BART -^ Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.683- 683C No.683A No.683B No.683C MPB 337 Arnold, James N. Inscriptions on the Grave-Stones in the Old Churchyard of St. Paul's Narraaansett.— (Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1909) Title-page vignette. HEH 242185 MPB 362 Alfred S. Woodworth In Memoriam. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press,1911) Title-page vignette. HEH 242208 MPB 364 Parks, Leighton. The Vision of God in the Open Heavens. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1911) Title-page vignette and cover decoration. HEH 242209 MPB 383 Stebbins, Roderick. In Memoriam Whitcomb Field. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1911) Title-page vignette. HEH 242224 MPB 388 In Memory of Eleanor Ladd Clark. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press,1913) Title-page vignette. HEH 278875 aw> BART -A I52E5 M38 No.683- 683C MPB 403 Parker, Cortland. In Memoriam Arthur Rverson. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1914) Title-page vignette. HEH 242233 MPB 458 A Brief History of St. Mary's Church, South Portsmouth & Holy Cross Chapel, Middletown, R.I. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press,1916) Title-page vignette. HEH 279756 MPB 470 Groton School. Responsive Readings. — Groton, Mass. (Boston: The Merrymount Press) Title-page vignette. HEH 278976 MPB 482 Mary Anna Inaell. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1917) Cover-title vignette. HEH 242300 MPB 724 Peabody, Endicott. S In Memoriam William Amorv Gardner. — Groton: Groton School, 1930 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) Title-page vignette. HEH 242457 MPB 788 In Memoriam Gladys Emily Streibert. — New York, 1935 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) Title-page vignette. HEH 242498 MPB 834 Schneider, Herbert Wallace. Meditations in Season on the Elements of Christian Philosophy.- New York: Oxford University Press, 1938 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) Title-page vignette. HEH 278925 MPB 1915 "Calendar, A.D. 1916". (TBL: Z239.2 M42 1916v) Title-page vignette. HEH 248018 MPB 1919 "Jennie Barrell Woodman, In Memoriam". Cover-title vignette. HEH 247988 For wood engraving, see BART I5W78 M38 No.2583. •v , BART ~'\ Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection I52E5 %tmr M38 No. 750- 761 *& 1907 Al Music: Matthews, H. Alexander. The Perfect Years. — New York: G. Shirmer, 1907 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) (Music Library: M1621 .4 M34P4P 1907) Cover-title and title-page. HEH 242584 Sito^-^ BART Electrotypes, Metal Mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.768 MPB 101 Cooper, Margaret Adelia. Some Old Letters and Bits of History. — (Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1901) (TBL: Z239.2 M42 1901c) Title-page vignette. HEH 241955 MPB 605 Updike, Daniel Berkeley. In the Day's Work. — Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1924 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) Sample title-page, opposite p.6, included as illustrative material in text. HEH 242375 BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection I52E5 M38 No.769 ESS— ml.^l|irT--r- g$ ST _—s - Listed for sale in Caslon, H.W. & Co., Specimens of Printing Types. — London: H.W. Caslon & Co., [1880] v.2, Item 271. HEH 28440 BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.770 The design is an adaptation of a Bewick engraving. See Bewick, Thomas. 21 Engravings. — St. Charles, 111.: privately printed, 1951 (Chicago: Philip Reed) (TBL: Z239.2 R37 1951b, v.l, p. [5]) HEH 289221 Note that this electrotype was not made from the wood engraving BART I5W78 M38 No.2765. Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 NO.770A m^'^ ?£* *£r^- The design is an adaptation of a Bewick engraving. See Bewick, Thomas. 21 Engravings.— Charles, 111.: Privately printed, 1951 (Chicago: Philip Reed) (TBL: Z239.2 R37 1951b, v .1, p .[5]) HEH 289221 Note that this electrotype was not made from the wood engraving BART I5W78 M38 No.2765. BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.771 1904 A4 Music: Salter, Mary Turner. HEH Music The Swan. Titles, v.l, p.159 Listed for sale as a Bewick cut in Stephenson, Blake & Co., Ltd. Printing Types. — Sheffield, Engl.: Stephenson, Blake & Co., Ltd., 1924 (TBL: Z250 S83P7 1924 p.659, no.1270) In 1932 edition, p.450, no.1270. Reproduced in Hugo, Thomas. Thomas & John Bewick's Woodcuts. — London: L. Reeve & Co., 1870 (TBL: fNE 1212 B5H8, Item no. 674) HEH 109571 See also BART I52E5 M38 No.2112. BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.772 BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.773 1939 M2 Club of Odd Volumes, Announcement of March meeting. (TBL: Z239.3 M42 1939) HEH unmarked box Title-page ornament. No.80. BART %^ Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.774 Bewick, Thomas. Select Fables of Aesop and Others... reprinted from the rare Newcastle edition published by T. Saint in 1784. — London: Bickers & Son [n.d.] pp.17, 213. HEH 281983 The Huntington copy contains Updike's pencilled number, which matches the number 774 on the TBL electrotype. Gay, John. Fables. — York: T. Wilson, 1811. HEH 437016 Vignette tail-pieces, pp.128, 168. 1904 A5 Music: Stebbins, Charles A. In Summer. HEH Music Titles v.l. p.156 1923 M3 Club of Odd Volumes, Announcement of May Meeting. No.28 in (TBL: Z239.3 M42 1923) HEH unmarked box For a zinc photoengraving of a smaller version, see BART I53Z4 M38 No.775. L BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.774A Bewick, Thomas. Select Fables of Aesop and Others... reprinted from the rare Newcastle edition published by T. Saint in 1784. — London: Bickers & Son [n.d.] pp.17, 213. HEH 281983 The Huntington copy contains Updike's pencilled number, which matches the number 774 on the TBL electrotype. Gay, John. Fables. — York: T. Wilson, 1811. HEH 437016 Vignette tail-pieces, pp.128, 168. 1904 A5 Music: Stebbins, Charles A. In Summer. HEH Music Titles v.l. p.156 1923 M3 Club of Odd Volumes, Announcement of May Meeting. No.28 in (TBL: Z239.3 M42 1923) HEH unmarked box For a zinc photoengraving of a smaller version, see BART I53Z4 M38 No.775. BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.776 MPB 699 Salmon, Lucy Maynard. Our Guests: Mary Ann and Her Predecessors.-- Privately printed, 1929 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) Title-page vignette. HEH 242432 BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.771 g^lAa* BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.779 MPB 221 Van Dyke, Henry. The School of Life.— New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905 (Boston: D.B. Updike, The Merrymount Press) (TBL: Z239.2 M42 1905v) HEH 278854 Title-page vignette. MPB 946 Gorges, Raymond. The Story of a Family Through Eleven Centuries. — Boston: Privately printed, 1944 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) (TBL:fZ239.2 M42 1944g) Appears only on The Merrymount Press bookplate pasted to the inside of the back cover. ' BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.780 MPB 101 Cooper, Margaret Adelia. Some Old Letters & Bits of History. — New York: Privately printed, 1901 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) (TBL: Z239.2 M42 1901c) HEH 241955 Headpiece, p.[5]. BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.781 BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.785 MPB 568 Washington, Martha. Martha Washington's Letter, written from Philadelphia June 15, 1794. — Privately printed for W.K. Bixby, 1922 (Boston:^ The Merrymount Press) m 242348 p. [5]. BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.786 MPB 212 Jewett, Sarah Orne. An Empty Purse. — Boston: Privately printed, 1905 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) HEH 242062 Title-page vignette. BART L, Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection I52E5 M38 No.790 BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection, I52E5 M38 No.791 MPB 102 Morris, Lewis. Harvest-Tide: A Book of Verses. — New York: T.Y. Crowell, 1901 (Boston: The Merrymount Press) (TBL: Z239.2 M42 1901m) Title-page vignette. HEH 241956 BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.792 1904 Al Music: Frank, Cesar. Mass in A HEH 281228 Title-page vignette. BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection I52E5 M38 No.795 WSffii *&mfflsm> BART ^ Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.797 1909 Al Music: Macfarlane, Will C. Compositions for Organ. HEH Music Title-page vignette. Titles, v.2, p.174 1899 Ml Thursday Morning Musical Club Announcement, May 1899. HEH unmarked box: programs, etc., no. 10 BART ^ Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.798 \^^ BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.799 MPB 203 Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonel Timothy Bigelow Chapter. A Book of Beverages. — Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1904. Title-page vignette. HEH 278787 MPB 858 Morison, Samuel Eliot. Dr. Morison's Farewell to The Colonial Society of Massachusetts. — Boston: The Society, 1939 (Boston: The Merrymount Press). Title-page vignette. HEH 242531 BART Electrotypes, Metal-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.801 '%^y 1904 A6 Music: Asher, Joseph Compositions for Pianoforte. Cover-title ornament. HEH: Music Titles, v.l, p.5 BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection I52E5 M38 No.805 BART Electrotypes, Wood-mounted: The Merrymount Press Collection. I52E5 M38 No.806 . fejuMiitUJIw^*•****»> * — 1902 M2 Publisher's Announcement (Goodspeed) for Thoreau, the Poet- Naturalist, by William Ellery Channing. Cover-vignette. Updike papers: Small Jobs, 1902-03, No.1513. Bewick, Thomas. Thomas Bewick Vignettes/ edited by Iain Bain — London: Scolar Press, 1978. Vignette redrawn from Thomas Bewick, p.16.; said to be a self- portrait. HEH NEk2k2 B5 A45 1978 "Figure said to represent Bewick on his walking tour in 1775." Cf.
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