2030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE. APRIL 1,. how many Uncompa.hgres will or can settle <?n the G~nd River b~ttom in Colorado. back, without amendment and with a. favorable recommendation,. The probability is that a m~orit:v of them will settle~ New Menco !l'nd Utah. As the following resolution : yon are aware the White River Urea are to go to the Umtah reservation altogether. Mr. .AINsLIE'. The removal of these people from Colorado, is it satisfactory to the Resolved, That 5,000 copies of the majority and minority reports of the select people of Utah and New Mexico ~ . commitree to inquire into the causes of the depression of the industries of the Secretary SCHURZ. A vote of the people of those Terntones would pr?ba_bly '!avor country, and especially labor, on the question of Chinese immigration, be print.ed. havin..,. no Indians there· bnt the Indians mnst live somewhere, and m .Justice to for the nse of the Honse. them ;.e cannot always be governed by the ~shes of ~eople . who do not want to Mr. HAZELTON. I would like to have any one who is in favor of have any Indians in their neighborhood. Indians have nghts JnBt as well as other this resolution give some reason why a.t this time and under existing men. circumstances we should go to the expense of printing this large num­ Mr. COKE. Mr. President- ber of copies of this report. As I understand, it is the report of the Mr. HARRIS. Will the Senator from Texas yield to a .motion that committee that went to Chicago and across the continent to Califor­ the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive busmess f nia to investigate into the "depression of labor," and found nothing Mr. COKE. I give way. there pertinent to their inquiries, but found prosperity everywhere. Mr. DAVIS, of West Virgima. I hope that will not be done. We The rapid revival of business throughout the country rendered the have a great deal of business before the Senate. work of this committee nseless, and it brought no beneficial results Mr. COKE. I pre:fer to speak to-morrow rather than begin at this to the people or to labor in any form whatever. '!'he necessity for late hour. · bill ·d d which it was created had passed away before it entered upon its Mr. DAVIS, of W ~st Virginia. Then let us lay this as1 e an work, and any further expense incurred on account of this committee take up another. is, in my judgment, a waste of money. It seems to me we had bet­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair reminds the Senator from ter give the money which it will cost to carry out the purpo es of West Virginia that there is another order pending, the Geneva award this resolution to the poor; we had better give it to the common bill. schools of the District of Columbia; we had better give it to a mis­ Mr. DAVIS of West Virginia.. Does the Senator from Tennessee sionary fund or to any other good purpose than to publish this docu­ want an exec~tive session for any special purpose f ment which can be of no earthly benefit to any person in the United Mr."HARRIS. Yes, sir. There is business of importance in exec­ States. utive session that ought to be attended to. Mr. SINGLETON, of Mississippi. I am not very far from agreeing Mr. DAVIS, of West Virginia. I withdraw th.e objec~ion, but I with the gentleman myself. [Laughter.) The reason we agreed to hope hereafter that we shall continue in open session until the usual report favorably upon this resolution was this: the question of Chi­ time of adjournment, and get bills off the Calendar. nese labor is a very interesting one to the whole country-- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the ~otion that Mr. CONGER. But it was never referred to this committee ; they the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive bnsmess. have interpolated it into their report without any instructions from The motion was a#P'eed to; and the Senate proceeded to th? con­ the House. sideration of executive business. After one hour and eleven mmutes Mr. SINGLETON, of Mississippi. The report embraces another spent in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at five o'clock question-the depression in the prices of labor. I must confess I have and five minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned. not examined the report carefully myself; but I take it for granted that the gentleman who offered the resolution considered it very im­ portant; and as we thought the Honse might be glad to get this in­ formation, we have reported the resolution favorably. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. HAZELTON. Did I not understand the gentleman from Mis­ sissippi to say that he is not in favor of the resolution himself f THURSDAY, April 1, 1880. Mr. FISHER. I want to ask the gentleman from Mississippi one question-whether any of the witnesses by whom this testimony was The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by Rev. DAVID WIL­ given were sworn f - SON, D. D., Washington, District of Columbia. Mr. SINGLETON, of MississippL I do not believe they were. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, is it in order to move to lay this resolu- PACIFIC RAILROAD. tion on the table f Mr. CHALMERS, by unanimous consent, from the C?mmittee on The SPEAKER. It is. Pacific Railroads reported, as a substitute for Honse bill No. 468, a. Mr. REE.D. I make that motion. bill (H. R. No. 5543) to complete the Pacific railway- system, a!ld for The question being taken on agreeing to th~ motion of Mr. REED, other purposes; which was read a first .and second time, a1i;1d, with the there were-ayes 72, noes 72. accompanying report, ordered to be prmted, and recommitted. Mr. WEAVER called for the yeas and nays. The yea-s and nays were ordered. TERMS OF COURT IN COLORADO. Mr. ATKINS. Mr. Speaker, is this resolution divisible ! Mr. BELFORD, by unanimoUB consent, introduced a bill .(H. R. ~o. The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks not. At any rate it is not divis­ 5544) to provide for the establishment of terms of cou~ m the dis­ ible upon a. motion to lay on the table. trict of Colorado· which was rea-0. a first and second time, referred The question was taken ; and there were-yeas 42, nays 151, not to the Committee' on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. voting 99; as follows: ORDER OF BUSINESS. YEA~ . Mr. MILLS. I desire to move that the Honse will to-day take a Aiken Evins, :McCook, Thompson, W. G. Aldri~h, N. W. Fisher, Miles, Tillman, recess from half past four until half past seven this evening for the Blake, Frye, :Monroe, Updegraff. J . T. purpose of consi~ering bills on the Private Calendar. Brigham, Garfield, Morton, Upde~ Thomas The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Missi~sippi [Mr: S~GLET~N] Browne, Hall, Norcross, Valentine, deeires to submit some reports from the Committee on Pnntmg, which Caswell, Hawley, Overton, VanAernam, Conger, Hazelton, Ponnd, V a.n Voorhis, are privileged. Cook, Joyce, Frioe, Wait, AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR 1879. Crapo, Lapham, Reed, Willits. Deering, Lindsey, Richardson, D. P. Mr. SINGLETON, of Mississippi, from the Committee on Printing, Elam, :McCoid, Stone, reported the following resolution ; which was read, considered, and a-0.opted: :NAYS-151. Anderson, Clymer, Frost, Lowe, Resolved by the House of Representatives, (the Senat,e concurring,) That there be Armfield, Cobb, Geddes, Manning, prinWd 300,000 copies of the annual report of the Commissioner of A;gricultnre for Atherton, Coffroth, Gillette, Mason, 1879. 220 000 copies for theuse of members of the Honse, 50,000 copies for the use Atkins, Coleriok, Gunter, :McKenzie, of m~mbers of the Senate, and 30,000 copies for the nae of the Department of Agri­ Bachman, Cox, Hammond, N. J. McLane, cultnre. Bayne, Cravens, Harmer, McMahon, MEMORIAL ADDRESSES ON HON. ALFRED M. LAY, DECEASED. Beale, Crowley, Harris, Benj. W. MoMillin, Belford, Culberson, Harris, John T. Mills Mr. SINGLETON, of Mississippi, from the same committee, r~ported Beltzhoover, Daggett, Haskell, Mitchell, back without amendment and with a favorable recommendation, the Berry, Davidson, Hatch, Money, resolution: Bicknell, Davis, George R. Ha.wk, Morrison, follo~ing Bla.okburn, Davis, Horace Hayes, :Muldrow, B e it resolved by the House of Representatives, (the Senate concurring therein,) Bland, Davis, Joseph J. H erbert, :Muller, That 2,000 copies in book form, snit.ably bound, of the memorial addresses on the Bliss, Davis, Lowndes H. H erndon, Myers, life and character of Hon. Alfred M. La}'', late a. member of the Honse of Rep· Blount, De LaMatyr, Hooker, resentatives, be printed ; 500 for the nae of the Senate and 1,500 for the use of the Bouck, Dibrell, Honk, ~:;berry, Honse of Representatives. Boyd, Dickey, Honse, Nicholls, Bri~gs, Dnnn, Hull, O'Neill, Mr. DUNNELL. Does not this resolution propose to print less than Bright, Dunnell, Humphrey, O'Reilly, the usual number 'f . Burrows, Ellis, · Hunton, Page, Mr. SINGLETON, of Mississippi. It does; but we have reported Bntrerworth, Errett, Johnston, back the resolution in the form in which it was introduced by the Cabell, Farr, Jones, ~~~¥:;, Cannon, Felt.on, Jorgensen, ~gan , friends of the deceased. Carlisle, Ferdon, Kelley, Richardson, J. S. The resolution was adopted. Carpenter, Finley, Klotz, Robertson, REPORT ON DEPRESSION OF LABOR, ETC. Claflin, Ford, Ladd, Robeson, Clardy, ForneY., Le Fevre, Robinson, Mr.
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