University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1980s) Student Newspapers 9-8-1983 Current, September 08, 1983 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current1980s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, September 08, 1983" (1983). Current (1980s). 100. https://irl.umsl.edu/current1980s/100 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1980s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r·--------------------------------------------------------~----------~~~~~~~~------~ Sept. 8, 1983 University of Missouri-SL Louis Issue 457 ,UM presidential . search underway Barb DePalma said they are coming in at a very reporter steady rate. The search 'committee to After the letters or vitae are choose a new University of Mis· received in Columbia, copies are souri president has already begun made and sent to the four cam­ to review candidates on all four puses. The copies are,then 're­ campuses, copied for the committee The committee is divided into members to review. four groups - one on each of the From all the' candidates a list of eight to 15 names will be drawn four UM campuses, Their job is up and submitted from each cam­ to review vitae and letters of pus. From there the Board of applications from people in­ Curators will evaluate the poten­ terested in the position of UM tial candidates and chqose the president. James C, Olson, current UM president, will retire new president. "We are in the beginning·ofthe in 1984, Roger Bates The UMSL committee held its process," Jordan said. " It would be quite easy to have 200 names. first meeting last week to discuss NEW AND IMPROVED: The student lounge in the Social Sciences and Business Building what the curators are looking for But those get sifted pretty benefited from one of the many renovations on the UMSL campus. See related story on page 2. fast." in a president, and how the UMSL sector will go about reviewing Jordan said that the commit­ tee is at a stage where it must do a materials and screening applicants. The committee has lot of reading and evaluating. been given an outline of what to The committees are to report look for in a presidential can­ monthly to William G. Cocos, 'Board considers installing studio president of the Board of Cura­ didate by the UM Board of American will each bear, equal­ Curators. tors. things slightly d~fficult. "In a Jordan said the curators want Erik Schaffer sense, we're plowing new ly, the cost of renovations re­ However, the committee news editor quired to install the cable TV never actually meets the can­ to make sure that nominations ground," Farrell said. and applications are r.eceived equipment. (3)-UMSL will pay for didates, said Thomas Jordan, Today, in Columbia, Mo., the He also said that combining a nationally from a wide range of any upkeep and maintenance of vice chancellor for academic Universi~y of Missouri Board of not-for-profit public institution interests. The position is not res­ the premises, as well as all ap­ affairs and the dean of the Curat.ors will consider authori- with a profit-making corporation tricted to higher education plicable utility costs. graduate school. Instead, all cor­ zationo'f an agreement between officials only. "presents some interesting dif­ respondence is done ' through UMSL and American Cablevision As partial consideration, "There is a point in an ficulties." He said that the uni­ American will allow UMSL to use Catherine Hunt, secretary to the of St. Louis. The agreement is to versity wanted to make sure that Board of Curators. She is respon­ organization where there are the facility a minimum of 25 many similarities," Jordan said. install a cable TV access studio it was not using taxpayers' hours per week. "We anticipate sible for handling all lett.ers of on the UMSL campus. application and vitae that come "We want someone who is sensi­ mon.ey to benefit American we will use it more," said Farrell. tive to the eccentricities of a in to her office in Columbia. She Plans for the construction of Cablevision. "Theoretically, when the facility , university. Anyone running a is not being used, then our people also coordinates communication the studio have been in the works Farrell also cited manage­ between the four search groups. .large organization still faces the will have access to it." same problems." for 18 mbnths, according to Blair ment changes within American "We don't need to b~ dealing In order for the studio to be Each committee consists of Farrell, director of university as causing ~ome of the delay. directly with each o~her when we relations, built, the agreement must first communicate through Catherine faculty, staff and students. The be approved by the ' Board of faculty members were elected by Basically, the terms of the Hunt," Jordan , said. Jordan is Farrell said that there are a agreement are as follows: (1) Curators, It will vote on the also the chairman of the UMS.L other faculty members and the number of reasons for the delay agreement after receiving' students were appointed by vir­ UMSL must provide a space of search committee. in getting the agreement ap­ recommendations from the The UM search committee has tue of office. proved. First of all, he said that approximately 1,400 square feet Physical Facilities Committee. ' already received over three there are very few 'precedents for for the studio. The area desig­ "As far as we know, we're not dozen applications from people this type of agreement across the nated for this is Rooms 116 and anticipating any problems," interested in the position. Jordan See "Search," page 5 country. He said that makes 118 Lucas Hall. (2) UMSL and said Farrell. Public radio' ser'vice cuts'could effect KWMU Barb DePalma "All Things Considered ~' and , that enough stations have pledged American Life Insurance Co" a lot of people. I am ' always reporter "Morning Edition" are also be­ money to make up the $1.6 Southwestern Bell., Corp., Har· optimistic. However, I 'want to coming more simplified. Several million still needed by NPR and dee's Restaurants and E.F, see what develQPs at NPR before Although National Public Radio of the news shows produced by that he is not sure what KWMU is Hutton, I make any deCisions about the is facing a $9'.1 million deficit, it NPR areaiso .becoming more going to do yet. loan agreement."· will not.have a major immediate "streamlined and simplified," Steinhoff said that the station's imp'act on NPR affiliate and UMSL Steinhoff said. / fund-raising efforts, don't worry radio station ,KWMU, according If the stations fail to provide him because, e'ven if the amount ~inside- to Rainer Steinhoff, KWMU gen­ the money needed-to help· NPR, of money that comes tn is not as eral manager. NPR produces shows on a quarterly cycle and only certain the stations could be 'paying much as last year, he feels that programs are being offered, more annually in dues, Stein.hoff Eschen could be effectiveI n rais: Developing the Sexual Steinhoff said the biggest area Steinhoff said. "Not only are said. Presently, KWMU pays ing it again, Assault Treatment Pro­ KWMU will be affected in will be $7,000 a year in dues. Last ye.ar, gram is a necessary chal­ shows being'dropped, but fewer "NPR is doing better than it in the programming it r'e~eives are being offered every,quarter," KWMU received a grant of $87,- lenge for clinical psychol­ from NPR KWMU pr'eSEmtly 000, which was approximately 19 was," Steinhoff safd, "They were ogist Patricia Resick, who he said. "However, the quantity making a lot 'of cuts and laying off receives the majority of its pro­ of programs we receive won't be percent of its total budget. hopes to improve the pub­ grams from NPR a problem, but the quality could Steinhoff said that, except for the lic's sensitivity toward rape be." . grant, the rst of the money victims. page 7 "Some ot the programs being KWMU uses to operate is obtained Escort sflwice produced may be taken over and through fund-raising, and that Ken Hudson and the UMSL become more expensive," Stein­ In order to help NPH tace Us the annual fund-raising drive is reinstituted women's soccer team are hoff said. "NPR always produces deficit, it received an, $8.5 mil­ doing better every year. A student escort service has featured in the sports sec­ a quality that we could count on. lion loan from the Corporation been reinstituted on the UMSL tion this week. page 10 With ' the possibility of all in­ for Public Broadcasting. To This year Steinhoff says he has campus for 1983-84. dependent programming,' we make up the $1.6 million it still plans to make the .lund-raising The hours for the program are The calendar and the 'don't know what the quality could needed, NPR has received pledges effort a big success. He says th~ Monday-Thursday from 8: 15 p.m. classifieds are combined to be." from a majority of its ',stations station has considered ,h'Olding to 11:15 p.m. give a full page of informa­ totalling that amount. Steinhoff th.e event twice a year and tliat Escorts will be stationed at the tion and advertising. Several of the programs pre­ said that KWMU; as of now, has the new d~velopment director, Thomas Jefferson Library and at page 6 sently aired by KWMU have not pledged anything because Tom Eschen; will be a big factor the Education and Health Scien­ already been affected.
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