Planning & Development Services Committee Meeting February 11, 2016 2:30 pm Members: All Directors (Director Booth as Chair and Director Juras as Vice Chair) AMENDED AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Addition of Late Items 3. Adoption of the Agenda 4. Adoption of the Minutes 4.1 January 7, 2016 Meeting 5. Delegations 5.1 Brian Schmidt – re Salekin ALR Subdivision – item 9.2.2 5.2 Barry Brown-John re Jopp ALR Subdivision – item 9.2.3 5.3 Nancy Loraas re DVP No. 28-15 – item 9.3.1 6. Correspondence 6.1 ALC Decisions 6.2 Mine Referral 6.2.1 Cranbrook Flagstone Quarry Inc. / Fassifern Rd., west of Jim Smith Lake 6.2.2 Pennington / Wildhorse Creek area, north east of Cranbrook Addendum 6.2.3 Teck Coal Ltd. / Sparwood area 6.3 Miscellaneous 6.3.1 Planning & Development Services February Board Report 6.3.2 Planning & Development Services 2015 Year End Board Report 6.3.3 Seeking Your Input On Draft Recovery Documents for SARA Listed Species at Risk in B.C. 6.3.4 Tie Lake & Rosen Lake Map Reserve 7. Advisory Commissions 7.1 APC Minutes 7.1.1 Area A – January 19, 2016 7.1.2 Area B – January 20, 2016 7.1.3 Area C – January 20, 2016 7.1.4 Area E – January 12, 2016 7.1.5 Area F & G – January 19, 2016 AMENDED AGENDA Planning & Development Services Committee – February 11, 2016 Page 2 8. Unfinished Business 8.1 Luminary Holding Corporation and Charabin and Rosenfeld Non-Farm Use Application 9. New Business 9.1 Bylaw Amendments 9.1.1 Bylaw No. 2668 & Bylaw No. 2669 – Cranbrook South / Pelton 9.1.2 a. Bylaw No. 2679 – Advisory Planning Commission b. Bylaw No. 2680 – Electoral Area Advisory Commission 9.2 ALR Applications 9.2.1 Hwy. 43 / Jubinville ALR Subdivision 9.2.2 Fernie / Salekin ALR Subdivision 9.2.3 Spur Valley / Jopp ALR Subdivision 9.3 Development Variance Permit Applications 9.3.1 DVP No. 28-15 Columere Park / Loraas 9.4 Natural Resource Operations (NRO) Referrals 9.4.1 Area A – Elkford ATV Club Crown Land Application to Establish and Maintain a BC Recreation Site in the Vicinity of Aldridge Creek and Weary Ridge, north of Elkford. 9.4.2 Area A – Hornaday Wilderness Society Crown Land Application to Establish and Maintain a BC Recreation Site in the Vicinity of Mount Peck, north of Elkford. 9.4.3 Area B – Gabinet Crown Land Application for a Licence of Occupation to Use and Maintain an Existing Roadway as Access to the Applicant’s Private Property. 9.4.4 Area A, C, and E – Transrockies Inc. Temporary Licence of Occupation for a Special Event Bike Race in the Kimberley, Cranbrook and Fernie areas. 9.5 Miscellaneous Items 9.5.1 Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure Referral – Elko / South Country Enterprises Ltd. 9.5.2 Request for Exemption from Providing a Professional Report – Reeves 9.5.3 Jaffray and Elko Official Community Plan Advisory Group 9.5.4 West Fernie Development Policy 10. Late Agenda Items 11. Adjournment 4.1 MINUTES OF THE REGIONAL DISTRICT OF EAST KOOTENA Y PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE REGIONAL DISTRICT OFFICE IN CRANBROOK BC ON JANUARY 7, 2016 PRESENT Chair Wendy Booth Electoral Area F Director Mike Sosnowski Electoral Area A Director Stan Doehle Electoral Area B Board Chair Rob Gay Electoral Area C Director Jane Walter Electoral Area E Director Gerry Wilkie Electoral Area G Director Lee Pratt City of Cranbrook Director Tom Shypitka City of Cranbrook Director Mary Giuliano City ofFernie Director Don McCormick City of Kimberley Director Dean McKerracher District ofElkford Director Gerry Taft District of Invermere Director Cal McDougall District,9f Sparwood Director Ute Juras Village'."ofCanal Flats Director Clara Reinhardt Vill~~ of Radium Hot Springs STAFF ·::it"'';'!J':fr~~, . Lee-Ann Crane Chief Adrrrlnisffative O:ffi~~I'. Andrew McLeod Plannil,lg'i&'.Dev~lopment sM&.ii;ys Manager Shannon Moskal Corpprate Officer ·':Jf;l> . Heather Herman PJamtif'tRAssist~ (Recording S~~f,~taty) ·\.~; --'" ..:;,!;,~~:: :~\-. )}' Committee Chair Wendy Booth c ~1'.fle meeting to order at 1: 15 pm. \u~"'a~ '-~;~;t~0. ADOPTION OF 'FHE;AGENDA "'~'!.),,, "-~-~~~~Iii~t~~~ ·-: \-~~)y~/ Agenda "Ji' M0¥~~1~,y Direc;$0t Sosnowski '{t,, SECOND:~m,by/Director Doehle -~~:if~~ft~t1_ -~\~1~t-';\T~Y- -c;.;~~f THA:T~IB~:tii'genda for th&'iJ>lanning & Development Services Committee •'" MOVED by Director Gay ,,cs.-~;;'' i' SECONDED by Director McDougall ;o;,_:;;"f.-.c, ---~1~2~~"~> ,, •• • 0 THAT\'!f,le Minutes of the Planning & Development Services Committee "";c'}''t·. meeti~g~:held on December 3, 2015 be adopted as circulated. '<t),, /f/ CARRIED '· LEGATIONS Doug Ford, spoke on a proposal to amend the zoning designation of the Electoral Area E Zoning & Floodplain Management Bylaw from RR-60, Rural Resource Zone to RR-8, Rural Residential (Country) Zone to permit subdivision for property at 6056 Highway 93/95 in the Wasa area. Darlene Wilson, spoke on a proposal to amend the Rockyview Official Community Plan and Cranbrook Rural Zoning Bylaw to accommodate a two lot subdivision consisting of a 5 and 15 acre parcel for property at 3247 New Lake Road in the Cranbrook area. Patrick Majer, agent for Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR), gave a presentation on proposed Bylaw No. 2585 and Bylaw No. 2586 to amend the Fernie Alpine Resort OCP and the Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw to accommodate a 52 lot subdivision at Timberlanding at Fernie Alpine (continued on next page) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE January 7, 2016 MINUTES PAGE2 DELEGATIONS (continued) Resort. He also noted that RCR had fulfilled a previous commitment during the OCP process to construct a pathway to lower Timberline Crescent, build an emergency egress from the Resort and a road closure on lower Timberline Crescent and Alpine Way. Gary Tomlinson, spoke on behalf of an application to amend the Elk Valley Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw to change the land use and accommodate a 3 lot subdivision for commercial, light industrial and residential use between Cunliffe Road and Brenners Road north of Fernie. He also noted that no buildings requiring water and sewer:servicing would be built without connection to the City of Fernie's Jater and sewer services. Rob Macdonald, of WSP Canada Inc., agent for JJAR Holdings Ltd., gave a presentation on an ALR Subdivision to create 3 lots for hobby •i. rar:rrung, approximately 4 ham size and a remaip.der for Property·1o~ated on Standard Hill Road north of Cranbrook. Mr.,~i;:donald explained that the remainder parcel is divided by the hi@iway;• within the City of Cranbrook and the owners wish to <!oP.~\;'._, it to either the City of Cranbrook or Mission Hills Golf Course;fl' · <';f-8:~, . 11 .A~ ." ;~\, ~·(~~p~± .. :: ..-~·~.- Bren~a. Shaw, representativ?,:;j0f:''t!Je' Pedle! \~~R~~s ,Colll;111uni~ Association Group Moorage j.pp11cat1on gave a historyc9· e relat10nship between the Baltac and P~,QJ.~~~J!eightsj,9ommunity A tj6ns. Mrs. Shaw explained that t!le ~p · · n~ to remo isting non- conforming buoys and replace th · · a dd'ck facility J:.\9using 115 slips in the Baltac Ba~ area. Mrs. S . ed that the Eiii,ltfic Cpmmunity Association has p ,_ . a letter of s~~: rt for this appJication and if tenure and rezonin be approved d be-~qded to.the title. Mrs. Shaw explaine nt of th edley He~gJi.ts · and. Baltac Community Associaf operate a facifity that reduces ta! damage Iii tic habitat, improve access and f swimme.rs, allow '· or appropriate and accountable ~ the lakesliB~ and surrounding areas, and_ provide benefit ty members.lr;p '*' . ·' . ,pl~r;,c~i~~S ore~":e':;p~~!:O:::::.:~•tio~ Md =::;:;~~~l~y' ~~6:,~°.~;.::::y ' }RAT Bylaw No. 2652 cited as "Regional District ofE!:ist Ko0t~nay :-­ Electoral Area E Zoning & Floodplain Management Jh'-law No. 2502, 2014 - Amendment Bylaw No. 9, 2015 (Wasa I Ford)" qtintroduced for first reading. -. · CARRIED :)!<• 45910 MOVED by Director Gay . Bylaw No. 2663 SECONDED by Director Waltei. Introduction THAT Bylaw No. 2663 cited as "Regional District of East Kootenay - Rockyview Official Community Plan Bylaw No. '2255, 2010 - Amendment Bylaw No. 15, 2015 (New Lake Rd./ Wilson)" be introduced for first reading; · and further, that the Board is satisfied that the OCP consultation identified in the staff report is appropriate. CARRIED . ~ . PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE January 7, 2016 MINUTES PAGE3 NEW BUSINESS (continued) 45911 MOVED by Director Gay Bylaw No. 2664 SECONDED by Director Walter, Introduction THAT Bylaw No. 2664 eited as "Regional District of East Kootenay - Cranbrook Rural Zoning Bylaw No. 1402, 2001 - Amendment Bylaw No. 38, 2015 (New Lake Rd./ Wilson)" be introduced for first reading. CARRIED 45912 MOVED by Director Sosnowski Bylaw No. 2585 SECONDED by Director Giuliano Introduction THAT Bylaw No. 2585 cited as "Regional District of East Kootenay - Femie Alpine Resort Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2363, 2012 - Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2014 (Femie Ski Hill Road/ RCR)" be introduced for first reading; 4~';fc1, · A(IJJ~ "'it~. and further, that the Board is satisfied that.tli"il:'OCP consultation identified :::::,-rt:.::r~~=rl~,~ 45913 MQ-!£D by Director Sosnow' '" Bylaw No. 2586 $EBJp ED ~Rirector Giulian,, Introduction • ·~, • • fir.....-!';~ .··:ei?: THAT Bylaw No. 2586 cited as' District of East Kootenay - Elk Valley Zoning BY; w No. 829, 1990 endment Bylaw No. 71, 2014 (Femie Ski Hill I RCR)" troduced for first reading. D OPPOSED: ~(!,. {,o ~'* . ' .., 45914 \~JYIOVED bY,~' irector Giuliano . _ Bylaw Nos. 2657 and ·eyJ2CONDED by Director McDougall Postponed Jf.; '):.," ~~-~;faiid_ 2658 be postponed pending receipt of e C'.'!1cyt:ofFem1e. 4591~(i2{j/~~ CARRIED MOVED by Director Gay JJAR Holdilfgs.Ltd.
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