Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.507.81 on 1 January 1968. Downloaded from Festschrift for Sir John McMichael 81 References KOPELMAN, H., ROBERTSON, M.H., SANDERS, P.G. & ASH, I. ANON. (1966) Editorial: Toxic bread. J. Amer. med. Ass. 196, (1966a) The Epping Jaundice. Brit. med. J. i, 514. 1150. KOPELMAN, H., SCHEUER, P.J. & WILLIAMS, R. (1966b) The CHUTTARI, H.K., SIDHU, WIG, K.L., GUPTA, D.N., RAMA- liver lesion of the Epping LINGASWAMI, V. (1966) Follow-up study of cases from the Jaundice. Quart. J. Med. 25, 553. Delhi epidemic of infectious hepatitis, 1955-56. Brit. med. SHERLOCK, S. & WALSHE, V.M. (1946) The post-hepatitis J. ii, 676. syndrome. Lancet, ii, 482. The value of praecordial pulsations in the diagnosis of heart disease PATRICK MOUNSEY Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London PALPATION of the praecordium is as indispensable relation to a fixed point in space. Various as auscultation of the heart in clinical examina- methods have been used for making this mea- tion of the cardiac patient. Indeed, the two surement, by Dressler in 1937, Eddleman et al. should be practised simultaneously, checking the in 1953 and by Beilin & Mounsey in 1962. We timing of heart sounds and praecordial move- have called our instrument the impulse cardio- ments in relation to one another. To some ex- gram and it aims at being a graphic record of tent the introduction of the modern binaural what the physician's hand and fingers feel. stethoscope with its flexible rubber tubes has by copyright. been a retrograde step, since this instrument is less suited to simultaneous analysis of praecordial The technique of palpating the praecordium pulsations and heart sounds than was the original It is often a good practice when examining the solid tubular stethoscope invented by Laennec. praecordium to place the whole palm of the In the Traite de l'Auscultation Mediate, Laennec hand over the area of the chest that underlies (1819) emphasized that his instrument could be the heart. In this way, one can imagine that one used not only to auscultate the heart but also is holding the anterior surface of the heart in to appreciate accurately the cardiac impulse. He the cup of one's hand, thus appreciating both includes in his book a chapter on the cardiac right and left heart events simultaneously. Care impulse and states that a forcible impulse should should be taken, however, not to assume that http://pmj.bmj.com/ be regarded as the principle sign of cardiac pulsations at the apex are always due to the left hypertrophy. ventricle, while those in the left parasternal area Improved methods of recording the cardiac are due to the right. Although this state- impulse have been slower to develop than has ment is true probably in about 90% of patients, phonocardiography, although apex cardiography in the other 10% it is misleading. With great was one of the earliest methods introduced for enlargement of either left or right ventricle the recording the heart beat (Marey, 1878). Apex of relationship underlying chambers of the heart on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected cardiography suffers from the disadvantage that to the praecordium are altered (Fig. 1). Thus, it is only a record of the relative displacement with marked left ventricular hypertrophy this of a point in an intercostal space in relation to chamber may underlie the whole area of prae- the immediately surrounding area of chest wall. cordium from the apex beat to the left sternal In cardiac diagnosis it is often the displacement edge, the right ventricle being pushed over to of a large area of the thoracic cage by the the right. Similarly, with great right ventricular movements of the underlying heart that is im- enlargement this chamber forms the apex of the portant diagnostically, (as in the left parasternal heart, the left ventricle being rotated posteriorly lift of right ventricular hypertrophy), and not (Deliyannis et al., 1964). It is more accurate, the relative movement of a small area in an therefore, when describing praecordial pulsations intercostal space. To record this, an instrument to relate these to the areas on the chest wall is required that measures absolute displacement, where they are felt, rather than to term them that is the total movement of the chest wall in 'right or left ventricular types' of impulse. F Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.507.81 on 1 January 1968. Downloaded from 82 Postgraduate Medical Journal (a) (b) (c) FIG. 1. Superimposed tracings of right (dotted line) and left (solid line) ventricular angiocardiograms of (a) normal subject with functional systolic murmur. The apex beat (black dot) lies 2 cm lateral to the right ven- tricular cavity and overlies the antero-septal ventricular wall. (b) Patient with left ventricular hypertrophy from mitral incompetence. The apex beat (black dot) overlies the antero-lateral wall of the left ventricle; the left para- sternal area overlies its antero-septal ventricular wall. (c) Patient with right ventricular hypertrophy from pulmonary hypertension and ventricular septal defect. The apex beat (black dot) in the fourth intercostal space, 7 cm to the left of the mid line, overlies the anterior wall of the right ventricle. The left parasternal area overlies the more medial portion of the anterior wall of the right ventricle. The interventricular septum lies in the coronal plane, with the left ventricle rotated posteriorly. (Antero-posterior views.) The genesis of the cardiac impulse in health and 1. The apical impulse in ventricular systole disease The first part of the apical impulse, both in Angiocardiographic and cinefluoroscopic health and disease, is probably caused by similar by copyright. studies have shown close correlation between the mechanisms. In William Harvey's words (1628), movements of the heart and the form of the 'the heart erects and raises itself into a point, cardiac impulse. so that at this moment it strikes the chest wall http://pmj.bmj.com/ EJECT%ION ;-ATE EJECT!ON j on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected ..T ... W__,~~~ .. i .W_i_W~~ FIG. 2. Left ventricular angiocardiograms (lateral view) of patient with small ventricular septal defect; in diastole (left) and in late systole (right). In line diagram, interrupted lines indicate diastolic, and solid line indicates late systolic cavity-wall positions. Apical retraction demonstrated in late systole coinciding with retraction in impulse cardiogram. Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.507.81 on 1 January 1968. Downloaded from Festschrift for Sir John McMichael 83 ..lLY... LAT EJECT(t FIG. 3. Left ventricular angiocardiograms (lateral view) of patient with aortic and mitral incompetence; in diastole (left) and in late systole (right). In line diagram, interrupted lines indicate diastolic, and solid line indicates late systolic cavity-wall positions. Apical portion of heart fails to retract in late systole, thus accounting for sustained, thrusting apical impulse. and externally a pulsation can be felt'. It is dur- trophy, thus tending to inhibit the apical re- ing the latter part of systole that the heart be- tracting action of the spiral fibres (Fig. 4) haves abnormally in the presence of hypertrophy. (Deliyannis et al., 1964). Other factors, however, Whereas in health the anterior wall of the heart probably also contribute to the genesis of the retracts from the thoracic cage as the heart sustained impulse including general increase in by copyright. empties in late systole (Fig. 2), in left ventricular heart size and sometimes dilatation as well as hypertrophy the antero-apical portion of the hypertrophy. heart fails to retract in late systole (Fig. 3), thus The cause of the sustained impulse in ventri- giving rise to the sustained cardiac impulse felt cular aneurysm is not far to seek. The aneurys- over the praecordium. Studies of the different mal wall which is composed entirely of fibrous muscle layers of the heart have suggested that tissue without any living myocardium, is unable the cause of this phenomenon is extension of the to take part in concentric contraction of the middle circular layer of muscle fibres toward heart and herniates outwards during ventricular the apex of the heart in the presence of hyper- systole (Fig. 5). The marked systolic retraction and diastolic Normal heort Hypertrophied heart expansion seen in some cases of constrictive http://pmj.bmj.com/ pericarditis is probably related to tethering of Aorta ~ Aota ~tro tra the inflow and outflow tracts of the ventricles, rinA in annular constrictive pericarditis (Fig. 6). In this condition, the anterior wall of the ventricles is often relatively free from constriction and Circular hence shows exaggerated contraction during w 7~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n ventricular systole and expansion during dia- 4 ~~~~~~~~Circular ~ stole. Ventricular filling is abnormally abrupt on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected and forceful due to the high venous filling pres- LV LV sure. The marked systolic retraction and large Apex Apex diastolic rapid inflow beat seen in the impulse cardiogram closely reflect the underlying heart FIG. 4. Schema of forces resulting from contraction of middle circular and of spiral fasciculi of left ventricle. wall movements (Mounsey, 1959). In health, the middle circular fasciculus constricts the Apical retraction seen in tricuspid incompet- upper portion ofthe heart, while the relatively unopposed ence is due to a different mechanism, reflecting spiral fibres retract the apex. In left ventricular hyper- the increased stroke output of the dilated right trophy the widened middle circular fasciculus extends further toward the apex, thus tending to inhibit the ventricle which is both ejecting blood into the apical retracting action of the spiral fasciculus. pulmonary artery and regurgitating it through Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.507.81 on 1 January 1968.
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