DIRECTORY.] SUSSEX. WINCHELSEA. 607 Dennia Charles, beer retailer Moohurst Robert, beer retailer, Lower 8-Wvens Thomas, carrier & builder Eastbourne Rural District Isolation Willingdon Tayl'or Thomas, carpenter Hospital (MiiS Mary Ackland,matrn) Mewett Frederick Elam, ahopkeeper, Thomas George & Son, bakers &; Freoch Frederick James, plumber Railway .11tation millers (wind) Geering Albert, laundry7 Orchard cot Mewett Richard, fa.rmer, Rippington& Thorpe Henry, tobacconist Harvey H. &:; Sons, greengrocers Miller James, boot & shoe maker Timson Alfred Cook, baker · t Henty Hrot. park kpr. Hampden park Norman Leonard M.A.boys' brdng.achl T:raver.s-Smith Victor Edwin B..A.} Hilton Robert (Mrs.), farmer Over Edward Thomas, Red Lion corn- M.D., B.Gh.Dub. physician & sur- Holmwood Leonard., upholsterer, Rail· mercial inn geon, Flint hou~ way station O:xley William, baket, & refreshment Vine Jameos William, butcher Hounsell William George, boot maker, rooms, Post office *Waghorn Ja.mBA, .anitary inspector Station road Prior St~hen, fa'I"IIl bailiff to F. Free-· (postal address, Polegate) Hntchings Hy. Alfd. grocer & draper man-Thom~ioa e.sq. !M.P Waghorn Louis- James, decorator,Rail- Lftach Tho!llas, gardenu to F. Free­ Read Brothers, farmers, Dann farm way station ma.n-Thomas esq. M.P., J.P Russell !Wbell't, ironmonger & smith Willard Richd. & Sons, mrkt. gardnra M.adge Thomas, oowkeeper, The Spots Seymour John Sa.mson, wheelwright Willingdon Golf Club (John S. Cum- Stevens Daniel, farmer, Meaobants ing, &ec) Willingdon Steami.armdry,Railway fJtn WILMINGTON iR a village and pa.rit!h on a declivity I cellar, •23 feet .!!quare, with a central pillar. The Greeu of the Downs, 2~ miles s-outh-east from Berwick station or Long .Man of Wilmington was originally a very rude on the Brighton and Hastin~ line of the London, and ·narrDw outline of a man cut in ,the turf on the side Brighton and South Coast railway, .g south-east from of ·the chalk ·downs; this figure, .supposed to have repre­ Lewes and 6 north-west from Ea11tbourne, in the sented a husbandman, has been. renewed, and the outline Southern division of the county, Peve·nsey ,rape, Long- marked with white •bruck, under the direction of the bridge hundred, Hailsham petty sessional divisi-on, East- Sussex .A.rchmological &ciety; it was again ll"enewed in bourne union, Lewes and Eastbourne county court dis- 1893; there is a similar ·figure ·.on .a ·hill near Cerm~. trict, rural deanery -of l'evensey (fir!!~ division), arch- Aboas, Dorsetlihire. The Duke of Devonshire K.G. who ' d~a.conry of Lewes and diocese of 'Chichestor. The is lord of the man()J', J. E. A. Gwynne esq. of Folking­ church of SS. Mary and Peter is of stone, -with p()J'tions top, iH. M. Simmons esq. of Eastbourne, and Robert. of Norman date, aJld has a tower with spire· containing 3 Lambe esq. .of Blatchington Oourt, are the principal bells: the church was restored in 1883 at a cost of landowners. The soil is chalk and clay; ·subsoil, chalk. £2,ooo: there are 220 sitJtings: .in the churchyard is a The chief crops are wheat and oats. The area is 1,585 magnificent yew tree. The regist611" dates from the year acres; ratellible value, £2,663; the population in 1901 1538. The !living is a vicarage, net yearly value £72, was 212. witJh reaidence and 9 acres -of glebe, in the gift of the Sexton Arthur Mockett. Duke of Devonshire K.G. and held since 1897 by the Rev. ' . Clemerltl Edward Shera.rd M . .A.. of Jesn!l College, Cam- Post Offi.ce.-Mls!l Ann .A.de, sub-postm1stres~. Letters bridge, who is also vioor of Lullington. Here are .the through PO'lega;te R.~. 0. by foot post, arr'!Ve at 7·Sa . ruins {)f ~ •Benedictine priory founded .in 11088 by the a.m. & 2 ·4~ p.m. ; dispatched at 8 a. m. & 6. 15 p.m. ; ' . h ' f h ·th sundays, d1spat.ched g.3o a.m. The nearest anoney E a.r I n f M oreton, .t e gateway, o the ·15t century, WI d & t h ffi · t p t ·1 di 00. t fl.anking turrets, still exist!!; .otJher remains serve as a or e.r e1 egrap 0 ce IS a 0 1ega e, 3 ·ill! es s n farm house, inoluding the former porter's lodge, with s Public .Elem.enta.ry School (mixe·d), for 75 children; grained roof, now used as a parlour, and a crypt or average attendance, 39; Miss Kate Seymour, mi!!!tress Johnson George, Street End Bradford Henry, cowkeeper Page Charlie, poultry farmer Sherard Rev. Clement Edward M . .!.. Carpenter Charles, coal & corn dea}er Simmons Frank, wheelwright , (vicar), Vicarage Crowhu:rst Calvin, -vet·erinary surgeon Simmons Harry, farmer COMMERCIAL. Foord Harry, farmer, Priory farm Tolhurst James, baker & grocer !de Ann ()fiss'), grocer, Post office Geall Ebene-zer, tea gardens Wordley William, ~ gardens Adil Philip, ca.,penter Lavender Fredk.IWm.B.liack Horse P .H Wright Emily (!Mrs.) & Sons, farmers WINCHELSE-4 ({rom "gwent-che11el-ey," words 11ig- Seats Act, 1885" (48 and 49 Vict. c. 23). It is a nifyingl the theaping up of shingled banks (chese.1) on borough by prescription, and is governed by a mayor the ~Seaward edge of the muddy .fl.at!5) is a smal'l cor- and jurats, who formerly held courta of general session porate town, a cinque port, and formerly a seaport, on and gaol delivery. The town ia lighted with oil during the road from Rye to Hastings, with a station on \he the winte,r montlu!, and is ~upplied with water by the Ashford and Hastings section of the South Eastern and Rye Rural. District Council, and an efficient system of Chatham railw!LY• 6g miles from London brid_ge, 3 ~outh- dr11-ina~~ was carried out in 1892. Th~ .ch.urchea Df. west from Rye and 8 north-east from Hastmgs, m the St. Glles and St. Leonard have long 11mce ceased ta Eastern division of the county, rape of Hastings, Rye exist. The church of St. Thomas a Becket, originally ra l petty sessional division, union and county court dis- large and beautiful building of stone, consists paw only trict, and i_n tJhe :rural deanery of Hastings ( div. 2 ), arch- of the choir, a spacious and lofty chancel, principally of the deaconry of Lewes and diocese of Chichester. Portions ot Early English and Decorated periods, and remainl! of the the parishes of Icklesham, Broomhill and Pett are in the transepts, with a west porch and a western turret con­ juri!!diotion and liberties of Wincheb;ea, ·which, in the taining one bell; all traces of the nave have disappeared~ old Englis!h times, was a place of som.e importa.nce, and there are two canopied tombs of stone and marble to was granted by Edwaro .the Confes!!or to t'he M<Jnks of Gervase and Stephen Alard, admirals of the cinque ports, F6rmnp, in Normandy; in 1007 William the Norman ob. 1310 and 1330, and the former of the!!B was repaired landed here, in II88 Henry n.; and later, but before by the late F. A. Inderwick esq. K.C. in 1904: there the accession of King John, it was made a cinque port; are also three altar tombs of the time of Edward ~ with in ~250 more than 300 houses were destroyed by the effigies, a mined window filled with ancient 'glass sea; and in 1266 'the town wa.s stormed by Prince removed from the east window, and a. memorial window; Ecfward, when Simon' de Moutfort the ·yunn~r was the church is mow (1905) in course of restoration, at an defe&too; the inha.bitants subsequently petitioned King estimated cost of £7 ,ooo: the church affords goo sittings. E<lwa1"d I. ~ ·grant them 8 site for a new town; and a The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a hill ~®taining 1.50 aarel!', in the tJarish of 'lcMesham, discharged rectory, net income £225, with residence and at that time a rabbit ;warren, called "Ilham," was 3 acre!! Df ..glebe, in the gift of the Rev. H. Patch M.A. g-ranted •by this purpo8e, and ·burilt upon, being divided of St. Leonards-on-Sea., and held since 1901 by the Rev. into 40 '!!qull.res of 2! &eres, of -wfhich 39 may still be John -D. H. Patch M . .A.. of St. John's College, Cambridge. tl"l!.ced. In 1287 the old town {)f Winchelsea wa.s !!wal- Here -is a IP'rimitive Methodist chapel with roo sittings. lowed up by the sea on the eve of .St. .A.gath11. (Fehrmuy The Town "Hahl, Which ihad passed out of the poness.ion 4). The new town afterwards became the place of im- of the inhabitants many years ago, was presented to port for French wine11, fot" which massive c1ypta were the town in 1Bgo .by Dr. J<:dwin F.reshfield· F.S.A. of built, lllld in the time of Henry VI. "Was one of the London, and i!! held in trust for the use of the inhabi­ chief parh of embarkation for France, but in the time tants. The.re is a reading room m~pplied with daily of Queen Elizabeth the harbour became choked; in 136o papers and periodic!i!ls, and having a library of about tioo it was iJillal!ed by the French and in 1380 by the volumes; the members number lllbout 6o, and visitors are Spaniards. Henry VIII. built the castle of 0ambe1', the admitted on paying a small fee.
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