University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1942 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 2-6-1942 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 044, No 36, 2/6/1942 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1942 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 044, No 36, 2/6/1942." 44, 36 (1942). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1942/8 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1942 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~·· i -,~------------------------------~------~(~~--~--~~~ J UNIVERSITY OF N£W M~XICO UBR\RV Page Four ~EW MEXICO LOBO Tuesday, February 3, 1942 • • • The Time Is Being Used Now. • • Student Opinion Vero~ica and Camelia Conspire, • By GWENN PERRY During the past two weeks the LOBO has dition of responsibility will feel in times of for this "stalemate"·has been obvious. Lobo Poll Editor mal'ntained a strictly opinionated attitude inaugural. The LOBO, like other newspapers striv- Question: What policy should the ticket committee follow In regard to admittances to the Junior.. Sen,ior Prom this year? Should it be kept toward its campaign for cheaper prices on Now, a new "strategy" of facts is needed. ing for improvement and reform, must traditional for upperclassmen? What effect do you think admitting on- Perspire in Readiness for Debut school materials here on the campus. This How and particularly, when, the stu- obtain facts which indubitably ulti- derclassmen will have on the future importonce of tile junior prom as will will Climaxing a social whirl that has .thrust other sheer guessing, In fact she may appear clad in tho outstanding so«;ial event of the year? • determine tactics which they will utilize when con­ strategy has been necessary in order to ob- dents on this campus enjoy the privilege of mately prove its case of replacement f or the John Shelion-It shollld be solely for juniors and seniors. If every. socialites into the dim background, Veronica sheer guessing. fronted by the beauty-maddened throng. tain other opinionated views from the rna- being served by their own bookstore, for status quo and be of better and one is admitted, the prom will lose its significance and importance, At- Snake has adjusted her carburetor and is prim­ intere~t Anticipation is hitting a new high among styl­ The results of their plotting is a matter of 'ority of the student body. As such, this their own benefit, managed by their own benefit to the students. We are aiming to tendmg the prom is an honor thot should be teceived only by the upper­ J ing herseif for her impersonal appearance at the conjecture, to be revealed only when the ball­ . • b classmen. Ii it is not kept exclusive, jt will lose its importance fol," the ists because Miss Snake's wardrobe manager did purpose has been performed. It has ob~ chosen students and working for their own replace a situation with somethmg ettev- present underclassmen when they become juniors and seniors. Mirage Beauty ball tomorrow evening • the costuming for "Dumbo." A new trend in what room resounds wilh the percussion of theiu appearance. tained considerable opinion on the question particular end? Undoubtedly many of the something durable, perhaps much more ben- Jane Munnmg-If money'" needed, sell ticl<ets to everyone, But only Trimmed down to her fighting weight of 155, to avoid is expected to be initiated by Miss Snake, Of Student co-operatives. Some of this original exponents of the co-operative idea eficial to the average UNM student. To do if there are not enough juniors and seniors to make >t plofitable. It may Veronica is reported by her coterie to be in the The ladies (term used advisedly) will be Cll­ BEAUTY IN ALL ITS COED SPLENDOR w!ll be offered to ottend­ who has come to be known as "The pulse of the be necessary to forego tradition if we continue to have name bands, corted by swains whose names have been locked opinion has been favorable, other has been have fizzled out because of the lack of vio- this, facts-true and undeniable facts must Martha Morris--I favor keeping it exclusive. u the prom is opened ing couples in the annual Mirage Beauty bnU tomorrow night in the pink of condition, despite the fact that she recently mail-order houses." dona_!ed two gills of blood to the Red Cross. away with the U. S. bomb sight. reluctantly skeptical of the future ••. as all lent action and vehement opinion in the ed- be garnered. This takes time. That time is to all it w1U decrea@ its effect and remove the connotation 'and tradition Sub ballroom. Seven chosen Beauty queen candidates will pit theb~ Neither were detail~ of her entrance divulged to Gen. Douglas MacArthur has radioed that he of an exclusive affair. beauteous appeal for the secret judge committee's decision. They Her campaign directors are putting the finish­ the tense, anxious press. Though it is generally opinion which fears the change and the ad- itorial columns of the LOBO. The reason being used now. Morx Brooks-It should be solely for upperclassmen if it doesn't put are (from I. tor.) Nancy Sprecher, I{KG; Norma Jean Lusk ChiO· ing touches on plans for her entrance-which will will be unable to accept an invitation squire known that it will occur sometime after 10 p. m. to _:----------------=-~----~-_:__:_ __________.. _______-;-::--:-:-:-:-=-:--::--:.-:-:-:-:::-:--------------:---::-=-- too much of a strain on them, but ;payment should be kept on a voluntary Bever]~ Kirch, Hokona hall; Helen Wackcrbarth, Town club;' Glon~ Veronica to the ball as he has made a previous come at the psychological moment when least ex­ the exact instant remains uncertain-insuring CAMPUS CAMERA by LEA baSis, Keep 1t exclusive if it is possible without eausing the assessment Lee Kmgsbury, Phra!eres; Leonora Giacomelli, Alpha Chi; and pected. Details of her apparel have not been engagement for a rendezvous with some acquain­ to be too high, Mary Ann Kean, ADP1, an electric response. She doesn't carry batteries tances of his on the Bataan peninsula. .-.,---...,--,:=,---::::---·r--:~--=-------, Bob Cramer-If the prom is opened to underclassmen, it will become revealed by her wardrobe manager, but expect­ in her pocket for nothing, Religion Take a Squint ancy is running high in fashionable circles. And so the scene is set, the curtain about to be • • • nothing more than another formal, except for a higher price on the tick~ As was previously announced, Veronica will be ets. It wJll not be a junior~senior prom. So, if the lowerclassmen are Various rumors have been circulating concern­ drawn. The wonder that is to unfold before the Comes Sunday morning and quiet is ob­ Many students leave active membership in accompanied by last year's LOBO entry, Miss going to be allowed to buy tickets, do away althogether with the name ing her costume but Veronica's flair for the unex­ eyes of those present should, from advance indica­ young peoples groups only to come to the jumor-senior prom. There will be no such thing, We should not :forego (still) Camelia Klutz. By grapevine it has been served in dormitories, sororities and frater­ pected makes all rumors wither to the status of tions, give them something to talk about after tradition in the most 1mportant and sigmficant afi'aJr of the year. reported that the two are conspiring together to nity houses. But silence reigns too long on campus and forget their participation in the ball is over (from the song of the same name.) Phyllis Raymond-If 1t is finanCially poss1ble, keep it exclusive, but the campus. church groups. if not admit the underclassmen. It Will completely destroy a fine tradi~ On every weekly program the first item, The University holds to a policy of non­ tion, though. Helen Schooley-Keep it traditional. When you take away the tradi­ marked with an asterisk, showing that the· sectarianism but three organizations, the tion you also destroy the 1mportnnce. The prom will otherwtse become function is open to the public, is the line Newman club, Christian Science organiza­ just another student body dance. The jumors and seniors deserve this "Services in churches throughout the city," tion and Baptist Student Union do meet on one affair of the year. Juonita Nolan-The prom is one tradition that should be held intact NEW MEXICO LOBO Few awake in time to secure rides from the campus. Students should· take advan­ on the campus. There mll be httle importonce attached to attending the student loading zones to church, Few tage of the opportunity to take part in these what w1I1 be just another student body formal. Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico Red Hughes-It is so seldom that we get a name~band here that al~ accept re~ponsibilities in young peoples groups and should consider it a part of an all­ though it would decrease the prom's Importance, lowerclassmen should Voi..XLIV Z437 groups. A majority is concerned with repose round education to attend Sunday chureh be admitted. A matinee might be planned instead to enable the fresh­ ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1942 No. 36 and poker on Sunday. services.-Edwin Leupold. men and sophomores to hear Claude Thornh1ll. Ada Vinyard-If the freshmen and sophomores are willing to pay: the SETTLED, Over last week's teo­ student engineers, planning ex­ price, tickets should be~ sold to them.
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