 12.2 Guidance and Reference Material 81 12.3 Baseline Conditions 81 Data Sources 81 Summary of Baseline Conditions 81 12.4 Methodology 82 Construction Noise 82 Operational Noise 82 12.5 Potential Impacts 83 Construction Impacts 83 Operational Impacts 83 12.6 Potential Mitigation 83 12.7 Summary of Effects 83 13. Socio-economics, Tourism and Recreation 85 13.1 Introduction 85 13.2 Baseline Conditions 85 The Economy 85 Tourism and Recreation 85 Public Access 86 13.3 Methodology 86 The Economy 86 Tourism and Recreation 87 Public Access 87 13.4 Potential Impacts 87 Economic & Employment 87 Tourism & Recreation 88 Public Access 88 13.5 Summary of Effects 88 14. Shadow Flicker 89 July 2018 Doc Ref. 40001CGos012R 11 © Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited 14.1 Introduction 89 14.2 Guidance and Reference Material 89 14.3 Methodology 89 14.4 Potential Impacts 89 14.5 Potential Mitigation 90 14.6 Summary of Effects 90 15. Other Issues 91 15.1 Introduction 91 15.2 Existing Infrastructure, Telecommunications and Broadcast Services 91 15.3 Air Safeguarding 91 15.4 Emission of Pollutants 92 Dust and Air Quality 92 Vibration 93 Heat and Radiation 93 Lighting 93 15.5 Population and Human Health 93 15.6 Climate 94 15.7 Sustainable Resource Use 94 15.8 Major Accidents and Disasters 95 16. Summary of Scope 99 17. Proposed Outline Contents List for the EIA Report 105 18. Consultation 107 Documentary Sources 109 Table 2.1 Candidate Turbine Parameters (Scoping) 19 Table 2.2 Turbine Coordinates 19 Table 3.1 Guide to Establishing the Level of Effect 29 Table 4.1 Relevant Policies within the Outer Hebrides Local Development Plan (2012) 37 Table 4.2 Relevant Emerging Outer Hebrides LDP 2 Policies 38 Table 5.1 Proposed Assessment Viewpoints 44 Table 5.2 Wind Farms within 35km of the Radius of the Proposed Development Site 47 Table 6.1 Categorisation of Importance 54 Table 6.2 Potential Magnitude of Change 54 Table 6.3 Matrix of Significance – Level of Effect 55 Table 11.1 Receptor Sensitivity 77 Table 11.2 Magnitude of Effect 78 Table 15.1 Major Accidents and Disasters 95 Table 16.1 Summary of Scope 99 Bibliography 109 July 2018 Doc Ref.
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